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Internet And Tv On One Satelite?


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I don't know if this service is available in LOS, but even if it were, you must understand that internet access via a satellite is faster, but only when downloading webpages, files, etc. If you try to upload something, this would have to go thru the same telephone line you use now (no satellite company will allow you to upload something thru the satellite itself!).

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Satellite internet and satelite TV are two different kind of things.

Eventhough they might be available on the same satelite, they use different equipment!

The one-way system gumball refers to was known as IPTV in Thailand. Used upload through telephone line and download through a UBC sized sat dish.

It seems to have disappeared from CSloxinfo's website, so I don't think it's around at this time.

Two way systems are certainly available in Thailand marketed by CSLOXINFO


So they do allow upload through the satellite!

Check out http://www.csloxinfo.com/broadband/ipstar_en.asp

What they are marketing now is iPSTAR, which is a fully two-way system. Everything goes through the satelite dish, both upload and download.

Prices start at 2500/month for 256/128, up to 8000/month for 1024/512.

Unlimited data transfer.

I've had this system before, when it was still available on the Thaicom3 satellite, and back then it was OK, once everything was set-up correctly. Not brilliant, but usable most of the time and certainly better then GPRS/dial-up.

Now they shot up the new iPSTAR sattelite (Thaicom4), and since then quality has gone downhill very steeply according to most reports!

Seems they have serious problems migrating the service to the new bird...

Eventhough the price is now quite atractive (especially the unlimited transfer, before we only got a 750mb allowance/month), the general consensus would be to wait until everything is sorted out technically...

But back to the OP's question, your sat-internet equipment is not usable for TV viewing, and vice versa...

Edited by monty
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The are satallite comnpanies that do highspeed up and download (http://www.ethnetuk.com/) but not in LOS, the other problem you will have the services run on different satellites, so you will need a clever set up to get one dish and two receivers alligned properly, don't rate your chances really :o

I stand corrected! It appears that there are services available, but as you stated, perhaps not in LOS.

BTW, I visited the site, and looked at pricing available at one of the resellers (in Cyprus).

It seems that the equipment costs 999 CYP (about US$2000), and then 55 CYP (US$115) per month for the service.

If the internet (and tv) are that important to someone, perhaps this is a good deal. For me, it is not worth it.

Edited by Gumballl
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yeah its not cheap, good really for rural areas where the phone's are bad and no adsl, quite popular in the middle east I hear, where they do rig up one big dish to get TV and internet, but two receivers and special shaped dish, and a big wadge :o

Edited by phuketsiam
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