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How Many Red Bricks Do I Need?


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i was wondering if anybody could help me on the following: how many red bricks (it mon) do I need to build a wall of 4 meters by 3 meters? I would like to buid the wall in order to show the bricks once finished (i do not intend to plaster it and/or paint it).

if using the large light weight white bricks (i do not know their name) would it be cheaper taking into consideration the the wall would then need to be plastered.

Thanks a lot.

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Just a suggestion but if you can go view a wall like you want to build just measure a 1 meter square area and count the bricks used. This will be approximate as it depends on much mortar is used between them. Allow at least an added 10 percent for breakage etc

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Subject related but not quite on topic...

What is a good water proofing for these red bricks ?

We are using the small red 2 inch bricks, just for a couple of feature walls. Very small but next to sinks so will need to be waterproofed..

Anyone know whatroduct works best ??

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use a silicone - based sealer. be advised that any paint coating may likely be impeded by a sealer. If final finish is to be painted, just buy a good quality exterior primer & paint and apply three coats. Elastomeric paint seals well, and bridges small cracks in the substrate as well.

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