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Frozen Tiger Parts Among Thai Police Wildlife Haul


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Police seize tiger carcasses en route to China


BANGKOK, May 16 -- The Crime Suppression Division (CSD) on Wednesday raided a rented house in Bangkok's Khan Na Yao district today, seizing the carcasses of two tigers, one panther and one fishing cat, and arrested one Thai and one Vietnamese.

The suspects were identified as Thai national Chawinthorn Thongtin and Ho Xoan Nhat, a Vietnamese.

The raid came after a tip off that the carcasses were being carried into Thailand from Malaysia via the Sadao checkpoint in the southern Thai border province of Songkhla and were being kept at a house while en route to China via Laos and Vietnam.

Mr Chawinthorn told police that he was hired by a Vietnamese who was to wait for the delivery of the carcasses in Laos. He drove to collect the contraband from Songkhla and brought them to the house, where another man was to pick them up later for carrying to the northeastern province of Nong Khai bordering the Lao PDR.

The suspect said he was paid Bt8,000 for each trip and there were normally three trips per month. Drinking-water bottles were used to cover the carcasses to avoid police at the checkpoints.

Police said each tiger carcass would be worth Bt700,000 if successfully smuggled beyond Thailand because every part of its body could be used.

The men were charged for violating the Wildlife Conservation and Protection Act. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-05-16

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Frozen tiger parts among Thai police wildlife haul

BANGKOK, May 16, 2012 (AFP) - Thai police on Wednesday discovered the frozen body parts of several tigers and other big cats thought to be destined for buyers in Vietnam and China in a raid on a suburban Bangkok house.

Two men, one Thai and one Vietnamese, were arrested after police found a freezer containing the parts of at least three tigers, one panther and a wild cat.

"From our initial interrogation, they said they planned to send the animal parts to a Vietnamese buyer waiting in Laos, but the final destinations are in Vietnam and China," said Police Colonel Apichart Sirisith, Crime Suppression Deputy Commander.

The two suspects face 10 years in prison if convicted on charges relating to the illegal possession of wildlife.

Thailand, a hub of international smuggling, is one of just 13 countries which host tiger populations. Worldwide, tiger numbers are estimated to have fallen to only 3,200 from approximately 100,000 a century ago.

In March Thai authorities seized more than 200 live animals, including tigers and lions among other rare species, in a raid on an illegal wildlife supplier.

Police said that operation was part of a global network importing protected animals from countries in Africa and elsewhere and breeding them for illegal sale.

Last month Thai police officers caught four men in the act of chopping up a tiger in a Bangkok house. Elephant, zebra, wildebeest and lion remains were also found at the suburban property.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-05-16

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''Last month Thai police officers caught four men in the act of chopping up a tiger in a Bangkok house. Elephant, zebra, wildebeest and lion remains were also found at the suburban property.''


....what happened to them and their bosses??

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In order to help save tigers, would the Chinese government please publish information saying that eating parts of a tiger is not going to add three inches to your penis nor make it rock hard ????

That's like asking for the Great Wall to be torn down... :(


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Two words: DEATH PENALTY!!!

And there should be no option to confess and have your death sentence converted to life imprisonment like they do in drug cases. Execute every single person that had anything to do with it!!! And to all those who think it's too harsh think about this: there's only a small number of tigers left in the wild and they have no way to protect themselves, and once they're gone they're gone for good, but there's over 6 billion people on this planet and the number is steadily rising. I think it's time to realize that nature is more important than us. And everyone who makes a living of killing and dealing in endangered species clearly doesn't give a flying f.ck about them and has zero respect for them and therefore they deserve to die!!!

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In order to help save tigers, would the Chinese government please publish information saying that eating parts of a tiger is not going to add three inches to your penis nor make it rock hard ????

That's like asking for the Great Wall to be torn down... sad.png


I am glad at least two of these evil creatures have been arrested, even though they are just small fry and it is pity nothing will ever happen to the Thai big shots involved in this despicable trade.

When I lived in HK in the 80s I used to walk passed a shop that in those days openly displayed powdered tiger's penis in the window along with other potions claimed to be made from parts of protected wild animals. Obviously the Chinese morons who pay big bucks for tiger parts to boost their flagging libidos are now being conned with Viagra being mixed in to make sure it really works and they come back for more. The idiots save a lot of money by just buying the Viagra on its own.

Edited by Arkady
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