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Late Italian Journalist Fabio Polenghi's Case Will Go To Court In July


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Update: the court-case will start 23-7-2012 09:00h at Bangkok South Civil Court - BTS Saphan Taksin

Charoen Krung Soi 63, Charoen Krung Road, Sathorn 10120 Thailand

Dear M, no offence meant, none at all. It's just that I feel that in the history of things it's much more important to understand (and therefor know) circumstances which led to the March grenade attacks, the April 10th dead and wounded; and the follow up leading to a 'cleanup' on the 19th of May 2010. I do feel for Fabio's sister and other close family, but he had a choice and his was to be in the fray of it. Lots of others didn't have that choice, were forced / pushed.

On the 19th of May, 2010 Canadian reporter vanderGrift was wounded together with one/two army soldiers around Ratchaprasong due to a grenade attack. May I wonder how people would have followed-up on this if the poor chap had died that day, not even mentioning the fate of the wounded soldiers? wai.gif

ruble, no offending at all; it's a very complicated matter and I (we) feel for all victims pushed into this misery (unpaid or doing their "job"). I (we) feel only that finally justice has to be done after all victims of demonstrations are swept under the carpet for decades, which were demonstrations, not wars!

Concerning Chandler (Vandergrift) it would have been also a choice for the next of kin not to accept the "carpet-policy" when he passed away which, luckily, not happened, as there are more court-cases of next of kin to, finally, find-out the truth.

Thanks for your comment! wai.gif

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Extract of Wikipedia

Death of Fabio Polenghi

<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/39347919@N07/4664318501/in/photostream">Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban</a> claimed that Italian photographer Fabio Polenghi was killed by a grenade launched from a terrorist M79 grenade launcher and died side by side with a soldier.

However, numerous reports, including one by the International Federation of Journalists noted that Polenghi was shot. Autopsy results showed that Polenghi died from a high-velocity bullet that entered the heart, and caused damage to his lungs, and liver. A reporter from Der Spiegel who was with Polenghi noted that he was photographing on from the protesters' side and was running from advancing soldiers.The Italian Embassy is currently pursuing its own investigations.

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Update: the court-case will start 23-7-2012 09:00h at Bangkok South Civil Court - BTS Saphan Taksin

Charoen Krung Soi 63, Charoen Krung Road, Sathorn 10120 Thailand

Dear M, no offence meant, none at all. It's just that I feel that in the history of things it's much more important to understand (and therefor know) circumstances which led to the March grenade attacks, the April 10th dead and wounded; and the follow up leading to a 'cleanup' on the 19th of May 2010. I do feel for Fabio's sister and other close family, but he had a choice and his was to be in the fray of it. Lots of others didn't have that choice, were forced / pushed.

On the 19th of May, 2010 Canadian reporter vanderGrift was wounded together with one/two army soldiers around Ratchaprasong due to a grenade attack. May I wonder how people would have followed-up on this if the poor chap had died that day, not even mentioning the fate of the wounded soldiers? wai.gif

ruble, no offending at all; it's a very complicated matter and I (we) feel for all victims pushed into this misery (unpaid or doing their "job"). I (we) feel only that finally justice has to be done after all victims of demonstrations are swept under the carpet for decades, which were demonstrations, not wars!

Concerning Chandler (Vandergrift) it would have been also a choice for the next of kin not to accept the "carpet-policy" when he passed away which, luckily, not happened, as there are more court-cases of next of kin to, finally, find-out the truth.

Thanks for your comment! wai.gif

I'm Dutch and sometimes too blunt or direct, for which I'm not sure I should apologise, my fault. wai.gif

Anyway what about those one or two soldiers also severily wounded in the grenade attack together with vanderGrift?

To remind people of the horrors for which the puppets who did it are searched for, but not the men behind the scene, two photo's of those horrible days. I hope it is permissable to publish these wai.gif



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Update: the court-case will start 23-7-2012 09:00h at Bangkok South Civil Court - BTS Saphan Taksin

Charoen Krung Soi 63, Charoen Krung Road, Sathorn 10120 Thailand

Dear M, no offence meant, none at all. It's just that I feel that in the history of things it's much more important to understand (and therefor know) circumstances which led to the March grenade attacks, the April 10th dead and wounded; and the follow up leading to a 'cleanup' on the 19th of May 2010. I do feel for Fabio's sister and other close family, but he had a choice and his was to be in the fray of it. Lots of others didn't have that choice, were forced / pushed.

On the 19th of May, 2010 Canadian reporter vanderGrift was wounded together with one/two army soldiers around Ratchaprasong due to a grenade attack. May I wonder how people would have followed-up on this if the poor chap had died that day, not even mentioning the fate of the wounded soldiers? wai.gif

ruble, no offending at all; it's a very complicated matter and I (we) feel for all victims pushed into this misery (unpaid or doing their "job"). I (we) feel only that finally justice has to be done after all victims of demonstrations are swept under the carpet for decades, which were demonstrations, not wars!

Concerning Chandler (Vandergrift) it would have been also a choice for the next of kin not to accept the "carpet-policy" when he passed away which, luckily, not happened, as there are more court-cases of next of kin to, finally, find-out the truth.

Thanks for your comment! wai.gif

I'm Dutch and sometimes too blunt or direct, for which I'm not sure I should apologise, my fault. wai.gif

Anyway what about those one or two soldiers also severily wounded in the grenade attack together with vanderGrift?

To remind people of the horrors for which the puppets who did it are searched for, but not the men behind the scene, two photo's of those horrible days. I hope it is permissable to publish these wai.gif



To be honest rubl as I am a "Kaaskop" I suffer under your first mentioned "problems" as wel......................

Anyway, with all these cases we hope to get a bit more insight in the evil which happened, and I think also of the insane killing of unarmed, innocent first-aid assistants in a temple........................ RIP and let the criminals be punished heavily!

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Update: the court-case will start 23-7-2012 09:00h at Bangkok South Civil Court - BTS Saphan Taksin

Charoen Krung Soi 63, Charoen Krung Road, Sathorn 10120 Thailand

Dear M, no offence meant, none at all. It's just that I feel that in the history of things it's much more important to understand (and therefor know) circumstances which led to the March grenade attacks, the April 10th dead and wounded; and the follow up leading to a 'cleanup' on the 19th of May 2010. I do feel for Fabio's sister and other close family, but he had a choice and his was to be in the fray of it. Lots of others didn't have that choice, were forced / pushed.

On the 19th of May, 2010 Canadian reporter vanderGrift was wounded together with one/two army soldiers around Ratchaprasong due to a grenade attack. May I wonder how people would have followed-up on this if the poor chap had died that day, not even mentioning the fate of the wounded soldiers? wai.gif

ruble, no offending at all; it's a very complicated matter and I (we) feel for all victims pushed into this misery (unpaid or doing their "job"). I (we) feel only that finally justice has to be done after all victims of demonstrations are swept under the carpet for decades, which were demonstrations, not wars!

Concerning Chandler (Vandergrift) it would have been also a choice for the next of kin not to accept the "carpet-policy" when he passed away which, luckily, not happened, as there are more court-cases of next of kin to, finally, find-out the truth.

Thanks for your comment! wai.gif

I'm Dutch and sometimes too blunt or direct, for which I'm not sure I should apologise, my fault. wai.gif

Anyway what about those one or two soldiers also severily wounded in the grenade attack together with vanderGrift?

To remind people of the horrors for which the puppets who did it are searched for, but not the men behind the scene, two photo's of those horrible days. I hope it is permissable to publish these wai.gif

photos snipped

What about those soldiers wounded along with Van der Grift? What about the innocent people shot and killed by the security forces? Do you think it would be appropriate to show pictures of those unfortunate people on a thread about the late italian journalist Fabio Polenghi. Or do you have no boundaries when it comes to making your point (whatever it was)?

Thread hijacking of the lowest possible taste.

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What about those soldiers wounded along with Van der Grift? What about the innocent people shot and killed by the security forces? Do you think it would be appropriate to show pictures of those unfortunate people on a thread about the late italian journalist Fabio Polenghi. Or do you have no boundaries when it comes to making your point (whatever it was)?

Thread hijacking of the lowest possible taste.

Did you already buy a mirror, Don PP?

Even mistitikimikis is more understanding and able to see the broader picture than you. Maybe because he's a fellow Dutchman. He'll accompany the sister of the late Fabio to court tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Unlike some I haven't seen clear proof, just circumstantial information. Like the famous quote 'innocent people shot and killed by security forces' completely ignoring how it got to the stage innocents being sacrificed and grenade lobbers escaping.

Sure try to find and condemn the poor chap who shot the 'wrong' guy if that makes you happy. While doing that don't forget those who setup this Greek tragedy, like the full of forgiveness Paris shopper, or a handfull of UDD leaders. You condemned the previous government for not granting the TRCT with real powers, well the current government doesn't seem to be too keen on digging up embarrassing details either. Has nothing to do with Pheu Thai party list MPs who just happen to be UDD leader as well, nor with "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts".

To be really blunt, both sides are guilty of sacrificing people to consolidate or grab power. Democracy? Help the poor? An outrageous idea: red-shirts and Democrats working together for the benefit of Thailand and ALL of it's people, not just that single man.

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What about those soldiers wounded along with Van der Grift? What about the innocent people shot and killed by the security forces? Do you think it would be appropriate to show pictures of those unfortunate people on a thread about the late italian journalist Fabio Polenghi. Or do you have no boundaries when it comes to making your point (whatever it was)?

Thread hijacking of the lowest possible taste.

Did you already buy a mirror, Don PP?

Even mistitikimikis is more understanding and able to see the broader picture than you. Maybe because he's a fellow Dutchman. He'll accompany the sister of the late Fabio to court tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Unlike some I haven't seen clear proof, just circumstantial information. Like the famous quote 'innocent people shot and killed by security forces' completely ignoring how it got to the stage innocents being sacrificed and grenade lobbers escaping.

Sure try to find and condemn the poor chap who shot the 'wrong' guy if that makes you happy. While doing that don't forget those who setup this Greek tragedy, like the full of forgiveness Paris shopper, or a handfull of UDD leaders. You condemned the previous government for not granting the TRCT with real powers, well the current government doesn't seem to be too keen on digging up embarrassing details either. Has nothing to do with Pheu Thai party list MPs who just happen to be UDD leader as well, nor with "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts".

To be really blunt, both sides are guilty of sacrificing people to consolidate or grab power. Democracy? Help the poor? An outrageous idea: red-shirts and Democrats working together for the benefit of Thailand and ALL of it's people, not just that single man.

You keep on about this government not doing anything to investigate. Do you honestly believe the number of inquests going on now is because of abhisit? These are inquests not just autopsies. Where possible they will come to a conclusion and it won't be changed just because some general or other leans on the DSI. Yes you look at the big picture - isn't that what you accused thaksin of, oh look he doesn't care about the dead red shirts?

Well these inquests are vitally important and if for the first time they finally pin even just one innocent death down to the military Thailand will have made a major breakthrough.

Edited by phiphidon
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Did you already buy a mirror, Don PP?

Even mistitikimikis is more understanding and able to see the broader picture than you. Maybe because he's a fellow Dutchman. He'll accompany the sister of the late Fabio to court tomorrow. We'll see what happens. Unlike some I haven't seen clear proof, just circumstantial information. Like the famous quote 'innocent people shot and killed by security forces' completely ignoring how it got to the stage innocents being sacrificed and grenade lobbers escaping.

Sure try to find and condemn the poor chap who shot the 'wrong' guy if that makes you happy. While doing that don't forget those who setup this Greek tragedy, like the full of forgiveness Paris shopper, or a handfull of UDD leaders. You condemned the previous government for not granting the TRCT with real powers, well the current government doesn't seem to be too keen on digging up embarrassing details either. Has nothing to do with Pheu Thai party list MPs who just happen to be UDD leader as well, nor with "Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai acts".

To be really blunt, both sides are guilty of sacrificing people to consolidate or grab power. Democracy? Help the poor? An outrageous idea: red-shirts and Democrats working together for the benefit of Thailand and ALL of it's people, not just that single man.

You keep on about this government not doing anything to investigate. Do you honestly believe the number of inquests going on now is because of abhisit? These are inquests not just autopsies. Where possible they will come to a conclusion and it won't be changed just because some general or other leans on the DSI. Yes you look at the big picture - isn't that what you accused thaksin of, oh look he doesn't care about the dead red shirts?

Well these inquests are vitally important and if for the first time they finally pin even just one innocent death down to the military Thailand will have made a major breakthrough.

I keep on harping that with then PM Abhisit setting up the TRTC and following through to new government under PM Yingluck the progress has been very, very slow. Even Dept. PM Pol. Captain Chalerm has stopped saying to offer new evidence soon. It seems both old and new government and related political parties and others involved are somewhat reluctant to dig too deep.

Yes these inquests about "we really believe that at that time the army was shooting" will deliberate the strong evidence before them. No one will alter their conclusion, neither Generals, nor politicans. For that to happen is unheard of in Thailand under any government.

Furthermore I don't accuse k. Thaksin of looking at the big picture. If at all I'm more inclined to accuse him of the small picture 'me, me, me only'.

As for pinning down deaths on the army, I thought that had been done already, like grenades lobbed by <terribly sorry, don't know yet, not important>. It becomes more complicated when you start talking about innocent deaths. I do not like the term 'collateral damage', but the situation for nearly two months was close to a war scene. Government responsible(*)? Well, of course, they were the government. UDD leaders responsible(*)? Well of course, they indoctrinated their flock.

The interesting part is some trying to push for amnesty, forgiveness, 'I still love you all' ermm.gif

EDIT: (*) changed guilty into responsible which seems more to the point. Excuses, I'm just a simple non-native English speaker wai.gif

Edited by rubl
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