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Farang Con Men In Chiang Mai


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How about companies that offer foreigners an indefinite semi-legal stay in Thailand through education visas, as long as people sign up to Thai language / culture classes? Though it's perhaps just the Thai government getting conned as the 'students' are willful participants. Many such plays out there.

I doubt the government is getting conned...I'm sure they get a good payout.

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How about companies that offer foreigners an indefinite semi-legal stay in Thailand through education visas, as long as people sign up to Thai language / culture classes? Though it's perhaps just the Thai government getting conned as the 'students' are willful participants. Many such plays out there.

I doubt the government is getting conned...I'm sure they get a good payout.

If they sign up to a Thai Language / Culture class and have an Education visa, is there actually anything wrong with that?

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65 craig

re your pantip plaza friend

he told me exactly the same story almost word for word by the moat about three months ago

and i reported it on here under a topic about cheats .. liars or something like that about a month ago

but he asked me for 2 thousand not 500 hundred and i gave him 100 to get rid of him

anyway if you want to see him again he hangs out with the little short haired girl

in the bar to the right of easy corner bar at the top of loi kroh ... most afternoons .. evenings

and the last time he was here it was for about 5 days

dave2 ... down 100 b : (

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I was outside Computer Plaza (on the main road) today waiting for a friend to show up so we could go to Fitness Thailand. Anyway, a guy rides up to me on his motorbike asking if I'm from England (has a thick British accent). I say "No, I'm from America so I speak English". He then asked if I was a tourist, which I thought was odd. I told him I was here for a few months, but didn't elaborate. Anyway, he went on a big spiel about how he was at a Disco last night and lost his wallet with all his money and credit cards. He told me he needed to urgently call England and cancel the credit cards and get some money sent here. I stopped him and said: "What do you want?" He said 500 baht so he could make an overseas call. He tried to say I could hold his mobile phone (showed it to me and it was one that was like 10 years old and hardly worth anything). I said, "Sorry" and turned to see if my friend was coming. Just then he said: "____ OFF!" I immediately turned around and said, "What?" I was pissed and started to walk towards him to confront him, and he took off scared on his motorbike.

I know this goes on everywhere, but I'm sure it's a total scam. I mean, if I were to lose my wallet with money and credit card, would a reasonable person go off on a motorbike and ask complete strangers for money? No way.

Seriously, if it really was the case the guy could have: Turned in his motorbike and got his deposit back. Go back to his hotel and make a call from there. I mean he "supposedly" had credit cards (therefore attainable money). Plus, it's a free call on places through services like Skype to make a toll free call to a banking center customer service line.

Anyway, I'm sure there are suckers out there who would give the guy a 100 baht or so, and I'm sure if he did it enough, he'd probably make out quite well if he focused on some naive tourists.

All credit card companies have international toll free number to report lost or stolen cards. Nothing but a cheap scam.

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I see quite a few old farang men who have conned themselves into believing they are young again.

Hey, I resemble that remark. It was only last night I was told I was a very hansum man thumbsup.gif

DA: I hope you havent got HMS;it’s not the first time I’ve heard of the disease called hansum man syndrome (HMS) which is why I am thankful that my undeniably less than hansum appearance serves as an adequate barrier to infection. For those who may not be familiar with this debilitating disease allow me to educate you.

HMS is caused by hearing “You hansum man” so often that one begins to believe it. These poor souls find themselves unable to tell the difference between being told they are a hansum man by women hoping to separate them from their money and actually being considered a handsome man by women who have no financial incentive for making such proclamations

As the disease progresses the sufferer may develop a dangerously overinflated ego. If the ego, located between the legs...I mean temporal and frontal lobes, swells large enough it can begin to press against the frontal lobe which will impact his ability to reason. This pressure, if not relieved, may cause the afflicted to begin fancying himself a bit of a ladies man and that young, nubile, attractive women of particular races are genetically more inclined to being attracted to aging, overweight, balding men.

In severe cases the disease causes involuntary bragging about romantic conquests with the sufferer completely unaware that anyone flashing a similar amount of baht can purchase the same experience.

If left untreated the disease will progress to the point where the victim becomes so deluded that he may date and/or marry any young lady willing to satiate his ego with a constant chorus of “you hansum man.”

Interestingly, the disease brings about its own cure. As the victim’s wallet is lightened by said girlfriend or wife, pressure on the coccygeal segment of the spine is reduced which, in chain event like fashion, brings temporary relief to the pressure being applied to the frontal lobe.

Once the victim’s reasoning faculties are restored and his bank accounts drained the body is able to fill the void caused by the rapid deflation of the ego with racism, bigotry, and chauvinism.

(recovered HSM suffererthumbsup.gif )

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The thread's about farang con men.

And your contribution on the subject is.....................?

Con men, con artists come in all three genders and all races. HMS is a common affliction contracted many new arrivals, which is exploited by cons, scammers, and other working professional and therefore, it is a public service to discuss it in forums such as this. Awareness is power.

Edited by DowntownAl
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The thread's about farang con men.
And your contribution on the subject is.....................?
Con men, con artists come in all three genders and all races. HMS is a common affliction contracted many new arrivals, which is exploited by cons, scammers, and other working professional and therefore, it is a public service to discuss it in forums such as this. Awareness is power.

Could some of these HMS con'men' be farang ladyboys?

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How about companies that offer foreigners an indefinite semi-legal stay in Thailand through education visas, as long as people sign up to Thai language / culture classes? Though it's perhaps just the Thai government getting conned as the 'students' are willful participants. Many such plays out there.


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Between Cheap Charlies, skeptics, synics, and sages, it's hard to see how a con-man could feed himself from expats here (except for 100 baht now and then). Maybe tourists, if we had that many.

But I think it's true that most conning is done by us to ourselves or by us to others. I knew one fellow who reported nightly happy endings at 67, feasting, he said, from that street. Maybe so, but he certainly was deluded if he thought that everybody wanted to hear about it. No harm done, of course, to listeners.

Anyway, he's gone back to Jolly Olde, now.

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Only last week saw a couple of towel heads (sikhs) two doors down from me;- dressed "pretty dapper" thought ey up not another tailors about the open.

They then came to me and were all "pally" first talking in thai to Mrs E then in English to me.

Started telling me that i had just had an unlucky year; to which i said no, i have had my best year actually.......then said something to the effect that i was going to have great fortune; i said show me where to dig pal.

then he just asked to see my hand to confirm everything.......at that point I said heres my hand now thankyou and goodbye.

I didnt let it get as far as him wanting money for some palm reading but odds on that was the game.

they then went from business to business along the road.

Plausible-absolutely not

attire- superb

were they con men or genuine (work permitted) freelance mediums

This happens alot in BKK, you walk down the road and the Pullstart says " you are a very lucky man" and then tries to start his babble.

I like to say 'yes I am!' and just keep walking. smile.png

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65 craig

re your pantip plaza friend

he told me exactly the same story almost word for word by the moat about three months ago

and i reported it on here under a topic about cheats .. liars or something like that about a month ago

but he asked me for 2 thousand not 500 hundred and i gave him 100 to get rid of him

anyway if you want to see him again he hangs out with the little short haired girl

in the bar to the right of easy corner bar at the top of loi kroh ... most afternoons .. evenings

and the last time he was here it was for about 5 days

dave2 ... down 100 b : (

Hits up 30-50 tourists a day.. could be a nice little earner for him..Enjoys some beers and women on your dime

I'm a bit jaded about anyone in the street asking me for money with the (i lost my wallet, My wallet was stolen, etc) lines. I never give.

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The thread's about farang con men.

And your contribution on the subject is.....................?

Con men, con artists come in all three genders and all races. HMS is a common affliction contracted many new arrivals, which is exploited by cons, scammers, and other working professional and therefore, it is a public service to discuss it in forums such as this. Awareness is power.

How many times do you think it's been discussed on this forum , though?

The problem with your logic can be shown here:

Q: "What is 2+2?"

a: "2+2 = 4"

b: "No, the sky is blue."

a: "What?"

b: "I'm right, the sky is blue!!"

They're not asking what color the sky is, and the OP wasn't talking about prostitutes hustling farang. That topics been done. What's wrong with trying to stay on topic?

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The thread's about farang con men.

And your contribution on the subject is.....................?

Con men, con artists come in all three genders and all races. HMS is a common affliction contracted many new arrivals, which is exploited by cons, scammers, and other working professional and therefore, it is a public service to discuss it in forums such as this. Awareness is power.

How many times do you think it's been discussed on this forum , though?

The problem with your logic can be shown here:

Q: "What is 2+2?"

a: "2+2 = 4"

b: "No, the sky is blue."

a: "What?"

b: "I'm right, the sky is blue!!"

They're not asking what color the sky is, and the OP wasn't talking about prostitutes hustling farang. That topics been done. What's wrong with trying to stay on topic?

Guys; before LB throws his teddy from the pram becasue we...(actually it was meermm.gif ) went slightly off topic, can we get back to talking about farang con men.

You have to understand LB forums always go off on a tangent, and some personal banter thrown in, humour, sarcasm the lot; it keeps us all amused, and sometimes keeps the thread alive especially when there are so many BORING threads at the moment.

My guess is the thread is dead now, we exhausted the farang con men story,...but one today in the news about 6/7 farang setting up a tour company taking tourists from CM to BKK and then hi jacking the bus half way; anyone see that story?

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It was all over the Thai news channels last week. What I dont get is why they thought it would be a good Idea to put computers, cameras etc in the luggage hold of a bus that makes stops. I never do it even on a plane it all goes in a carry on ruck sack.

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It was all over the Thai news channels last week. What I dont get is why they thought it would be a good Idea to put computers, cameras etc in the luggage hold of a bus that makes stops. I never do it even on a plane it all goes in a carry on ruck sack.

I met a really good one here in Chiang Mai. Set up the business, had a great web site and good products. Looked for investors. Fantastic talker, the kind of guy you couldn't argue with. Had a monopoly on truth and loved to tell you how honest he was. If there was any hint of opposition then he'd accuse you of stuff that didn't happen. Frightening type of guy really because behind the smile was a cunning and scheming brain. Then got his girlfriend to borrow money from banks and soon after did a runner out of the country. Now the cops are looking for his girlfriend so in the end, if she comes back to Thailand, she'll suffer because here it is a criminal matter not a civil matter. His product was headsets if you ever come across him. But you see this kind of duplicity leaves you scratching your head ....... perhaps he was genuine after all. But as I write stuff it's a great basis for a series of short stories for an English language publication (which is why I'm researching this stuff). I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting ........ but this guy was a farang not Thai.

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"I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting..."

That's more than a bit harsh! Why are you here, other than to do your so-called research?!

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It was all over the Thai news channels last week. What I dont get is why they thought it would be a good Idea to put computers, cameras etc in the luggage hold of a bus that makes stops. I never do it even on a plane it all goes in a carry on ruck sack.

I met a really good one here in Chiang Mai. Set up the business, had a great web site and good products. Looked for investors. Fantastic talker, the kind of guy you couldn't argue with. Had a monopoly on truth and loved to tell you how honest he was. If there was any hint of opposition then he'd accuse you of stuff that didn't happen. Frightening type of guy really because behind the smile was a cunning and scheming brain. Then got his girlfriend to borrow money from banks and soon after did a runner out of the country. Now the cops are looking for his girlfriend so in the end, if she comes back to Thailand, she'll suffer because here it is a criminal matter not a civil matter. His product was headsets if you ever come across him. But you see this kind of duplicity leaves you scratching your head ....... perhaps he was genuine after all. But as I write stuff it's a great basis for a series of short stories for an English language publication (which is why I'm researching this stuff). I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting ........ but this guy was a farang not Thai.

Well your feelings are your feelings and no one can deny you them.

What I don't understand is why with the attitude.

"I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting."

Why you would stay here. I mean no disrespect or any of that get out stuff. I am genuinely curious as to why one would stay here with that attitude towards the country he lives in and the people in it. I see you have been on Thai Visa seven years you have me by one but that seems like a long time to put up with the conditions you claim to live in. I know for myself if I had to live in those conditions I would be out of here like a shot.

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It was all over the Thai news channels last week. What I dont get is why they thought it would be a good Idea to put computers, cameras etc in the luggage hold of a bus that makes stops. I never do it even on a plane it all goes in a carry on ruck sack.

I met a really good one here in Chiang Mai. Set up the business, had a great web site and good products. Looked for investors. Fantastic talker, the kind of guy you couldn't argue with. Had a monopoly on truth and loved to tell you how honest he was. If there was any hint of opposition then he'd accuse you of stuff that didn't happen. Frightening type of guy really because behind the smile was a cunning and scheming brain. Then got his girlfriend to borrow money from banks and soon after did a runner out of the country. Now the cops are looking for his girlfriend so in the end, if she comes back to Thailand, she'll suffer because here it is a criminal matter not a civil matter. His product was headsets if you ever come across him. But you see this kind of duplicity leaves you scratching your head ....... perhaps he was genuine after all. But as I write stuff it's a great basis for a series of short stories for an English language publication (which is why I'm researching this stuff). I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting ........ but this guy was a farang not Thai.

Well your feelings are your feelings and no one can deny you them.

What I don't understand is why with the attitude.

"I hate lies and cheating of any sort which is why I find Thailand and the Thais so disgusting."

Why you would stay here. I mean no disrespect or any of that get out stuff. I am genuinely curious as to why one would stay here with that attitude towards the country he lives in and the people in it. I see you have been on Thai Visa seven years you have me by one but that seems like a long time to put up with the conditions you claim to live in. I know for myself if I had to live in those conditions I would be out of here like a shot.

I have lived here 3 years and a couple of months and yes, I am very disillusioned. Seriously considering going back to the UK, France or Timbuctoo.

When I say 'lies' from Thais you only have to look at the politics from Thaksin downwards, the corruption so that every shop in Baan Tawai has to pay the forestry guys 1000b a month under the counter (that's 500 shops) and if you want a permit to do anything you have to pay 3x the cost of the permit as a backhander and then the cost of the permit before anything happens, look at the scheming girls in the bars and its not limited to them: Hi-so girlss cheating farangs so they can buy even more expensive handbags. Open your eyes, these people have no morals whatsoever. I've posted here about my ex-wife who even though she is a scammer and cheater and liar has a management job in international relations at the main government hospital in a city close to here. And so it goes on ..........

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I get like that every now and then, it lasts around ten minutes and then i realise how much a sh1t country the UK has become and no matter how bad my life became I couldn't think of anything worse than moving back there. The grass may seem greener on the other side, that's because it usually has more bullsh1t.

Yeah,...........but Rotherham! biggrin.png

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Would this be the fellow that used to own the Overlander bar before it turned into Mad Dog Pizza? I know that he bought a local resort a few years ago and was wondering if he was still around.

His name was Allen (or Alan) and quite a character on the bar scene in CM in the late '80s and early '90s. I heard he was seriously injured in a traffic accident or a number of years ago. I'm curious to know what happened to him too.

I don't think he was a scammer; it appears he had family backing from a large ranch or something in Oz.

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Yes, that is who I am talking about, but I have not heard about the accident. An old time expat mentioned him to me the other day and then I saw this reference to him on Thai Visa. I used to see him every once in a while a few years ago, but not lately. He owned Lovebirds and the Overlander bars way back when.

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