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THAI President Piyasvasti Gets Golden Handshake


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Maybe he's better off out of it. Unless he's got mega-benefits his salary seems a bit tight arse.

Believe he made his money as head of Kasikorn funds management after his early career as a senior energy bureaucrat.

My understanding, him taking the job was never abou the dosh.

Cheers for the info samran.

Never about the dosh. Love it! I imagine him at the interview speaking in a Loadsamoney accent

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for a second, i tought thailand had a president smile.png lol

Thai president, they put in the title

wny not put : Thai airways president ?

sensation ?

because that's how the company is officially listed in the stock exchange as THAI.

same way you would say KBANK President, PTT President, etc.

notice the full caps too on all letters

And for the record, with all due respects. This is not any of the outsiders concern or interference. It's a company, owners have the right to fire whoever they want, and the contract supports it. No drama. Lol at the labor unions against this decision. EXCUSE ME? Who does this company belong to? Yes shareholders and the board, we paid money for the company and shares, we do things how we like it. Thank you and now go mind your own business. I'll paint my airplanes pink if I wanted to. Hilarious how outsiders think they have a say in internal affairs. and the writing complaints to government offices? OF WHAT? Of how we run our own business? LOL. We can do WHATEVER we want, it's our company. Next, we will have workers deciding how much wage they should have, and what their uniforms should be? haha

Edited by JacChang
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@mca - I believe his British accent is as posh as one can get. Eton boy if I recall correctly.

I don't think he is an Old Etonian Samran and his accent isn't really particularly posh (for a wonderful example of English posh look up Jacob Rees-Mogg on Youtube).But he (Khun Piyasvasti) did go to Oxford and achieved first class honours and in a hard intellectually demanding subject too,mathematics - not a soft option easy peasy course like Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE) that weeds like David Cameron, Abhisit and Korn studied!

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I know he went to school in the UK from the age of 10 Samran but I am not sure if it was Eton. You may be thinking of Mom Tao's son who worked at NEPO/EPPO during Dr. Piyasvasti's time there and whose accent was very RP. But you now have me intrigued and I will ask around. He told me once his school overlooked some coal power plants but not being British I have no idea where this could be.

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He stopped corruption on aircraft and engine purchases, stamped down on nepotism in staff appointments and promotions and was well on th way to rooting out various scams (excess baggage, supply contracts etc) involving 'long-serving' stff - aka old lags.

So he had to go - no matter which government appointed the board members.

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I expect some rather furious renegotiating of the contracts for the upcoming purchase of their new planes.

And/or some very sudden changes in specification - ones that can only be met by a different vendor.

Pity - he was geginning to make progress in sorting out THAI - which I suppose is why he had to go.

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I know he went to school in the UK from the age of 10 Samran but I am not sure if it was Eton. You may be thinking of Mom Tao's son who worked at NEPO/EPPO during Dr. Piyasvasti's time there and whose accent was very RP. But you now have me intrigued and I will ask around. He told me once his school overlooked some coal power plants but not being British I have no idea where this could be.

I think I was getting confused then with someone else. But yeah, I had been told by someone that he had been there since an early age.

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wny not put : Thai airways president ?

sensation ?

The citizenship would be written "Thai", the airline name here is all caps: "THAI", just like on their aircrafts wink.png

I worked with them, and this is how they identify the airline in written documentation most of the time. The only exception I see is in legal documentation: Thai Airways International.

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@mca - I believe his British accent is as posh as one can get. Eton boy if I recall correctly.

I don't think he is an Old Etonian Samran and his accent isn't really particularly posh (for a wonderful example of English posh look up Jacob Rees-Mogg on Youtube).But he (Khun Piyasvasti) did go to Oxford and achieved first class honours and in a hard intellectually demanding subject too,mathematics - not a soft option easy peasy course like Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE) that weeds like David Cameron, Abhisit and Korn studied!

Makes alot of sense. That is the only way he could clean up at Kasikorn.

As for 'Teps' comment about the school near the power plant....now that is fascinating. Hope he comes back to me on that one.

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Mom Tao's son was at Harrow, as was Mom Tao

OK. So Pi didn't go to Eton either! First post and I had wrong information. Jayboy is correct. I will try and find out the information about Dr. Piyasvasti's primary and secondary schooling.

I am keent to see what his next career move will be. Probably not much of a public role unless the political environment changes.

It will also be interesting to see what Dr. Areepong's committee come up with since Dr. Piyasvasit won the position through merit based selection.

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It was reported in the local press at the time of his appointment in 2009 as THAI President that the salary was 900,000 baht a month. Six months payout comes to 5.4 million. So clearly a typo in the original article. I don't think the money is that important as he is financially secure as reported earlier. It will be the impact of the premature termination on his reputation that will be of greater concern. I think the lack of crises at THAI since his appointment speaks volumes about his tenure.

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It was reported in the local press at the time of his appointment in 2009 as THAI President that the salary was 900,000 baht a month. Six months payout comes to 5.4 million. So clearly a typo in the original article. I don't think the money is that important as he is financially secure as reported earlier. It will be the impact of the premature termination on his reputation that will be of greater concern. I think the lack of crises at THAI since his appointment speaks volumes about his tenure.

What is a few decimal points, maybe with tea money it comes to 5.4 billion?

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@mca - I believe his British accent is as posh as one can get. Eton boy if I recall correctly.

I don't think he is an Old Etonian Samran and his accent isn't really particularly posh (for a wonderful example of English posh look up Jacob Rees-Mogg on Youtube).But he (Khun Piyasvasti) did go to Oxford and achieved first class honours and in a hard intellectually demanding subject too,mathematics - not a soft option easy peasy course like Philosophy Politics and Economics (PPE) that weeds like David Cameron, Abhisit and Korn studied!

Never heard of the guy before, but according to Wikipedia, Piyasvasti Amranand spent 4 years of his secondary education at Bryanston Public School in Dorset, the school being a member of the 12 so-called 'Eton Group' of schools in the UK.

In 1972 he got into Brasenose College, Oxford, graduating with a 1st class honours degree in Mathematics. From there he went on to get an MSC in Economics from the LSE in London and a further PhD in Mathematics from London University (not sure which one) helped by a scholarship/grant from the UK government.



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Never heard of the guy before, but according to Wikipedia, Piyasvasti Amranand spent 4 years of his secondary education at Bryanston Public School in Dorset, the school being a member of the 12 so-called 'Eton Group' of schools in the UK.

It's just clicked with me that his mother must be M.R Pimsai who was tragically murdered by her gardeners in Bangkok.She was both an aristocrat and an intellectual (Oxford degree) and an outstanding person.Bryanston is interesting, not that well known to foreigners but a fashionable well regarded school much used by the cultured and even bohemian upper and upper middle class.Not a conventional choice for a Thai but I'm guessing the highly anglicised M.R Pimsai would have known its good reputation.

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Would seem you're right. His mother is listed here as M.R. Pimsai Amranand. (Also his PhD is listed here as Economics, not Maths as stated in the Wiki article).


He would have been 24 when his mother was murdered in 1977 by her two Thai-Vietnamese gardeners at her Bangkok home. They claimed a motive of maltreatment.

One of her sons, Ping Amranand, on finding her unfinished memoirs, completed them and published them in a book, "Siamese Memoirs: The Life & Times of Pimsai Svasti" (2011)

...The book's focus is on MR Pimsai's own amazing story and her family ties with Siam's last absolute monarch, King Prajadhipok, but this is also a portrait of Siam at a crossroads.

It covers the advent of democracy following Rama VII's abdication in 1932, the political reprisals that ensued, and the king's self-imposed exile in England, where he died in 1941.

Importantly, the book also sheds light on the circumstances surrounding the 1977 murder of MR Pimsai by two Thai-Vietnamese gardeners at her Bangkok home, Devesm Palace. Three and a half decades have passed, but Ping believes it's never too late to clear up lingering misconceptions...


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worth 6 months of his salary or about Bt5.4 billion

Something wrong with that figure? rolleyes.gif

Billions or millions (as shown in a later post)? Hey what's a few million or billion here or there? Is there a difference; only a few zeros, does it matter? blink.png

Great to see even the journalists and editors of the Nation are so well educated from the Thai system. thumbsup.gif

Wasn't it in several other threads recently arguments about the of general education in Thailand being "on the blink", and as always, NOTHING changes!? How people can argue the case that it's just TV posters doing Thai bashing when people question their system is beyond me! ermm.gif

Don't know about you but if my salary differed by a few billion or million, I wouldn't call that a minor discrepancy! clap2.gif

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He is a star performer. Sharp as a tack. Would wipe the floor with most people intellectually. Including you by the sounds of it. He's more than capable.

His only crime is being married to a Democrat strategist.

Once again you demonstrate that you know what you are talking about.I know Khun Piyasvasti slightly and have huge admiration for him, though somwhat jealous of his planet sized brain.

As to the reason for his dismissal you could be right though I don't think he is particularly political himself, though I'm guessing has Democrat sympathies.

If he is so bright, how come he allowed so much corruption within, 2nd grade hostesses buying a job , set rate Bht 400.000. free business class tkts for those within the know and and with the right contacts, and so on ?

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