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Penalty For Drink Driving In Thailand

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Hi Forum,

Does anyone know what the penalty for drink driving is in Thailand? A friend of mine has got himself in a bit of a mess and was over the limit slightly.

Some friends have told me he can be deported from the country and lose work permits etc and others have said you have to pay a fine to the court and then do some community service.

Does anyone know the actual law here?


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it depends on the Sitcho.. if they will take it to court. i payed 20K few months back for over the limit, but was released before court. few guys in line where waiting for court cases and seemed to be in deep shit.

i think the right way to go is.. is to pay 30K! go to court, get 20 K back, and then whatever penalty the judge has to give is. ive herd of both.. deporting and or community service.

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Not sure on the full legal process in such cases. I know of a few people who have been caught fair and square and all have settled on the spot with a contribution to the police pension fund.

Amounts ranged from 1,500 to 20,000 depending on the state of panic of the individual. One of the calmer folks paid his money then demanded and got a motorbike escort to the expressway past the remaining checkpoints as he complained they would pull him over again.

I have seen numerous checkpoints on Narathiwat Road in Sathorn recently, with admittedly varying levels of police activity. However, it seems that just maybe they are starting to tighten up on this.

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My Wife and I were stopped a few years ago (over dinner we'd had a bottle of wine between us, most of it drunk by me).

The police officer stopped us at the check point on Silom and asked my wife (she was driving) to blow into the breathalyser.

I advised her not to as I knew she'd be over the limit and didn't want the situation to escalate. That said, the police man wasn't happy that my Wife didn't trust the machine (breathalyser). We offered 500 baht to let us on our way, but the police officer wouldn't accept and got angry.

We weren't getting out of this without further hassles so I had to call a friend who pulled rank on the officer who was forced to let us go, the officer wasn't happy.

My Wife has not driven after having an alcoholic drink since and we always take a taxi.

So - The Police don't always accept a bribe - be careful. There really is no excuse, take a taxi, they are cheap enough. You wouldn't DUI in your home country.

A friend got caught a few years back - His bail was 20,000 baht, returned on the day of the court case, he was given community service. A choice of teaching English or giving blood. I'm not sure if he also received a fine.

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I legally work here and there never was any mention of deportation. I have since then renewed my WP and visa with no problem. They give you a fair warning on your first DUI and as long as you don't repeat the same mistake, you will be fine...

The point as regarding deportation, pulling of WP's etc....its not a case that they do, but they can if it so took their fancy, quite legally...you have been convicted of a criminal offense...as with other countries, as a non national, you get done with a criminal conviction in that country, you "serve" your sentance and can get your visa/WP pulled and possibly deported and blacklisted....these are all options under the law, its a question of whether they decide to invoke these options, even for a first time DUI dependent on the circumstances....the easy answer to this question....is dont do it

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I legally work here and there never was any mention of deportation. I have since then renewed my WP and visa with no problem. They give you a fair warning on your first DUI and as long as you don't repeat the same mistake, you will be fine...

The point as regarding deportation, pulling of WP's etc....its not a case that they do, but they can if it so took their fancy, quite legally...you have been convicted of a criminal offense...as with other countries, as a non national, you get done with a criminal conviction in that country, you "serve" your sentance and can get your visa/WP pulled and possibly deported and blacklisted....these are all options under the law, its a question of whether they decide to invoke these options, even for a first time DUI dependent on the circumstances....the easy answer to this question....is dont do it

Soutpeel is right, you never know... You broke a law and you're a non-national. I just wanted to share with you my own experience that, luckily, turned out as a good lesson that did not threaten my career or my living in Thailand. However, I still believe that the chances of having a WP/visa revoked for a first DUI are very remote...

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My Wife and I were stopped a few years ago (over dinner we'd had a bottle of wine between us, most of it drunk by me).

The police officer stopped us at the check point on Silom and asked my wife (she was driving) to blow into the breathalyser.

I advised her not to as I knew she'd be over the limit and didn't want the situation to escalate. That said, the police man wasn't happy that my Wife didn't trust the machine (breathalyser). We offered 500 baht to let us on our way, but the police officer wouldn't accept and got angry.

We weren't getting out of this without further hassles so I had to call a friend who pulled rank on the officer who was forced to let us go, the officer wasn't happy.

My Wife has not driven after having an alcoholic drink since and we always take a taxi.

So - The Police don't always accept a bribe - be careful. There really is no excuse, take a taxi, they are cheap enough. You wouldn't DUI in your home country.

A friend got caught a few years back - His bail was 20,000 baht, returned on the day of the court case, he was given community service. A choice of teaching English or giving blood. I'm not sure if he also received a fine.

so if there is no excuse why was your wife over the limit and why didnt you take a Taxi... How about you practise what you preach

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it depends on the Sitcho.. if they will take it to court. i payed 20K few months back for over the limit, but was released before court. few guys in line where waiting for court cases and seemed to be in deep shit.

i think the right way to go is.. is to pay 30K! go to court, get 20 K back, and then whatever penalty the judge has to give is. ive herd of both.. deporting and or community service.

I would like to confirm that it is absolutely against Thai law to drive and not drink!!clap2.gif

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I was pulled over by a drunk copper at a police stop and he swaggered over.....held onto my mirror and through bloodshot eyes and a circular swaying motion asked if I had been drinking.

Another time, a little accident, not my fault but deemed so by the ridiculous...back at the police station the other guy was drunk, you could smell it, see it in his eyes.....I asked what about him being drunk...the copper said..'not my problem'....cost me 200b

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Take a taxi, they are the much cheaper alternative.

Sober or whatever, the taxi driver is far less likely to have an accident with attendant problems than you are.

Worst case: money talks, you walks.

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Taxis seem most practical. Though they may be getting their swerve on in their own time, at least you don't need to go down for a silly DUI. While bribing cops sounds adventurous and cool, like another poster said, it may or may not happen.

Be safe, gents, take the cab this weekend, and leave your car keys at home. Get piss drunk and don't get stopped by cops.

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I got caught out side Hua Hin Police station last month, a quick 200 Baht which I allways keep in my left pocket was a sufficient amount for me not to go inside and check my levels which would have been over after 3 beers and 2 red wines at a Italian restaurant. I love a little friendly corruption.


so, its ok if you have some type of accident, that would involve an innocent person being harmed or killed, just because you wanted to have a good time and a drink, then believe you pay the cops to let you off? so if a drunk driver killed a family member or friend of yours, you would be ok with that? or you must just be a lonely person if you think this way?
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It's funny that so many people on this forum slag off Thai people for not being good drivers (and other things) and then it turns out that many of the drink and drive themselves. Double standards.

Exactly, hate all these stupid !!! Let's see if they expect double standard at the morgue !!!

Sometimes I understand why some farangs live in Thailand: the habits here perfectly match their stupid attitude, but the difference is that they would be jailed back home for being so retarded...

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My Wife and I were stopped a few years ago (over dinner we'd had a bottle of wine between us, most of it drunk by me).

The police officer stopped us at the check point on Silom and asked my wife (she was driving) to blow into the breathalyser.

I advised her not to as I knew she'd be over the limit and didn't want the situation to escalate. That said, the police man wasn't happy that my Wife didn't trust the machine (breathalyser). We offered 500 baht to let us on our way, but the police officer wouldn't accept and got angry.

We weren't getting out of this without further hassles so I had to call a friend who pulled rank on the officer who was forced to let us go, the officer wasn't happy.

My Wife has not driven after having an alcoholic drink since and we always take a taxi.

So - The Police don't always accept a bribe - be careful. There really is no excuse, take a taxi, they are cheap enough. You wouldn't DUI in your home country.

A friend got caught a few years back - His bail was 20,000 baht, returned on the day of the court case, he was given community service. A choice of teaching English or giving blood. I'm not sure if he also received a fine.

so if there is no excuse why was your wife over the limit and why didnt you take a Taxi... How about you practise what you preach

It was a while ago now, at a time we weren’t married or living together and when taxi’s were not an option.

She wasn’t drunk – 2 glasses of wine might have placed her close to the limit, we weren’t going to take the risk with the police.

We learnt a lesson and have not crossed that line since. I put my foot down and said not again. Since we were married we taxi everywhere in the evenings if we are going to have even one drink.

Thai's in general have a different attitude to drink driving, one very similar to that we had in the West 20 years ago - when remembering this we shouldn't be so quick to judge so harshly.

The tone of your post is unnecessary.

Instead of encouraging people to tell their experiences your judgment only serves to prevent people from opening up about such matters on this forum.

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My Wife and I were stopped a few years ago
It was a while ago now, at a time we weren’t married

Care to explain? blink.png

They were not married 3 years ago.


Well, according to post #10 they were. And in post #24 they were not. It's unclear to me, I'll visit the fridge for a beer, maybe it'll help.

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Had a huge blockade right before the turn into the area where I live. I slowed down and asked "Can i still turn here?" The cops just waved me through despite the 20-30 Thais they had stopped...

I've had this happen a few times, the cops just didn't feel like dealing with a farang.

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Absolutely no excuse to dring and then drive with all the other available transportation available.

Good thing you're not driving.laugh.png

Edited by metisdead
: 30) Do not modify someone else's post in your quoted reply, either with font or color changes, added emoticons, or altered wording.
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  • 4 months later...

Old thread but a subject which remains valid!

The proper procedure is simple and set in law.

If caught you get arrested on the spot.

Dui is a criminal offence so jail till court appearance unless you come up with bail.

Sentencing for first offence will be relatively light, usually around 6000 Baht, suspended jail and maybe community service.

The complication for foreigners is that according to law when you are convicted of a criminal offence your file has to get forwarded to immigration for automatic cancellation of your permit to stay. And then deportation (to your home country).

This is not a sentencing or decision by a judge but automatic!

It is the handling police officer who is responsible of forwarding this file to immigration, and it used to be that most police stations were not aware/couldn't bother doing this.

If they don't, apparently immigration has virtually no chance finding out and you will have no issues.

At the moment however, reports indicate most big city police stations are very aware, unfortunately for the not so good reason that they will offer you the option of doing some donation to the yearly police ball to make them file your case the same way as they file it for a Thai national ,I.e. skipping immigration....

So in short, dui can get you into heaps of expensive problems, especially if you are working here.

Loss of job/work permit after your deportation etc....

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Thaivisa Connect App

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