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Getting Spam For Cm15K Baht Course, "You Can Read Thai In 20 Hours," Course From One "Gary Orman" ?


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Most people abhor ads and only tolerate them because, in a lot of instances, they have no choice, such as the billboard on the side of the road; I have only ever seen the ads on this site once, when I read someone complain about them and I turned off my Adblock to see what the fuss was about... Ghastly is al I can say!

And as for unsolicited email - even if I do need a service, I will go out of my way to avoid any place that sends me unsolicited email where it is obvious they bought a list somewhere. Even places and services that have legitimately acquired my email (i.e. I have personally given it to them) will, in almost all instances, be unsubscribed as soon as I see anything from them. If, of course, the offending email have an unsubscribe link...

It may just seem like an innocuous email, but for those of us who abhor spam unsolicited emails and fastidiously keep track of who has their email address, receiving something like this in an otherwise clean inbox is infuriating.

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Most people abhor ads and only tolerate them because, in a lot of instances, they have no choice, such as the billboard on the side of the road; I have only ever seen the ads on this site once, when I read someone complain about them and I turned off my Adblock to see what the fuss was about... Ghastly is al I can say!

And as for unsolicited email - even if I do need a service, I will go out of my way to avoid any place that sends me unsolicited email where it is obvious they bought a list somewhere. Even places and services that have legitimately acquired my email (i.e. I have personally given it to them) will, in almost all instances, be unsubscribed as soon as I see anything from them. If, of course, the offending email have an unsubscribe link...

It may just seem like an innocuous email, but for those of us who abhor spam unsolicited emails and fastidiously keep track of who has their email address, receiving something like this in an otherwise clean inbox is infuriating.

I wonder if "Gary" revels in the chaos he has created in so many lives - he probably doesn't even care about what he's selling

He just lives to devour this chaotic mess of soiled inboxes

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What is so different about so called 'spam' than advertising? Google ads advertise on this site, you see billboards telling you to buy airasia tickets and I'm sure you don't complain when you see a billboard with a busty lady advertising bras!

Maybe if the 'spam' had those busy women featuring in it you wouldn't be complaining!

You just don't get it, do you?

Spam is a form of advertising, as you say. But it's the lowest, most annoying form.

I don't want to see the ads on Thai Visa, TV, or Google, but those ads were all paid and allow those entities to provide the service they do. You provide nothing.

Yeah, sure, you're spam is promoting an "educational service" but if someone is not specifically looking for that service, then your spam is no different than those unsolicited emails for Viagra and Peniis Enlargement.

I'm actively looking to improve my Thai and I've never rec'd an email from you, but because of your attitude, there's no chance I'll be using your service. Very effective advertising!

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I remember years ago when spam was a big issue, it took half an hour to go through the email inbox and sort through everything. I use gmail and get maybe 4 servings of spam a year, maybe the anger some have is left over from the bad old days?

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If you don't like spam, there aren't many email handlers that do not offer filters now.

If there is no advertising, of which spam is included, would you pay more to use the internet?


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Ok I understand that some people find 'spam' annoying but lets look at the big picture.

a. as they say in the business... no publicity is bad publicity and;

b. environmental awareness. Would you prefer advertising letters through your letter box? Think of all that paper and those trees wasted.

Just like ads on websites or billboards on the side of the road, if you don't want to read those emails, then don't.

Edited by Mario2008
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I remember years ago when spam was a big issue, it took half an hour to go through the email inbox and sort through everything. I use gmail and get maybe 4 servings of spam a year, maybe the anger some have is left over from the bad old days?

I wonder just how much spam TV has to deal with in any one day? Forums and blogs are inundated with spam not just email boxes.

Just because it is filtered out in most cases does not mean it's not a pain as quite often mail meant for the inbox gets filtered away to junk mail and because of that it has to be checked and all junk blocked for the future.

Spam is a blight on the internet and when you get guys like this one who does not even realise (Or pretends so) he is doing it and still continues to push his wares on the forum-sad!

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What is so different about so called 'spam' than advertising? Google ads advertise on this site, you see billboards telling you to buy airasia tickets and I'm sure you don't complain when you see a billboard with a busty lady advertising bras!

Maybe if the 'spam' had those busy women featuring in it you wouldn't be complaining!

In this country I'm not surprised they are busy if they are busty.

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Ok I understand that some people find 'spam' annoying but lets look at the big picture.

a. as they say in the business... no publicity is bad publicity and;

b. environmental awareness. Would you prefer advertising letters through your letter box? Think of all that paper and those trees wasted.

I think you'll find the saying is "bad publicity is good publicity" but i am sure your anagram is near enough.

and I actually make 10bt a month collecting junk flyers from superstores, so it can be recycled, its not a problem.

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Ok I understand that some people find 'spam' annoying but lets look at the big picture.

a. as they say in the business... no publicity is bad publicity and;

b. environmental awareness. Would you prefer advertising letters through your letter box? Think of all that paper and those trees wasted.

I think you'll find the saying is "bad publicity is good publicity" but i am sure your anagram is near enough.

and I actually make 10bt a month collecting junk flyers from superstores, so it can be recycled, its not a problem.

Thank you for verifying my anagram, much appreciated.

I am conscious about my carbon footprint and the environment thus I see internet advertising as the moral choice. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't want to read the advertisement, don't.

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Ok I understand that some people find 'spam' annoying but lets look at the big picture.

a. as they say in the business... no publicity is bad publicity and;

b. environmental awareness. Would you prefer advertising letters through your letter box? Think of all that paper and those trees wasted.

I think you'll find the saying is "bad publicity is good publicity" but i am sure your anagram is near enough.

and I actually make 10bt a month collecting junk flyers from superstores, so it can be recycled, its not a problem.

Thank you for verifying my anagram, much appreciated.

I am conscious about my carbon footprint and the environment thus I see internet advertising as the moral choice. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't want to read the advertisement, don't.

I think it actually goes: There is no such thing as bad publicity

And when it comes to carbon footprint. Do you think that because there is no smoke stack on your pc or exhaust on your mobile that they don't leave a footprint? Google for instance have been under massive pressure because of the amount of servers they have all over the world to provide us with fast search results. So don't kid yourself, if you have a website you are contributing to global carbon emissions.

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This thread reminds me of the many macwalen threads that always come off looking like bad publicity.

Spam clearly works or else the market would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. Spam will hurt your image, but help your bottom line. Up to you.

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Ok I understand that some people find 'spam' annoying but lets look at the big picture.

a. as they say in the business... no publicity is bad publicity and;

b. environmental awareness. Would you prefer advertising letters through your letter box? Think of all that paper and those trees wasted.

I think you'll find the saying is "bad publicity is good publicity" but i am sure your anagram is near enough.

and I actually make 10bt a month collecting junk flyers from superstores, so it can be recycled, its not a problem.

Thank you for verifying my anagram, much appreciated.

I am conscious about my carbon footprint and the environment thus I see internet advertising as the moral choice. I said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't want to read the advertisement, don't.

I think it actually goes: There is no such thing as bad publicity

And when it comes to carbon footprint. Do you think that because there is no smoke stack on your pc or exhaust on your mobile that they don't leave a footprint? Google for instance have been under massive pressure because of the amount of servers they have all over the world to provide us with fast search results. So don't kid yourself, if you have a website you are contributing to global carbon emissions.

Pretty much whatever you do nowadays leaves a carbon footprint. You can either leave a big one or a small one, using the internet to promote businesses leaves a smaller footprint and is therefore the moral choice.

I could say that you eating food or drinking water contributes to your carbon footprint but I won't be that petty.

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I think it actually goes: There is no such thing as bad publicity

And when it comes to carbon footprint. Do you think that because there is no smoke stack on your pc or exhaust on your mobile that they don't leave a footprint? Google for instance have been under massive pressure because of the amount of servers they have all over the world to provide us with fast search results. So don't kid yourself, if you have a website you are contributing to global carbon emissions.

Pretty much whatever you do nowadays leaves a carbon footprint. You can either leave a big one or a small one, using the internet to promote businesses leaves a smaller footprint and is therefore the moral choice.

I could say that you eating food or drinking water contributes to your carbon footprint but I won't be that petty.

Funny that you use the word moral.

Sending out spam is actually illegal in many countries including the EU. So by sending out spam you are not only breaking the law but also being immoral.

Seems to me a case of: if standards are good then double standards must be twice as good. :D

Edited by AndersSN
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Gorman obviously doesn't understand the difference between paid advertising and spam. He also thinks bad publicity is good.

Maybe he'll understand if we (those of us who don't like spam) boycott his service and tell everyone we know to do the same.

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Gorman obviously doesn't understand the difference between paid advertising and spam. He also thinks bad publicity is good.

Maybe he'll understand if we (those of us who don't like spam) boycott his service and tell everyone we know to do the same.

No, I said no publicity is bad publicity.

Would you prefer email advertising or speaker van advertising?

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If you don't like getting spam, you shouldn't use the internet.


Wow that's very adult.

So because I don't like shoplifting I shouldn't go to shops? And because I don't like people tailgating or speeding I shouldn't use the roads?

By your argument we should let people who behave antisocial, immoral or directly illegally run the world.


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Gorman obviously doesn't understand the difference between paid advertising and spam. He also thinks bad publicity is good.

Maybe he'll understand if we (those of us who don't like spam) boycott his service and tell everyone we know to do the same.

No, I said no publicity is bad publicity.

Would you prefer email advertising or speaker van advertising?

You should talk to the many Facebook shareholders about that. The fact that the share is dropping and the publicity that follows has caused the share to drop even more. Bad publicity with a bad consequence.

And when it comes to spam vs speaker wan. If you asked people what they would prefer, to get shot in the head or stabbed in the heart, you would get the same answer from 99,9% Neither. Which is why both types of assault and marketing is illegal many places in the world, do people doesn't have to make a choice that is obviously illogical.

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If you don't like getting spam, you shouldn't use the internet.


Wow that's very adult.

So because I don't like shoplifting I shouldn't go to shops? And because I don't like people tailgating or speeding I shouldn't use the roads?

By your argument we should let people who behave antisocial, immoral or directly illegally run the world.



Ha ha ha. My 2 1/2 year old daughter argues better than that. At least her no will be followed by something like: I don't want to wash my hair or I don't want to go to kindergarten :D

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If you don't like getting spam, you shouldn't use the internet.


Wow that's very adult.

So because I don't like shoplifting I shouldn't go to shops? And because I don't like people tailgating or speeding I shouldn't use the roads?

By your argument we should let people who behave antisocial, immoral or directly illegally run the world.

Now come on AndersSN you are using logic,that will never get through to some.

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Spam clearly works or else the market would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. Spam will hurt your image, but help your bottom line. Up to you.

I half agree. In my opinion, and that of many others apparently, spam does hurt a business' image. As a business owner I can see the reasons for using this form of advertizing (though I don't and won't use it myself). What I don't understand is the defensive/argumentative response by Gorman to people's complaints. This surely aggravates the initial annoyance, or creates a bad impression when there was none to begin with. Wouldn't it be more respectful, and more helpful to the business' image, to answer complaints with something like:

I understand that some people find email advertizing to be annoying. To those people I apologize, but it most cases this is not a problem and "spam" is simply an affordable and effective method for me to promote my business. If you wish to stop receiving emails, please let me know and you will be removed from my list.

See the post immediately above.

I do agree with your comments.


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Spam clearly works or else the market would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. Spam will hurt your image, but help your bottom line. Up to you.

I half agree. In my opinion, and that of many others apparently, spam does hurt a business' image. As a business owner I can see the reasons for using this form of advertizing (though I don't and won't use it myself). What I don't understand is the defensive/argumentative response by Gorman to people's complaints. This surely aggravates the initial annoyance, or creates a bad impression when there was none to begin with. Wouldn't it be more respectful, and more helpful to the business' image, to answer complaints with something like:

I understand that some people find email advertizing to be annoying. To those people I apologize, but it most cases this is not a problem and "spam" is simply an affordable and effective method for me to promote my business. If you wish to stop receiving emails, please let me know and you will be removed from my list.

See the post immediately above.

I do agree with your comments.


Again, depending on where in the world you are, that's not true either.

There was a big case in holland last year where two companies were fined 660.000€. The only article I could find in English is here: http://ksforum.inboxrevenge.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4418

This is from OPTA's own website, quote: The fines OPTA imposed in 2011 totaled more than EUR 1 million for violations of telemarketing regulations. Source: http://www.opta.nl/en/news/all-publications/publication/?id=3590

Directly hurting the bottom line!!!

We can only hope that the US firms up their CAN-SPAM act to European standards so this nuisance can be stamped out.

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