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Long-Term Care For Alzheimer'S Patients


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I hope someone can help me with this problem. I have been unsuccessful with my internet searches. My wife and I are trying to find out what long term care facilities for Alzheimer’s patients are available in Thailand. We are assisting a 71 year old Thai lady friend who has early stage Alzheimer’s and will be returning to live permanently in Thailand, probably in the Bangkok area, and will eventually need long term care. Perhaps someone can direct me to a good source of information. – I thank you in advance for any help you can offer.

Sid Leonard

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You don't mention what her financial resources are, which is an important consideration. Also whether she has any family and if so where they live. It is best that she be somewhere that family or concerned friends like yourself c an visit. Even once the person has lost the ability to recognize visitors it is still important that someone come to check on their care, lets the staff know that any neglect will be noticed.

Private places that I know of that seem pretty good are:

Chiang Mai - McKean Hospital http://www.mckeanhosp.org/#!__dok-kaew-gardens

Bangkok - Golden Years http://www.goldenyears.co.th/en/

There are no doubt others but I think first you need to verify what can be afforded.

the other option, which is what is more commonly done in Thailand, would be for her to stay with family and hire in live-in care. but that of course requires that there are family willing to do this.

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