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Red Shirts To Rally Outside Parliament: Bangkok


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And now I am going for a haircut, I will leave you all to argue this and get stressed haha, personally I don't care, I can see both sides and have a nice clear consience.

Both sides are violent, fact

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

and one employed by them before.

Time to get the safe houses ready...... again.

Two judges in Thaksin’s frozen assets case seek 'safe house'

24 ก.พ. 2553

BANGKOK, Feb 24 (TNA) - Two judges have sought a 'safe house' to concentrate on their work in the lead-up to their court ruling on Friday whether or not to confiscate the frozen assets of convicted former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, the Court’s Secretary-General said on Wednesday.


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Disgusting behaviour

however it should have never needed to come to this if everyone did their jobs properley

Well tell that to the PM, she should at least turn up for work when it comes to a critical bill such as this to pass parliament. She hasn't even read it - by her own admission.

Or perhaps you are pointing fingers at the Constitutional Court? They believe they have a legal obligation to investigate this due to the 5 complaints they have received. So they are acting on this, even the house speaker admitted the other day that the court were within their right (altho, hes probably changed his tune since then) - so by your point of view the Court Judges brought this on themselves, however disgusting this tactic maybe, by acting on what they (judges) believe their legal obligation is...

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Fascism at the highest level.

Every poster who tries to downplay this action declares himself as fascist. Where is the f*** off button?

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And while we're on the subject, did yellow shirts ever do anything like this?:

TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members
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RT @tulsathit: Red shirt leaders have publicized phone numbers of Constitution Court judges to encourage hate calls, reports.

Standard Operating Procedure

Will it be difficult for our red disciples to defend this? No

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Even more astounding is that Red Shirt Leader Yoswaris "Jeng Dokjik" Chuklom is a member of the government as the Yingluck Cabinet-appointed Deputy Secretary-General to the Interior Minister.


Yes, how low can you go to involve families into this mess.

Obviously, very low.

Some might even say despicable.

Can't say surprising, though, when a dozen Red Shirts are MP's and another half dozen or so are key advisors/secretary-generals.


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Maybe because the reds are the ones trying to bully/force thru a bill that will white wash the fugitive Ex-PM of all his crimes, allow him to walk back into the coutnry and never serve a day of his sentence and give him all of his ill-gotten gains back to him... all the while throwing the country deeper and deeper into civil war.

Given the above, i'd take the yellows over the reds any day of the week.


they are doing what is legal and will get the bill through the house because they have the most seats in the house, pure and simple, that is democracy, whether you like it or not that is how democracy works.

Let me ask you a question, do you believe in democracy for all or do you think it is ok as long as the people you support have the control?

YES, at last someone who see's that there is a formula that democacy, if a party has the majority then they can pass the bill, if the numbers are there.

Unfortunatly there are many people in this forum who prefure overthowing the fairly elected govenment the PTP, when will they accept the umpiers (the people of thailand) desision and when it's election time all partys can try agian,

Also Gentelmanjim, I, or any others I know were "hereded in front of the village headman and told to sign a paper"

I sugest that there is right and wrong on both sides, I just wish people could have thier political views and voice them without fear of ridicule from others with a diferent view, this goes for both sides. There is a diference between being proactive and reactive

Maybe if you would try telling the truth people would listen to you. 52% of the people did not want Thaksin that makes them the majority Not Thaksin. And that dosen't even account for the ones who wanted neither Thaksin or Abhist. The reality is Thaksin lovers are just a minority who are willing to serve a convicted criminal and many of them to do it with violent means.

Thaksin tried to buy all the people but failed as there were to many of them so he did the next best and cheapest thing and bought the people who were elected to serve the people.

We do have one thing in common neither one of us can spell but I have a spell checkgiggle.gif

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RT @tulsathit: Chalerm: 7 or 8 (constitution court) judges can't overrule the majority of the people.

The voice of dictatorship or/and a drunken man.

Yet again, we are reminded of how little respect for rule of law this wannabe totalitarian regime has.

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

I would like to nominate Jeng Dokjik for the 'Illustrious Mariana Trench Award for services to Politics'. It's about as low as you can get on the planet!

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Fascism at the highest level.

Every poster who tries to downplay this action declares himself as fascist. Where is the f*** off button?

Mods can we have one of those buttons, it would prove far more popular than the like button wink.png

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A bit of news in

RT @RichardBarrow: Next week is World Blood Donor Day & the Thai Red Cross have organised activities on Sunday, 8am-4pm at their HQ

I am sure they can get the Red protestors to queue up this time to donate some blood instead of throwing it on Abhisits front Garden.

If they thought there was a baht in it for them they would.

While I have you on the line GentlemanJim, I was wondering why you take the time to disagree with some of the posters here. They are clearly disturbed people and could be just other names that Calgaryll is using. They are as ill informed as he was.

But I do enjoy how easy it is for you to dispute them.wai.gif

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You are out of your mind. Especially this part:

The levels of violence probably seem much worse with the reds but i guess having armed soldiers on the street randomly shooting at unarmed people as well as medics and photographers.

Thaksin is not coming back any time soon.

Fully in control of my senses thank you very much, balanced and viewing both sides, save your insults for the blinkered ones without the ability to be rational. The people that think the yellows were not violent seem to be the ones out of their minds,

i reiterate 'both sides are as bad as each other' and 'Thaksin will be back whether people like it or not'

just a thought, if the shooting was not random can you explain why photographers were shot, why a medic was shot whilst helping people, and don't say that was the reds shooting them as it is clear that the soldiers were panicking and shooting at random as can be seen when one soldier shot one of his own men when they were approaching on motorcycles to help them and were posing no immediate threat, so yes, the army were responsible for many deaths when they were under no immediate threat, I would call this random shooting at targets that were no threat.

Can you explain who killed the 20 or so officials? You shoot at officials in ANY other country in the world and and you are in deep shit Mr. balanced (red) view.

Have you witnessed both groups protesting? Have you been living here for the past 7 years? The yellows are annoying, the reds ARE violent (and their leaders don't seem to mind at all).

i refer you to my previous post, i have lived here for 8 years, in Bangkok, and witnessed violence from both sides, anyone that says they did not witness violence by the yellows is a liar, pure and simple

agreed but to put them on the same level is a lie pure and simple.

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

Disgusting behaviour

however it should have never needed to come to this if everyone did their jobs properley

Yes indeed, the judges should have taken some time off instead of putting their noses into legal affairs.

edit: clarification

Edited by MikeOboe57
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RT @tulsathit: Chalerm: 7 or 8 (constitution court) judges can't overrule the majority of the people.

Complete and utter anarchy


Nah, they spend their time talking about democracy....they must know what it is.!

But ear infection sometimes provokes malfunction, There should be a maximum level of ear infection authorized, and if you get over the limit, you may have to do some community work.

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Can we please stop using more than one question mark? If your English is not sufficiently good to express your views forcefully, simply state you ideas and move along. Thank you.

Might I suggest you seek out a forum on grammar and espouse your views there.

Or are you saying we should not have an opinion on the red shirts protesting the fact that Thaksin has to wait a little while before the white wash dries?

Then of course there is the other point of view. There are people who seem to have an opinion on Parliament even considering letting Thaksin come back much less giving him all his money back and telling him that all the things he did were OK.

I myself am avidly awaiting your very grammatically proper response to these troublesome dilemmas.

Moving right along.coffee1.gif

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If they thought there was a baht in it for them they would.

While I have you on the line GentlemanJim, I was wondering why you take the time to disagree with some of the posters here. They are clearly disturbed people and could be just other names that Calgaryll is using. They are as ill informed as he was.

But I do enjoy how easy it is for you to dispute them.wai.gif

You know, you are right! I need to do some more work or some more relaxing. Think it's time for a Gin and Tonic smile.png

RT @tulsathit: Chalerm: 7 or 8 (constitution court) judges can't overrule the majority of the people.

Complete and utter anarchy


All the result from electing people with zero experience or understanding of politics into power, and those same people then promoting members of family and thugs into ministerial roles and top positions within the security services.

I think it is time to go shopping tomorrow and stock up on rice and bullets!

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You made following statements:

The levels of violence probably seem much worse with the reds but i guess having armed soldiers on the street randomly shooting at unarmed people as well as medics and photographers.

so yes, the army were responsible for many deaths when they were under no immediate threat, I would call this random shooting at targets that were no threat.

And I ask you again, if the people (I assume you mean the Reds) were unarmed (as claimed in your post) who killed the 20 or so officials?

I think you need to read and understand things a little better, some of the reds that were killed were unarmed, as was the nurse and the photographers, do you dispute this? I for one am amazed that all these armed blackshirts running around none of them were actually shot by the army.

If you take a little care when reading you will understand what is written better and won't jump to these wrong conclusions then go on a little crusade.

let me reiterate again, the reds were violent, as were the yellows, I am not trying to condone the reds, I am trying to get people to have a little balance here, both sides are as bad as each other.

BS you are not trying to get balance you are trying to make the red shirts look less despicable than they were. Of course unarmed red shirts were killed. They were in a war zone supporting the red soldiers. The same thing happened in Viet Nam to the people who were just support. Also the Korean war and every war ever fought.

You remind me of the old saying if you can't impress them with your brilliance baffle them with your B. S.

I suppose you are in your glory now that the phone number's of Phone numbers of the charter court judges and there families has been made public.

Does the word scum mean any thing to you.

Of course what could you expect of people willing to invade hospitals and build barricades around them.

Some balance. If you were trying to walk with that much balance one of your shoulders would be dragging on the ground,

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RT @tulsathit: Red shirt leaders have publicized phone numbers of Constitution Court judges to encourage hate calls, reports.

The man is beneath scum. Contemptible little gobshite.

He has dragged the red shirts and PTP into newer depths. The sewers will gleam in comparison.

They will all bleat when he's arrested of course.

Wonder how Thaksin, Yingluck and Amsterdam will spin this?

The question is are these guys wanting a coup that badly?


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Thai red-shirt supporters hold pictures of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her brother Thaksin, as they rally in front of the parliament to demand the removal of judges whose order to halt a parliamentary debate on changes to the constitution has sparked fears of a fresh round of political turmoil in Bangkok June 7, 2012.


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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Do any of the pro-red (or Anti-Yellow) want to comment on this?

Legal or moral approach to tackling this problem?

To me, this is just another example of intimidation tactics by the Reds...

Disgusting behaviour

however it should have never needed to come to this if everyone did their jobs properley

But no doubt carra, you will quickly resume your claims that the red leaders and their followers are professional and have a structured cause.

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Fascism at the highest level.

Every poster who tries to downplay this action declares himself as fascist. Where is the f*** off button?

Mods can we have one of those buttons, it would prove far more popular than the like button wink.png

We can hope that the telephone numbers given out are premium rate with a kick-back to the owner of the number.

The caller ID will be recorded as normal, may be an idea to record the conversation as well.... just for training purposes, obviously.

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they are doing what is legal and will get the bill through the house because they have the most seats in the house, pure and simple, that is democracy, whether you like it or not that is how democracy works.

Let me ask you a question, do you believe in democracy for all or do you think it is ok as long as the people you support have the control?

I class intimidation in parliament, ignoring the opposition (to the bill) and a house speaker who refuses to consider anyone's point of view except the red government - bullying yes, what do you call it?

Yes, i whole heartedly believe in Democracy for all and not 'as long as the people you support have control' - however this is not democracy, as has been stated many times in the recent threads these past few days, being in government doesn't mean you can do what the <deleted> you want, you still have responsibilities to the entire nation and need to listen to and understand all groups point of view... oh, its also a good start to actually turn up to work and answer direct questions...

This is not democracy, and you are a fool (or brainwashed/bought) if you believe it is

I class intimidation in parliament, ignoring the opposition (to the bill) and a house speaker who refuses to consider anyone's point of view except the red government

and how do you know this is the case? because it's what the democrats say happened??? because it's what you read in the nation?????

i prefer to be a bit more skeptical to the type of thing i lap up so easily.

(and i'll get this in preemptively - if anybody wants to make an accusation of me lapping up red shirt/thaksin stuff and stating it as fact then present it with evidence, cos i'm sick of people making crap up on here without backing it up.)

Temp me not.w00t.gif

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TR @sunaibkk: In front of Parliament, red leader Jeng Dokjik has announced phone numbers of charter court judges & their family members.

Please allow me to transfer a post of mine from another thread. Tiny minds are so predictable.

Posted Yesterday, 11:58

Well it was nice of Nattawut not to publish the judges' names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers and names of family members, at least yet, and this time.

But don't worry, the judges have it firmly in the back of their minds that they could be subject to mob intimidation and violence.

Yay, red democracy!

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