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Things Your Wife/girlfriend/gay Partner Do...


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I was at work today in England, sitting minding my own business, when a girl in the office Becky shes called, did a burp. It was very shocking as it sounded something a guy would do, it came totally out the blue to many, and her I think?

Anyway in the mens toilet I was in there taking a leak when my friend Andy came in, we talked about it almost being the weekend and all, he then said, did you hear Becky? I chuckled a little saying yeah I did.

Well, he was not impressed, he said, I felt like going up to her and laying her out cold! Now is that normal to think like that or what :o I mean damm she only burped, so my question is are there things you hate your partner doing or the oposite sex in general doing things that really gets under your skin, like this did with Andy?

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I was at work today in England, sitting minding my own business, when a girl in the office Becky shes called, did a burp. It was very shocking as it sounded something a guy would do, it came totally out the blue to many, and her I think?

Anyway in the mens toilet I was in there taking a leak when my friend Andy came in, we talked about it almost being the weekend and all, he then said, did you hear Becky? I chuckled a little saying yeah I did.

Well, he was not impressed, he said, I felt like going up to her and laying her out cold! Now is that normal to think like that or what :o I mean damm she only burped, so my question is are there things you hate your partner doing or the oposite sex in general doing things that really gets under your skin, like this did with Andy?

Yes i get really annoyed when my wife talks!! :D

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I watch an English movie on television and because she doesn't fully understand the story, she wants to chat about her garden, or her shopping, or her cooking or any other of a multitude of womanly things.

"Listen woman, that's why they have ad breaks. Keep your chatting 'till then. Now shut the f### up and watch the movie." :o

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I hated when My wife passes gas while we're in bed than pulls the covers over my head. She says "she's testing the strength of our relationship" :D I keep telling her "its trong its strong" (wonder if she knows i'm talking about the smell and not our relationship :o

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I hated when My wife passes gas while we're in bed than pulls the covers over my head. She says "she's testing the strength of our relationship" :D I keep telling her "its trong its strong" (wonder if she knows i'm talking about the smell and not our relationship :o

you should be the one playing "Dutch Ovens " with the wife..not the other way around. If the wife ever tried this on me, I would have to tie her naked to the kitchen..again, and then invite her sister over for fun. :D:D

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There seems to be a lot of misplaced aggression concerning nose-picking here.

After all, it is a victimless crime. :D

What do you mean, a victimless crime, I have to watch it! Disgusting habit, but common here. :D

Yet again.. I find myself at home in Thailand... :o

totster :D

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I watch an English movie on television and because she doesn't fully understand the story, she wants to chat about her garden, or her shopping, or her cooking or any other of a multitude of womanly things.

"Listen woman, that's why they have ad breaks. Keep your chatting 'till then. Now shut the f### up and watch the movie." :o

Talking over movies is a bit annoying. I find back seat driving when she can't drive to be a little irritating!

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There seems to be a lot of misplaced aggression concerning nose-picking here.

After all, it is a victimless crime. :D

What do you mean, a victimless crime, I have to watch it! Disgusting habit, but common here. :D

Yet again.. I find myself at home in Thailand... :o

totster :D

So you enjoy a good pick too then Totser? :D

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I watch an English movie on television and because she doesn't fully understand the story, she wants to chat about her garden, or her shopping, or her cooking or any other of a multitude of womanly things.

"Listen woman, that's why they have ad breaks. Keep your chatting 'till then. Now shut the f### up and watch the movie." :o

Talking over movies is a bit annoying. I find back seat driving when she can't drive to be a little irritating!

But they're women... it's only to be expected.. no point getting irritated.. :D

totster :D

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Trying to get my Thai bf to trim his nose hair, but mostly he just pushes it back up to avoid doing it. I wonder sometimes if he is really Gay. Yes the Thais love nose picking and yes he farts in bed but it's what long-term couples have to live with :D Eating at the dinner table could improve also, but when we go out to dinner he is more polite :o Ok I'll stop here cause it's only a question about partners, if it was about Thais as a whole I will be here all day. :D





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I find the Thai-style pooping position on a farang crapper to look pretty funny, but its OK with me.

ahh... but that's not NEARLY as HILARIOUS as a fat farang trying to poop on a Thai crapper.

:o Does that make you a pooper peeper? The keyhole is all yours!! :D

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My misses is a nose picker....and studier of the findings!

The 'picking' is not so much the problem as the 'wiping.'

Where does she wipe it.....or does she chew it?

If she studies it, she is probably looking for the crispy bits. :o

Don't eskimos eat them? Calling it nose ice

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Talking over movies is a bit annoying. I find back seat driving when she can't drive to be a little irritating!

You're one of those poor souls that just feels too strongly about things aren't you Savage?

There seems to be a lot of misplaced aggression concerning nose-picking here.

After all, it is a victimless crime. :o

What about the nose?

Edited by sleepyjohn
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Talking over movies is a bit annoying. I find back seat driving when she can't drive to be a little irritating!

But they're women... it's only to be expected.. no point getting irritated.. :o

totster :D

Since she passed her driving test (God knows how!) the only time she wants to drive is when she is drunk at 2 in the morning on the way home from the Club. I usually tell her to wait until we are out of town by which time the seat has gone back and she's fast asleep.

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i don´t have a boyfriend or partner however i find very annoying when I am watching a film and my friends are asking my " why he did that" i don´t know i am not the character or "what has happened" OMG have you just not watched? you were here with me...or "what is going to happen" well I don´t know because i am not a future reader....am I? :o

Also I don´t like when my sister tells out loud all her thoughs and wishes and normally she does it when I am studying or reading. She said things like " I am going to the loo" (she keeps lying on the sofa" and "I am going to drink some water" still lying on the sofa and "I don´t know if I am hungry"still on the sofa....arrrrrgghhhhh!!!! :D just get up go to the loo, drink water and chuck something in your mouth and please SHUT UP ( i don´t know why she thinks I want to be informed about all this thinghs)

Edited by Glauka
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I find the Thai-style pooping position on a farang crapper to look pretty funny, but its OK with me.

ahh... but that's not NEARLY as HILARIOUS as a fat farang trying to poop on a Thai crapper.

:o Does that make you a pooper peeper? The keyhole is all yours!! :D

Nope... no need. The assessment was based on viewing these round mounds of humanity come rolling out through the pooper door when apparently they lost their balance. Has happened more than once and is extremely funny as they scramble to pull up their britches in public.

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Talking over movies is a bit annoying. I find back seat driving when she can't drive to be a little irritating!

You're one of those poor souls that just feels too strongly about things aren't you Savage?

There seems to be a lot of misplaced aggression concerning nose-picking here.

After all, it is a victimless crime. :o

What about the nose?

Hmmm, good post sleepyjohn.

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i don´t have a boyfriend or partner however i find very annoying when I am watching a film and my friends are asking my " why he did that" i don´t know i am not the character or "what has happened" OMG have you just not watched? you were here with me...or "what is going to happen" well I don´t know because i am not a future reader....am I? :o

Also I don´t like when my sister tells out loud all her thoughs and wishes and normally she does it when I am studying or reading. She said things like " I am going to the loo" (she keeps lying on the sofa" and "I am going to drink some water" still lying on the sofa and "I don´t know if I am hungry"still on the sofa....arrrrrgghhhhh!!!! :D just get up go to the loo, drink water and chuck something in your mouth and please SHUT UP ( i don´t know why she thinks I want to be informed about all this thinghs)

Why don't you ask her?

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The other half likes to stand in front of the TV when I am watching a movie. Enjoys doing things like standing there talking on the phone, sweeping, mopping--anything that will disrupt it for me.

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