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My Favorite New (To Me) Restaurant


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It's called Prego and it's inside the moat. Here's their detailed website, http://www.pregoCM.com/ ,which has menu, prices, location, map and more. I've been there three times now and tried over seven dishes and they were all GREAT, Italian and Thai. Read TripAdvisor for other's feedback. The service is good even for Western standards. A bit of a surprise since it's located in a backpackers area. I suggest parking on the inside of the moat and walking in a half a block. I was introduced to it by the owner, Wee, who I casually know from the gym. Not cheap but not expensive especially for what you get. Can't think of a bad thing to say which is the highest compliment from me if your familiar with my food reviews. Really a gem!!!!

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Well, I certainly hope the owner (muscular) Khun Wee has developed cleaner habits than he had when running Baiporn Restaurant on Soi 9 Moonmuang, which were absolutely disgusting! The previous place obviously appealed to a certain clientèle, but serving food after helping to cook, with sweat dripping off him (maybe just came from the gym), whilst wearing a sleeveless vest and very short shorts is not my idea of a good place to eat, though I can certainly see why some would rave about it - a lot of men loved the flirting from Khun Wee, that came with the food. Apart from that the Thai food was disappointing and the pseudo Italian dishes were an absolute joke and well overpriced. However, this is a new venture but I doubt if things could have changed that much. If the Leopard hasn't changed its spots, this is definitely one to miss IMO.

kaptainrob mentioned 'one of three tables'....perhaps it is Baiporn under a different name, as that only had a few tables......very intimate indeed. If it is still basically Baiporn under a different name you will know, because the toilet is in the kitchen!

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Just looked at TA.

Yep, it's the same place, different name.

Interesting comments from around the world on TA. The time I was in there and the many times I've walked by I've only seen elderly farang men in there, with what looks like the odd backpacker couple, who have stumbled on the place. Still, we all know how TA is manipulated in Chiang Mai, so it's meaningless. My advice, go have a meal and decide for yourself, but do take some air freshener with you in case you need the toilet.

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It sounds like one to avoid then, despite its rather high TA rating.

anyway early days on the feedback 1FOR and 2 AGAINST

TA ratings in Chiang Mai mean very little. Maybe you don't recall Charlie s F&C being number one for........ever. Comments were made from all over the world where F&C might be eaten and some places where it's not. I rarely speak out against a restaurant, but I'm astounded by the OP's comments (whilst acknowledging his enjoyment) and kaptainrob's are more.....shall we say....objective, IMO. I'm sure there will be many old (and some younger) guys speaking up for it, as it certainly will have what they consider a nice intimate feel with their meal.

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It sounds like one to avoid then, despite its rather high TA rating.

anyway early days on the feedback 1FOR and 2 AGAINST

TA ratings in Chiang Mai mean very little. Maybe you don't recall Charlie s F&C being number one for........ever. Comments were made from all over the world where F&C might be eaten and some places where it's not. I rarely speak out against a restaurant, but I'm astounded by the OP's comments (whilst acknowledging his enjoyment) and kaptainrob's are more.....shall we say....objective, IMO. I'm sure there will be many old guys speaking up for it, as it certainly will have what they consider a nice intimate feel with their meal.

I was a lot kinder in my TA report on Prego .... I call a spade a spade! whistling.gif

.... gotta run .... Airport Plaza northern village and food festival for a yummy lunch!

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For people to give an opinion on a place they have not tried is worthless, so as Uptheos said one should go try and decide for themselves, and if it was before something else you should follow your own advice and hopefully you'll be happily surprised. Everytime I been there the staff have been clean and well dressed. The bathroom and the kitchen are not only in different structures but even across the small soi from each other. As for the gay bashing, that's just uncalled for. I brought my boy with me twice and he loved it too and am planning on taking the whole family. Kaptinrob and I seem to disagree on many things, which is fine as one of the points of TV is to give opinions and discuss, but it makes me wonder if he just likes to disagree not matter what. As for Uptheos regarding his review as being more "objective" I must ask why. Because owner I've chatted with a few times. As from coming from a educated and experienced backround, graduating from the best culinary school in the world, being owner/chef of restaurants for 25 yrs, cooking personally for Presidents and Head of States, TV appearences etc. ect., I think my words are backed up with plenty of action. I'm only mentioning this to defend my review and hope that people such as eyecatcher, as fair as he is by saying it's still early, are not put off from having a wonderful dining experience in this town where it's sometimes hard to find really good Western and Thai food in the same place.

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For people to give an opinion on a place they have not tried is worthless, so as Uptheos said one should go try and decide for themselves, and if it was before something else you should follow your own advice and hopefully you'll be happily surprised. Everytime I been there the staff have been clean and well dressed. The bathroom and the kitchen are not only in different structures but even across the small soi from each other. As for the gay bashing, that's just uncalled for. I brought my boy with me twice and he loved it too and am planning on taking the whole family. Kaptinrob and I seem to disagree on many things, which is fine as one of the points of TV is to give opinions and discuss, but it makes me wonder if he just likes to disagree not matter what. As for Uptheos regarding his review as being more "objective" I must ask why. Because owner I've chatted with a few times. As from coming from a educated and experienced backround, graduating from the best culinary school in the world, being owner/chef of restaurants for 25 yrs, cooking personally for Presidents and Head of States, TV appearences etc. ect., I think my words are backed up with plenty of action. I'm only mentioning this to defend my review and hope that people such as eyecatcher, as fair as he is by saying it's still early, are not put off from having a wonderful dining experience in this town where it's sometimes hard to find really good Western and Thai food in the same place.

Well, I must say that moving the toilets across the soi is a good move, it was very unpleasant and unhygienic where it was and the smell fusion quite something. No gay bashing, just telling what I saw whilst in there and I didn't enjoy it......BUT that doesn't mean others didn't, in fact some others seemed to like it. In all probability my post might increase its custom, so I hope Prego is grateful. Take the whole family if you want, I couldn't care less and I hope you manage to fit them all in. Wow, cooked for President's and Heads of State wink.png ...you might have or you might not, again I couldn't care less. If you have then your post surprises me far more than it did at first! Look at the pictures on Prego's website, is that the sort of food you cooked?

You focus on me but how about this comment from kaptainrob?

"Our friends gave Prego a 2nd try and reported rats scurrying around under tables, staff oblivious to their presence, they'll not be returning!".......

You enjoy fine dining eh? Hope the family don't get spooked by the rats.

Anyway, you are entitled to your review and as you rightly say in parenthesis (TO ME)....It's your idea of a great place and you've cooked for Heads of State so you should know. I too am entitled to say what I think about this place and the only thing I retract right now is the toilet in the kitchen and it's a restaurant that will never get my recommendation, even though I've never cooked for Presidents.

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It sounds like one to avoid then, despite its rather high TA rating.

anyway early days on the feedback 1FOR and 2 AGAINST

TA ratings in Chiang Mai mean very little. Maybe you don't recall Charlie s F&C being number one for........ever. Comments were made from all over the world where F&C might be eaten and some places where it's not. I rarely speak out against a restaurant, but I'm astounded by the OP's comments (whilst acknowledging his enjoyment) and kaptainrob's are more.....shall we say....objective, IMO. I'm sure there will be many old (and some younger) guys speaking up for it, as it certainly will have what they consider a nice intimate feel with their meal.

Was just wondering what the score with the Trip Advisor being manipulated? interesting..

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It sounds like one to avoid then, despite its rather high TA rating.

anyway early days on the feedback 1FOR and 2 AGAINST

TA ratings in Chiang Mai mean very little. Maybe you don't recall Charlie s F&C being number one for........ever. Comments were made from all over the world where F&C might be eaten and some places where it's not. I rarely speak out against a restaurant, but I'm astounded by the OP's comments (whilst acknowledging his enjoyment) and kaptainrob's are more.....shall we say....objective, IMO. I'm sure there will be many old (and some younger) guys speaking up for it, as it certainly will have what they consider a nice intimate feel with their meal.

Was just wondering what the score with the Trip Advisor being manipulated? interesting..

Cancel my last, didn't engage my cells before posting. I already realize.

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Well, I certainly hope the owner (muscular) Khun Wee has developed cleaner habits than he had when running Baiporn Restaurant on Soi 9 Moonmuang, which were absolutely disgusting! The previous place obviously appealed to a certain clientèle, but serving food after helping to cook, with sweat dripping off him (maybe just came from the gym), whilst wearing a sleeveless vest and very short shorts is not my idea of a good place to eat, though I can certainly see why some would rave about it - a lot of men loved the flirting from Khun Wee, that came with the food. Apart from that the Thai food was disappointing and the pseudo Italian dishes were an absolute joke and well overpriced. However, this is a new venture but I doubt if things could have changed that much. If the Leopard hasn't changed its spots, this is definitely one to miss IMO.

kaptainrob mentioned 'one of three tables'....perhaps it is Baiporn under a different name, as that only had a few tables......very intimate indeed. If it is still basically Baiporn under a different name you will know, because the toilet is in the kitchen!

So did you like it or not Ups 7.gif4.gif

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I also visited Prego recently, along with my TW and another couple after reading good reports on TA. One of just 3 tables we had a range of Thai and Italian dishes - mussels, pizza, mussaman chicken, salad, lasagne etc. All dishes, especially the pizza were very disappointing! Mussaman was way too sweet, lasagne about as good as a frozen dinner, salad pitiful and the mussels.... well, I guess we're a long way from the sea.

Khun Wee's partner had to be reminded THREE times to bring the garlic bread.

Our friends gave Prego a 2nd try and reported rats scurrying around under tables, staff oblivious to their presence, they'll not be returning!

How do you know that the rats won't return 39.gif

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It sounds like one to avoid then, despite its rather high TA rating.

anyway early days on the feedback 1FOR and 2 AGAINST

TA ratings in Chiang Mai mean very little. Maybe you don't recall Charlie s F&C being number one for........ever. Comments were made from all over the world where F&C might be eaten and some places where it's not. I rarely speak out against a restaurant, but I'm astounded by the OP's comments (whilst acknowledging his enjoyment) and kaptainrob's are more.....shall we say....objective, IMO. I'm sure there will be many old (and some younger) guys speaking up for it, as it certainly will have what they consider a nice intimate feel with their meal.

"A feel with every meal" what a great slogan Uptheos (for some); the wildlife is something but touchy feely staff is not for me.

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The "yummy food @ Airport plaza" quip was intended to be tongue-in-cheek.

However, I stand by what I said, others have already concurred - it was not a one off menu item nor a busy night which gave me cause to be so critical.

In all of my TA reviews I have only ever (IIRC) given -ve reviews to 3 establishments, 1 a hotel in Nong Khai and 2 to restaurants here in CM. We were extremely disappointed with Prego given other glowing reviews about the superb 'Italian' plus Thai 'specials', such as the mussaman curry.

As far as MY credentials go, I worked in the hospitality industry and later owned a restaurant. I have worked at Buckingham Palace (on contract) as catering manager and in 1988 cooked for Prince Charles & Diana at function in Sydney.

I appreciate hygiene, fresh ingredients and tasty food of all cuisines at any price level (including food-courts). Eg: best sausages in CM are 10 bt a stick from the food-cart on Nimmehaemin Soi 7.

Food critique is always difficult as we each have different tastes. My wife is a superb cook and when we take a night off from either her Thai cuisine or my farang-fare it's to try something new or difficult to produce easily in a Condo. The Dukes is one favourite as is Kao Soy, da Stefano's and we look forward to trying Tamarind next.

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I keep hearing rave reviews of Prego and see their adverts in Gay magazines.

Rats, touchy feely staff, and a good groping sound fine to me :) Is it just a bar restaurant or are there other things on the menu.rolleyes.gif ?

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I keep hearing rave reviews of Prego and see their adverts in Gay magazines.

Rats, touchy feely staff, and a good groping sound fine to me smile.png Is it just a bar restaurant or are there other things on the menu.rolleyes.gif ?

Paagai - thank you for your humorous post.

Here's their old advertisement.......a rose by any other name.

Baiporn Vegetarian Restaurant

15/3 Sripoom Soi 1

Phone: (0) 81882 - 7466

Located close to The Lanna Paradise and very gay friendly, menu features an extensive range of delicious Thai and Chinese dishes and fresh juices at very low prices. Open from 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM every day.

Obviously, from what the OP says, they have cleaned up their act (apart from the rats) somewhat and hopefully Khun Wee et al do not go around serving in shorts where the crown jewels are practically in your food. If the OP can't find somewhere better than this in Chiang Mai to take his family then I feel for him (and the family). If it's a gay friendly restaurant he's looking for, there a many tasteful places in Chiang Mai that serve excellent food and both the premises and the staff are spotlessly clean.

Of course it will be high on the TA rankings, birds of a feather and all that jazz.

If you want to be rubbing shoulders (or more) with the guy next to you when you eat, then Prego's the place to go. As I said, my comments will probably drum up more business than not, though I could say a heck of a lot more about this place and its farang backer that might really put people off, but that probably wouldn't be within the bounds of what's allowed on TV.

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I ate at DASH restaurant on Moon Muang Soi 2 last week and have to say the food was excellent and their high rating on TA is well deserved VERY VERY FRESH and clean as a whistle.



Dash is another on my to do list. thumbsup.gif

First, Tamarind for their tamarind glazed spare ribs ... http://www.tamarindvillage.com/dining.php

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Located close to The Lanna Paradise and very gay friendly,

How old was that advert? IIRC Lanna Paradise was located where GT Riders is now and closed years ago, right? Apparently, the former owner recently died in Cambodia where he was doing a "leader of the gang" impression (Cryptic clue).whistling.gif

As I said, my comments will probably drum up more business than not, though I could say a heck of a lot more about this place and its farang backer that might really put people off, but that probably wouldn't be within the bounds of what's allowed on TV.

Indeed, can't wait to check out the whole package biggrin.png

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Located close to The Lanna Paradise and very gay friendly,

How old was that advert? IIRC Lanna Paradise was located where GT Riders is now and closed years ago, right? Apparently, the former owner recently died in Cambodia where he was doing a "leader of the gang" impression (Cryptic clue).whistling.gif

As I said, my comments will probably drum up more business than not, though I could say a heck of a lot more about this place and its farang backer that might really put people off, but that probably wouldn't be within the bounds of what's allowed on TV.

Indeed, can't wait to check out the whole package biggrin.png

Not sure how old, but I know Baiporn was there in 2005 and next door was a grotty Indian veg curry place I think.

I'm sure they can do a full package deal for you. wink.png

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So let me get this clear, the restaurant food is lousy, the service sucks (oops) and you are guaranteed to be felt up by the male staff, well, sounds to me like a sure winner for Chiang Mai. How did Sparticus rate it?

A Leader of the Gang impression in Cambodia eh, hmmm, so he liked wearing platform boots and a sparkly jumpsuit with a very large collar? God knows we would all like to dress like that, esprcially on our Harleys, but the heat sort of wears you down and rusts the sequins, does for me anyway. Micro lycra shorts with exposed nipple rings are the tropical way to go, a few exhaust burns sure, but a great post 50 look. Planning a ride soon, any comers?

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So let me get this clear, the restaurant food is lousy, the service sucks (oops) and you are guaranteed to be felt up by the male staff, well, sounds to me like a sure winner for Chiang Mai.

It could be a nice family place, with great food......somewhere ideal to take the kids.

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Located close to The Lanna Paradise and very gay friendly,

How old was that advert? IIRC Lanna Paradise was located where GT Riders is now and closed years ago, right? Apparently, the former owner recently died in Cambodia where he was doing a "leader of the gang" impression (Cryptic clue).whistling.gif

As I said, my comments will probably drum up more business than not, though I could say a heck of a lot more about this place and its farang backer that might really put people off, but that probably wouldn't be within the bounds of what's allowed on TV.

Indeed, can't wait to check out the whole package biggrin.png

Go in dressed as your avatar - you won't feel out of place.biggrin.png

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"Dash is another on my to do list. thumbsup.gif"

Reccomend you do Rob, When you do, tell Dash Stuart say's he's a prat!

With regards to rats in previous post, does this indicate that the meat is at least fresh?

Can't say for sure, I had the mousaman curry cheesy.gifw00t.gifermm.gifsick.gif

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"Dash is another on my to do list. thumbsup.gif"

Reccomend you do Rob, When you do, tell Dash Stuart say's he's a prat!

With regards to rats in previous post, does this indicate that the meat is at least fresh?

Can't say for sure, I had the mousaman curry cheesy.gifw00t.gifermm.gifsick.gif

I guess not enough caged rats for Ratatoulle?


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