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Soi Dogs !


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I've had, and still have the 'soi dog' problem. The easiest way to get rid of them, for our non-bhuddist readers, is to buy a container of 'Linnet' from your local agricultural/horticultural shop or garden centre. Linnet is a fine, blue powder. Buy a pound or kilo of 'si grorp' sausages from the local market, slice the sausages open and add a tea spoonful of Linnet. Sew up the sausage with thread (once they start eating it, they have to finish..fiendish!) and feed to the noisey, dirty, flea ridden, pox spreading, sleep depriving, pup producing mothers!! Sorry got a little carried away there. I know that this works, and very quickly, as I've had the pleasure of seeing it in action. Then dump the rotting bodies into the gardens of your friendly neighbours who refused to stop feeding them and did nothing to help get rid of the problem. This last bit of advice, has the stunning effect of encouraging your neighbours never to tolerate soi dogs again.

Job done!

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PETEY; Just what is lennet used for in the usual sense? I have never heard of it,,but it sounds cheaper than having the bitches spayed and then turned loose again, It has cost me close to 3000 baht for everyone that I have doped,caught and taken to the vet,then returned to the street to howl and bark all nite.

Some might consider the double shot followed by another shot before bedtime,but as you can see by the post,,that causes to much brain damage to be considered to be a useful tool.

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Linnet is an agricultural pesticide and when you see the container (about the size of a jam jar) and all the warnings on it, you know it's the right stuff. Find where your soi dogs normally do their morning constitutional (shit to you and I) and put the sausages there. That way, the local kids won't pick them up and eat them. Good hunting. My highest score in one night has been 11. Silence at last. As for coming back as a soi dog, well as government officials usually treat me like a soi dog anyway, it doesn't make much difference does it?!

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I know that this works, and very quickly, as I've had the pleasure of seeing it in action.

This quote sums it up nicely. Other pleasures you might like to take up (or get a video in and watch with a pizza) - bull fighting, fox hunting or commercial dog fighting.

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OK, again, I say we round 'em all up but, this time, we get them all running in dog sized mousewheels that will produce clean electricity for their respective neighborhoods. Better for your karma and ecological. You would also need to hire and pay a crew for feeding, cleaning up after the dogs and greasing the wheels. Dogmills are the future. :o

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OK, again, I say we round 'em all up but, this time, we get them all running in dog sized mousewheels that will produce clean electricity for their respective neighbourhoods. Better for your karma and ecological. You would also need to hire and pay a crew for feeding, cleaning up after the dogs and greasing the wheels. Dogmills are the future. :o

Are you on something ?

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i have been reading this forum for a few months now and feel i have to reply to this thread.

Last week my fighting cockeral Hercules escaped onto the soi, as i tried to retrieve him i was attacked by a soi dog, it ended up with me in the hospital and Hercules at the vets.

Previously i had complained about this dog and the owners told me that they loved it and would try to stop it barking at night.

I now have to have a months worth of rabies injections and Hercules has lost fifty percent of his left leg as the vet had to amputate.

On going back to the owners of the dog i now find out that they deny all existence of the dog which is now asleep outside the front of their shack.

I offered to take their dog to the temple but they refused to help me get this vicious beast into the back of the pick up.

Hercules seems ok now but will never fight again, hopefully i shall be able to stud him out to get some of my fifty thousand baht investment back.

If the dog was to be poisoned and it was claimed that i had poisoned him, what would my legal stance be, would i be arrested and charged?

would i then be able to counter charge the thai owner for the loss of my Hercules fighting abilities, and also for the pain suffering and mental anguish that i suffered, plus my medical expenses.

Thanks in advance for any advice

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I remember reading a year or two ago in the paper that the BMA was asking for help from the citizens in their avowed task of spaying and neutering the street dogs. Apparently it was too hard for the city officials to collect the dogs (tho they did get a few for APEC later), so they were offering, as I recall, 20 baht per dog that was brought to their sterilization, wherever that was. I suggested to my motorcycle-owning friend that we work as a team. He could drive while rode pillion with a baseball bat and a large sack. Easy money! He didn't take me up on it.

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Amonia is good as it burns there noses and they don't like it. I don't advocate squirting it in to their faces though, appart from the fact that it could blind them, it might make them more than a little mad - better with an atomiser which sprays a cloaud of the stuff that will irritate their noses and eyes without long term suffering. It may be a little impractical to carry this arround though (especially in a water pistol!) and liberally pouring it on the street outside only works for the 5 minutes until its evapourated. :D

Much better is chilli powder. A small plastic bag is easily carried in the pocket. Evacuate the air and tie it. If a dog attacks lift the bag, rip in two and shake. The dog(s) get a fit of sneezing and sore eyes for a few hours (again don't throw it in its face, more effective and less damaging in a cloaud of dust). Hold your breath though and shake side to side, not up and down - and from waist hieght. It will irritate your eyes, nose and throat too. :o

The dogs will soon learn to avoid you. Can also be used against human attackers too. And a police check will turn up a bag of chilli powder - that's groceries, not a weopon! :D

Just thought. Read today that the government are putting down whisky soaked rice to 'stun' pidgeons for the big round up. So look forward to packs of drunk Soi Dog coming soon! - only slightly less dangerous than Friday night at any Kareoke in proximity to a police station. :D

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In Bangkok these e-mail addresses will willingly help you : <[email protected]> or <[email protected]> (or so I am led to believe).

Otherwise why not import some Vietnamese - when I was working in Saigon (sorry - HCMC) there were cyclos full of mangy dogs being led off to contribute a link in the food chain.

Why don't just catch and sell the dogs to your favourite Vietnamese Restaurant? I have seen their menues including dogs (in several dishes). Paeng maak!

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In Bangkok these e-mail addresses will willingly help you : <[email protected]>  or  <[email protected]> (or so I am led to believe).

Otherwise why not import some Vietnamese - when I was working in Saigon (sorry - HCMC) there were cyclos full of mangy dogs being led off to contribute a link in the food chain.

Why don't just catch and sell the dogs to your favourite Vietnamese Restaurant? I have seen their menues including dogs (in several dishes). Paeng maak!

There's very few stray doggies in Saigon . :o

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Re: defending yourself against soi dogs.

Many such dogs exist in my village here in Bangkok and in Yasothon. Try using one of those new, super, hi-tech, electrically-powered, badminton racquet things designed to kill mosquitoes. They cost about 180 baht.

Trust me, they work. Basically, they're all volts and no amps. They won't kill but they WILL solve your problems.

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Hey simple answer to a simple problem. Call a doggie convention with food!!!! and once they are in your secret cage inside with all the food as they chow down close the doors lock them up and transport them to NEVERLAND RANCH!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Dispose them out in the wild in some field far away from where your at, make it like 100 kilometers or more.

What is your expense, well the cage, and food and gas for transport and perhaps your happy hour as you sing down the highway to heaven :D:o

Good luck :D

Daveyoti :D

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thanks for the recipe. The stupid old biddy next door keeps/feeds 14 of these mangey fokkers and last Aug my encounter with one at 2 am (sober) in our private soi, resulted in a broken tib, fib and ankle, costs so far: 150,000B plus 3000B a week for changes of dressings (daily) for 5 months now!

I can hear the Alpha dog attacking a junior dog day and nite, the screams are horrendous and frightens the &lt;deleted&gt; out of my nightly visitors (Phi phi) they scream! :D

Thanks to all the posters who brought tears to my eyes with some of the contribs, I haven't laughed so much since my Thai ex-gf said 'she never lie to me'. :D

"Aussie rural supplies" sounds like a good lead for me. :o

5+ months on a Zimmer & crutches is enough for me. :D


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