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Land Filling Part Of A Canal ,,,Help!


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I hope someone out there can help me. I have a property of approx 2,700 Square Mtrs surrounded on 3 sides by a water canal. Have been here 5 years and unfortunately last September when the flooding happened here in Chiang Mai my land got flooded very badly on 1 side.... and of course on the side where the Swimming pool and 2 small gueat houses and the kitchen are.... Thank god I built high enough although not on stilts, but nevertheless the water never got into the dwellings...

However it washed away a serious portion of land on that side ( like almost 2 meters ) and I am in deep S**T right now as there is only about 1 1/2 meters of land left between the swiming pool, guest houses and the canal.... I urgently need to get this filled and some kind of retaining structure put in to safeguard the swimming pool and guest houses. There may be floods again this year as we all know depending on various factors and it is very scary because if that happens then I am doomed for sure...

I have asked a few building contractors for solutions and after they came to see the problem, they all go the Thai way with building a cement wall which I know is not the only solution but that is all they know. However even at that, they all scratch their heads and say it should have benn done before I built... Hindesight is great and well yea, I didn't know and neither my bright architect or constructor brought this to my attention and not being a professional in construction obviously it is not something I thought could be a problem... So being that they can only think of a cement type of structure / slope and then filling well of course it becomes an almost impossible task as they can't get the required machinery in...... I know if I went the cement way it could also be done in a manual way although would be quite painful ....

Has anybody had a similar experience and found a decent solution ....?? Are there in Chiang Mai any professionals for this kind of canal issues who could offer / do something to save the situation ...

A friend of mine said extending out into a slope with a heavy plastic bottom layer filled first with earth and then with rounded pebbles / again earth / and then large head size stones/ and earth again and wrapped up within the plastic and then retained by heavy chicken wire and then another layer of super heavy rocks would do the trick..... Maybe...? BUT.... try explaining this to a Thai contractor and get it done right ...??

So if anybody has any suggestions whatsoever ot knows of a professional here that could find a solution for this problem I would be very thankful as I am having numerous sleepless nights over this ...

Thanks in advance for any suggestions / help !!!

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Firstly you might want to check where exactly your land boundary is. It is mostly the case that you don't own land up to the river bank/canal; that could have of course changed if you lost some land.

You would also need to find out if you have the right to do construction on the canal, since most are the property of dept of irrigation or local council.

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If you use the Gabian boxes (metal basket filled with rocks) you will need someone who know how.

Just go to Piboon Concrete they can help you for sure and quickly. Make sure you can make them understand what you want as most of them are not very customer oriented.

To make sure just show them these exactly words"Precast Fence and Retaining Wall" They have it and bring your Thai interpreter. I was there yesterday and I have a brochure about this. Good luck

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Edited by ARISTIDE
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OMG!!! Thank you so much to all of you.... So There is some hope !! I will get pictures done this morning and post them ..... What I will be filling in / adding is within my boundery... it is the portion that was washed away so no issues there thank god.... I have been worrying so much for the past months but you all have given me extra courage and hope !!! emot-kiss.gifemot-kiss.gif

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I vaguelly recall seeing 3-4 different sizes of gabions for-sale, somewhere on the East-side of the C.M.-Mae-Jo road, I think it was between Mee-Chok Plaza and the 3rd ring-road, but may be wrong about that.

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Just a note that to do a gabian wall we also need finding a machine to dig a trench for the Gabians, install geotextile filter fabric ,purchase the rock, arrange the rock, and so on. I'm building a Gabian wall my self near Ping river I think it will be too much for a canal wall where river flow slowly.

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If you use the Gabian boxes (metal basket filled with rocks) you will need someone who know how.

Just go to Piboon Concrete they can help you for sure and quickly. Make sure you can make them understand what you want as most of them are not very customer oriented.

To make sure just show them these exactly words"Precast Fence and Retaining Wall" They have it and bring your Thai interpreter. I was there yesterday and I have a brochure about this. Good luck

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Many good ideas, but on a small domestic basis, I agree that the precast retainer is probably the quickest, easiest, cheapest and most aesthetically pleasing.

It doesnt sound like it needs to be waterproof, just to act as a buttress.

I have been involved with many gabion walls and they are not as easy as they sound. They need to be designed as a retaining wall being wider at the bottom and quite rightly they need a heavy concrete footing, usually sloping backwards. The baskets themselves are fairly easy to wire together but the difficulty is filling them. When you get to 2m high you need a machine, and as they get higher, the machine needs to get higher (but thats on a high wall)

The volume of stone will be expensive, the baskets are not cheap also.

You can see many new developemnt starting with the precast post and panels and then filling them up. They dont look very robust admittedly but its a way stregthening the ground before the house goes on.

My second option would be an insitu reinforced concrete wall, and if access is easy for concrete wagon then its realtively quick.

Lets see the photos, this is interesting speculative stuff at the moment.

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Ok here are some photos of the swimming pool area to the canal , the 1st Guest House and the 2nd guest house.... Getting machinery in is a very big problem and would only be able to do so from the next door plot which is vacant and accesses the canal also right after my swimming pool ..... I'll put those photos on the next post post-56739-0-90241400-1339912877_thumb.jpost-56739-0-42276200-1339912888_thumb.jpost-56739-0-29986400-1339912898_thumb.jpost-56739-0-53951500-1339912908_thumb.jpost-56739-0-37398100-1339912918_thumb.jpost-56739-0-68637200-1339912927_thumb.jpost-56739-0-92798100-1339912939_thumb.jpost-56739-0-50433700-1339912950_thumb.jpost-56739-0-33844800-1339912962_thumb.jpost-56739-0-59136100-1339912973_thumb.j

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This is not going to be cheap to fix and you need it done ASAP.

If that tree falls It will tear out the bank right under your balcony.

Here is the solution used at the end of my road. The wall is approx 2.5M tall, and 2.5M from the build. Too close IMHO.


The only way to get machines in would be through the vacant land next to my compound wall ...Here are the pics


I know and that is why I am in such a panic.....

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Whats on the other side of the klong, you only need the pipe from the concrete mixer and they can run quite a distance.

The digging and prep would normally be done by hand. The wall in my picture was done without machinery, just the mixer lorry for the pour, and 6 guys for the work..

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It might be a help to try and find whoever subcontracts this kind of work from the local Or Bor Tor. They would have experience the right machinery and also some thwack to gain access through other land.

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Actually I would think Mr TommoPhysicist is quite right! My situation near the Ping river is quite different from yours as I'm building a Gabian wall on a steep river bank(and your houses are much nicer!)

Edited by ARISTIDE
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Sheet piling is your best answer expensive but very effective,you can establish your old boundry, and refill, back to your old levels. both links below are for uk companies but this system is used world wide.


I had already asked about this to quite a few people but nobody knew of any Companies in Chiang Mai who can do this ++ getting a machine in is again the problem :-((

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Whats on the other side of the klong, you only need the pipe from the concrete mixer and they can run quite a distance.

The digging and prep would normally be done by hand. The wall in my picture was done without machinery, just the mixer lorry for the pour, and 6 guys for the work..

There is a large plot of land on the other side of the klong( 6 rais ) but there is a compound wall... I need to check if enough room from the land's compound wall to the edge of the klong for machinery and also if can get machines in through there.... also as CMSALLY suggested maybe speak to the Or Bor Tor....

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Whats on the other side of the klong, you only need the pipe from the concrete mixer and they can run quite a distance.

The digging and prep would normally be done by hand. The wall in my picture was done without machinery, just the mixer lorry for the pour, and 6 guys for the work..

There is a large plot of land on the other side of the klong( 6 rais ) but there is a compound wall... I need to check if enough room from the land's compound wall to the edge of the klong for machinery and also if can get machines in through there.... also as CMSALLY suggested maybe speak to the Or Bor Tor....

And you are right ...that tree is a big threat.... asked 2 people in the area if they could take it down or trim it down at least.... answer = Nope can't do! too dangerous .... Grrrr... Maybe the Or Ba Tor will know ...

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It might be a help to try and find whoever subcontracts this kind of work from the local Or Bor Tor. They would have experience the right machinery and also some thwack to gain access through other land.

Where are your chanote markers ? Is the klong inside or outside of those? I have heard that in most cases land bordering a klong is government ( usually 2 metres from the river bank ) owned and a public right of way. You could get into all sorts of problems if you start messing about with land that doesn't belong to you and you may of built too close to the river / klong in the first place. Of course I don't know your circumstances and I am sure that's not the case but check it out just to be safe. We lost about 2 metres depth and 5 metres length a few years ago, we re-filled it with mud in the dry season when the water was at its lowest and planted it with many water loving palms, trees and shrubs, its been fine ever since. Difficult to see from the photo's but that might be all you need to do. Either way I hope you get the problem sorted out, chok dee !

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Thank you so much all of you...!! I am so grateful ! I am going to check out Piboon Concrete for a Precast Fence and Retaining Wall and also what TommoPhysicist suggests as well as speak to the Orbator.... Wish me luck and I will let you know the results when I'm over & done with this little nightmare ... Hopefully no flooding till I can get this done... :-((

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More often than not the most obvious solution may be staring you in the face.

The problem is the water coming onto your land.

so can you divert it? is there some adjacent land that can act as overspill.

Maybe drop a few 6m length of blue pipe at current water level- so when the rains come the water can be diverted elsewhere.

Its not a permanent solution obviously but it may give you options in the future without having to burden the expense ofa concrete retaining structure.

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You can also ask for small backhoe to push down sheet pile, you can ask Nimseeseng (machinary depart.), Chiang Mai-Lampang road, near the way to go to Arcade bus station.

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