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Maccare In Kad Suan Kaew - Are They Trustworthy?


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My Macbook Pro developed a faulty trackpad - I bought it from MacZone in Airport Plaza in April 2011. They directed me to MacCare in Kad Suan Kaew. They did a quick test and then said they would take it in for a few days for diagnostics and call me if new parts were needed. I signed a work order that was also a disclaimer for any data loss, breach etc. hey also want my password, and like a complete fugging numbskull I gave it to them.

After getting home I changed all my mail passwords etc. from the desktop machine. There's no internet banking passwords on the laptop, (nor any porn) but there is a great deal of personal info - plenty to mount an identity theft if they wanted to.

I'm now really very concerned because really they can do all they need to do with a network or CD boot and don't need my stuff at all.

What should I do now?

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Next time create another user and give them that password. Lock your secure data down with File Vault or back it up and erase it. Try Espionage. There are a lot of options. Anyway, too late now, you are probably going to be okay. Of all the things I have heard about their sometimes iffy service, data theft was not mentioned.

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Complete imbeciles as opposed to the Geniuses they're supposed to be. I'm normally restrained in posting complaints, but these guys are just way beyond it for a company that is supposed to be the front of the Great Apple. My worse case was a HD replacement ... I went to pick it up, checked the specs and they put the new HD in another machine and tried to return that machine to me. When I told AppleCare about it they were flabbergasted.

... This was the end of a long line of grievances.

They would be too incompetent to do anything deliberate to your system, but accidents, your assured of something going wrong.

There's a farang who lingers in the back room, dont know if hes a manager or what...

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I also wonder about this service. I wonder about it not because they have done anything wrong, but because to get complete information from them one time I had to ask some careful questions. I think the basic problem was communicating using two languages, not an effort to cheat me. Too often, I think, people expect too much from others who do not speak the same language.

I suggest to OP that, generally, it seems that some general information and research, understanding of a situation, preparation, and patience will solve almost all problems.

Perhaps farang bring too many unreaonable expectations to Thailand in their baggage. And perhaps they also pack an unreasonable fear of being taken advantage of.

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I also wonder about this service. I wonder about it not because they have done anything wrong, but because to get complete information from them one time I had to ask some careful questions. I think the basic problem was communicating using two languages, not an effort to cheat me. Too often, I think, people expect too much from others who do not speak the same language.

I suggest to OP that, generally, it seems that some general information and research, understanding of a situation, preparation, and patience will solve almost all problems.

Perhaps farang bring too many unreaonable expectations to Thailand in their baggage. And perhaps they also pack an unreasonable fear of being taken advantage of.

It is more than language and communication, although that is often a problem. I had a problem and they took two weeks and replaced the "logic board", large and expensive replacement. No change in the problem, it still persisted with the new logic board. It was fixed as a result of my calling Singapore Apple Service and following their 10 minute phone walk through reinstalling the OSX software without my loosing any data.

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Brought in MacBook for new HD install and went to p/u and airport did not work, they told me internet down in mall. Got home did not work properly and never has since. Brought back 2x and they did not fix it. One time met a Thai man who spoke excellent English who said he was manager, he was very helpful until I expected anything he said to be actually done. Have absolutely no faith in them nor genius bar at Apple Shop in Airport Plaza where I brought it to help me w/other problems from the same service and the guy erased all my music which was over 30,000 songs.

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I have had great experiences with a Mac guy on Huay Keao also. Last week I had him replace the optical drive in my Macbook pro with a SSD drive, replace a fan and install Lion on the new drive and reformat old internal drive. THB 9000. And it works great as usual, no need to return over and over again.

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Brought in MacBook for new HD install and went to p/u and airport did not work, they told me internet down in mall. Got home did not work properly and never has since. Brought back 2x and they did not fix it.

My wife took her MacBook in with doggy airport, they replaced the airport card for free and it was fine, she probably got your airport card. Sorry.

Here is what has worked for me and some others. Call the Thai tech service number and you will get Bangkok, tell them you need to speak with somebody in English, they will probably tell you they do not have anyone who can help you but you can get a Singapore toll free number from them. Singapore tech service is good (so is Hong Kong I have been told), if your warranty is over so no phone tech service, tell them that you have had a bad time with CM service and can they please help, they usually do.

Now just figure, Apple manuals are in English, not Thai. Apple tech service who help CM tech service is in English not Thai. The techs in CM have limited English so they have little chance of getting it.

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That makes sense Dantee but then they shouldn't be taking your computer and money. I also went to a used Mac seller and service down the street (maybe same one as Petdcat) to buy and install new HD. It did not work and they had my laptop for weeks checking it (sitting on a counter at their headquarters, a folding table in the hall at computer mall on Hiway 11) Found out they put in a used 9 yr old one which was bought originally from a place in Pantip Plaza (it had the warranty sticker on it and I brought it to them and they confirmed). Want to buy a new MacBook Pro to go along w/my iPad, iPhone, iPods etc. but wondering if it's worth it in long run as I'm planning on staying in CM. Any thoughts?

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Junglechef, I don't think it is the same place. The shop I went to is right next to Tsunami,the sushi restaurant,and He does all His work on premises. I also considered getting a new Macbook pro but decided to wait until the new iMac is released. I originally got the 17" Macbook for traveling 5 years ago but since then I have settled in Chiang Mai and would rather have a larger desktop as my main computer. Also the price for top of the line 27" iMac should be around 60,000THB and the same specs in a 15" macbook would be around 89,000THB. I don't even see the 17" available anymore. Actually I expect the specs to be better in the iMac,so hopefully they will go on sale soon.

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Yes I'm waiting too, supposably next month release. The price will be going up too. The prices you quote are different than Apple at Airport Plaza, some higher some lower, gave me. Where is offering them at those prices. I was talking of OrangeMac and the owner didn't know anything, I ended up explaining to him how a external hard drive works and I consider myself to be practically computer illiterate in this day and age.

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FYI - If you have a problem with your mac call Apple directly on 001 800 44 12 904... It's a free call even from your mobile phone;-)

Follow the prompts and you will speak to an English speaking rep, usually in SIngapore but a few times I have spoken to rep's in Australia.

They run through your problems and if the computer needs taking in for repair they will give you an 'Apple Case Number' - This will ensure that the Thai service centre takes care of the problem quickly...

Also its best to have a backup and completely wipe the HD before taking it to the service centre...

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