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Australian Stabbed In Heart In Thai Bag-Snatch Tragedy


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Sometimes there is just no sense in any of this. Obviously this was a crime of opportunity gone wrong, bag snatchers exist in most Asian cities that have more than their fair share of motorbike users. I remember a spate of them near Bukit Bintang in KL outside the hotel our tour groups used, police did nothing then one day the snatchers came off their bike and were beaten by the local traders to death, then the police took action....against the traders. But no more snatchers in Bukit Bintang.

Sometimes senseless violence results on a whim and not for a purpose. I've seen in Thailand that violence is generally on an impulse and not part of a plan, no thought of the consequences. I know this for one when attacked in the street and knocked unconscious and left to die in a klong. The attacker's excuse was that he thought i had verbally insulted his father.

I've worked in travel here in Thailand for 12 years and organised many such trips for agents, this will have an impact even if it is for a short time.

My thoughts go out to the victim's family and to her colleagues. Lets hope they can clean up Phuket soon.

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It`s appears that Phuket is rapidly catching up with Pattaya as one of the most dangerous cities to visit in Thailand.

These are certainly becoming places to avoid.

Was just the matter of time for the brigade to bring pattaya into it.

I suppose remote village in Isaan is the safest place for you to holiday . Just be aware of hungry buffalo's

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I just said to my Thai girlfriend, this type of senseless violence scares me, her reply ok you don't like Thailand go, not a word from her about the women attacked its like it does not register.

I suggest you get rid of your GF as her comment shows exactly what she thinks of you and why she is with you. Sad

I am happy she is not my wife.blink.png

me to if it was my wife she would have some explaing to do as to why she is over with domma

I dont want to sound like Im defending your wife, from what I have picked up on since living here they may not understand all the words, perhaps the words she understood was "scares me" just a thought.

But shit man, if she really dont care and has a black heart, then you sure have something to think about. Doesnt matter how physically attractive someone is, they soon look ugly if they have black heart

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Terrible tragedy indeed ... nobody should die in that way ..if the police were less busy trying to get money from corruption they would perhaps be more visible to those criminals, I never seen any police patrol in those very touristic areas.. I might be wrong of course .Well Thailand is not safe anymore that for sure.

u r 100% correct mate ...this is shocking ....ironically she was on a study trip to see hotels for her job ...these clowns dont care less about that image i hope they r caught and executed
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my wife and i were the victims of ride by bag snatchers in khon kaen while we were on our bike, we crashed and had injuries, fractured rib etc, the local vendors that assisted us were angry this happened and would have beaten the crap out of these hoods, year later we seen a lone thai girl in khon kaen kicked off her bike as 2 guys on a bike snatched the bag, I tried to get the number plate numbers but it wasnt on the bike and they had full face helmets.

Whenever I am out on the bike i take minimum cash, and try be aware of people on bikes with full face helmets and especially those with no number plates

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Stop all the hand wringing and requests for action.

The simple fact is that, here in Thailand, nobody cares.

The cops don't care, the government doesn't care, the Phuket council doesn't care - nobody cares what happens to non Thais in Thailand - simple as that.

It's completely proven by the shoddy half arsed responses to these calamities, or the prevention of such calamities in the future

Complete and utter <deleted>.

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Just spoke to a co-worker whose friend works at Kata Thani. She was told that this happened on the hill between Kata and Kata Noi, and that the staff at KataThani were told the robbers accidentally stabbed the women while trying to cut the straps of their purses.

Told by who, the actual offenders or a speculator?

Neither. My understanding was it came from the victims.

Thank God your friend was there to talk to the victims as one was dying and the other was badly hurt, so the victims were able to explain how the attackers didn't mean them any harm - they were only trying to cut the straps of the bags.

F1, your not tracking. It wasn't my friend, it was the friend of a co-worker. I was simply relaying what was told to the staff of the hotel at the time it happened. It was reported that the woman who died didn't even know she was stabbed at first, and that she died in a car in route to the hospital. Which by the way was the wrong thing to do. They Karon Municipality Ambulance is stationed less than 5 minutes from Kata Thani. This ambulance is outfitted to the "BLS", or basic life support standard. Everyone living in this area should have their number, 076 330 0913, saved in their phone. Much faster than calling the dispatch center at 1669.

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Stop all the hand wringing and requests for action.

The simple fact is that, here in Thailand, nobody cares.

The cops don't care, the government doesn't care, the Phuket council doesn't care - nobody cares what happens to non Thais in Thailand - simple as that.

It's completely proven by the shoddy half arsed responses to these calamities, or the prevention of such calamities in the future

Complete and utter <deleted>.

Stop all the hand wringing and requests for action.

The simple fact is that, here in Thailand, nobody cares.

The cops don't care, the government doesn't care, the Phuket council doesn't care - nobody cares what happens to non Thais in Thailand - simple as that.

It's completely proven by the shoddy half arsed responses to these calamities, or the prevention of such calamities in the future

Complete and utter <deleted>.

You are quite right NomadJoe. Your post is complete and utter <deleted>. The police don't care because there is no money in it for them. The government doesn't care because they are too busy filling their own pockets, the Phuket Council is in the pay of the mafia. Have you ever lived in Phuket?

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always keep the big money close too the body

keep the small stuff in the bag and when they go for the bag

let them have it with a little strugle

so they think they've got the loot...

Yes indeed, preferably wads of useless foreign notessmile.png

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According to phuketwan

Phuket Tourist from Britain 'Stabbed on First Night'

Same Night the Austrlaian women was stabbed and died

Thai Goverment wake uo a do something before Burma and Vietnam takes all your tourist's away from you ?

i meet some brits who one was also stabbed last month ! but no mention in the news

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Stop all the hand wringing and requests for action.

The simple fact is that, here in Thailand, nobody cares.

The cops don't care, the government doesn't care, the Phuket council doesn't care - nobody cares what happens to non Thais in Thailand - simple as that.

It's completely proven by the shoddy half arsed responses to these calamities, or the prevention of such calamities in the future

Complete and utter <deleted>.

It might be hard for you to stomach Nomad Joe, but it seems to me the undeniable cause of all these tragedy's. Nobody cares enough to address the shortcomings and dangers of these events occurring that can be readily improved. Everybody (Thais) knows what's wrong but nothing gets done other than a small brouhaha at the time.

I'll say it again - Thai authorities don't care about non Thais.

You may have some Thai close to you that care about you, but the people running this Island and the police force smply don't really care about these incidents or the victimes, and the proof is the next such incident in 2 month's time and the 200 that preceded this incident over the last 20 years.

It's not complete utter <deleted> - this country, in the main, doesn't give a toss about you Nomad Joe, or your ilk

therefore asking or expecting them to address these matters is a pretty spurious exercise.

A better exercise is to exercise caution and build a network of Thais around you that DO care about you - now that's achievable

Edited by weka
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but i think now the Thais need to bring in the same law as in the UK, get caught with a knive on the streets, automatic 5 year sentance, caught with a gun, 10 years....
I agree , but the truth is the jails simply aren't big enough to implement that law .
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my wife and i were the victims of ride by bag snatchers in khon kaen while we were on our bike, we crashed and had injuries, fractured rib etc, the local vendors that assisted us were angry this happened and would have beaten the crap out of these hoods, year later we seen a lone thai girl in khon kaen kicked off her bike as 2 guys on a bike snatched the bag, I tried to get the number plate numbers but it wasnt on the bike and they had full face helmets.

Whenever I am out on the bike i take minimum cash, and try be aware of people on bikes with full face helmets and especially those with no number plates

Thank you for sharing.thumbsup.gif
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What possible threat does a 60 year old woman pose? Murdered just for the hell of it.

She posed no threat, it was a robbery gone wrong. They tried to steal her bag, she resisted. The robber fought her off with a knife when she resisted his attempts to steal her bag!

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According to post reply's on phuket gazette this was not a Tourist but !

This was not just any Australian tourist; this was a travel agent travelling with a delegation of nine other agents here on Phuket to inspect facilities

Not a good start for the Austrlaian Tourist Board for there Top Agent to be Murdered

A very big blow to Phuket For Sure

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Tragic and so sad for this lady's family and friends. Thailand has now become the scum of the earth. Best thing is to warn everybody to stay clear of this place and let it hit them where it hurts ........their pockets.

Saving face is the biggest joke ever.....they have no face....they are the most lying cheating scheming individuals you could ever encounter.

Miracle Thailand ...its a Miracle if you get out of this place with your senses intact....you certainly will not get out with your finances.....you will be scammed for everything you ever had.....all the foreigners who think they met the love of their life...........what a joke.

How's Swindon this time of the year?


This incident was horrible and tragic and yes there is too much of this kind of thing. However, to suggest that means that all of Thailand is "scum" is a bridge too far.

Edited by Jingthing
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Chalong Police have told the Phuket Gazette that they have identified the two suspects and are moving in to make arrests.

The men are to face charges of attempted robbery with the use of motorbike and using a knife as a deadly weapon, resulting in injury and death

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What possible threat does a 60 year old woman pose? Murdered just for the hell of it.

She posed no threat, it was a robbery gone wrong. They tried to steal her bag, she resisted. The robber fought her off with a knife when she resisted his attempts to steal her bag!

The robber fought her off, are you serious? He was the attacker and she was the victim.

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