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Justice Ministry To Pay Bt26 Million Bail For 13 Red Shirts


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It looks like posters forgot the part about the appeal.

Go back and check your country's laws again about bail...

For those wondering why poor people are given support for their bail, please do some research, there are very good reasons wrt justice.

In my country (and yours) convicted felons remain incarcerated pending appeal.

Sorry to say it, but a quick search will tell you otherwise.

In Thailand anyone even a falang can remain free after conviction on appeal. Bail will be increased.
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Purpose of bail is to give some sort of assurance that those concerned will return - or at least have an incentive to. Don't see how the Justice Ministry paying the bail for them serves any purpose whatsoever. Might as well of just released them without stumping up tax payers money.

Struggle to believe that of all these people, none of them have family members with land or some other form of asset that could have been used. Presumably though those family members didn't want to risk their own assets. Far better for the tax payer to take the risk.

It all depends on how you look at it. Yes on the surface it looks stupid to even consider bail after they are convicted. But releasing them on bail paid for by the government makes sense if you look at it from the Governments side.

They realize that the people will in all likely hood run and that is there hope. They can then seize the bail and get a percentage of it siphoned into their own pocket.

The more I think about it the more sure I am they do not want him to come back and put his hands on management of every thing. It will lose them the opportunity to fill their pockets.

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It looks like posters forgot the part about the appeal.

Go back and check your country's laws again about bail...

For those wondering why poor people are given support for their bail, please do some research, there are very good reasons wrt justice.

In my country (and yours) convicted felons remain incarcerated pending appeal.

Sorry to say it, but a quick search will tell you otherwise.

In Thailand anyone even a falang can remain free after conviction on appeal. Bail will be increased.

I understand free on bail while it is being appealed. But that is not the same as granting bail after you have been serving your time.

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- deleted -

In my country (and yours) convicted felons remain incarcerated pending appeal.

Sorry to say it, but a quick search will tell you otherwise.

In Thailand anyone even a falang can remain free after conviction on appeal. Bail will be increased.

I understand free on bail while it is being appealed. But that is not the same as granting bail after you have been serving your time.

If you case is on appeal then by definition, you've been convicted. If you have spent some of that time in jail, then by definition you've been serving your time. If you then have bail granted, you get out on bail while your appeal is in process and after you have been serving time.

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Purpose of bail is to give some sort of assurance that those concerned will return - or at least have an incentive to. Don't see how the Justice Ministry paying the bail for them serves any purpose whatsoever. Might as well of just released them without stumping up tax payers money.

Struggle to believe that of all these people, none of them have family members with land or some other form of asset that could have been used. Presumably though those family members didn't want to risk their own assets. Far better for the tax payer to take the risk.

It all depends on how you look at it. Yes on the surface it looks stupid to even consider bail after they are convicted. But releasing them on bail paid for by the government makes sense if you look at it from the Governments side.

They realize that the people will in all likely hood run and that is there hope. They can then seize the bail and get a percentage of it siphoned into their own pocket.

The more I think about it the more sure I am they do not want him to come back and put his hands on management of every thing. It will lose them the opportunity to fill their pockets.

If they can get 15 million people with their bail paid by the government, they can win elections forever

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For bail to be granted, there needs to be a surety, an incentive, for the bailee not to run away once released. Bail is not an automatic entitlement. It MAY be granted where the risk of absconding is acceptably low AND there is no perceived danger to the community. A matter for the courts to decide.

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It looks like posters forgot the part about the appeal.

Go back and check your country's laws again about bail...

For those wondering why poor people are given support for their bail, please do some research, there are very good reasons wrt justice.

In my country (and yours) convicted felons remain incarcerated pending appeal.

Sorry to say it, but a quick search will tell you otherwise.

In Thailand anyone even a falang can remain free after conviction on appeal. Bail will be increased.

Can you cite an instance where the Thai government paid the bail for a foreigner?


Edited by Buchholz
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In the U.S. you can in certain cases remain free on appeal

It varies somewhat from state to state and crime to crime. There is no generic US Get Out of Jail Free card.

There's also no provision for the Justice Department to pay for the bail of a convict (or the unconvicted, for that matter).



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If I have a problem with the law here in Thailand. I will expect my bail to be paid by the thai goverment this would only be fair, and also give my passpot back to me so i can do a runner when the time is right...Thank you Thailand.

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Unable to find detail of bail conditions other than amount not paid by the convicts. Surely there should be restriction of movement, regular reporting to a police station and/or surrender of travel/identification documents.

Some people are going to look very silly, if not culpable, when appeal time comes around and the convicted felon hasn't been seen since they opened the cell door.

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