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Back Home In England After 7 Months In Thailand


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The Scottish mafia are watching this with true envy....sad.png

I can imagine but we are Leeds we are Leeds we are Leeds, We are Leeds we are Leeds.......

Glasgow celtic might fit the bill. 555.

Been to Leeds Castle a few times, it's in Kent. whistling.gifsmile.png
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I'm not committing a crime

I'm inclined to agree with you off the record but If you're only intending to drop anchor 2 weeks is it worth the potential aggro ??

Only if he intends to claim for longer than the weeks he's actually there.

And more to the point, is he really that desperate for the few quid he'll get for the weeks he's claiming for?

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Oh boy have you got a shock coming........!!!

I was tracked for a long period of time and whilst I was not knowingly defauding anyone I ended up with a 9 month sentance for Benefit Fraud for "owning" a house in a Foreign country (Thailand) when as everyone knows a foreigner cannot own property as was actually "owned" 100% by my ex wife........

When the DWP realised their "fuxx up" they offered one of us the opportunity to "walk" if the other pleaded guilty. I pleaded guilty so as not to deprive our son of his mother.

9 months for pleading guilty to owning a house that I couldn't own in the first place !!

Not only that I am not entitled to any benefits indefinately until the agreed sum of £29,000 is paid to me by ex wife and "used up" by myself.....

And the ex wifes response-Not my business......!!

Theres obviously a lot more to the story but once you get into the hands of the DWP's prosecution department than expect no escape...!!

Sounds more more like your lawyer screwed up.

Edited by PattayaParent
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I lived in the UK for 4 years nearly 20 years ago.

My question is this, how the hell do people survive on 71 quid a week.

That's about Aud $109, my god even 20 years ago that would be below the poverty line surely.

I can only imagine how hard it must be. Does the Govt supply accommodation to these people out of work, or subsidise their rent in any way?

I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.

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I'm not committing a crime

I'm inclined to agree with you off the record but If you're only intending to drop anchor 2 weeks is it worth the potential aggro ??

Only if he intends to claim for longer than the weeks he's actually there.

And more to the point, is he really that desperate for the few quid he'll get for the weeks he's claiming for?

It's not possible to claim for longer than the time I will actually be living in England.

JSA is paid two weeks in arrears, which means when I sign on on Tuesday I get paid GBP142 for the previous two weeks. When I don't turn up to sign on two weeks later they cancel the benefit.

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I lived in the UK for 4 years nearly 20 years ago.

My question is this, how the hell do people survive on 71 quid a week.

That's about Aud $109, my god even 20 years ago that would be below the poverty line surely.

I can only imagine how hard it must be. Does the Govt supply accommodation to these people out of work, or subsidise their rent in any way?

I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.

A member of my family was forced to survive on this. He has no children but has a mortgage in London. They told him to sell his apartment and live off any profit. If you rent they pay a proportion of your rent I believe. They even refused to pay his council tax. There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really. Its hard out there!

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The Scottish mafia are watching this with true envy....sad.png

I can imagine but we are Leeds we are Leeds we are Leeds, We are Leeds we are Leeds.......

Glasgow celtic might fit the bill. 555.

Been to Leeds Castle a few times, it's in Kent. whistling.gifsmile.png

Castle you.......ooooops.....As it go's another granny lived there.....

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I'm not committing a crime

I'm inclined to agree with you off the record but If you're only intending to drop anchor 2 weeks is it worth the potential aggro ??

Only if he intends to claim for longer than the weeks he's actually there.

And more to the point, is he really that desperate for the few quid he'll get for the weeks he's claiming for?

It's not possible to claim for longer than the time I will actually be living in England.

JSA is paid two weeks in arrears, which means when I sign on on Tuesday I get paid GBP142 for the previous two weeks. When I don't turn up to sign on two weeks later they cancel the benefit.

In that case. Tell them you are going on holiday for 28 days and they will continue to pay you.

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I lived in the UK for 4 years nearly 20 years ago.

My question is this, how the hell do people survive on 71 quid a week.

That's about Aud $109, my god even 20 years ago that would be below the poverty line surely.

I can only imagine how hard it must be. Does the Govt supply accommodation to these people out of work, or subsidise their rent in any way?

I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.

You're right, it's a breadline existence if you have no other means of income or family to support you.

And yes it's miserable here in winter, in fact it's miserable here in June, right now, raining, cold and blowing a gale all across northern England.

Once NatWest Bank fix their computer problem I'll be online looking for a cheap flight to BKK.

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

Buddy thats a very Mute point......!!

He's British and no doubt has a Passport saying just that. If he claims Jobseekers allowance and meets the requirements he'll get it..........

As per my earlier post I know just a little about the subject and the application doesn't obviously go into depths along the lines of "is it your intention to bugger off (enter your destination) after 2 weeks".........

Nobody knows whats around the corner and you can't justify denying a claim on the basis that the applicant might just disappear off to the sun in a couple weeks time....

You cannot have a workable system that lets an individual make that judgement..??

Chivas, I do have some family members that have worked all their lives and unfortunately they are on JSA. They are also forced to attend a special college 5 days a week to 9-5 12 months of the year. to "enhance their CV writing capabilities and to learn how to apply for jobs". I think this is to stop "black employment"

They are forced to attend a College 5 days a week from 9-5 for 12 months to learn how to write a CV......!!

Not Liverpool by chance is it !! (I might well believe that !!)

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

Buddy thats a very Mute point......!!

He's British and no doubt has a Passport saying just that. If he claims Jobseekers allowance and meets the requirements he'll get it..........

As per my earlier post I know just a little about the subject and the application doesn't obviously go into depths along the lines of "is it your intention to bugger off (enter your destination) after 2 weeks".........

Nobody knows whats around the corner and you can't justify denying a claim on the basis that the applicant might just disappear off to the sun in a couple weeks time....

You cannot have a workable system that lets an individual make that judgement..??

Chivas, I do have some family members that have worked all their lives and unfortunately they are on JSA. They are also forced to attend a special college 5 days a week to 9-5 12 months of the year. to "enhance their CV writing capabilities and to learn how to apply for jobs". I think this is to stop "black employment"

They are forced to attend a College 5 days a week from 9-5 for 12 months to learn how to write a CV......!!

Not Liverpool by chance is it !! (I might well believe that !!)

In London... a CV & more... apparently its the pits! Very degrading!

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Whether you receive just the basic JSA or other benefits, such as housing benefit, depends upon your circumstances.

My wife was unemployed for most of last year. She got her contribution based JSA, but no more because I was deemed to be earning too much. When her contribution based JSA finished after 6 months she did not receive any income based JSA because again, I was deemed to be earning too much.

"Too much" was based on my earnings for the previous complete tax year and ignored the fact that they had gone down since then and were now low enough for us to struggle without her wage!

Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to, those who really need them could find it easier!

But maybe I'm misjudging him and he really needs the £142. Tickets to Thailand are expensive at this time of year!

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Sorry that is completely incorrect........

What you have done or where you have been has no bearing on your claim to either contribution based JSA or Income based JSA for a British Passport holder.....

If you are making a fresh claim and meet the requirements than you'll get it. The fact that you have spent the last year sitting on a beach is no ones business but your own.....

Its what you intend to do here and now that matters. Now on an aside a Thai national (for example) holding a Thai Passport but with indefinate leave to remain CAN be denied benefits if it is believed they have come "home" to claim benefits after a couple years in Thailand (for example)

Just a misunderstanding I think. The question is asked but in most cases it will not have any bearing on the claim. It could however raise a flag leading to a more in depth look at what the person is doing in the here and now.

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I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.


I'd rather be poor in the UK than here for sure. A welfare system that offers barely enough for the most rudimentary existence is better than no welfare system at all. For sure, the cold adds a dimension of hardship not found here but at least you can access the safety net if you work your way through the system.

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

I arrived back in the UK on June 1st 2012. At the time of my claim (the next day) I had no firm plans to return to Thailand - no job there, no property, no wife, no family, no bar tab, no ties - nowt.

So from June 1st I was living in England. And I still am. And I've still not booked a flight back to Thailand, thanks to NatWest.

As you say, my choice, to live in my own country for as long as I like.

I am assuming that you will cease claiming upon leaving the country then Richard eh?

JSA will be stopped automatically when I miss my first signing on date

Not if you tell them you are going on holiday.

I think you are allowed to miss one signing on so you could get at most 1 month here.

Edited by PattayaParent
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Oh boy have you got a shock coming........!!!

I was tracked for a long period of time and whilst I was not knowingly defauding anyone I ended up with a 9 month sentance for Benefit Fraud for "owning" a house in a Foreign country (Thailand) when as everyone knows a foreigner cannot own property as was actually "owned" 100% by my ex wife........

When the DWP realised their "fuxx up" they offered one of us the opportunity to "walk" if the other pleaded guilty. I pleaded guilty so as not to deprive our son of his mother.

9 months for pleading guilty to owning a house that I couldn't own in the first place !!

Not only that I am not entitled to any benefits indefinately until the agreed sum of £29,000 is paid to me by ex wife and "used up" by myself.....

And the ex wifes response-Not my business......!!

Theres obviously a lot more to the story but once you get into the hands of the DWP's prosecution department than expect no escape...!!

Sounds more more like your lawyer screwed up.

Lot more to the story than just that.........

I had bought the house with my money on staged payments whilst within marriage. One week after final payment wife asked for divorce. House in her name.

Fast forward to our prosecution the CPS took the point that I was married whilst it was purchased which was true.

At the time of Prosecution we were divorced (I had actually remarried)

Cost of house 1.9 million paid by me. I got "fined" £51,000 for benefit fraud because the wife had been receiving benefits after the marriage break up in 2004 but we never divorved for over 4 years........

The Prosecution took the line that one I was still married to her so I "could" have been receiving some of her monies and secondly as I was married then the house was half mine.......

Yeah right tell the wife that......

So for paying out 1.9 million baht and owning nothing, I got nine months, a £51,000 repayment fine for monies I had never had in the first place, and a £29,000 no benefit due programme until the wife pays me the £29,000 agreed half of value of house on divorce......

Until the £51,000 is repaid (remember I never had it in the first place) I get no State Pension either later in life

Remember I pleaded guilty (wrongly) to save her sorry ass and to protect my son.

If you think I'm making that lot up its widely reported in National and local papers...

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Whether you receive just the basic JSA or other benefits, such as housing benefit, depends upon your circumstances.

My wife was unemployed for most of last year. She got her contribution based JSA, but no more because I was deemed to be earning too much. When her contribution based JSA finished after 6 months she did not receive any income based JSA because again, I was deemed to be earning too much.

"Too much" was based on my earnings for the previous complete tax year and ignored the fact that they had gone down since then and were now low enough for us to struggle without her wage!

Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to, those who really need them could find it easier!

But maybe I'm misjudging him and he really needs the £142. Tickets to Thailand are expensive at this time of year!

Maybe you should reserve that opinion for people that are not UK citizens?

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Whether you receive just the basic JSA or other benefits, such as housing benefit, depends upon your circumstances.

My wife was unemployed for most of last year. She got her contribution based JSA, but no more because I was deemed to be earning too much. When her contribution based JSA finished after 6 months she did not receive any income based JSA because again, I was deemed to be earning too much.

"Too much" was based on my earnings for the previous complete tax year and ignored the fact that they had gone down since then and were now low enough for us to struggle without her wage!

Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to, those who really need them could find it easier!

But maybe I'm misjudging him and he really needs the £142. Tickets to Thailand are expensive at this time of year!

The whole system is a mess but it has got a little better over the last few years. Just a little.

The IB/ESA DLA system is still screwed though. In a month or so I will need to be vetted (yet again) which means being examined my an independent doctor to see if the piece of spine that was removed has somehow grown back. This will require and ambulance to be sent to collect me and bring me back. Waste of money big time.

My sister works for an austictic society in the assisted housing department. So far 6 people have been called in to be vetted which have required 2 people to go with them for safety reasons. Huge cost.

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[Chivas, I do have some family members that have worked all their lives and unfortunately they are on JSA. They are also forced to attend a special college 5 days a week to 9-5 12 months of the year. to "enhance their CV writing capabilities and to learn how to apply for jobs". I think this is to stop "black employment"

They are forced to attend a College 5 days a week from 9-5 for 12 months to learn how to write a CV......!!

Not Liverpool by chance is it !! (I might well believe that !!)

It's one of the anomalies of the SS syetem that they teach you how to suck eggs.

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Oh boy have you got a shock coming........!!!

I was tracked for a long period of time and whilst I was not knowingly defauding anyone I ended up with a 9 month sentance for Benefit Fraud for "owning" a house in a Foreign country (Thailand) when as everyone knows a foreigner cannot own property as was actually "owned" 100% by my ex wife........

When the DWP realised their "fuxx up" they offered one of us the opportunity to "walk" if the other pleaded guilty. I pleaded guilty so as not to deprive our son of his mother.

9 months for pleading guilty to owning a house that I couldn't own in the first place !!

Not only that I am not entitled to any benefits indefinately until the agreed sum of £29,000 is paid to me by ex wife and "used up" by myself.....

And the ex wifes response-Not my business......!!

Theres obviously a lot more to the story but once you get into the hands of the DWP's prosecution department than expect no escape...!!

Sounds more more like your lawyer screwed up.

Lot more to the story than just that.........

I had bought the house with my money on staged payments whilst within marriage. One week after final payment wife asked for divorce. House in her name.

Fast forward to our prosecution the CPS took the point that I was married whilst it was purchased which was true.

At the time of Prosecution we were divorced (I had actually remarried)

Cost of house 1.9 million paid by me. I got "fined" £51,000 for benefit fraud because the wife had been receiving benefits after the marriage break up in 2004 but we never divorved for over 4 years........

The Prosecution took the line that one I was still married to her so I "could" have been receiving some of her monies and secondly as I was married then the house was half mine.......

Yeah right tell the wife that......

So for paying out 1.9 million baht and owning nothing, I got nine months, a £51,000 repayment fine for monies I had never had in the first place, and a £29,000 no benefit due programme until the wife pays me the £29,000 agreed half of value of house on divorce......

Until the £51,000 is repaid (remember I never had it in the first place) I get no State Pension either later in life

Remember I pleaded guilty (wrongly) to save her sorry ass and to protect my son.

If you think I'm making that lot up its widely reported in National and local papers...

Should have just sent the ex to jail and given your son the £51,000, win-win for everyone.

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I lived in the UK for 4 years nearly 20 years ago.

My question is this, how the hell do people survive on 71 quid a week.

That's about Aud $109, my god even 20 years ago that would be below the poverty line surely.

I can only imagine how hard it must be. Does the Govt supply accommodation to these people out of work, or subsidise their rent in any way?

I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.

A member of my family was forced to survive on this. He has no children but has a mortgage in London. They told him to sell his apartment and live off any profit. If you rent they pay a proportion of your rent I believe. They even refused to pay his council tax. There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really. Its hard out there!

There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really.

what about food ?

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I lived in the UK for 4 years nearly 20 years ago.

My question is this, how the hell do people survive on 71 quid a week.

That's about Aud $109, my god even 20 years ago that would be below the poverty line surely.

I can only imagine how hard it must be. Does the Govt supply accommodation to these people out of work, or subsidise their rent in any way?

I can't think of a worse place to be poor than blighty, particularly in winter.

A member of my family was forced to survive on this. He has no children but has a mortgage in London. They told him to sell his apartment and live off any profit. If you rent they pay a proportion of your rent I believe. They even refused to pay his council tax. There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really. Its hard out there!

There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really.

what about food ?

This amount is to cover your bills. Period. Its a vicious circle, you need the internet to look for jobs, you require transportation costs, food etc... 71 quid doesnt go far at all.

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Oh boy have you got a shock coming........!!!

I was tracked for a long period of time and whilst I was not knowingly defauding anyone I ended up with a 9 month sentance for Benefit Fraud for "owning" a house in a Foreign country (Thailand) when as everyone knows a foreigner cannot own property as was actually "owned" 100% by my ex wife........

When the DWP realised their "fuxx up" they offered one of us the opportunity to "walk" if the other pleaded guilty. I pleaded guilty so as not to deprive our son of his mother.

9 months for pleading guilty to owning a house that I couldn't own in the first place !!

Not only that I am not entitled to any benefits indefinately until the agreed sum of £29,000 is paid to me by ex wife and "used up" by myself.....

And the ex wifes response-Not my business......!!

Theres obviously a lot more to the story but once you get into the hands of the DWP's prosecution department than expect no escape...!!

Sounds more more like your lawyer screwed up.

Lot more to the story than just that.........

I had bought the house with my money on staged payments whilst within marriage. One week after final payment wife asked for divorce. House in her name.

Fast forward to our prosecution the CPS took the point that I was married whilst it was purchased which was true.

At the time of Prosecution we were divorced (I had actually remarried)

Cost of house 1.9 million paid by me. I got "fined" £51,000 for benefit fraud because the wife had been receiving benefits after the marriage break up in 2004 but we never divorved for over 4 years........

The Prosecution took the line that one I was still married to her so I "could" have been receiving some of her monies and secondly as I was married then the house was half mine.......

Yeah right tell the wife that......

So for paying out 1.9 million baht and owning nothing, I got nine months, a £51,000 repayment fine for monies I had never had in the first place, and a £29,000 no benefit due programme until the wife pays me the £29,000 agreed half of value of house on divorce......

Until the £51,000 is repaid (remember I never had it in the first place) I get no State Pension either later in life

Remember I pleaded guilty (wrongly) to save her sorry ass and to protect my son.

If you think I'm making that lot up its widely reported in National and local papers...

Should have just sent the ex to jail and given your son the £51,000, win-win for everyone.

We both would have gone to jail-Barrister made it clear that if we went to trial the Judge would have had no choice but to direct the jury to find us guilty.

Never even got a thank you so if the odd poster on TV gets the impression that I'm pished off with Thais then you got it right !!

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A member of my family was forced to survive on this. He has no children but has a mortgage in London. They told him to sell his apartment and live off any profit. If you rent they pay a proportion of your rent I believe. They even refused to pay his council tax. There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really. Its hard out there!

There is no money left for electricity or gas bills really.

what about food ?

This amount is to cover your bills. Period. Its a vicious circle, you need the internet to look for jobs, you require transportation costs, food etc... 71 quid doesnt go far at all.

Just think of those people that couldn't find jobs because internet had not been invented eh?

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Maybe if people like Richard didn't milk benefits they're not really entitled to

Maybe you should reserve that opinion for people that are not UK citizens?

Citizenship is irrelevant. I reserve that opinion for all those who claim benefits to which they are not entitled; regardless of their citizenship. Most benefit fraudsters are British, anyway.

Benefit Fraud

Benefit fraud is estimated to cost the UK £1.5 billion a year according to figures published in the National Fraud Indicator 2011 by the National Fraud Authority.

Examples of benefit fraud are:

  • Someone who has not disclosed they are going abroad, living abroad, or has changed address.

Benefit fraud is not a victimless crime. Benefit cheats are stealing from everyone who pays taxes and who claims benefits legitamately, including the people who need it most.

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This amount is to cover your bills. Period. Its a vicious circle, you need the internet to look for jobs, you require transportation costs, food etc... 71 quid doesnt go far at all.

Just think of those people that couldn't find jobs because internet had not been invented eh?

Or before welfare created generations of miscreants living on the dole, believing they are entitled to handouts simply because they waste air.

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This amount is to cover your bills. Period. Its a vicious circle, you need the internet to look for jobs, you require transportation costs, food etc... 71 quid doesnt go far at all.

Just think of those people that couldn't find jobs because internet had not been invented eh?

Or before welfare created generations of miscreants living on the dole, believing they are entitled to handouts simply because they waste air.

I don't think that was Anyron Bevan's plan though was it?

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