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In Defence Of The Wonderful, Amazing Thai People - A Rebut To All Vitriolic Tv Posters.


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Saving face, have seen it many times as an excuse for crap work or behaviour, it doesnt save face for me they just make themselves look more stupid/liars.

Ok so list the Thai inventions again for us...............oh hang on we had that thread a while back with no real answers.

Is this like the God arguments where if you dont believe you will never understand?

A motorcycle drives into me whilst im stationary at a junction waiting to turn right, the driver just turns onto my left hand side wing whilst also waiting to turn right

( i think they forgot I was there in my pick up), its my fault, its Asian culture, I must understand. no its loss of face, result they drive off, I follow stop them they say its my fault they have no number plate and drive off.

Dont worry I kept smiling.

Whats with Columbus? just religious rubbish you think we all think he is a genius when we know the Vikings did America before.

Sorry the West has a better perspective for me and more freedom.

Asian society in Thailand seems to run on fear, fear to speak out, fear to complain.

If Zheng had headed East and made it to America it would be more impressive and crossed the Pacific. so what he had a big ship, might have been a pig to steer, might have been slow, big doesnt always mean better or good. Glad to hear China doesnt colonise, expect Tibet will be pleased too.

Ok ive finished learning thanks

Yep seems like Zheng was real nice guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_He

Asian culture haaaaaaa

Edited by travelmann
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Sorry the West has a better perspective for me and more freedom.

Asian society in Thailand seems to run on fear, fear to speak out, fear to complain.

Fair enough, I guess thats why you live in the west, you're fortunate to have the choice, most Thai people don't.

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No Thai person can/should be held personally responsible for adhering to the Asian culture of 'saving face', nor for responding to anger or insults with a smile.

Do you really believe that Thai people respond to anger and insults with a smile?

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Saving face, have seen it many times as an excuse for crap work or behaviour,

Crap work - however bad it is - is not 'because of' the Asian social culture of saving face.

Epic rethoric fail. Try again.

Whats with Columbus?

Nothing more than that he happened to be on a picture comparing Portuguese technology with Chinese.

And ?

Asian society in Thailand seems to run on fear, fear to speak out, fear to complain.

Many societies run on fear these days. Take the U.S. for example. Lots of fear in there for sure.

My cousin lives in Hollywood, LA. She has alarms all over her house. Fear to be attacked, fear

of strangers, fear of people. Yes, there's lot of fear around. I work in London. People are quite

scared there, too. So what's with that ?

so what he had a big ship, might have been a pig to steer,

Actually those masts were individually manouverable, very smart and very easy to steer.

Far better than the Portuguese ship. A naval professional told me that. Personally I don't know

crap about boats, but I trust him.

Glad to hear China doesnt colonise, expect Tibet will be pleased too.

If you seriously believe China has 'colonised' Tibet you are blatantly ignorant.

The communists fight with the teocratic monks - however bad that is - does not

change the fact that Tibet has been a part of China for several hundred years.

A bit like Wales to the United Kingdom, actually.

You're a victim of teocratic propaganda. And you are making a fool of youself.

Ok ive finished learning thanks

Seems to me you never even started.

Yep seems like Zheng was real nice guy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zheng_He

Asian culture haaaaaaa

So, you look something up on Wikipedia and 2 minutes later you know enough about history

to diss the entire culture of Asia. Impressive. clap2.gif

Seriously. You are a perfect example of a vitriolic, negative TV poster.

Why do you even bother to post here ? You obviously can't think of anything worse than

Thais and Asian culture. Are you here for revenge or just to spread your hatred for the fun of it ?

Relax. Try to smile a bit. Life's a great ting if you want it to. wink.png

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No Thai person can/should be held personally responsible for adhering to the Asian culture of 'saving face', nor for responding to anger or insults with a smile.

Do you really believe that Thai people respond to anger and insults with a smile?

Yes. At first. Many Asians - not only Thais - react with a smile when they feel confused,

or don't know what to say, feel embarrassed or even annoyed. Possibly to get some emotional

'slack' while they ponder how to deal with the situation.

That is not to say that's the only reaction. If the line is crossed, the smile's gone, of course.

This is especially common in official situations. A tour guide or hotel receptionist for example.

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