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Do People Here Ever Take A Holiday...?


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I used to go away on (long) weekends just about every weekend. Just get in the car and drive somewhere. With kids we do less of that, now it becomes more of a thing that needs some planning. Still, getting away for a bit is easy enough.

Then personally I have business trips to some weird places, and it's usually easy to tag on some holiday/exploration time. And then when getting back to Thailand it's usually through Bangkok, so that also makes for a very easy and cheap opportunity to visit places around Bangkok, mostly beachy places.

And then there are trips 'Home', as few as possible. Those are hardly holidays of course.

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yes the funniest thing is that certain TV members can live on small amounts like 30k a month or something like this and if they tell us what they spend it for it never includes holidays, travel back to the home countries and also never any purchases of electronics or other things. It is always only the monthly cost without anything else. So in my eyes that is lying to yourself.

I wrote it in this thread about monthly costs in Phuket http://www.thaivisa....et/page__st__75


I agree totally. How come these people never have anything that they have to pay for? I mean NEVER. What a strange existance.

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My life here is one long holiday.biggrin.png

That's the excuse people like you use to justify never seeing anywhere else.

Try again.

How do you know what other people lives are like ?

maybe he lives like a king already and has everything he could possibly want

Ive lived in 16 countries and holidayed through many more

dont feel the need to travel right now

is that satisfactory enough for you ?

Blimey, somebody's bit. Calm down love.

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My life here is one long holiday.biggrin.png

That's the excuse people like you use to justify never seeing anywhere else.

Try again.

"People like me" well what do you know about me? ive been there done that and got the t shirt ,my life has been one long holiday ,ive traveled every country in Europe ive been to Africa ,ive been to many Asian countrys and to the old soviet union ,ive even had a buisness there and in Asia , so that takes care of "people like me" now my life is one long holiday ,i have money and dont have to work ,sounds good to me ,but hey ,what do i know ,you obviously know far more than i do "about people like me"

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My life here is one long holiday.biggrin.png

That's the excuse people like you use to justify never seeing anywhere else.

Try again.

How do you know what other people lives are like ?

maybe he lives like a king already and has everything he could possibly want

Ive lived in 16 countries and holidayed through many more

dont feel the need to travel right now

is that satisfactory enough for you ?

Blimey, somebody's bit. Calm down love.

Reel him in!
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My life here is one long holiday.biggrin.png

That's the excuse people like you use to justify never seeing anywhere else.

Try again.

How do you know what other people lives are like ?

maybe he lives like a king already and has everything he could possibly want

Ive lived in 16 countries and holidayed through many more

dont feel the need to travel right now

is that satisfactory enough for you ?

Blimey, somebody's bit. Calm down love.

No, you calm down.

Why do you believe that your lifestyle is the only one worth living?

Yermanee wai.gif

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My life here is one long holiday.biggrin.png

That's the excuse people like you use to justify never seeing anywhere else.

Try again.

Drop your mask hotandhumid and admit you run a travel agency

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Visited 4 different countries last year as well as 3 different cities in Thailand for short breaks, enjoyed them all.

I`m slacking this year though, nothing so far.

Thinking of heading somewhere next month for a few days, undecided where.

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In my thread about retirement, I planned between one to two oversea trips a year.

Trips to do before I die :

- Safari in Africa (with a camera, no gun). I never been further south than the Algerian desert.

- Spending the night on a boat in Srinagar

- Taking the train in Peru

- Cruise in Antartica

- USA coast to coast "a la" Easy Rider

And at the very last moment watching the sun set in a Greek Island.

Good bucket list that. I want to do the Antartica cruise too.

You won't believe it, one of the first time I came to Thailand, it was in May, no aircond, at night I was dreaming of penguin !

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In my thread about retirement, I planned between one to two oversea trips a year.

Trips to do before I die :

- Safari in Africa (with a camera, no gun). I never been further south than the Algerian desert.

- Spending the night on a boat in Srinagar

- Taking the train in Peru

- Cruise in Antartica

- USA coast to coast "a la" Easy Rider

And at the very last moment watching the sun set in a Greek Island.

Good bucket list that. I want to do the Antartica cruise too.

You won't believe it, one of the first time I came to Thailand, it was in May, no aircond, at night I was dreaming of penguin !


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I am one of these people who moved over to Thailand and who live in Bangkok and never take a holiday. I just have no interest. I've been to a few other countries in Asia... Nothing special. As far as Thailand goes, once you've seen a road side stall selling cheap food, you've seen them all. Once you've seen a dirty beech with no walk ways to safely cross the street and cars flying down the beach roads at dangerous speeds, you've seen them all. Thailand is a dump (from Chiang Mai and Issan down to the bloody south. Other SEA countries (save boring Singapore) are more-or-less the same. I'm happy to stay in my apartment when I'm not working. Sometimes I walk around in Central World and marvel at the grossly overpriced junk they sell there and then take the BTS home.

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