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Safe Place To Live In Philippines?


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If, per chance, you are not familiar to the term 'AC', in relation to the Philippines, it refers to Angeles City.

Some describe it as a Philippines version of Pattaya.

Similar night life. The demographics tend to a large number of Western men and Philippine women.

About the same distance to the Nations capital.

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The AC reference must have been a joke as farang are regularly murdered there. Both expats and tourists.

As for save in the PI, that's a relative term. But here is my top 5 ranked by my safety standards.

1. Davao City

2. Tagatay

3. Subic Bay

4. Bagio

5. Cebu

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At one time I was serious about living in the PI's. I joined a lot of PI forums and learned enough that I no longer wanted to live there. From what I gathered, Davao is likely the safest city. Apparently the city fathers actually organize and encourage hit squads to discourage dopers and other habitual troublemakers. I have never been there but if you are really interested, you can join some of the forums and get your information directly from the people who live in various cities.

As for myself, I'm happy to have made Thailand, warts and all my permanent home.

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Been to Davao for several days two years ago. Pleasant place, easy to get around, decent food (for the Philippines). Stayed at 'My Hotel' downtown, clean, well-run. The area outside the door is, however, one big red-light district after dark, with girls in every doorway and alley. Had to go out to get some medicine for my wife, at about 10 PM, and got no less than 10 offers in a block and a half...

Not much to do there, and the nearby resorts are pretty lame, but good for a day at the beach.

Don't know about any 'hit-squads', but if Gary A says so, who am I to doubt it?

In general, the Philippines is NOT a place I would consider. Corruption and the culture of 'I'm poor, you're rich - gimme money' is just too tedious. Thailand is much better, for all its issues.

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I've only been there (Philippines) once as a different place for a Visa run ... but what is Cebu like .. if you have visited there?

Cebu is a large city with most of the trappings of any large city. It has some nice malls, clubs, restaurants, historical sites. It's hot most of the time and traffic is an issue. Cost of living is what you would expect and is comparable to Thailand in most categories except housing. Home/Apartment/Condo rentals in the PI are generally higher than other SEA locations and Cebu is no different. If you want to live a western lifestyle, it will cost you more in the PI than in Thailand. Medical care is light-years better in Thailand than the PI. Mactan island is close to Cebu and has beach resorts in all price ranges. There are 4 star resorts on Mactan, as well as public beaches. Foreign men are targets as soon as you step off the airplane, so if you are averse to the attention of lots of filipinas, then you'd best stay home. Talisay City is about 20 minutes south of Cebu and is much smaller and quieter than living in Cebu, but you are still close to the city when you need to go shopping or for entertainment.

The overriding factors which prevent me living in the PI are:

1. Overwhelming, crushing poverty everywhere

2. Crab mentality of the filipinos

3. Continual scams to separate you from your hard-earned

4. Safety. .

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From above, KeyserSoze01, I really appreciate the time that you took in answering my question.

A lot of the things you talk about above ... I can relate to.

Must admit though, I had to goggle the term 'Crab mentality'.


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From above, KeyserSoze01, I really appreciate the time that you took in answering my question.

A lot of the things you talk about above ... I can relate to.

Must admit though, I had to goggle the term 'Crab mentality'.


from Wikipedia -

Crab mentality, sometimes referred to as crabs in the bucket, describes a way of thinking best described by the phrase "if I can't have it, neither can you." The metaphor refers to a pot of crabs. Individually, the crabs could easily escape from the pot, but instead, they grab at each other in a useless "king of the hill" competition which prevents any from escaping and ensures their collective demise.[1][2] The analogy in human behavior is that of a group that will attempt to "pull down" (negate or diminish the importance of) any member who achieves success beyond the others, out of envy,[3] conspiracy or competitive feelings.

This term is broadly associated with short-sighted, non-constructive thinking rather than a unified, long-term, constructive mentality. It is also often used colloquially in reference to individuals or communities attempting to "escape" a so-called "underprivileged life", but kept from doing so by others attempting to ride upon their coat-tails or those who simply resent their success.[4]

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Thanks all for the recommendations.

I'm considering taking up the Phils SRRV retirement program. The program itself has alot going for it. Reasonablly priced. Available to under 50s.

Thailand offers no such programs for under 50s. Malaysia offers the MM2H program, which is expensive.

But the concern is finding a safe place to live in Phils.

Ive travelled to Phils a few times - Manila and Cebu.

Baguio seems pretty safe. University town. Lots of koreans visiting there.

I'd prefer the warmer weather and the beach if it were safe.

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The place I lived in Manila was safe. It had guards armed with shotguns on the doors and if you came to visit the guards would radio reception to 'phone up the flat to check if you wanted to see the visitor.

It always bothers me when I see armed guards standing watch outside a Jollibee's, shopping mall, bank, ATM, etc. It's not me physically seeing them on the job, but more for the reason they are there in the first place.

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The place I lived in Manila was safe. It had guards armed with shotguns on the doors and if you came to visit the guards would radio reception to 'phone up the flat to check if you wanted to see the visitor.

It always bothers me when I see armed guards standing watch outside a Jollibee's, shopping mall, bank, ATM, etc. It's not me physically seeing them on the job, but more for the reason they are there in the first place.

Same feeling I have coming from England and going to Europe or USA and seeing armed police on the streets, in some places with machine guns. But I hear it's a common sight in England as well now and remember seeing machine gun toting cops at Heathrow.

Edited by PattayaParent
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I thought he must have meant "crap" but having googled crab mentality i can see what he means,new one on me though.

Spent some time round luzon and was not impressed at all,i found bagio a rat hole, like hat yai in the mountains i thought.Got to cebu and loved it,stayed there for the rest of my trip, little place called moal boal is nice on the other side of cebu but quite a trip by bus from cebu city,maybe a couple of hours by car.

But generally the infrastructure is crap (not crab) ,enough to put me off,Thai infrastructure(or lack of) is about the minimum tolerance on my threshhold meter.

good luck.

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The place I lived in Manila was safe. It had guards armed with shotguns on the doors and if you came to visit the guards would radio reception to 'phone up the flat to check if you wanted to see the visitor.

It always bothers me when I see armed guards standing watch outside a Jollibee's, shopping mall, bank, ATM, etc. It's not me physically seeing them on the job, but more for the reason they are there in the first place.

Same feeling I have coming from England and going to Europe or USA and seeing armed police on the streets, in some places with machine guns. But I hear it's a common sight in England as well now and remember seeing machine gun toting cops at Heathrow.

My first trip to the PI was Cebu. I landed in Manila, had to spend the night as my flight was out the next day. Couldn't get out of there quick enough. I just didn't like it.

Cebu is OK. On my first day, I was awarded a show by 2 armed security guards at the local mall. They were showing off how they could cock a shotgun with one hand. Crazy. Armed guards everywhere. I've rarely seen anything like that anywhere else in the world. Nothing like back in the West, except at airports and maybe a roving patrol. I ended up at a cock fight as it was just outside my hotel. Left fairly quickly after seeing all the hidden handguns...well...not so well hidden.

I did like Dumaguette. Small town. But really nothing special. Bohol had some OK diving. Was on my way to Cagayan when the power station was blown up. So ended up back in Manila for a few days while I could sort out my flights back to Thailand. Almost got pick pocketed at the port in Manila. Caught the guy "red handed", but he was too fast getting away.

The big plus for me was how most spoke at least a bit of English.

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The place I lived in Manila was safe. It had guards armed with shotguns on the doors and if you came to visit the guards would radio reception to 'phone up the flat to check if you wanted to see the visitor.

It always bothers me when I see armed guards standing watch outside a Jollibee's, shopping mall, bank, ATM, etc. It's not me physically seeing them on the job, but more for the reason they are there in the first place.

And the Jollibees have a sign up saying "Please check your guns and knives" !!

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The place I lived in Manila was safe. It had guards armed with shotguns on the doors and if you came to visit the guards would radio reception to 'phone up the flat to check if you wanted to see the visitor.

It always bothers me when I see armed guards standing watch outside a Jollibee's, shopping mall, bank, ATM, etc. It's not me physically seeing them on the job, but more for the reason they are there in the first place.

And the Jollibees have a sign up saying "Please check your guns and knives" !!

Is that to make sure they are in working order :) ?

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Apart from crime, some of it violent, my experience in the Philippines is you best take care with male filipinos if any sort of argument or disagreement develops. There is much more of a macho attitude there and they are considerably more "jai rawn" than Thais. Manila is the only place in Asia were I have on multiple times seen road rage turning into drivers getting out of cars and engaging in fist fights.

As for Manila, I think the only truly safe areas are Makati, Ft. Bonifacio, or inside one of the gated and guarded communities. Do not under any circumstances decide to take a midnight stroll outside of those areas. Also, take care when driving through them. Our company driver there always immediately locks the doors when we get in the car, saying that cars are sometimes targeted at stop lights or stalled traffic, where a thief will run up, open the door, grab whatever he can and run away.

Edited by bubba
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