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Fight among each other to get the most responses. I believe in reality.

Erm, you "believe" in an invisible man in the sky and use that stick to beat everyone with until they come around to your way of thinking.

You are a dangerous person who is far removed from "reality".

And this invisible man needs money, lots of it. He cannot handle money, just like the OP. That is why the church always needs more and more and more. To build the big houses and buy the 4x4 pickups that are imperative aquisitions required to enable the christians over here to give lots of help to the underprivelidged hill tribe people etc.

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Another luckless Farang feeds a dependancy and then wonders how to get out of the habit.

The most important word in any language is "NO", learn it and become well versed in its use.

Or carry on feeding the dependancy and miraculously wake up one day to find you too have no money (at which time she'll make her excuses and leave - grow a set and make that sooner than later)


If, in light of the ridiculous demands she has made on you re: finances and your eventual blissful union, she is unable to tighten her belt to help you achieve that allegedly mutual goal, it can only get worse.

you are either taking the piss here or sorely lacking in intelligence.

Your alternatives are to ditch her now, give her what she wants, or explain to her that you understand her point of view, start living large, and ditch her when the deadline arrives.


OP must be more discipline.

Give her limited money in each month, tell her to manage her own expenses by that.

Will be help if she will write down what she has spent in each day.

NO GIVING MORE if she make her own debt, she must use her own next month money to repay.

If she is too bad, then better break up, (seriously!)

OP must be more discipline.

Give her limited money in each month, tell her to manage her own expenses by that.

Will be help if she will write down what she has spent in each day.

NO GIVING MORE if she make her own debt, she must use her own next month money to repay.

If she is too bad, then better break up, (seriously!)

How do you break up with a figment of imagination, a fantasy made up for the members of TV who just love replying to troll threads. :rolleyes:

There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Why would you think that?

I've (unfortunately) heard many sermons where sex outside marriage was frowned upon ...... I think the words 'may their souls burn in hell' may have been used.

This is not about religion but fact. It seams you have been to a none loving church. A real person would show compassion to the problems and turmoil the victims are facing and not religion. This is true God's love and Jesus preaching. Jesus never said anyone would go to hell for what they do, read scripture. Want to know the truth go to my church in Chiang Mai web site. Learn what is promised as nothing is punished.



now you have gone and outed yourself as a god botherer.

by the way thanks for the link it was worth a chuckle


love the rockstar pastor, however what amuses me most is the fact that you simply cannot restrain yourself from disgorging your creed .


Tear not thine own heart in despair , the Angel of Retribution shall visitith upon that squalid nuptial shack . vampire.gif



however what amuses me most is the fact that you simply cannot restrain yourself from disgorging your creed .

Perhaps you could amuse yourself by examining your own predilection to bleat on about the beliefs of others.


however what amuses me most is the fact that you simply cannot restrain yourself from disgorging your creed .

Perhaps you could amuse yourself by examining your own predilection to bleat on about the beliefs of others.

indeed, and perhaps you could stop being pompous.


You have fallen in one of the biggest test a Thai girl does to know if you know how to spend money wisely or just plain stupid. If you are not man enough to control her all your money will be gone. It is not her fault as you gave it to her but yours.

Here is the Thai way.

Later on in dating you will probably want to purchase a gift for her. This will be a money test. One example: when I was dating my wife before we got married, I noticed she needed a good watch. We went to the mall and a reputable watch dealer. Now, I could have bought a very expensive one, but here is what I did. I ask her which one she liked. Of course she picked out a very expensive one (remember this is just a test). I then asked the clerk to see a much cheaper one, which she showed me. I told my date that the cheap watches were not any good. We then looked at medium-price watches and she found one she liked and made the purchase. Now here is the lesson in all this.

If a Thai girl convinces you to make an expensive purchase when it is not necessary, she thinks you spend way too much money. If you make a cheap purchase, she will think you are stingy. If you make the right purchase, she will know you know how to spend your money wisely. She will never marry a man who throws money away or a man who has no money or is cheap.

Asking for money

Here is one trap most Western men fall into, and again, this is another test. My wife never did this, but I was one step ahead of her, so she didn't have to. At some time in the courtship she will say something like, "My parents need a new roof for their house, as it leaks when it rains," or, "We have no indoor plumbing in our house in the village. Can you help us?" or maybe, "My father's motorbike broke down and he needs a new one." Let's think about this one carefully. Okay, she now knows you might love her or at least like her a lot or you wouldn't be spending this much time with her. Now she is performing the biggest test of all--seeing how stupid you are.

Most of the Western men I know would give her the money because they want to help. This is the biggest mistake you can do. DO NOT give her any money for anything!!! Your reply should be, "Let's go to your parents house and see what they need and maybe I can help." This is not only wise but also what she wants to hear. She will have one of two replies. If her parents really don't need the money, she will just laugh, probably give you a hug, and change the subject, no more said for now. Don't bring up the subject again; remember, this is just a test. If they do need the money for the purposes she mentioned, she will say okay.

Now one of three things will happen.

If she just wanted you for your money, she will see you saw right through her objective and will avoid you. Another is she will take you to her parent's house and you will see her parents don't need anything from you and that this was just a test. Third, you will visit her village and parents and see what they need. Now this is very important and happens mainly with bar girls. If you just give her the money she asks for, she will take it for sure. Not only that, but she will keep asking for more as long as you keep giving it to her. You are now her cash cow, and remember, she didn't take it from you: you were more than willing to give it to her. I hear many stories from Western men who say, "This girl stole my money." No, you were stupid enough to give it to her without checking to see if her stories were true. Remember, these are tests to see if you are wise, thrifty, kind, and considerate, or just plain stupid. A traditional Thai girl would not take the money but just smile or laugh as mentioned previously.

Be wise, informed and smart. Think with the big head not the small one between your legs.


In all my years, I have never experienced any of the above with any Thai girl I dated. Where do some of you find these gems at? I want to know so I can stay away from the place.


You have fallen in one of the biggest test a Thai girl does to know if you know how to spend money wisely or just plain stupid. If you are not man enough to control her all your money will be gone. It is not her fault as you gave it to her but yours.

Here is the Thai way.

Later on in dating you will probably want to purchase a gift for her. This will be a money test. One example: when I was dating my wife before we got married, I noticed she needed a good watch. We went to the mall and a reputable watch dealer. Now, I could have bought a very expensive one, but here is what I did. I ask her which one she liked. Of course she picked out a very expensive one (remember this is just a test). I then asked the clerk to see a much cheaper one, which she showed me. I told my date that the cheap watches were not any good. We then looked at medium-price watches and she found one she liked and made the purchase. Now here is the lesson in all this.

If a Thai girl convinces you to make an expensive purchase when it is not necessary, she thinks you spend way too much money. If you make a cheap purchase, she will think you are stingy. If you make the right purchase, she will know you know how to spend your money wisely. She will never marry a man who throws money away or a man who has no money or is cheap.

Asking for money

Here is one trap most Western men fall into, and again, this is another test. My wife never did this, but I was one step ahead of her, so she didn't have to. At some time in the courtship she will say something like, "My parents need a new roof for their house, as it leaks when it rains," or, "We have no indoor plumbing in our house in the village. Can you help us?" or maybe, "My father's motorbike broke down and he needs a new one." Let's think about this one carefully. Okay, she now knows you might love her or at least like her a lot or you wouldn't be spending this much time with her. Now she is performing the biggest test of all--seeing how stupid you are.

Most of the Western men I know would give her the money because they want to help. This is the biggest mistake you can do. DO NOT give her any money for anything!!! Your reply should be, "Let's go to your parents house and see what they need and maybe I can help." This is not only wise but also what she wants to hear. She will have one of two replies. If her parents really don't need the money, she will just laugh, probably give you a hug, and change the subject, no more said for now. Don't bring up the subject again; remember, this is just a test. If they do need the money for the purposes she mentioned, she will say okay.

Now one of three things will happen.

If she just wanted you for your money, she will see you saw right through her objective and will avoid you. Another is she will take you to her parent's house and you will see her parents don't need anything from you and that this was just a test. Third, you will visit her village and parents and see what they need. Now this is very important and happens mainly with bar girls. If you just give her the money she asks for, she will take it for sure. Not only that, but she will keep asking for more as long as you keep giving it to her. You are now her cash cow, and remember, she didn't take it from you: you were more than willing to give it to her. I hear many stories from Western men who say, "This girl stole my money." No, you were stupid enough to give it to her without checking to see if her stories were true. Remember, these are tests to see if you are wise, thrifty, kind, and considerate, or just plain stupid. A traditional Thai girl would not take the money but just smile or laugh as mentioned previously.

Be wise, informed and smart. Think with the big head not the small one between your legs.


In all my years, I have never experienced any of the above with any Thai girl I dated. Where do some of you find these gems at? I want to know so I can stay away from the place.

I don't think you will encounter many girls like this, as long as you avoid the red-light districts and the slums under the motorway.

Sent from iPhone; please forgive any typos or violations of forum rules


Think with the big head not the small one between your legs.


Am I alone in finding this aspect humerous, perhaps not the best way for a poster named as such to end a post. giggle.gif


this reminds me of a similar problem I had back in the west when I had a lemonade run.

one particular attractive single lady had run up a large bill and I needed paying.

I normally sent the help but he was too scared to ask for settlement of the bill.

anyway, one saturday morning I went to the door myself. I knocked and sure enough she came to the door in a house coat.

when I asked for the settlement of the bill (40 pounds) she pulled the house coat opened and asked me,

" Can you take it out of this?"

I was quiet for a second as I had a look and pondered her proposal. I replied,

"Don't you have anything smaller?"

She promptly paid me but never bought from me again. Shame.

Should have told her she could do it in installments!!

There is a child support law in Thailand, but only for women who were married ...... a system I would have though Christians would fully support.

Why would you think that?

I've (unfortunately) heard many sermons where sex outside marriage was frowned upon ...... I think the words 'may their souls burn in hell' may have been used.

That's a rather narrow view of the world. As if there are only the traditionalist or orthodox kind... Acutely, from my experience, many people who do real charitable work tend to be rather liberal minded and have a selfless approach towards other.


That's a rather narrow view of the world. As if there are only the traditionalist or orthodox kind... Acutely, from my experience, many people who do real charitable work tend to be rather liberal minded and have a selfless approach towards other.

These comments were only about one Christian Missionary who considers us 'sick', not about people doing charitable work in general.


you wont change her, youve spoilt her from day one, she knows you have to money to give her so she wont resect what you give her, and just wait till your married, wow, shes got the jackpot,

im sorry its just the way some of them are, im not being nasty i love my wife dearly, you just have to find a good one,

its fun finding one,,lol



You don't! Can't teach them to budget too!. They don't understand the concept when "Money grows on trees!"

As see sees your savings and/or income rise, so does her spending.


There is so much wrong here I don't know where to go, but it's raining out and I don't have anything else to do:

1. "I've been having this problem for a long time." You failed to set the ground rules so now she's walking all over you. This has proven to be a winning stategy for her and you're not going to change her behavior now. She's not going to change. She's not the problem, you are.

2. "Some of you might know that I have to save between 5 million to 10 millions bahts within 2 years for our future (my girlfriend's and mine), else the unthinkable will happen - and I don't want it to happen." You realize there is a difference between 5 &10 million? The unthinkable-what is that? You have to hold off on commiting to this relationship? It may be over? Lucky you.

3. "Firstly, the problem is my girlfriend can't really think ahead or can't think of the importance of saving money for the future. Her reasoning is that we can't predict what will happen in the future, therefore, she want to enjoy life to the fullest, even if it means miraculously waking up to the next day and finding herself alive but with no money to pay for the meals for that day." How can you possibly argue with that mentality? She's not commited to the relationship. She doesn't care enough about you. Yes, this is a mindset I've heard before, but it's not the mindset I would want to have with a girlfriend. You've accepted it and chosen to live with it. She's leading you around like a water buffalo with a rope through its nose. She's not the problem, you are.

4. "She will order expensive meals that cost 600 bahts in total. Worst of all, she can't finish the food that she ordered." This is irrelevent. They do this if you let them. You've let her do this so it continues. She's not the problem, you are.

5. "Thirdly, she loves to buy shirts, dresses and shoes weekly. As a result of that, she uses up her monthly salary within three weeks. She said the things are cheap here so she won't feel the pinch when she buys. However, if you think about it, a little a day makes up a heap. After that, she will ask me for 5000 or 8000 bahts to tide her over. If I don't give it to her, she will call me a stingy person and then borrow from her friends." Keenio, farang. She spends like a drunken sailor and that's okay, if it's her money. You didn't mention if you gave her an allowance. Why dresses and shoes weekly? What does she do with all this stuff? You've picked a winner here, buddy and you're getting played.

6. "What all these problems mean to me..." That's enough. You need to start organizing an exit plan. After you've made the break, you need to relect back on the mistakes you've made. You've chosen the wrong girl. You're not suppose to be having these problems and they are only going to get worse...much worse. How long will it take for her to go through your 5-10 Mil? Not long.

Why do farangs come here and let women do this to them? Why do they act like this? BECAUSE YOU LET THEM!!! I have a GF that is completely opposite of this girl. You don't have to put up with this crap. If you've got a girl like this...walk away. It's beyond repair. After the wobbley, take a long look in the mirror at who created this mess. Ye gods, man.

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Because the Thailand wannabees can't control their primal urges and latch on to anything. Kind of a wasted thread because you can't talk to cement heads.


Seems like a disconnect here. If you are in a position to save THB 5 - 10 million over 2 years, I am surprised she even goes out with you to restaurants where the most expensive meal is THB 600.

Wish I could save that over 10 years, after living expenses.


subside her income -- funny, or should i say 'humerous'?

never mind, its a mute point

Or perhaps even a moot point. tongue.png

a finger of speech


Don't give her any, then she'll hang on to what she's got.

If you keep shelling out time after time, she isn't going to save.

Posts like this are rummy and there are many on here similar. It's almost like to some, having a Thai girlfriend is like having a pet that they need to learn to look after.


Yes and sometime it seems that the thailady have the falang as the pet.. not the other way around. Not to be nasty, but sometimes I am really surpriced how weak and undetermend we guys often are.

here we talk about saving a huge lot of money over a period of 2 years only. And the only thing standing in your way is this girl. If she doesn´t care, Why should you?

They are NOT like this all of them. I mean, many many of the thaigirls are very well aware of the fact that there is a tomorrow. And that is because they have been "send" down to pleasure us guys in cities like Pattaya and Bangkok amongst others.

I think that it is YOu that are the pet in this relationship. If she is so incredibly stupid and shortsighted, she is NOT worth all your efforts..... I suggest that you end this, and look for a much more nicer one. There are much nice girls down there...

I say.....how many of us guys are there here in Thailand??? Beyond belief.......strange...... Dont let your "picker" pick the girls...at least not for long relationships..... maybe it ends better than....


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