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Spanish Man Blogs Bangkok Suicide On Facebook: Police


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You can see photos of him sitting on the computer table head on the desk


Well pity the guy , maybe he got so much stress from work from his boss or visa department ! Hope the forensic people cna find something on his computer

I pity the lad too.

However I wonder why the photo of his apartment being a mess and the bottle of

Blackmores Multi B Vitamins is so essential. Guess he wanted to be fit for

wherever he went.

Life isn't short...it's the longest thing somebody ever does. Shame he took

a shortcut for whatever reasons he had.

May you finally find your peace Juan Andres Medin Pineiro...

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At least in this case, on a forum which is known for being extraordinarily cynical, we know this gentleman was a genuine cry for help and a genuine suicide.

I fear there are too many people alone and dejected in Thailand, and the isolation makes outcomes like this more easy to come by. It must have been beyond horrific for his friend in Spain to helplessly watch as he prepared to take his own life.

Suicides always leave ripples, many of which last for decades upon decades after the sad event. I'm sorry for his choice to leave this life, but I am more sorry for his friends and relatives who will now live with a guilty burden for years to come.


What you say has a lot of truth in it.

As uncomoncense has said in post number 4

"This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world."

If one is unwilling to let go of his cultural beliefs and accept other beliefs customs and system's they can easily become suicidal. And for the most part live a very cynical life thus depriving themselves of the positive things in their newly adapted country of choice to call home.


How often do we cynically say they call it a suicide for a cover up when the reality was it was a suicide to escape from what to them is a unacceptable life style. This is by no means saying that there is not incidents of a cover up or what they are covering up is they do not know and it dosen't matter that much to them.

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I actually knew this guy... He belonged to an expat group called Big Night out Bangkok (or Big NOB) and I am friends with a lot of his friends. He was rather shy and could be a bit strange at times and in all honesty I am not really all that surprised that he committed suicide. I always got the feeling there were some deep-seated issues there. His friends, however, were all shocked and distraught and he will be sorely missed.

I found out about his death from a Facebook post by one of his closest friends and good friend of mine. It read:

A good friend, and a better person died yesterday here in Bangkok.

Juan Medín

you will be always with us.


It really is tragic when a person feels that the only way out is to end their life and this seems to be an epidemic here in Thailand.

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

Hmm mmm. He is probably dining on "God's" noodley goodness as we speak. (Pastafarianism reference of the day FTW!)

Sorry it went this way for you, unnamed Spanish man. Such a horrible thing that your life ended like this, and especially more so for your friends and family who you've left behind.

You are so incredibly lost. Why make such fabulously ignorant statements, when you have NO wisdom to back it up. Is this analysis of yours based on personal realization, or just stuff you read and are simply parroting? According to many of the great sages and prophets, who in all of your spiritual wisdom you more than likely do not acknowledge, there is no peace to be found in suicide, the ultimate act of a tiny coward. Learn something. Study. Meditate and pray, but most of all, try to improve yourself and stop behaving like a human parrot.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

Give me a break. The 'West' is such a paradise and a bastion of paradise, which is why you chose the hell of Thailand to make a home. No country is perfect, but Thailand is a lot better than many other places. If you think otherwise, why are you there?? [And of course, here we go again with all the conspiracy theories about how this was not really a suicide, the incompetent/corrupt police are just selling a story]. Amazing. {RIP to the poor man and condolences to family and friends}

He was making a valid point about the cultural difference experienced when working in a Thai company.

Missed the point where he accuses the police of corruption or incompetence or where he says that this case isn't suicide.

Your desire to defend everything Thai is admirable but blinding you to what is being said and making your contribution to this thread an unhelpful distraction.

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Lying and cheating by companies is common in all countries. At the end of the day the shareholder payout is the only goal.

I moved my whole life in UK at one point to start work with another company 200 miles away, my wife left a very good job to come with me and in spite of all the promises at interview of " many years work and good money in the new location" the company sold out to a rival company within 6 months of me starting, they had been negotiating the sell out for months before I joined.. Luckily by that time my wife had found a new and better job.

The new company was one that I knew and had never had any interest in working for before and it didn't take them long to get rid of of most of us who had to transfer over with the deal, salaries were too high etc etc.

Yes it's nice to be retired out here, no worries about massive heating bills in the winter and a wardrobe that contains only shorts and T shirts etc. many other countries supply that too, but you have to start preparing for it when you're in your thirties and part of that preparation is looking after you and your's and not trusting the company to do it for you. My aim was always to pass on sitting on a beach in the sunshine with a cold beer in my hand and it still is.

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

In my reasonably long life (65) I have known three people who have committed suicide, not friends, just people I knew. Not one of them was ever in Thailand.

Thailand is not the problem, the persons personnal situation and mental state at the time are for me the main factors.

All I can say is it's sad to hear.

Thailand may not be THE problem, but it most certainly is a mitigating factor. Friends and family described the man as generally happy, so it seems strange that at the age of 37 he suddenly up and kills himself after living in the Kingdom for one year. When I first moved to Thailand, I nearly had a nervous breakdown, as the lying, cheating, quality of life (pollution, heat, crowding, garbage), general malfeasance, spaced-out mindsets, isolation, job problems (the business I began to work with had been established for five years when I came and signed a contract as Education Director; within five months of working there, a falling out with the franchise based in America led to the collapse of the business) etc. really took a toll. I got over it and survived the next three years but I had already lived in Korea without ever experiencing what I experienced in Thailand. The Kingdom is a bizarre place. It's great for retired people, but for young people from developed countries, it can be a nightmare. I was warned by many in Korea not to come. Looking back, I might have taken heed a bit more.

Hi Unkomoncents, what are the specific instances of lying and cheating that you experienced? Just trying to get an idea because I've heard of it, though yet to experience it to a large extent.

Also to some others, for those who feel so negatively about Thailand, why haven't you left yet? (I know that some of you have, or are leaving soon though)

Ah the old why haven't you left saying. Why do you continue to live in such a terrible place.

Fact is why don't they leave? Why do they choose to live here. Are they socially unacceptable back home.

Why does no one ever answer this question?

Yes there are people who are here because their company sent them.

And some because they have a wife and children. How they got them in such a obviously terrible place to live is beyond me.

But for the most part we choose to live here. And most of us are able to accept the good with the bad not just focus on what we see as wrong. Get out of the tourist areas if you don't want to see all the scams.

fully agree with the poster who posted this.

"This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world"

I see he is leaving the country. Rather than sit around and bitch about it.

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

People that commit suicide do not get to enter "heaven". Sorry.

I thought The Messiah forgave all, clearly then he doesn't. I guess it's a bit like a nightclub, "if you're wearing trainers or jeans you're not coming in".

On a more serious note, condolences to his family and friends. It is a real shame that this young man had got to this, and that he could only see suicide as an option. RIP

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How many angels can dance on the head of a pin??? Would the Lord reject a man because of mental illness???

Answer that one and you will have your answer to the suicide barred from heaven conundrum.

You can't answer it because you don't know the mental state of every suicide. The " Guilty " religion of Catholicism in particular makes great play of suicide being a Cardinal Sin. Go ask your local priest that question,

" Father, would the Lord turn his back on the mentally ill? ".............then watch him flounder.

Just sayin' coffee1.gif

And you sir can not state he is going to heaven as you do not know for sure that god actualy exists, do you?

No one can prove or disprove this - that's down to every individuals choice of faith and beliefs. However. let's hope that this poor man found peace away from the troubles that casued him such pain that ending his own life seemed a better choice than living.

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Rest in peace Juan.

Very sad new for a spanish expat living in Khon Kaen, like me.

My sympathy goes to his whole family.

As in very few days i'll be at the spanish embassy I'll try to get more information on circumstancies of hid death.

I must say also that the economic situation in Spain right now is so BAD that it would'nt allow some Spaniards to move back home.

Sent from my GT-S5830T using Thaivisa Connect App

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Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

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I am sorry but I feel no sorrow for anyone who commits suicide. And to do it online so people can know what is happening is only his way of making people feel sorry for him. Not me.

That's great that you let us all know.


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Interesting.....three of the first five posters either thinks they can or is actually attempting to pass a message via this forum to a man who is dead....I find myself wondering why this is attempted every time there is a news storing involving the death of someone? Do we have that many members who are clairvoyants??

It allows people to cope with events that they find troubling and upsetting.

No harm done. Leave them be.

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Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

How would you know that? Are you qualified to assess their competency? Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Due to the shortage of mental health professionals, the good ones can pick and choose who they want to deal with. That means the "messy" cases can be avoided, unless the patient's family has lots of money. In Thailand, mental health care comes in the form of potions and pills. It makes it easier for the families and the attending practioner. Have a patient with age related dementia? Dope him up. Have a patient with OCD? No biggie, just dope him up. Have a patient with something like a brain tumor causing odd behaviour? No worries, dope him up and then you don't have to diagnose the underlying ailment.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Ah the old why haven't you left saying. Why do you continue to live in such a terrible place.

Fact is why don't they leave? Why do they choose to live here. Are they socially unacceptable back home.

Why does no one ever answer this question?

Yes there are people who are here because their company sent them.

And some because they have a wife and children. How they got them in such a obviously terrible place to live is beyond me.

But for the most part we choose to live here. And most of us are able to accept the good with the bad not just focus on what we see as wrong. Get out of the tourist areas if you don't want to see all the scams.

fully agree with the poster who posted this.

"This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world"

I see he is leaving the country. Rather than sit around and bitch about it.

I actually just started another thread about this "Why don't you leave" topic, trying to learn more because I plan to move here soon: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/569548-reasons-for-not-leaving-thailand-loving-or-hating-it/

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sad.pngsad.pngsad.png Hope you have found your peace.

Yes, he is at peace. He is in a better kingdom now. The kingdom of heaven with God. May God bless you sir.

Hmm mmm. He is probably dining on "God's" noodley goodness as we speak. (Pastafarianism reference of the day FTW!)

Sorry it went this way for you, unnamed Spanish man. Such a horrible thing that your life ended like this, and especially more so for your friends and family who you've left behind.

You are so incredibly lost. Why make such fabulously ignorant statements, when you have NO wisdom to back it up. Is this analysis of yours based on personal realization, or just stuff you read and are simply parroting? According to many of the great sages and prophets, who in all of your spiritual wisdom you more than likely do not acknowledge, there is no peace to be found in suicide, the ultimate act of a tiny coward. Learn something. Study. Meditate and pray, but most of all, try to improve yourself and stop behaving like a human parrot.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect App

I think that you are quoting the wrong post and directed that rant at me when I did not say anything about achieving peace through suicide.

However, since I am here I will say that I believe this guy is at peace and whatever was torturing him in life is now over and his one chance at experiencing this universe has come to an end.

He is now at the same place he was before he was born; a place and state we cannot comprehend because we do not know what absolute nothing is, not even nothing. I guess that is peace.

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Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

How would you know that? Are you qualified to assess their competency? Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Due to the shortage of mental health professionals, the good ones can pick and choose who they want to deal with. That means the "messy" cases can be avoided, unless the patient's family has lots of money. In Thailand, mental health care comes in the form of potions and pills. It makes it easier for the families and the attending practioner. Have a patient with age related dementia? Dope him up. Have a patient with OCD? No biggie, just dope him up. Have a patient with something like a brain tumor causing odd behaviour? No worries, dope him up and then you don't have to diagnose the underlying ailment.

Jesus H. Christ guy, I'm trying to suggest an option in response to a post on how limited the options are for the distressed in Thailand, and you lay into me wanting me to offer you proof of their qualifications. Sounds like your doc cancelled your appointment today.

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Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

How would you know that? Are you qualified to assess their competency? Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Due to the shortage of mental health professionals, the good ones can pick and choose who they want to deal with. That means the "messy" cases can be avoided, unless the patient's family has lots of money. In Thailand, mental health care comes in the form of potions and pills. It makes it easier for the families and the attending practioner. Have a patient with age related dementia? Dope him up. Have a patient with OCD? No biggie, just dope him up. Have a patient with something like a brain tumor causing odd behaviour? No worries, dope him up and then you don't have to diagnose the underlying ailment.

Jesus H. Christ guy, I'm trying to suggest an option in response to a post on how limited the options are for the distressed in Thailand, and you lay into me wanting me to offer you proof of their qualifications. Sounds like your doc cancelled your appointment today.

Don't take it personally. No matter what you say or how you say it, you can be sure that on ThaiVisa there is a neverending line of unhappy people waiting to take their life's misgivings out on you with their daily rant.

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Sorry but selfish SOB

Posting his last moments for not just the world but his family and friends to see. Outrageous attention seeking.

If you feel there is no other option left to you than suicide then why make people that knew you suffer even more? How do you think his friends in Spain felt knowing a friend in Thailand was dying and they could do nothing.

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very sad condolences to family

there is a lot of shall we say exceedinly dangerous and toxic comments on this forum

How can anyone say someone who commits suicide does not go to heaven, how do they know are they speaking from personal experience, plese try and let me know

Again to say this obviouslyly suffering man took the easy way out again calleous and uncaring no one knows what goes on inside their own head yet alone someone elses

Lets be kind and loving to our fellow inhabitants


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Sorry but selfish SOB

Posting his last moments for not just the world but his family and friends to see. Outrageous attention seeking.

If you feel there is no other option left to you than suicide then why make people that knew you suffer even more? How do you think his friends in Spain felt knowing a friend in Thailand was dying and they could do nothing.

The only selfish SOB here is you mate. The fact that you post such views sends a very clear message that getting your callous point across is more important to you that the feelings of the deceased's loved ones. That is the epitome of selfishness and also makes you a clear hypocrite. Jog on and go spread your toxic BS on another thread.

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif What the h_ll was that all about?crazy.gif As far as loosing faith in humanity goes, I read something like your post and my loss of faith is more along the lines of loosing faith in the chance of humanity surviving as a species!!! Understand that I am not referring to the contents of the post per se, but the fact that it was generated by a human mind.shock1.gif Edited by techboy
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Thai people are in general not equipped and there are not a lot of well advertised places for farangs to go to if they have issues. Let's face it if work sucks your girlfriend left yo u where do you turn if you are here on your own

Yes, but there are good doctors and psychologists at BNH and Bumrungrad.

How would you know that? Are you qualified to assess their competency? Maybe they are, maybe they are not. Due to the shortage of mental health professionals, the good ones can pick and choose who they want to deal with. That means the "messy" cases can be avoided, unless the patient's family has lots of money. In Thailand, mental health care comes in the form of potions and pills. It makes it easier for the families and the attending practioner. Have a patient with age related dementia? Dope him up. Have a patient with OCD? No biggie, just dope him up. Have a patient with something like a brain tumor causing odd behaviour? No worries, dope him up and then you don't have to diagnose the underlying ailment.

Jesus H. Christ guy, I'm trying to suggest an option in response to a post on how limited the options are for the distressed in Thailand, and you lay into me wanting me to offer you proof of their qualifications. Sounds like your doc cancelled your appointment today.

Why invent? You didn't have the slightest idea when you offered your "sage advice". What happens when a distraught person shows up at the facilities you suggested and is told, oh sorry, there is a 6 month waiting list to have a consult, and by the way, how much money do you have.

Do you expect the depressed person to have a seat on one of the hard plastic chairs and wait? If the man had no money, what then?

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This country detaches you from the culturally relative notion of progress that exists in the minds of most of those in the Western world. Bangkok is proof that if you want to exploit your way to riches, you will be amply rewarded (caveat: you must be incredibly cognizant of the current power order that is based on a local notion of reputation, mostly incomprehensible to the foreign world). Then you will become fabulously wealthy (while being compromised by the constant need to show heed to hi-so's and other local higher-ups [you're a foreigner; good luck!]) If you work for a Thai company, be prepared for a mind-enema. You're about to be shown up. It's a world unto itself, and that is the general attitude. So many foreigners commit suicide here. They lose faith in humanity, and they are emotionally vulnerable. Also, the police generally declare most foreigner deaths 'suicides', especially in Pattaya.

In my reasonably long life (65) I have known three people who have committed suicide, not friends, just people I knew. Not one of them was ever in Thailand.

Thailand is not the problem, the persons personnal situation and mental state at the time are for me the main factors.

All I can say is it's sad to hear.

Thailand may not be THE problem, but it most certainly is a mitigating factor. Friends and family described the man as generally happy, so it seems strange that at the age of 37 he suddenly up and kills himself after living in the Kingdom for one year. When I first moved to Thailand, I nearly had a nervous breakdown, as the lying, cheating, quality of life (pollution, heat, crowding, garbage), general malfeasance, spaced-out mindsets, isolation, job problems (the business I began to work with had been established for five years when I came and signed a contract as Education Director; within five months of working there, a falling out with the franchise based in America led to the collapse of the business) etc. really took a toll. I got over it and survived the next three years but I had already lived in Korea without ever experiencing what I experienced in Thailand. The Kingdom is a bizarre place. It's great for retired people, but for young people from developed countries, it can be a nightmare. I was warned by many in Korea not to come. Looking back, I might have taken heed a bit more.

Hi Unkomoncents, what are the specific instances of lying and cheating that you experienced? Just trying to get an idea because I've heard of it, though yet to experience it to a large extent.

Also to some others, for those who feel so negatively about Thailand, why haven't you left yet? (I know that some of you have, or are leaving soon though)

Taxi drivers telling you they have no change, store clerks who say "mai mii" when they have the product sitting on the shelf right behind them, constant, constant violation of contract stipulations (salary, vacation, etc, etc), everything the government EVER says (especially about flooding or other problems), students who constantly say they are late because of traffic (or a variety of other excuses), any time anyone EVER tries to save face. If you haven't noticed, then you haven't been here more than a week or you fundamentally don't understand Thai culture (and I make no claims regarding my own expertise). This is a stupid exercise. If you don't see it, then you don't want to.

The mere fact that prostitution is technically illegal, as are firearms (Thailand has more intentional homicides using firearms than the US), is proof of mass dishonesty in the legal system and society as a whole.

Edited by Unkomoncents
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"Why invent? You didn't have the slightest idea when you offered your "sage advice". What happens when a distraught person shows up at the facilities you suggested and is told, oh sorry, there is a 6 month waiting list to have a consult, and by the way, how much money do you have.

Do you expect the depressed person to have a seat on one of the hard plastic chairs and wait? If the man had no money, what then"

Not even that, but I think that somebody with certain mental problems can no-where get a proper psychiatric treatment / ear (understanding) than in his / her native country. You see yourself explaining your problems in LOS, even to a medic???

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