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Ok. One More Dog Post/Question


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Since there have been a couple recent dog posts, I thought I would toss out these questions:

Are the mixed breed Thai dogs typically as healthy as the "Heinz 57" mixed breed dogs in other countries? I know that some of the high-breds are more subject to displasia, cancer, skin problems, etc. The mixed breeds seem to be like the Energizer Bunny and keep running and running.

Are the Thai mixed breeds "runners" or do they naturally stay closer to home?

Are they mostly all bark and no bite, or are they naturally overly agressive?

I suppose I'm answering my own question by saying that "it depends on how you raise them".

We have 3 small Yorkshires but are moving from Chonburi to Kaeng Krachan where our new house should be completed in a couple of weeks. My wife has hired one of our new neighbor ladies to help with gardening, cleaning, etc. This lady has a mixed breed pregnant dog and wants us to take one or more of the pups. Since we own 34 rai, space is not an issue. Although it's a very safe area, it would be nice to have a dog or two bigger and louder than the Yorkies.

Any insight from experienced dog owners would be appreciated.



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I have 4 Thai mixed breed dogs...... yes, you did answer your own question by saying that "it depends on how you raise them". Very much so.

They are very protective of their home, bark like mad when anybody comes near the gate, a few sniffs of the visitors and they settle down, but they have not bitten anybody yet. They have escaped a few times but always come back, they know where they get fed! Only problem with them escaping is that they have no road sense and seem to take great pleasure in wandering about in the middle of the road, you have more room though so shouldn't be any problem.

Two of my males have been neutered and they tend to be a little less active, but i guess they are around 10 years old now, another 1 male and 1 female have not and they tend to be more active - and the ones that tend to escape now and again. These two produce lovely pups which are always easy to find homes for. See pics - 2 months old, i never let them away under 2 months.

If you are getting the dog as a puppy then really it will depend mostly on you how it turns out, but in my experience the Thai mixed dogs seem to be very loyal companions, daft as anything but very loyal!!, i would be lost without mine!.


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LennyW. Thanks for the insight and experience with your dogs. I really enjoyed the photos that you included. We will have our dogs "fixed" if we get them from our neighbor. Our other yorkies are "fixed" as well. Thanks, again.


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