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Condo Title Requirements

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Can someone please direct me to a summary of the requirements for a property to be developed undo condo title.

Particularly I'd like to know:

is there a prescribed minimum number of floors (levels)

if it all has to under one roof,

maximum land size.

Provinces that allow such development

Can it be developed in stages

Initial and ongoing fees and taxes

To explain ... I'm considering something in a rural area.


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Before any building can be built it has to have planning permission.

This permission will be granted to the owner of the land.

This detail does not feature in the condo act.

I suspect that you need to speak with the authorities in the area local to your project. They will answer the Q’s on your list.

With reference to ‘roof’-The individual units must be under a common roof.

With planning in place and then the process of building can commence.

When complete and with all the safety certification in place –then an application can be made to give the building Condominium Juristic Person status. The condo act details this .

The condo act was developed for the benefit of co –owners-not for the benefit of a developer.

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