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Market Rate Salaries For Expats In Bangkojk

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Whatever you could get in your home country plus uplift for being away from home, plus accommodation plus airfares (and plus schooling if you can get it.)

You might take tax into consideration if you would pay less here than back home.

Edit: oops, forgot medical.

Edited by PattayaParent
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Schooling (if applicable)

Flights home once a year at least

fully comprehensive medical insurance

Car and driver

preferential "tax" arrangements if the company is "accomadating"

base net salary could be anywhere from THB 350k - 1.0 million month

Edited by Soutpeel
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Its calculated as follows:

Rate you can get outside of Thailand - The cut you are willing to take to be in Thailand.

A little tongue in cheek smile.png

Possibly if working in Thailand is the most important driving factor to you above all else, then that's the case.

On the other hand:

Rate you can get outside of Thailand + expat benefits/ hardship allowance

if you have skills in demand and see Thailand as a short to mid-term experience where someone needs you smile.png

Then again, the last role I did was on Locally Hired Foreign National (LHFN) status, where I was paid on local terms. Given the specialised nature of the work the salary was similar to what I would expect in London just without any expat add-on benefits as they really wanted a local.

So personally for me I've done higher, same and lower than I could get outside Thailand. All depends on priorities and of course a bit of luck or not smile.png

Edited by fletchsmile
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