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Work Permit Process

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So I'm currently on a tourist visa, and have been offered a job. The company has told me they're working on getting the work permit and visa sorted out for the past couple of weeks. Can anyone enlighten me as to how long/difficult this usually is? I'm just wondering what I can expect. I trust them as they're a very large international organization. My tourist extension expires July 30, so I assume I'll have to leave and get a non-immigrant visa or something - how long does that usually take, in say Savannakhet?

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You apply in morning and receive next workday afternoon (at most Consulates in the area). You need company paperwork and likely the receipt for the work permit application (which you actually receive after you have the non immigrant B visa entry).

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One of the papers normally required for issue of a non immigrant B visa for work is the receipt for your application for a work permit from Labor Department (which it seems you company is trying to obtain now). To apply can be done on a tourist visa entry and receipt obtained - but the actual issue of work permit will require the visa.

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It takes 7 days to get a Work Permit or less. How many foreigners does your company employ????

This should tell you how much experience they have with the MOE Labor, and their knowledge of the information necessary to issue you a W.P. by the same token their knowledge and experience of preparing documents for Thai Embassy to issue you the Non B visa. In other worlds how many times has your company done this before? ask them tomorrow.

They could have it together in two days, a week to ten is more likely, and their are many companies that just never issue the required paperwork, ohh i mean they will next week....and next week.

Unless your company is the competent exception, usually expect something to be missing for the Work Permit Application, or a document missing at the Thai Embassy where you are applying for the Visa, outside of Thailand.

The Thai Embassy in Vientiane refused me a Non B Monday and I was not able to rectify it while in Laos, so have to return again for the sake of a peice of paper. Meanwhile they have issued 3 back to back in the past 3 years, all for different employers. You would think that for the sake of saving me a trip they would allow me to supply it by post the following week.

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Bumpity bump; new issue. The company's concerned that my lack of a degree (and or anything formal other than high school diploma from a Bangkok international school) might get the work permit application rejected. I've read countless posts about the whole degree/nodegree debate and it seems that while the majority of WP-holders have degrees, there are definitely those without, and so it is possible. Probable, who knows, but possible. I was told their legal guy is gonna pull all the strings he can but of course it's ultimately in the DoE's hands. Is there anything I can do to help?

There may not be enough time for the process before July 30, but I believe I can extend my tourist visa once more (already 60+30 days) for 7 days for 1,900 baht, is that correct? However in my books it may be cheaper to do a border run and come in with a 14-day stamp which lasts twice as long, but I've also read that I'm no longer legible for WP/B-visa on a visa exemption stamp. Any insight on that one?

One last one- they also told me I may not need to leave the country to get a new visa, and that I can stay here to get it done, but it may cost a pretty penny. I was under the impression that everything had to happen at an embassy, and there are no Thai embassies in Thailand.

Or are these questions some of those this-is-Thailand-no-one-knows things?

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The WP is only issued on a non-immirgant visa, never on a toruist visa or visa exempt entry.

In some cases it is possible to convert, if you have enough time on your permission to stay left. Conversion costs 2,000 baht. They might give a 1 year extension at the same time, which cost another 1,900 baht.

As said, you have little time to do this, so might be send abroad to obtain a non-B visa.

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Sorry, I guess I should be clearer; they can apply for the WP under any kind of visa, correct? But I can only get it issued/signed/finalized on a non-immigrant (usually B or O (not applicable to me), but not tourist visa) right?

I've only read about being able to apply while on a tourist or non-immigrant visa, but never with just an airport/border entry stamp. I doubt it's an issue, but I'm just wondering if they can still submit the WP application showing that I'm here on an entry stamp (as they ask for a copy of the passport page with current "visa").

edit; Also, getting sent abroad to get a non-B visa... what other visas are available? I'm not married, and definitely not retiring...

Edited by MaxwellsDemon
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Bumpity bump; new issue. The company's concerned that my lack of a degree (and or anything formal other than high school diploma from a Bangkok international school) might get the work permit application rejected. I've read countless posts about the whole degree/nodegree debate and it seems that while the majority of WP-holders have degrees, there are definitely those without, and so it is possible. Probable, who knows, but possible. I was told their legal guy is gonna pull all the strings he can but of course it's ultimately in the DoE's hands. Is there anything I can do to help?

There is no debate, a degree per se is not requirement for a WP, however for certain job catagories ie teachers at certain schools or Universities, a degree maybe asked for, as regards your other statement regarding "majority of WP holders have degree's" where did you hear that one ?

Beleive the trick on this one is the job description on the WP application which will determine whether a degree will be asked for...on face value, as you dont say what the job..nobody needs to "pull strings" for you

Edited by Soutpeel
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Bumpity bump; new issue. The company's concerned that my lack of a degree (and or anything formal other than high school diploma from a Bangkok international school) might get the work permit application rejected. I've read countless posts about the whole degree/nodegree debate and it seems that while the majority of WP-holders have degrees, there are definitely those without, and so it is possible. Probable, who knows, but possible. I was told their legal guy is gonna pull all the strings he can but of course it's ultimately in the DoE's hands. Is there anything I can do to help?

There is no debate, a degree per se is not requirement for a WP, however for certain job catagories ie teachers at certain schools or Universities, a degree maybe asked for, as regards your other statement regarding "majority of WP holders have degree's" where did you hear that one ?

I used a bit of false logic on that one, i.e. if people (non-teachers) get rejected due to lack of degree, better to have one that not. If better to have one than not, then those without get shafted.

Since this is my career/job/life excuse me if my emotions may cloud my judgment.

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There is no debate, a degree per se is not requirement for a WP, however for certain job catagories ie teachers at certain schools or Universities, a degree maybe asked for [...]

This is why I dislike passive voice. Asked for by whom, the employer or the Department of Labor? I was always under the impression that as long as your prospective employer was OK with whatever set of credentials you had, the DoL was in no real position to second-guess them.

The reason I ask is because I was approached by a friend of the inlaws a few weeks ago who asked if I could do some short-term tutoring at his company. Apparently he needs a special combination of skills, which I possess (teaching experience in Business English, Telecommunications and Electrical Engineering theory). In fact his requirements are such a good fit for me, it's almost as if he wrote the job description with me in mind. I answered "sure, as long as you can get me a work permit". He has no idea how to go about doing that, so the idea kind of fizzled-out at that point.

I already have the non-immigrant O visa, so that part is already taken care of. I assume the company just needs to fill out an application, collect copies of my certs and send those off to the DoL, correct?

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There is no debate, a degree per se is not requirement for a WP, however for certain job catagories ie teachers at certain schools or Universities, a degree maybe asked for [...]

This is why I dislike passive voice. Asked for by whom, the employer or the Department of Labor? I was always under the impression that as long as your prospective employer was OK with whatever set of credentials you had, the DoL was in no real position to second-guess them.

The reason I ask is because I was approached by a friend of the inlaws a few weeks ago who asked if I could do some short-term tutoring at his company. Apparently he needs a special combination of skills, which I possess (teaching experience in Business English, Telecommunications and Electrical Engineering theory). In fact his requirements are such a good fit for me, it's almost as if he wrote the job description with me in mind. I answered "sure, as long as you can get me a work permit". He has no idea how to go about doing that, so the idea kind of fizzled-out at that point.

I already have the non-immigrant O visa, so that part is already taken care of. I assume the company just needs to fill out an application, collect copies of my certs and send those off to the DoL, correct?

Lets put it this way, there in nothing in the labour law which states (certainly in the English version) that for a WP to be issued a degree is required, on one of the application forms, there is a piece which requires you to supply supporting "creditials" and the first thing list is a degree, this has been interpreted by many (wrongly I might add) that this means you need a degree to be issued a WP...not so

All you need to do is supply copies of your certs and the company will send them to the DOL, and provided the job description and requirements for the job are fulfilled you will be ok.

As regard your comment "as long as your company is ok with it......" in most cases yes...however in certain cases "approval" by an addtional goverment dept is required prior to the DOL issuing a WP.. example certain Oil & gas positions occupied by foreigners require DMF (Department of minerals) approval before the DOL will issue the WP, irrespetive of what the company has writtten on the application.

They review the CV and supplied doumentation and have give their blessing for the person proposed.

The DMF commitee meets once a month to review CV's and supporting documents and issue approval letters, without this letter you will not get your WP.

This is not a 1 off deal either, every year same process even if working in the same position for years. If by some reason you dont get the letter issued in time for your extension/WP renewal, your current is invalidated and means having to leave the country and get a new Non-imm B and start all over again. This happened to me once in the 10 years here becasue the meeting had been postponed that month and my name was on the list so was not reviewed/approved in time, so had to do an overnight in Singapore to get a new Non-imm B.

The point I am getting at is that in certain jobs other goverment depts may need to approve your application before the DOL, and that goverment Dept may require you to have a degree before giving their blessing, in effect its not a DOL requirement to have the degree but some other "govering" goverment dept....ie ministry of education may require certain teachers to have the degree not the DOL.

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It takes 7 days to get a Work Permit or less. How many foreigners does your company employ????

This should tell you how much experience they have with the MOE Labor, and their knowledge of the information necessary to issue you a W.P. by the same token their knowledge and experience of preparing documents for Thai Embassy to issue you the Non B visa. In other worlds how many times has your company done this before? ask them tomorrow.

They could have it together in two days, a week to ten is more likely, and their are many companies that just never issue the required paperwork, ohh i mean they will next week....and next week.

Unless your company is the competent exception, usually expect something to be missing for the Work Permit Application, or a document missing at the Thai Embassy where you are applying for the Visa, outside of Thailand.

The Thai Embassy in Vientiane refused me a Non B Monday and I was not able to rectify it while in Laos, so have to return again for the sake of a peice of paper. Meanwhile they have issued 3 back to back in the past 3 years, all for different employers. You would think that for the sake of saving me a trip they would allow me to supply it by post the following week.

You mention on another thread that you have had a Non B visa with another school. Why on earth don't you copy the paper work before you hand it over at the consulate. The same paperwork could then be used at a later date, and by a different school. Just change the school name.

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