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There are bottles available with a dark alcoholic liquid which I beleive is purpose made for aborting pregnancy at early stages. If it's not designed for this it is at least used for this. The bottle has a picture of a woman's head - possibly bought 'under the counter' - not sure.

I know someone who has used this and due to some concerns I would like to know it's contents.


There are bottles available with a dark alcoholic liquid which I beleive is purpose made for aborting pregnancy at early stages. If it's not designed for this it is at least used for this. The bottle has a picture of a woman's head - possibly bought 'under the counter' - not sure.

I know someone who has used this and due to some concerns I would like to know it's contents.


Sorry I can't help with ingredients, wish I could.

I can offer some general info, though. The difference between a dose that will cause abortion and a dose that will kill the lady is extremely small, at best, and sometimes nonexistent. It is necessarily a poison of some kind if it is effective. I would be looking for liver damage, kidney damage, or neural damage in a lady who took this.


An ex GF here used a dark herbal concoction once mixed in hot water and drank....she was overdue for her period by about 4 weeks and already developing morning sickness....She reported a red cordial type discharge a couple of days later....then she developed a rash that spread down the entire side of her torso.....I took her to the Doctor who said that it was probable that she had miscarried and that the potion caused the rash....he didnt say that the potion had caused the miscarriage....

I believe that this is the same thing that some BG's use before their BF's arrive so that they dont have their period while he is there.

I cant help with the ingredients...but it smells gross...


A bar girl I know took a medicine called Ya Satree, which she bought at a pharmacy, and drank a bunch of sangsom. Some older Thai women recommended I take that same medicine after my second child was born to help clean me out faster. It usually takes a month or so to get rid of all the junk inside, and they said with the medicine it would only take a week.

When I asked the doctor about this medicine and its uses, she said to stay far far away, never ever use it. It's very dangerous, it's not supposed to be used to induce a miscarriage, and mixing it with alcohol can kill you.

A bar girl I know took a medicine called Ya Satree, which she bought at a pharmacy, and drank a bunch of sangsom. Some older Thai women recommended I take that same medicine after my second child was born to help clean me out faster. It usually takes a month or so to get rid of all the junk inside, and they said with the medicine it would only take a week.

When I asked the doctor about this medicine and its uses, she said to stay far far away, never ever use it. It's very dangerous, it's not supposed to be used to induce a miscarriage, and mixing it with alcohol can kill you.

Thats the stuff I was on about.....

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