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Black Labrador Bites Newborn Baby To Death In Bangkok


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I very disgusted by some of the posters on this thread.

Have we heard the FULL story or just the one from the news paper and we all know they don't tell the truth.

What has happened is a very sad thing can any of you imagine what the parents must be going through? In particular the mother just nine days before this happened she gave birth to this little baby, carrying the baby for nine months having the joy for just nine days then this happens, this kind of thing can send a lot of women over the edge, it can destroy family's.

So please members of TV be a little more considerate of what you say here.

Your point is well made, and many agree.

Over time reading TV, you will discover that most postings have the same mean spirit.

Like seagulls in the harbor, whenever a new boat arrives (news story)

They fly out...sit on it....s*** on it, and move on.

The theme is constant.

"Thais are an inferior race, bad in every concevable way."

The follow up question is obvious.

"Why do you live in the Kingdom?"

For thousands of years, the Kingdom did quite nicely without what many TV folks see as their "contribution" to society. A thriving sex trade, lazy beer soaked afternoons, enjoying an under-priced luxury lifestyle,

Yes, now that Thailand is pregnant with this industry, it would be hard to simply undo. Turn back the hands of time 100 years, and eliminate the 'good work" of foreign influence. (Example: Like the US military designating and supporting BKK as a sex zone for R&R for soldiers)

The Kingdom would still be here, probably much improved. If we think that Thai's relish our Western influence on their culture and children, we are sadly mistaken. They see us, much like the gulls...too lazy to catch our own food, but happy to ride their fishing boat, stealing fish from the nets.

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A Labrador is not a Guard dog. It is one of the nicest dog race

All dogs like to play. They bite smoothly when playing including the nicest ones. but the effect on a 9 day baby of a smooth bite is not the same than on an adult human. I have gotten Labradors and Golden Retrievers without any major issue since years.

From the dog what has happened was certainly unintentional. But it is to us humans, because we are supposed to be more intelligent, to manage the situations. As human, when you have pets, you have to understand then anticipate the behavior of your animals. It is our responsability as Masters.

If you cannot, better you have no pets.

Very well said.


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I very disgusted by some of the posters on this thread.

Have we heard the FULL story or just the one from the news paper and we all know they don't tell the truth.

What has happened is a very sad thing can any of you imagine what the parents must be going through? In particular the mother just nine days before this happened she gave birth to this little baby, carrying the baby for nine months having the joy for just nine days then this happens, this kind of thing can send a lot of women over the edge, it can destroy family's.

So please members of TV be a little more considerate of what you say here.

Your point is well made, and many agree.

Over time reading TV, you will discover that most postings have the same mean spirit.

Like seagulls in the harbor, whenever a new boat arrives (news story)

They fly out...sit on it....s*** on it, and move on.

The theme is constant.

"Thais are an inferior race, bad in every concevable way."

The follow up question is obvious.

"Why do you live in the Kingdom?"

For thousands of years, the Kingdom did quite nicely without what many TV folks see as their "contribution" to society. A thriving sex trade, lazy beer soaked afternoons, enjoying an under-priced luxury lifestyle,

Yes, now that Thailand is pregnant with this industry, it would be hard to simply undo. Turn back the hands of time 100 years, and eliminate the 'good work" of foreign influence. (Example: Like the US military designating and supporting BKK as a sex zone for R&R for soldiers)

The Kingdom would still be here, probably much improved. If we think that Thai's relish our Western influence on their culture and children, we are sadly mistaken. They see us, much like the gulls...too lazy to catch our own food, but happy to ride their fishing boat, stealing fish from the nets.

When I first came to Thailand, Thais used to same a slang expression for falang "kee nok", bird shit"

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I very disgusted by some of the posters on this thread.

Have we heard the FULL story or just the one from the news paper and we all know they don't tell the truth.

What has happened is a very sad thing can any of you imagine what the parents must be going through? In particular the mother just nine days before this happened she gave birth to this little baby, carrying the baby for nine months having the joy for just nine days then this happens, this kind of thing can send a lot of women over the edge, it can destroy family's.

So please members of TV be a little more considerate of what you say here.

Your point is well made, and many agree.

Over time reading TV, you will discover that most postings have the same mean spirit.

Like seagulls in the harbor, whenever a new boat arrives (news story)

They fly out...sit on it....s*** on it, and move on.

The theme is constant.

"Thais are an inferior race, bad in every concevable way."

The follow up question is obvious.

"Why do you live in the Kingdom?"

For thousands of years, the Kingdom did quite nicely without what many TV folks see as their "contribution" to society. A thriving sex trade, lazy beer soaked afternoons, enjoying an under-priced luxury lifestyle,

Yes, now that Thailand is pregnant with this industry, it would be hard to simply undo. Turn back the hands of time 100 years, and eliminate the 'good work" of foreign influence. (Example: Like the US military designating and supporting BKK as a sex zone for R&R for soldiers)

The Kingdom would still be here, probably much improved. If we think that Thai's relish our Western influence on their culture and children, we are sadly mistaken. They see us, much like the gulls...too lazy to catch our own food, but happy to ride their fishing boat, stealing fish from the nets.

When I first came to Thailand, Thais used to same a slang expression for falang "kee nok", bird shit"

Good point, they still do... LOL.
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I very disgusted by some of the posters on this thread.

Have we heard the FULL story or just the one from the news paper and we all know they don't tell the truth.

What has happened is a very sad thing can any of you imagine what the parents must be going through? In particular the mother just nine days before this happened she gave birth to this little baby, carrying the baby for nine months having the joy for just nine days then this happens, this kind of thing can send a lot of women over the edge, it can destroy family's.

So please members of TV be a little more considerate of what you say here.

Your point is well made, and many agree.

Over time reading TV, you will discover that most postings have the same mean spirit.

Like seagulls in the harbor, whenever a new boat arrives (news story)

They fly out...sit on it....s*** on it, and move on.

The theme is constant.

"Thais are an inferior race, bad in every concevable way."

The follow up question is obvious.

"Why do you live in the Kingdom?"

For thousands of years, the Kingdom did quite nicely without what many TV folks see as their "contribution" to society. A thriving sex trade, lazy beer soaked afternoons, enjoying an under-priced luxury lifestyle,

Yes, now that Thailand is pregnant with this industry, it would be hard to simply undo. Turn back the hands of time 100 years, and eliminate the 'good work" of foreign influence. (Example: Like the US military designating and supporting BKK as a sex zone for R&R for soldiers)

The Kingdom would still be here, probably much improved. If we think that Thai's relish our Western influence on their culture and children, we are sadly mistaken. They see us, much like the gulls...too lazy to catch our own food, but happy to ride their fishing boat, stealing fish from the nets.

When I first came to Thailand, Thais used to same a slang expression for falang "kee nok", bird shit"

Good point, they still do... LOL.

Oh well, can't beat a bit of xenophobic ignorance.

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I know more than one family who has a pit bull and small children. They refuse to listen to me when I tell them of the dangers of the dog. Oh well. I'm sure they have enough amulets to protect everyone.

I know one guy that has 2 pitbulls that are huge, their heads would have to be 12/15 inches across and he has a couple of little kids...but they are so friendly and sweet and not a bad bone in their body.


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there must have been a history of abuse or neglect for the dog. it is remarkably out of character for the breed if well socialized

totaly agree this dogs mind has been messed with as to turn him into a guard dog,this breed are some of the most intelligent dogs in the world used by the blind as their eyes and used as a gun dog to retrieve,i have never in my life seen one used as a guard dog.
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there must have been a history of abuse or neglect for the dog. it is remarkably out of character for the breed if well socialized

totaly agree this dogs mind has been messed with as to turn him into a guard dog,this breed are some of the most intelligent dogs in the world used by the blind as their eyes and used as a gun dog to retrieve,i have never in my life seen one used as a guard dog.

So true. If the owner had the capability to re-train the labrador as a guard-dog, removing its in-bred gentle nature then I'd have to assume that the owner would also know NOT to let his dog anywhere near his child. I doubt the former and we know the later not to be true.

I would put this dreadful attack down to sibling rivalry. The dog having probably lost its place in the pecking order of the family being placed down a notch and seeing whatever love and affection it had been receiving from its owners now being given to the new arrival decided to take matters into its own hands and remove what it saw as a threat. This has happened with human-human siblings so it comes as no surprise to me that it would occur in human-cannine siblings also.

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A man sees a snake lying frozen on the ground and picks it up and takes it home. He wraps the snake in blankets and warms it up by the fire trying to keep it from dying. The snake slowly comes back to life and then turns to the man and suddenly bites him. The man gasps in shock and asks the snake in disbelief why would he bite him after all he did to save him? The snake replied "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up".

In other words, it is the nature of the animal...a dog bites, a cat scratches, an elephant stomps, etc. and it is unfortunate that we have to be reminded in ways such as this that all animals are still wild at heart.

~Through the unfathomable darkness of tragedy, a little light escapes and hopefully it finds its way to keep another at bay.

all animals are still wild at heart.

Humans are animals too and with the amount that we kill of our own kind I'd say we are pretty wild at heart also.

BRAVO! I was wondering if someone would pick up on that...Humans are naturally wild and unpredictable animals, and what makes it worse, is unlike our four legged friends, they have they ability to manipulate and decieve; thus making them the most dangerous animals on the planet.

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I have raised 2 Rottweilers around 2 children since birth with no problems. If they ever showed ANY hostility to my kids, I showed them what the pack order really was. If anything, my dogs were fiercely protective of my kids, and would growl at me if I joked too much with them or wrestled. That said, If my dogs ever hurt my kids, I would kill the dogs in a heartbeat.

I'm glad the father got to beat this jealous stupid shitty dog to death. I hope it was cathartic.

Edited by Svengoolie
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I have raised 2 Rottweilers around 2 children since birth with no problems. If they ever showed ANY hostility to my kids, I showed them what the pack order really was. If anything, my dogs were fiercely protective of my kids, and would growl at me if I joked too much with them or wrestled. That said, If my dogs ever hurt my kids, I would kill the dogs in a heartbeat.

I'm glad the father got to beat this jealous stupid shitty dog to death. I hope it was cathartic.

Thats a bit like calling the fire service after the house has burned down.

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I guess the moral of this story is; how far will you relax your vigilance in allowing your child to be vulnerable to an event that, if it occurs (and it is highly probable that it could), would then place your child in mortal danger, without you being in the position of ending it before it is too late.

"Life" has no regard for stupidity or ignorance. Whatever really did happen (and I am not saying I believe their story of how this happened) is the direct result of stupidity and ignorance.

That baby did not deserve those parents, and the little darling is now in a better place, I am sure. There's a tear in my eye as I state that my heart goes out to his sweet, innocent little soul.

It is not the dog's fault, nor is it the babe's fault. It is the direct result of negligence on the father and mother and grandmother's part. Involuntary manslaughter and throw all three in the monkey house so they can think it over before they decide to breed again and bring another innocent angel into their dangerous living environment.

How badly must one beat the crap out of, and break the gentle, genetic nature of a Labrador before it could be classified as a "guard dog"?

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Dogs are wonderful animals when trained properly...

Every dog..even a poodle..is a wolf hibrid. But even a pure wolf can be a lap dog because animals act by condicionment training...even in the wild.. If dogs are trained to attack stranges and guard its "territory", will not make any distinction between a human, adult or young, a baby or other animals...Smell different that its "family"...will attack to kill...People that do not understand dogs's natural behavior will pay the consecuences.....in this case very tragic and sad...

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A man sees a snake lying frozen on the ground and picks it up and takes it home. He wraps the snake in blankets and warms it up by the fire trying to keep it from dying. The snake slowly comes back to life and then turns to the man and suddenly bites him. The man gasps in shock and asks the snake in disbelief why would he bite him after all he did to save him? The snake replied "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up".

In other words, it is the nature of the animal...a dog bites, a cat scratches, an elephant stomps, etc. and it is unfortunate that we have to be reminded in ways such as this that all animals are still wild at heart.

~Through the unfathomable darkness of tragedy, a little light escapes and hopefully it finds its way to keep another at bay.

all animals are still wild at heart.

Humans are animals too and with the amount that we kill of our own kind I'd say we are pretty wild at heart also.

BRAVO! I was wondering if someone would pick up on that...Humans are naturally wild and unpredictable animals, and what makes it worse, is unlike our four legged friends, they have they ability to manipulate and decieve; thus making them the most dangerous animals on the planet.

"News organizations have reported 18 fatal dog attacks in the United States in 2012 and 15 fatal dog attacks in the United States in 2011."

"The FBI did not provide a specific count for the number of murders and non-negligent manslaughters, but said the 2011 figure declined by 1.9 percent from the 14,748 recorded across the country in 2010. That would put the number of murders at the lowest since 1968, when 13,800 were committed, according to FBI records."

So, 15 dead from dogs in the US as opposed to over 13,000 dead from people. I can't imagine Thailand's death from dog attack is much different. Lets drop the hyperbole.

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RIP Little child. That dog is clearly NOT a purebred Labrador Retreiver. It looks like a mix between a Lab and a Doberman. Labs are retreivers who "mouth" the masters bird or duck ot whatever it is retrieving. They are one of the gentlest breeds. The owners are responsible for this and they have already paid a very high price.

if you are talking about the dog in the news article, it is not "the" lab, it is merely "a" lab

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A Labrador is not a Guard dog. It is one of the nicest dog race

All dogs like to play. They bite smoothly when playing including the nicest ones. but the effect on a 9 day baby of a smooth bite is not the same than on an adult human. I have gotten Labradors and Golden Retrievers without any major issue since years.

From the dog what has happened was certainly unintentional. But it is to us humans, because we are supposed to be more intelligent, to manage the situations. As human, when you have pets, you have to understand then anticipate the behavior of your animals. It is our responsability as Masters.

If you cannot, better you have no pets.

Never knew of training that breed for guard duties as is not an agressive animal...unless badly mistreated. Bomb work maybe and used by us a tracking dogs in Viet Nam.

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Dogs are wonderful animals when trained properly...

Every dog..even a poodle..is a wolf hibrid. But even a pure wolf can be a lap dog because animals act by condicionment training...even in the wild.. If dogs are trained to attack stranges and guard its "territory", will not make any distinction between a human, adult or young, a baby or other animals...Smell different that its "family"...will attack to kill...People that do not understand dogs's natural behavior will pay the consecuences.....in this case very tragic and sad...

Some breeds can much more easily be trained to attack. Look at a couple of pure bred Mastiffs take on a grizzly. Surely it is conceded some breeds have different traits than others. Labs are not known for agressiveness

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Not only guard dogs. Huskies have also been known to attack babies

That is a really strange statement. Why on earth would you single out huskies? I own two 3 yo huskies, and while they are excellent with people, I would never dream of leaving them alone with an infant. Huskies are beautiful animals, but they are working dogs and should always be recognised as that as they have maintained an extremely high prey drive. A squealing child would likely sent them off, even the most placid of them.

Back home in my native country, a friends wife had had a child; the child was a couple of months old. The mother was in the kitchen and the child was sleeping in its pram when they heard barking and snarling. The pet toy poodle had managed to climb onto the pram and was trying to get to the bady through the covers. It was put down to a jealousy rage from the dog. Last thing it ever did, never made it out of the room.

NO child should ever be left unattended, even for a minute, with any dog, period. It is never worth the risk and until parents realise this, these tragic incidents will continue to happen.

would you agree that huskies are very aloof with strangers and tend to bond strongly with a single indiviual and the immediate family?

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My father had a huge pit bull/Stafordshore terrier that would attack anything on four legs....but never a human. A cow on the farm came up to the porch and smelled by oldest sister in her cradle. The dog chased the cow into the creek and killed it at midstream in defense of a baby. Something strange happened to get a lab to attack a baby with intent to do it harm. Like people some dogs can have mental problems and loose it, but it is rare.

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This is a very usual case for several reasons.

(1) It is a documented fact that even wild animals seem to have a sense that infants are different and do not pose any threat. Short of flat out predators, who would still have to be very, very hungry, it is rare to see an attack on a baby.

(2) It is much more rare to see a dog attack an infant

(3) The breed, Labrador is known for a gentle nature and at least in my part of the world, is not classed as "guard dog" material.

(4) What is not surprising is that Thai Visa Peanut Gallery, with little or no facts to back them up, has condemned the parents. Perhaps if they had been "nice people" (Read: "White") you could see this for what is is. A tragedy few can compare with. You are a hard-hearted lot indeed, and in that, I am being generous, since it means you might have one.

here is the result of a 10 second Google image search


Most of your factual claims are wrong. A few minutes reading this chart will show : i) dogs attack babies and toddlers with shocking regularity; ii) Labradors are an emotionally unstable breed, and sometimes attack a member of the family - often a child - without warning. This is common knowledge in that dog-mad country, the UK. Please note, this chart is for Fatalities in one country -->


your numbers neglect to mention that the Labrador is the most popular dog in America (the country your stats apply to) and has been for at least 10 years.


though i could not find a a more current stat,

in the year 2000 according to the AKC 172,841 labs were registered as pets and these are only the purebreds.

the nearest contender was around 66,000, the Golden lab.

given their proliferation it should not be surprising that they occur on the list.


A collected report on Canadian stats from 1982 to 2010


labs are certainly present in the numbers, but again there are many more of them out there than any other breed.

we all know animals are unpredictable, dogs and children have to be socialized together, we are not talking about the fault of a single dog, or of the volatility of a breed, we are talking about irresponsible owners and one tragically stupid old lady.

they paid an awful price. so did the dog.

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yet another tragic story because of retarded parents.

They made dog a guard dog and left 9 day old unattended with easy access for the dog.

honestly some people i am certain have less brain than a chicken and should not be allowed to breed, or better yet should be locked up so they do not cause any harm to others

Well, it seems they weren't allowed to breed after all.

This is a tragic story... but growing up with Labradors, I can only conclude they must have really messed that dog up, as my experience is that these dogs are one of the most family-loyal and protective breeds out there. I have only seen them be protective of children born into their pack (family).

Very strange...

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A man sees a snake lying frozen on the ground and picks it up and takes it home. He wraps the snake in blankets and warms it up by the fire trying to keep it from dying. The snake slowly comes back to life and then turns to the man and suddenly bites him. The man gasps in shock and asks the snake in disbelief why would he bite him after all he did to save him? The snake replied "You knew I was a snake when you picked me up".

In other words, it is the nature of the animal...a dog bites, a cat scratches, an elephant stomps, etc. and it is unfortunate that we have to be reminded in ways such as this that all animals are still wild at heart.

~Through the unfathomable darkness of tragedy, a little light escapes and hopefully it finds its way to keep another at bay.

all animals are still wild at heart.

Humans are animals too and with the amount that we kill of our own kind I'd say we are pretty wild at heart also.

BRAVO! I was wondering if someone would pick up on that...Humans are naturally wild and unpredictable animals, and what makes it worse, is unlike our four legged friends, they have they ability to manipulate and decieve; thus making them the most dangerous animals on the planet.

Clarification if you allow me ... thus making some of them the most dangerous....

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