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Does The Spouse Need A Work Permit?

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I'm going to move to Thailand with my husband who will relocate because of his work. My employee in Singapore is able to allow me to continue working here in Thailand in a regional capacity, in office of our Thailand subsidiary. (Strictly speaking, I do not really do work in Thailand for the business of our subsidiary but coordinate more for our business overseas.)

If I have a non-immigrant O visa, will I need the work permit legally speaking? If I need a work permit, will the income minimum be the same or can I declare a lesser amount? Can I be taxed back home instead?

Appreciate your help! Many thanks.

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I think I need a play card here. You husband will be the one with the visa and work permit and you will be his spouse and on an O visa on the back of his visa: right?

If you plan to be in an office setting I am sure you are going to require a work permit or risk trouble for both yourself and the company allowing you to operate without one. As you will be on a spouse visa you will probably not need to meet immigration extension of stay requirements but only the labor department. Believe tax will have to be paid here but am not expert. Would suggest you contact on of the advertisers here for professional advise.

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Yes my husband will have his work permit done. I'm asking if I need one as well. I also thought that if I work from the subsidiary office, I may need the proper papers too.

The question is if I have to have the same minimum income as well and if I need to pay all my taxes here too.

I'm curious if all expatriate wives are working at all in Thailand - as teachers or something else and if work permits are necessary in this regard?

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and will pay tax in thailand on salary's paid in thailand, which is subject to a minumum to get a WP, but Thai taxes are sooooooo low thats not a bad thing :o

For someone earning an expat salary, Thai taxes are NOT low. Most American expats working here and earning salaries on expat terms pay a higher Thai tax than the equivalent US tax on the same income!

You don't say if you are American, British, or ???

To fully analyze your tax situation, we would need to know your nationality -- and your husband's.

However, if you work in an office in BKK, you will almost certainly require your own work permit. Your husband's work permit does not cover you. Work permits are issued for specific jobs and specific locations.

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