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Phuket Tourist Killing: Two Men Get Life For Michelle Smith Murder

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The Thaivisa Way:

  • Initial news story about something awful that's happened in Thailand (usually Phuket);

  • Weary and slightly flippant response from someone who's seen it all before;

  • Try-hard armchair authoritarian suggests preposterously harsh and sweeping measures to combat the problem;

  • Angry post misunderstanding the first response;

  • Attempt to clarify, a further misunderstanding;

  • Passive-agressive post blaming everyone and no-one;

  • Long chain of flames;

  • Descent into weary apathy.

Never change, TV smile.png

Then someone to sum it all up,,you forgot one.

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What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

Thats a fair question. In Victoria Australia life is 20 years and can be out in 12. Hopefully life in Thailand means for the term of thier lives if it is then it is far better than them recieving the death sentence. They will rot in a rodent infested cell until they either die or comit suicide.

Or another thought is, will putting the scumbag who murdered her in prison make an impression on his version of a normal life? Will life in prison for him be regrettable, or will it simply be a life?

If placing a person in a certain environment causes no suffering or regret on a daily basis, then there really is no point of letting them linger in a place that is supported by funding and taxes; and that provides fodder for idealistic scum "human rights" organizations that generalize murderers into the same category as lesser criminals.

The murderer looks like a piece of <deleted>. I regret that he will be able to wake up every day and experience even remote kindnesses and joys. I regret that he will be able to establish friendships and experience gratification even in remote ways. I also regret that every mother's day, he will get to have his mother come and hug him whilst Mrs. Smith's children will not feel their mother's cradling arms around them. Knowing Thais like I do, I am quite certain that his "face" will push this heinous act very far from his diminutive mind and he will be pleading for release within a year with total sincerity.

No. I do not apologize for saying that life far too good for this non-human creature, and that his mother can look forward to visiting him whenever she wants, and hear his voice on a smuggled cell phone, and get to look forward to hugging him every year.

Justice my arse!

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Publicity stunt just for the Aussie tourist dollar, these Fxxxxers probably got up and walked straight out the back door. Eye for an Eye would teach them......but TiT


What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

Thats a fair question. In Victoria Australia life is 20 years and can be out in 12. Hopefully life in Thailand means for the term of thier lives if it is then it is far better than them recieving the death sentence. They will rot in a rodent infested cell until they either die or comit suicide.

Or another thought is, will putting the scumbag who murdered her in prison make an impression on his version of a normal life? Will life in prison for him be regrettable, or will it simply be a life?

If placing a person in a certain environment causes no suffering or regret on a daily basis, then there really is no point of letting them linger in a place that is supported by funding and taxes; and that provides fodder for idealistic scum "human rights" organizations that generalize murderers into the same category as lesser criminals.

The murderer looks like a piece of <deleted>. I regret that he will be able to wake up every day and experience even remote kindnesses and joys. I regret that he will be able to establish friendships and experience gratification even in remote ways. I also regret that every mother's day, he will get to have his mother come and hug him whilst Mrs. Smith's children will not feel their mother's cradling arms around them. Knowing Thais like I do, I am quite certain that his "face" will push this heinous act very far from his diminutive mind and he will be pleading for release within a year with total sincerity.

No. I do not apologize for saying that life far too good for this non-human creature, and that his mother can look forward to visiting him whenever she wants, and hear his voice on a smuggled cell phone, and get to look forward to hugging him every year.

Justice my arse!

Mother will sell the Pickup, back out in a few weeks, I wish whatever Nationality they murdered they get sent to the relative countrymind you they would love anEnglish jail, so comfy, I know as I have had the pleasure.

Didn't Surin change his plea to not guilty?

Was wondering about that myself.

Yesterday, the two men showed little sign of remorse. Speaking to reporters through the bars of a prison van, both men said they planned to appeal. Surin said, "I didn't do it," despite having confessed to the crime.


Something may have been lost in the translation but the words "I DIDN'T DO IT" hardly sounds like a confession to me. Maybe someone confessed on his behalf.

Please before people jump on me I am not in anyway defending these people quite the opposite. I am purely saying how do the words I didn't do it translate into a confession?

Another thing that amazed me was what I heard on Australian Television news last night. They were ordered to apoligize to the people of Phuket for bringing shame on the Island and putting tourism at risk. I thought to "Myself" wooh, who are the victims here? Is it Phuket and tourism or is it the poor woman and her family. No mention of an order to make an apology to the family. Is following a court order really an opology?


these guys got what was coming to them ...too many handwringers in the world...just remember ms smith is no longer with us ....she can no longer enjoy her life and her loss is deeply felt by many i always make things personal ..what would u do if the victim was u or a family loved member ...im so fxxxxxen pxxxxxed of with do gooders u dont solve problems u increase them

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What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

As the article says, a life sentence in Thailand = 100 years.

When I posted, the article mentioning the 100 years wasn't posted yet. Actually, there were no other posts at that time. I must have been typing as the article was being submitted.

Anyway, 100 years is ALMOST enough for these low-life pieces of garbage.


Yeah, life sentence until given a early release because of someones birthday!!! Or they can come up with some money to buy themselves out!!

This is Thailand!!


Is this really a fair sentence? Why is the driver of the bike sentenced to life ? He did'nt kill anyone.

Something is not right here , even in Thailand .

Seems very fair. If people in a group knowingly go out to commit a crime and during the course of that crime someone is injured or killed they are all deemed to be guilty. Normal procedure.


that was fast, less than 2 months from murder to verdict. in the states that would take years, even in thailand i would have expected a year or more. i guess phuket is keen to show its dealing with tourist offenses.

Not surprising. They both did plead guilty.


I sincerely hope that now Michelle Smith van now Rest In Peace. Justice has been served on these low life men. Also that her family are satisfied with the decision to see these men serve a life sentence, which will be torture in a Thai prison.


Quick decision in this one. I guess they had no money to have the charges reduced. This is also a high profile case. Not only was the Australian Embassy watching the outcome of of the trial, I'm sure many embassys worldwide have been putting pressure on Thailand to become a safer place for tourists, the lifeblood and livelyhood of Thailand.


that was fast, less than 2 months from murder to verdict. in the states that would take years, even in thailand i would have expected a year or more. i guess phuket is keen to show its dealing with tourist offenses.

Not surprising. They both did plead guilty.

Yes they apparently pleaded guilty recording to reports but they also said that they didn't do it and are appealing. Not sure what exactly what it is they are appealing, be it the finding of guilt or the sentence.


Coverage on the Telly in Perth this morning.

Ms Smiths family wanted the death sentence.

The Aussie consular official who was at the trial, explained that the bib rarely catch anyone for crimes & also informed the reporter about the Jet Ski & TukTuk scam

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Yeeeehaaaa !!!!!

Finally some justice done! Much better than death - so now they can meditate about what they have done for another 50 to 60 years while getting a$$-raped on a daily basis in a stinking dorm cell without the privacy and comfort western so-called "prisons" provide, where the stay comes close to living in a 3-star hotel.

Not sure however if it will make Phuket a better place to live, since such lowlifes and potential future murderers seldomly read the news...

Hope it will help Michelle's family and friends to find closure. R.I.P. Michelle

Can’t agree with you on this one. Yes it is good to see justice done if the right 2 men have been sentenced but I believe in the rule of law for everyone.


I am NOT a supporter of prisoners rights. Their rights should be limited to

adequate accommodation. no televisions. no fitness equipment.

adequate food. their should be no fat prisioners

adequate health care nothing better than they would receive from a government hospital.

Long work days and confiscation of some or all of their assets to help pay for their stay in prison.

I also believe in the death penalty when appropriate.

The punishment in this case is loss of freedom for the rest of their lives not torture on a daily basis and living conditions unfit for humans to live in as you hope they get.



These guys were street level drug users


While I have absolutely no sympathy for these two guys whatsoever....and they derserve at least life in jail...that line is the first mention in all those posts on this topic that identifies the REAL killer.

Drugs....and their need for cash to buy/pay for those drugs.



Ok with life in prison for killing Michelle, but don't be tempted to steal a motorbike, you might end up with life in prison - did the driver even know the killer had a knife????


Whether they pleaded guilty or not, murder deserves death

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

No it doesn't. It makes the world just.

wow what world are you in. a very scary one where killing another human is sanctified in the name of your idea of justice. I suggest you look at the causes before you cast your judgement. The lack of rule of law in Puke et for starters. You are in fact one of the blinded ones.


It's so weird, but a few days ago a Swede killed his Thai girlfriend's Facebook friend simply because she had wanted to meet him. People responded that it was essentially the Thai girl's fault. Stupid things like, "you can take the girl out of Thailand, but you can't take Thailand out of the girl." But if a Western person is murdered, it's like the culprits are slime of the earth. These responses are legitimate, to hate those who murder, but to have such obvious racist responses to who gets killed and who gets blamed is just part of this very bigoted Thailand experience. Not to diminish what has happened to Michele Smith.

Excellent post


I understand the sentence for the guy who knifed her, but don't understand it for the guy who drove the motorcycle. But, I guess it is better than most "justice" we see - or don't see in Thailand.

If your involved in a crime, whatever occurs during that crime is charged to all involved. Doesn't matter if you did the stabbing or ditched the murder weapon and drove the stolen bike, your guilty of the totallity of the crime


What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

read the post it says a hundred years and they will die inside.


I understand the sentence for the guy who knifed her, but don't understand it for the guy who drove the motorcycle. But, I guess it is better than most "justice" we see - or don't see in Thailand.

This is why America is so screwed up. Why don't you understand? If they even do the life sentence they will both deserve it. This was planned from the begining and the driver would of shared in the spoils so why wouldn't he share in the responsibilities?


What does a life sentence mean in Thailand? From what I recall, in some countries, it seems that a life sentence can be done in as little as 7 years.

read the post it says a hundred years and they will die inside.

RIGHT.......! or get pardon after a couple of years when no one is looking.


I understand the sentence for the guy who knifed her, but don't understand it for the guy who drove the motorcycle. But, I guess it is better than most "justice" we see - or don't see in Thailand.

If your involved in a crime, whatever occurs during that crime is charged to all involved. Doesn't matter if you did the stabbing or ditched the murder weapon and drove the stolen bike, your guilty of the totallity of the crime

Unfortunitly not in America. You punished by the amount of involvment which is a very sad thing indeed but it is because of people like this guy who doesn't understand.


Whether they pleaded guilty or not, murder deserves death

an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind

No it doesn't. It makes the world just.

wow what world are you in. a very scary one where killing another human is sanctified in the name of your idea of justice. I suggest you look at the causes before you cast your judgement. The lack of rule of law in Puke et for starters. You are in fact one of the blinded ones.

The Rule of law in Phuket? Ohhh OhhH those rules the ones that are made on a day by day case by case basis....cheesy.gif


Ok with life in prison for killing Michelle, but don't be tempted to steal a motorbike, you might end up with life in prison - did the driver even know the killer had a knife????

Wow....who cares, I can't even believe some of the concerns here, Lets just let the scumb bag off so he can set up another hit and run. If they let the driver go they would be sending a strong message that it is ok to crime and kill people as long as you were the driver " this is how they Thai's would read it" . If you got in cab here and wound up in a car accident they will blame you, that is if your a farrang even though you weren't the driver. My only problem is knowing they won't stay there. Like everything else, after the heat is gone so will those two. Maybe they will escape like that police officer did and played "Where"s Waldo " for a year.


Quick decision in this one. I guess they had no money to have the charges reduced. This is also a high profile case. Not only was the Australian Embassy watching the outcome of of the trial, I'm sure many embassys worldwide have been putting pressure on Thailand to become a safer place for tourists, the lifeblood and livelyhood of Thailand.

Well don't forget she was a tour agent. Because Thai's are so corrupt, they think everyone else is just like them and they don't want the whole entire Australia Touring companies to protest against them, that wouldn't be profitable.

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