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True Visions Signal Cutting Out Every 5 Minutes


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Anyone else getting this? I have just returned from 3 weeks in China, got my HD box installed before I left and everything was fine.

Now I am getting signal drop-outs every few minutes, just for a couple of seconds, it is not weather related.

Any suggestions? Trying to avoid calling them out as it is always such a drama on the phone, and actually trying to get them to stick to an appointment.


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All channels or just a few? Not uncommon for some channels to have occassional transmission problems, which is more of an uplink transmission problem than downlink. Heck, I'm on Truevisions "cable" and have noticed several of the ESPN/Olympics channels sometimes having a pausing/breakup issue and this morning CNBC was doing the same thing for about 30 minutes....I expect this is all uplink problems and nothing to do with the cable transmission or satellite downlink.

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Ok thanks guys, looks like I wiil have to call them out to look at it. To clarify I am on sattelite, and it does seem to be happening across all channels



Could very well be a poorly aligned dish possibly combined with the HD box possibly having a little less gain than your previous box. Hopefully you don't have any obstacles like trees, other buildings, etc., partically blocking the dish's line of sight to the satellite.

Edited by Pib
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