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Actor Kowit'S Daugther Killed In Bangkok Road Accident


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"They were returning from a study session arranged by their classmates when the accident took place at 5.30am. They were scheduled to take an exam today."

Must have been some study session. sad.png

Anyone who has been in college knows what pulling an 'all nighter' is prior to an exam. I did many of them myself so not unusual.

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There's alot of speculation being thrown out without alot of basis for it. I very well think they could have been out cramming for a test, and she coud have just fallen asleep at the wheel or lost reaction due to being sleep impaired.

I also disagree witht some comments about the car. It appears to be an older model mercedes. It probably was just a case of a father giving his daughter his old hand-me-down mercedes. And if I was him I would have probably done the same. I worked for insurance companies handling the aftermath of accidents a lifetime ago. I've literally seen hundreds of car accidents. Heads cut off from crashing into a semi truck, limbs cut off, rollovers, fires. You name it. I've seen it. My opinion is bigger car=safer. I would want my kids to have a big old car.

I look at the accident photos. The passenger cage area is intact. The second article where it's pictured from the passenger side shows little damage to that area. I have seen accidents where the car is much more damaged than this and the occupants survived. This appears to be a completely surviveable accident...IF the passengers had been wearing the seatbelts. Them not wearing their seatbelts is the only explanation I have for why this was a double fatality.-->it looks like they would have been thrown out of the car.

Looks like car landed on side and was flipped over prior to picture. Notice pool of blood where drivver's window would have been located while in side. I doubt seat belt of any kind would have prevented head impact against concrete in that accident. Passenger is another story. I imagine front window came out from side impact and doubt anyone was ejected

Nevertheless, kind of low to start blaming these young kids when not really having a clue about exactly what happened.

That is a huge impact on an S Class. I saw an S Class get T boned (aftermath if it) by a fully loaded garbage truck. Pushed the S class sideways about 50 feet, but there was amazingly very litlle damage and the little old lady walked away unscathed.

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There are some good bits of information coming through from the members now. Thank you for this. I agree that it could have as easily been tiredness as it could have been drinking. Either way the end result is still due to driver error at some point. Whether this is getting in the car tired/drunk or driving too fast/texting on the phone we will never know. In England when you drive on the main trunks (motorways) you have constant reminders to "Take a break". We have policing that effectively lowers the amount of drunk drivers and serious fines for not wearing a seat-belt. There is constant campainging for safety in the public view.

Now we can expect other ThaiVisa members to come on and remind us that we are all escaping the "nanny state" (I'm not, but I take your opinion on that) to live in a free-er country. Please remember that this is the cost...an actual life that might well have not been at risk with more support from the government. It just goes to prove that you don't win either way.

Just plain sad for all involved. None of our words will change that today.

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There's alot of speculation being thrown out without alot of basis for it. I very well think they could have been out cramming for a test, and she coud have just fallen asleep at the wheel or lost reaction due to being sleep impaired.

I also disagree witht some comments about the car. It appears to be an older model mercedes. It probably was just a case of a father giving his daughter his old hand-me-down mercedes. And if I was him I would have probably done the same. I worked for insurance companies handling the aftermath of accidents a lifetime ago. I've literally seen hundreds of car accidents. Heads cut off from crashing into a semi truck, limbs cut off, rollovers, fires. You name it. I've seen it. My opinion is bigger car=safer. I would want my kids to have a big old car.

I look at the accident photos. The passenger cage area is intact. The second article where it's pictured from the passenger side shows little damage to that area. I have seen accidents where the car is much more damaged than this and the occupants survived. This appears to be a completely surviveable accident...IF the passengers had been wearing the seatbelts. Them not wearing their seatbelts is the only explanation I have for why this was a double fatality.-->it looks like they would have been thrown out of the car.

Yes it looks like the girl was outside of the car based on other photos published on the net. It does not appear she was laid there by paramedics. I would surmise she fell asleep at the wheel and was unbuckled as was her friend. I would also say she would have survived is she had on her belt, judging by the state of the car, but it the car had fallen onto the drivers side from a height, they belt may not have helped much. Let's hope the real story of the cause comes out.

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There are some good bits of information coming through from the members now. Thank you for this. I agree that it could have as easily been tiredness as it could have been drinking. Either way the end result is still due to driver error at some point. Whether this is getting in the car tired/drunk or driving too fast/texting on the phone we will never know. In England when you drive on the main trunks (motorways) you have constant reminders to "Take a break". We have policing that effectively lowers the amount of drunk drivers and serious fines for not wearing a seat-belt. There is constant campainging for safety in the public view.

Now we can expect other ThaiVisa members to come on and remind us that we are all escaping the "nanny state" (I'm not, but I take your opinion on that) to live in a free-er country. Please remember that this is the cost...an actual life that might well have not been at risk with more support from the government. It just goes to prove that you don't win either way.

Just plain sad for all involved. None of our words will change that today.

Yep, agreed. As all will know Australia is a big place so large distances are often travelled, not unlike the Thai country I guess.

Constantly reinforced, ( and rigidly enforced) are the "big 3"

1. Drink driving- don't

2. Fatigue- take regular breaks( often on the highways are sign posted rest stops)

3. Speed kills.

Also, ALWAYS wear a seat belt. ALWAYS.

These things don't prevent accidents, however, when driving, everyone needs the best defences, and sadly one or more of the above may have not been adhered to, resulting in this tragedy.

Edited by Fozfromoz
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Yeah, been difficult to not say what I really feel. Some messed up people here for sure.

I doubt they were getting wasted the night before an an exam. All nighters are pretty common in college or grad level courses.

Bashing dad about car is really idiotic. Does not get much safer than an S class. This is older one and it is hardly a sports car and does not even appear to be AMG or 600 by looking at the wheels. Appeared to land on it's side and the poor girl's head hit the concrete as appears to be blood there. Saying or implying death was result of no seat belt is plain stupid as belt probably would not have prevented side impact of head against asphalt. Clue, looks like car landed and remained on side and had been turned up right prior to picture.

My daughters begged me for one of my sports cars, but I put them in large German sedans. Paid off once already as my 16 year old was T-boned by a Honda accord. The Accord was destroyed and my daughter's 7 Series had very little visible damage. Thank God because my middle daughter was sitting on passenger side and impact occurrd in her door. She had a head ache and sore ribs is all. They would have both been injured in a cheap Japanese sedan.

Bashing this dad and these kids merely makes it appear as if you haven't a clue, but you got a big chip in your shoulder.

Everyone has their own ideas about parenting and what are the right decisions, and i think we should be cautious about judging other people, or in any way blaming them for accidents that they obviously never imagined and accidents that will no doubt live with them for the rest of their lives.

That said, my own personal feeling is that most kids, or should i say, young adults, need to do some growing up first before handing over the keys to big powerful cars like S Class Benzes of 7 Series BMs. For one thing, yes these cars are well built and no they aren't supercars, but they are nonetheless still powerful machines with big engines. For one thing, they guzzle gas like no tomorrow, and for people with no income, to not only be given a car, but then to have thousands of baht worth of fuel pumped into them so they can pootle around to friends houses and down to the shops, doesn't seem to be teaching them a very good lesson. I guess our feelings on this sort of stuff is often shaped by our own experiences. My parents weren't poor, but when i reached driving age, i saved up my money from part-time jobs in-between studying, to buy 50% of an old banger with my sister, and we shared it on alternating days. Would i of liked my dad to hand me the keys to an S Class Merc? Darn right i would of. Would i of learnt about the responsibility of spending within my means and supporting myself. No, i doubt it. Would i of done something stupid in such a powerful car with my mates, late at night. Quite possibly. So i thank my parents for bringing me up the way they did.

I don't judge parents who lavish their kids with exotic cars and such, it is their right to bring up their kids as they wish, but it doesn't surprise me when i hear stories like these. Parents can't protect their kids from everything, but they can help.

Still, this is probably not the right time for this sort of discussion.... or perhaps it is exactly the right time? Anyway, a young girl and her friend have lost her lives in what seems like quite a needless fashion. My sympathies to the family.

(Oh, and one more thing, pulling all nighters is a waste of time, particularly a day or two before the exam. Usually it is the result of having put off revising for months, to suddenly find exams upon you. But it'll only cause fatigue and if you don't know what you are being tested on by that late stage, it really is a bit too late)

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"She didn't want to leave home that night but her friends insisted," he recounted. "Finally, I gave her permission to go to her friend's home."

She's 21 and needs permission to leave the house?

Don't see a problem with that. If you are staying out until early hours of the morning, think the parents of even a 21 year old, have some say in that. If you want complete freedom, guess you need to move into your own home, pay your own mortgage, pay your own bills etc.

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I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

amen, brother, on both accounts.

wishing random dead people to RIP...love it cheesy.gif

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Someone's children are dead. Does it really matter how much money they had in the bank?

everyone has parents. why is this so special? you wouldnt even know about it if the people involved werent rich/famous.

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I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

amen, brother, on both accounts.

wishing random dead people to RIP...love it cheesy.gif


I never say it or condolences etc to unkown entities, particularly on the internet, it is just such a shallow and false sentiment in reality.

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"She didn't want to leave home that night but her friends insisted," he recounted. "Finally, I gave her permission to go to her friend's home."

She's 21 and needs permission to leave the house?

Don't see a problem with that. If you are staying out until early hours of the morning, think the parents of even a 21 year old, have some say in that. If you want complete freedom, guess you need to move into your own home, pay your own mortgage, pay your own bills etc.

This is a 21 year old showing respect for her parents, thankfully a rather common occurrence here in Thailand.

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' Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!'

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

Why not start another thread on poor and bitter peoples views on rich kids you can get it all of your chest then.

My aim wasn't to target rich people. My point is that the Children of these rich people have no regard for the law and hence think they are above it. (The son of the ex Miss Thailand who hrew his teddy in a corner and rammed a bustop with his luxury car, the underage girl who wiped out a minibus full of innocent people and others)

As we all all know the papers report what they want us to hear and not the truth for fear of making enemies. We the deceased be tested for alcohol? or are we all gonna believe that the stusy group lasted till 5.30am?? guess we will never know

Bitter against the rich? absolutaly not

Biteer against drunk drivers? When you have lost someone to a drunken driver then you MIGHT begin to understand.

All is not what it seems with the minibus girl. You couldn't be much further from the truth.

RIP to the girl and my condolences to the family whatever the cause.

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Saying or implying death was result of no seat belt is plain stupid as belt probably would not have prevented side impact of head against asphalt. Clue, looks like car landed and remained on side and had been turned up right prior to picture.

I really don't want to argue with you. Someone's child is dead, and it is sad situation. I cannot bring her back, but at least I her death can be (hopefully) used to prevent someone else's death. The point I am trying to make is wear a dam_n seat belt.

What you have said is just plain wrong. Head against asphalt? So what you're saying is that every time a car goes on its side, it is automatically a fatality? I have seen enough of them to know that that is not true. I actually witnessed a car accident on the freeway where a car slid on its side for a considerable distance. The driver climbed out (while the car was on its side) and escaped through the passenger side. Alive, and able to move on her own power and fine save for cuts from the glass.

When you are driving normally, your head is not normally pressed up to the glass. Cars are designed with enough space on the side to withstand a side impact or tipping over on the side.

The seat belt keeps you in a sandwich between the seat belt and the seat back. Provided that the belt is reasonably tight, there is only a little movement that your body can make in a crash.

Think about the physics for a second. The car is moving forward from normal driving. She's gone over an overpass so inside the car, it's probably zero gravity and she is moving up (if not belted). Plus, the car is rotating from a level position to going on its right side.

When this is happening everything inside the cabin is flying around. If she's not belted in, she's going to be flying around inside that cabin. Look at the passenger side. Completely undamaged. If you're talking about cushion, the passenger has the entire driver's side to cushion. Why did the passenger die? Because the passenger was flying around inside the cabin during the crash such that the passenger could hit their head. Why did the driver die? Because she was flying around the cabin such that her head could hit the asphalt. If she's belted in the car would have absorbed the impact and she would have stayed inside the safety of the passenger cage. In a rollover kind of accident, the greatest danger is that people--or their body parts come flying out of the car. Not necessarily completely thrown, but in a rollover type accident arms get thrown out of windows, heads go partially out of windows.

When the car came to rest on its side she crashed inside the car onto the asphalt. When you're belted in, you become part of the car. The belt is to confine you to the seat area. Take a look at the top of the window frame on the driver's door. It is intact. If she had stayed belted in to the seat she would have been alive.

Too much to read. I do think seat belts should be worn at all times.

Seat belt, however, would provide little protection to person on impact side in this crash as nothing to stop head slamming into concrete. This is a huge crush pattern in this car and the entire side has been moved in more than you think. Only point us cannot conclude no seat belt because death occurred.

Again, this is a heavy, heavy impact. A Japanese car would have really been crushed from that fall.

The boy appears to be ejected as girl taken to hospital where she died. If that car was doing 80, ejected boy would not be next to car.

I just don't see need to blame dead kids for anything. I also don't see need to blame father. He is going through as much pain as any father could endure at this juncture.

Accidents happen and we have no idea how this one happened.

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Yeah, been difficult to not say what I really feel. Some messed up people here for sure.

I doubt they were getting wasted the night before an an exam. All nighters are pretty common in college or grad level courses.

Bashing dad about car is really idiotic. Does not get much safer than an S class. This is older one and it is hardly a sports car and does not even appear to be AMG or 600 by looking at the wheels. Appeared to land on it's side and the poor girl's head hit the concrete as appears to be blood there. Saying or implying death was result of no seat belt is plain stupid as belt probably would not have prevented side impact of head against asphalt. Clue, looks like car landed and remained on side and had been turned up right prior to picture.

My daughters begged me for one of my sports cars, but I put them in large German sedans. Paid off once already as my 16 year old was T-boned by a Honda accord. The Accord was destroyed and my daughter's 7 Series had very little visible damage. Thank God because my middle daughter was sitting on passenger side and impact occurrd in her door. She had a head ache and sore ribs is all. They would have both been injured in a cheap Japanese sedan.

Bashing this dad and these kids merely makes it appear as if you haven't a clue, but you got a big chip in your shoulder.

Everyone has their own ideas about parenting and what are the right decisions, and i think we should be cautious about judging other people, or in any way blaming them for accidents that they obviously never imagined and accidents that will no doubt live with them for the rest of their lives.

That said, my own personal feeling is that most kids, or should i say, young adults, need to do some growing up first before handing over the keys to big powerful cars like S Class Benzes of 7 Series BMs. For one thing, yes these cars are well built and no they aren't supercars, but they are nonetheless still powerful machines with big engines. For one thing, they guzzle gas like no tomorrow, and for people with no income, to not only be given a car, but then to have thousands of baht worth of fuel pumped into them so they can pootle around to friends houses and down to the shops, doesn't seem to be teaching them a very good lesson. I guess our feelings on this sort of stuff is often shaped by our own experiences. My parents weren't poor, but when i reached driving age, i saved up my money from part-time jobs in-between studying, to buy 50% of an old banger with my sister, and we shared it on alternating days. Would i of liked my dad to hand me the keys to an S Class Merc? Darn right i would of. Would i of learnt about the responsibility of spending within my means and supporting myself. No, i doubt it. Would i of done something stupid in such a powerful car with my mates, late at night. Quite possibly. So i thank my parents for bringing me up the way they did.

I don't judge parents who lavish their kids with exotic cars and such, it is their right to bring up their kids as they wish, but it doesn't surprise me when i hear stories like these. Parents can't protect their kids from everything, but they can help.

Still, this is probably not the right time for this sort of discussion.... or perhaps it is exactly the right time? Anyway, a young girl and her friend have lost her lives in what seems like quite a needless fashion. My sympathies to the family.

(Oh, and one more thing, pulling all nighters is a waste of time, particularly a day or two before the exam. Usually it is the result of having put off revising for months, to suddenly find exams upon you. But it'll only cause fatigue and if you don't know what you are being tested on by that late stage, it really is a bit too late)

Very judgmental. My 17 year old daughter is a national merit scholar, full ride with stipend to Ivy League school, works, and does like a 150 hours of community service work a year. Just got back from Joplin tornado damage a week ago with her church. My 16 year old has higher marks.

I told my kids early on that I will do anything I can for them if they do well in school, show responsibility and stay out of trouble.

Perhaps this guy had same agreement with his daughter and it sounded as if his kids were doing well. Don't be so judgmental without all the facts.

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Very judgmental. My 17 year old daughter is a national merit scholar, full ride with stipend to Ivy League school, works, and does like a 150 hours of community service work a year. Just got back from Joplin tornado damage a week ago with her church. My 16 year old has higher marks.

I told my kids early on that I will do anything I can for them if they do well in school, show responsibility and stay out of trouble.

Perhaps this guy had same agreement with his daughter and it sounded as if his kids were doing well. Don't be so judgmental without all the facts.

I appreciate my comments may well come off as being judgemental, and i apologise for that. As i say, i believe we all make our own decisions regarding our own kids. I don't tell you how to raise your kids, and i wouldn't tell this poor father how either. I was only saying that that is not how i would raise my kids. For me, rewarding kids who study hard with large powerful expensive gas guzzling cars, is not the way i would go. For one, it crosses the line into what i would consider overboard unnecessary spoiling, and for two, whilst i agree these cars are strong, they are also bloody powerful, and i remember how it was to be young and behind the wheel. That's the main thing - the danger element. But as i say, that's just me and my decisions. You clearly would/are making different decisions. I don't take that to mean you are judging me. Please don't take it vice versa either.

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Daughter of actor Kowit killed in car accident

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The youngest daughter of wellknown actor Kowit Wattanakul was killed yesterday morning after her Mercedes Benz plunged off an overpass in Bangkok. She succumbed to her injuries at a hospital, while her friend was killed at the scene.

Matawee Wattanakul, 21, left behind her family and what promised to be a bright future.

She passed away at the Paolo Memorial Paholyothin Hospital after sustaining brain injuries, skull fractures and lung damage.

Also killed in the accident was Jakpong Jarernphon, 22.

They were returning from a study session arranged by their classmates when the accident took place at 5.30am. They were scheduled to take an exam today.

Both victims were fourthyear students at Kasetsart University's Faculty of Humanities.

Matawee's father Kowit Wattanakul, a famous actor, could not hold back tears when talking about her death.

"It's the biggest loss in my life," he said.

The loving father said he had kissed her on the cheek when she left home Wednesday night.

"She didn't want to leave home that night but her friends insisted," he recounted. "Finally, I gave her permission to go to her friend's home."

He hoped this accident would remind all parents that the safest place for their children to prepare for their exams was their own home.

Matawee's elder sister, Mintita Wattanakul, said no one should drive while sleepy. Mintita, widely known as Mint AF3, has already made her name in show biz, and was convinced Matawee was about to follow in her footsteps.

Kowit said he planned to let Matawee star in two movies. "I don't know whether I can work further on these two movie projects now that she's gone," he said.

He described his youngest daughter as a good and talented person. "She's very good at English. The other day, I talked about the possibility of securing her a job at the Tourism Ministry," Kowit said.


-- The Nation 2012-08-10

They must have been very dedicated students to be studying until 5:30 AM!

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Daughter of actor Kowit killed in car accident

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The youngest daughter of wellknown actor Kowit Wattanakul was killed yesterday morning after her Mercedes Benz plunged off an overpass in Bangkok. She succumbed to her injuries at a hospital, while her friend was killed at the scene.

Matawee Wattanakul, 21, left behind her family and what promised to be a bright future.

She passed away at the Paolo Memorial Paholyothin Hospital after sustaining brain injuries, skull fractures and lung damage.

Also killed in the accident was Jakpong Jarernphon, 22.

They were returning from a study session arranged by their classmates when the accident took place at 5.30am. They were scheduled to take an exam today.

Both victims were fourthyear students at Kasetsart University's Faculty of Humanities.

Matawee's father Kowit Wattanakul, a famous actor, could not hold back tears when talking about her death.

"It's the biggest loss in my life," he said.

The loving father said he had kissed her on the cheek when she left home Wednesday night.

"She didn't want to leave home that night but her friends insisted," he recounted. "Finally, I gave her permission to go to her friend's home."

He hoped this accident would remind all parents that the safest place for their children to prepare for their exams was their own home.

Matawee's elder sister, Mintita Wattanakul, said no one should drive while sleepy. Mintita, widely known as Mint AF3, has already made her name in show biz, and was convinced Matawee was about to follow in her footsteps.

Kowit said he planned to let Matawee star in two movies. "I don't know whether I can work further on these two movie projects now that she's gone," he said.

He described his youngest daughter as a good and talented person. "She's very good at English. The other day, I talked about the possibility of securing her a job at the Tourism Ministry," Kowit said.


-- The Nation 2012-08-10

They must have been very dedicated students to be studying until 5:30 AM!

You were never a young ?sad.png
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' Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!'

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

Why not start another thread on poor and bitter peoples views on rich kids you can get it all of your chest then.

My aim wasn't to target rich people. My point is that the Children of these rich people have no regard for the law and hence think they are above it. (The son of the ex Miss Thailand who hrew his teddy in a corner and rammed a bustop with his luxury car, the underage girl who wiped out a minibus full of innocent people and others)

As we all all know the papers report what they want us to hear and not the truth for fear of making enemies. We the deceased be tested for alcohol? or are we all gonna believe that the stusy group lasted till 5.30am?? guess we will never know

Bitter against the rich? absolutaly not

Biteer against drunk drivers? When you have lost someone to a drunken driver then you MIGHT begin to understand.

Whistleblower has a legitimate right to have his views. Unfortunately he is posting his legitimate views on a Thread that is seen from the opposite view: the view of a mourning father over the death of his daughter, and not the view of mourning parents over the deaths of their sons and daughters because a rich, spoiled girl rammed their minivan and killed 8 of them and got off scott-free.

Were you to have been around to have posted in these two threads ( here and here ), and you did not, then you would find a large percentage of the posters with the same views as those of Whistleblower and mine.

What would you say were this girl to have survived and committed involuntary manslaughter of 8 innocent victims, and then gotten off scott-free?

Why is it that when a wealthy, young Thai does something that results in their own death, with no injuries or deaths to others, the whole world of maudlin sympathizers turns out to mourn the loss, and those who are angered over juvenile misbehavior, that leads to these senseless deaths, are scorned?

Why is it that when these wealthy juveniles kill and murder, they seem to be held blameless and the victims are left to mop up the mess on their own, without any compensation?

The truth is that accidents do not happen; it is simply that people do not pay attention to the life they are leading, and get what life dishes out to them.

I am shocked that this story focuses on this one driver, and completely has no regard for the person in the passenger seat, who was killed instantly.

Am I sad for the father? Of course. I am a decent man. But I am also angered more so because of the sub-culture of arrogance that fathers like this breed into their children by lavishing on them a feeling of superiority. The spoiled minds of these self-flattering kids lack the higher levels of conscientiousness towards others less fortunate than them beyond a sense of fashion or who has the newest technological toy or the cutest boyfriend or girlfriend. They also regrettably lack the human decency to abide by the written laws of the societies that they dwell in.

I strongly and respectfully suggest that you read through every post on those links I provided, and then I will be interested in knowing if you still think whistleblower is bitter and has something to "get it all off (his) chest then".

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

I will post R.I.P (and I don't normally add to the many condolences usually posted in these instances) - two young students killed, tragic whatever the circumstances.

We all know the press reports and journalistic standards here are not brilliant; and most who have been here a while appreciate the unfortunate aspects of the "saving face" mentality.

However insensitive rhetoric, based on the apparent believe that being here 14 years means you know everything, is inappropriate. Waiting for the facts would be better - and aviod having to appologise. The other case you refered to concerned an illegal underage driver. Not the same as a 21 year old 4th year student. Your speculations are exactly that - unsubstantiated speculations.

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' Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!'

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

Why not start another thread on poor and bitter peoples views on rich kids you can get it all of your chest then.

My aim wasn't to target rich people. My point is that the Children of these rich people have no regard for the law and hence think they are above it. (The son of the ex Miss Thailand who hrew his teddy in a corner and rammed a bustop with his luxury car, the underage girl who wiped out a minibus full of innocent people and others)

As we all all know the papers report what they want us to hear and not the truth for fear of making enemies. We the deceased be tested for alcohol? or are we all gonna believe that the stusy group lasted till 5.30am?? guess we will never know

Bitter against the rich? absolutaly not

Biteer against drunk drivers? When you have lost someone to a drunken driver then you MIGHT begin to understand.

Whistleblower has a legitimate right to have his views. Unfortunately he is posting his legitimate views on a Thread that is seen from the opposite view: the view of a mourning father over the death of his daughter, and not the view of mourning parents over the deaths of their sons and daughters because a rich, spoiled girl rammed their minivan and killed 8 of them and got off scott-free.

Were you to have been around to have posted in these two threads ( here and here ), and you did not, then you would find a large percentage of the posters with the same views as those of Whistleblower and mine.

What would you say were this girl to have survived and committed involuntary manslaughter of 8 innocent victims, and then gotten off scott-free?

Why is it that when a wealthy, young Thai does something that results in their own death, with no injuries or deaths to others, the whole world of maudlin sympathizers turns out to mourn the loss, and those who are angered over juvenile misbehavior, that leads to these senseless deaths, are scorned?

Why is it that when these wealthy juveniles kill and murder, they seem to be held blameless and the victims are left to mop up the mess on their own, without any compensation?

The truth is that accidents do not happen; it is simply that people do not pay attention to the life they are leading, and get what life dishes out to them.

I am shocked that this story focuses on this one driver, and completely has no regard for the person in the passenger seat, who was killed instantly.

Am I sad for the father? Of course. I am a decent man. But I am also angered more so because of the sub-culture of arrogance that fathers like this breed into their children by lavishing on them a feeling of superiority. The spoiled minds of these self-flattering kids lack the higher levels of conscientiousness towards others less fortunate than them beyond a sense of fashion or who has the newest technological toy or the cutest boyfriend or girlfriend. They also regrettably lack the human decency to abide by the written laws of the societies that they dwell in.

I strongly and respectfully suggest that you read through every post on those links I provided, and then I will be interested in knowing if you still think whistleblower is bitter and has something to "get it all off (his) chest then".

Do you know all the facts of this case? The other case you refer to has very different circumstances and consequences. I have posted my comments on threads connected with that appalling example of injustice already and will not repeat them here.

Unless you know this family personally, then how are you qualified to make your comments? Or are these a stereotyping of rich children based on your experiences, biases and worldviews? Please tell us you social science qualifactions and the extended research you have carried out to support your in depth opinions on the minds of children from wealthy families. Was this research in Thailand or have you carried out more extensive investigations.

"The truth is that accidents do not happen ........" <deleted> - so all the people who have been tragically killed in aircraft "accidents" weren't paying attention ad got what life dished out!! Great comment - illustrates your logical reasoning thought process and facilitates assessment of your whole post content.

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' Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!'

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

Why not start another thread on poor and bitter peoples views on rich kids you can get it all of your chest then.

My aim wasn't to target rich people. My point is that the Children of these rich people have no regard for the law and hence think they are above it. (The son of the ex Miss Thailand who hrew his teddy in a corner and rammed a bustop with his luxury car, the underage girl who wiped out a minibus full of innocent people and others)

As we all all know the papers report what they want us to hear and not the truth for fear of making enemies. We the deceased be tested for alcohol? or are we all gonna believe that the stusy group lasted till 5.30am?? guess we will never know

Bitter against the rich? absolutaly not

Biteer against drunk drivers? When you have lost someone to a drunken driver then you MIGHT begin to understand.

Whistleblower has a legitimate right to have his views. Unfortunately he is posting his legitimate views on a Thread that is seen from the opposite view: the view of a mourning father over the death of his daughter, and not the view of mourning parents over the deaths of their sons and daughters because a rich, spoiled girl rammed their minivan and killed 8 of them and got off scott-free.

Were you to have been around to have posted in these two threads ( here and here ), and you did not, then you would find a large percentage of the posters with the same views as those of Whistleblower and mine.

What would you say were this girl to have survived and committed involuntary manslaughter of 8 innocent victims, and then gotten off scott-free?

Why is it that when a wealthy, young Thai does something that results in their own death, with no injuries or deaths to others, the whole world of maudlin sympathizers turns out to mourn the loss, and those who are angered over juvenile misbehavior, that leads to these senseless deaths, are scorned?

Why is it that when these wealthy juveniles kill and murder, they seem to be held blameless and the victims are left to mop up the mess on their own, without any compensation?

The truth is that accidents do not happen; it is simply that people do not pay attention to the life they are leading, and get what life dishes out to them.

I am shocked that this story focuses on this one driver, and completely has no regard for the person in the passenger seat, who was killed instantly.

Am I sad for the father? Of course. I am a decent man. But I am also angered more so because of the sub-culture of arrogance that fathers like this breed into their children by lavishing on them a feeling of superiority. The spoiled minds of these self-flattering kids lack the higher levels of conscientiousness towards others less fortunate than them beyond a sense of fashion or who has the newest technological toy or the cutest boyfriend or girlfriend. They also regrettably lack the human decency to abide by the written laws of the societies that they dwell in.

I strongly and respectfully suggest that you read through every post on those links I provided, and then I will be interested in knowing if you still think whistleblower is bitter and has something to "get it all off (his) chest then".

Agree with a lot of that, particularly the bit about the other fatality in this story who warrants barely a mention. I guess we have to blame the press for that one though.

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Daughter of actor Kowit killed in car accident

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The youngest daughter of wellknown actor Kowit Wattanakul was killed yesterday morning after her Mercedes Benz plunged off an overpass in Bangkok. She succumbed to her injuries at a hospital, while her friend was killed at the scene.

Matawee Wattanakul, 21, left behind her family and what promised to be a bright future.

She passed away at the Paolo Memorial Paholyothin Hospital after sustaining brain injuries, skull fractures and lung damage.

Also killed in the accident was Jakpong Jarernphon, 22.

They were returning from a study session arranged by their classmates when the accident took place at 5.30am. They were scheduled to take an exam today.

Both victims were fourthyear students at Kasetsart University's Faculty of Humanities.

Matawee's father Kowit Wattanakul, a famous actor, could not hold back tears when talking about her death.

"It's the biggest loss in my life," he said.

The loving father said he had kissed her on the cheek when she left home Wednesday night.

"She didn't want to leave home that night but her friends insisted," he recounted. "Finally, I gave her permission to go to her friend's home."

He hoped this accident would remind all parents that the safest place for their children to prepare for their exams was their own home.

Matawee's elder sister, Mintita Wattanakul, said no one should drive while sleepy. Mintita, widely known as Mint AF3, has already made her name in show biz, and was convinced Matawee was about to follow in her footsteps.

Kowit said he planned to let Matawee star in two movies. "I don't know whether I can work further on these two movie projects now that she's gone," he said.

He described his youngest daughter as a good and talented person. "She's very good at English. The other day, I talked about the possibility of securing her a job at the Tourism Ministry," Kowit said.


-- The Nation 2012-08-10

They must have been very dedicated students to be studying until 5:30 AM!

Not unusal when cramming for exams. Forget all the usual silly diatribe about students. Kasetsart is a good universtity with high standards. You will fail if you don't produce good results. I know many students here, at several universities. All work into the small hours when needed - assignments, exam preperation etc. Sometimes they get together, other times the phones and emails are busy.

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All very sad and RIP! Many many accidents happen every day in Thailand, why so much attention for this one?!?

Yes indeed, it is family of a so-called famous guy, 21 yr old in Merc Benz S class, coming back from a study session at 05:30 (yeah, right), driving of over-pass (not easy).

Let's give some thought about all the parents/family of the un-famous death victims! They will never be in the papers or TV....

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