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Actor Kowit'S Daugther Killed In Bangkok Road Accident


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I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

I will post R.I.P (and I don't normally add to the many condolences usually posted in these instances) - two young students killed, tragic whatever the circumstances.

We all know the press reports and journalistic standards here are not brilliant; and most who have been here a while appreciate the unfortunate aspects of the "saving face" mentality.

However insensitive rhetoric, based on the apparent believe that being here 14 years means you know everything, is inappropriate. Waiting for the facts would be better - and aviod having to appologise. The other case you refered to concerned an illegal underage driver. Not the same as a 21 year old 4th year student. Your speculations are exactly that - unsubstantiated speculations.

Not saying I know everything. just saying after 14 years I know how the press works and also have an insight to the 'culture'' here. Just to keep you up to date the illegal underage driver has still not been charged due to her family trying to negotiate paying off the victims familys to avoid a trial. Do you also know that this 4th year 21 year old student had a license? was not drunk? was not on her phone? was indeed coming back from a study group at 5.30am? So back to you know all!

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"Not saying I know everything. just saying after 14 years I know how the press works and also have an insight to the 'culture'' here. Just to keep you up to date the illegal underage driver has still not been charged due to her family trying to negotiate paying off the victims familys to avoid a trial. Do you also know that this 4th year 21 year old student had a license? was not drunk? was not on her phone? was indeed coming back from a study group at 5.30am? So back to you know all! "

I find it below any norm to keep speculating that the girl was drunk and/or didn't have a driving license. Neither you nor me have any idea what caused this crash, and no matter if the parents are rich or poor, I am sure they are suffering because of this. Have you considered the possibility that this girl might have been a very caring, polite, hard-studying young woman that wore her seat belt, didn't drink alcohol or used drugs, didn't drive to fast but still got killed in a horrible accident?

Do you think that everybody that dies in a traffic accident more or less deserves it? Or that only rich kids deserve it, or at least have themselves and/or their parents to blame? Have you ever heard of the principle "innocent until proven guilty"?

To all the people that think a Mercedes is too big for a 21 year old girl: just have a look at the USA, where millions of 16 year old kids are driving around in cars just as big or even bigger than a Mercedes. I leaned how to drive in a Mercedes, took my exam in an Mercedes, and my first car was a Mercedes as well. If I had to choose between giving (or lending!) my 21 year old daughter a Toyota Vios or a Mercedes, I would go for the Mercedes for sure!

To all the people that complain that if this was a poor kid, it would not have made it to Thai visa: Welcome to the real world! This is how it works all around the world, if Princess Diana had been an ordinary girl, who would ever have heard of her death in a car crash in an underpass in France? Just because she married the crown prince of England, millions of people were mourning, dozens of books were written on the subject, and millions of dollars were spend to find out how it happened.

Edited by Renbe
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But I am also angered more so because of the sub-culture of arrogance that fathers like this breed into their children by lavishing on them a feeling of superiority. The spoiled minds of these self-flattering kids lack the higher levels of conscientiousness towards others less fortunate than them beyond a sense of fashion or who has the newest technological toy or the cutest boyfriend or girlfriend. They also regrettably lack the human decency to abide by the written laws of the societies that they dwell in.

IMO and IME the blatant disregard for others is pretty evenly distributed across the socio-economic spectrium. Ever notice how buses, taxes, and song taews often park/pull over/merge/u-turn/etc. whenever or wherever they want? Of course, they don't get out of trouble as easily and in the end.... I think that's what gets under a certain group of folks' collective skins. Loosely translated....'I have ethical issues with these folks primarily because they are higher up than me on the food chain and I don't like that fact one bit.'


I understand what you are saying, however, I do not consider them higher up on the food chain than myself.

The point of this is to say that one can tell a lot about what is on another person's mind (or lack thereof) simply by noting the way the other person operates a vehicle; as well as their apparent age and donned safety apparel (or lack thereof).

I note that to an alarming percentage, they are selfish, , devoid of the consequences of their actions, impatient, impulsive, arrogant, brazen, or just plain stupid; from the 8-year-olds driving on Sukhumvit, all the way to the elderly veering without warning or simply coming to a dead stop to make a 15-secong turn into or out of fast moving traffic.

I have seen that most absolute forms of assenine behavior and judgment calls in this traffic that leave me thanking my lucky stars I made it through. The problem this poses, unlike a developed country, is that the percentage of unpredictable behavior increases a hundredfold right here, when one takes to the road.

It seems your reply is now completely void of any opinions or apparent resentment towards the well to do, so there's nothing for me to respond to.


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"Not saying I know everything. just saying after 14 years I know how the press works and also have an insight to the 'culture'' here. Just to keep you up to date the illegal underage driver has still not been charged due to her family trying to negotiate paying off the victims familys to avoid a trial. Do you also know that this 4th year 21 year old student had a license? was not drunk? was not on her phone? was indeed coming back from a study group at 5.30am? So back to you know all! "

I find it below any norm to keep speculating that the girl was drunk and/or didn't have a driving license. Neither you nor me have any idea what caused this crash, and no matter if the parents are rich or poor, I am sure they are suffering because of this. Have you considered the possibility that this girl might have been a very caring, polite, hard-studying young woman that wore her seat belt, didn't drink alcohol or used drugs, didn't drive to fast but still got killed in a horrible accident?

Do you think that everybody that dies in a traffic accident more or less deserves it? Or that only rich kids deserve it, or at least have themselves and/or their parents to blame? Have you ever heard of the principle "innocent until proven guilty"?

To all the people that think a Mercedes is too big for a 21 year old girl: just have a look at the USA, where millions of 16 year old kids are driving around in cars just as big or even bigger than a Mercedes. I leaned how to drive in a Mercedes, took my exam in an Mercedes, and my first car was a Mercedes as well. If I had to choose between giving (or lending!) my 21 year old daughter a Toyota Vios or a Mercedes, I would go for the Mercedes for sure!

To all the people that complain that if this was a poor kid, it would not have made it to Thai visa: Welcome to the real world! This is how it works all around the world, if Princess Diana had been an ordinary girl, who would ever have heard of her death in a car crash in an underpass in France? Just because she married the crown prince of England, millions of people were mourning, dozens of books were written on the subject, and millions of dollars were spend to find out how it happened.

And neither you or I will ever know what caused this crash. Because IF she was drunk, talking on her mobile etc it will never be released. Money talks.

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I for one am not one of the R.I.P. posters that continually post these 3 letters every time someone dies in Thailand. I am one of those people that has been here 14 years continually that knows what the press reports is not fact. Saving face is paramount here. Probably a spoilt young woman (who else has an S class Merc at her age) who went out with friends got drunk/wasn't a competant driver and crashed her car. Done thats it. Thank god she didn't wipe out a minibus like the last richie did!!!!!

If, however, it is proven that this was a tragic accident I will apologise, but I doubt it.

I will post R.I.P (and I don't normally add to the many condolences usually posted in these instances) - two young students killed, tragic whatever the circumstances.

We all know the press reports and journalistic standards here are not brilliant; and most who have been here a while appreciate the unfortunate aspects of the "saving face" mentality.

However insensitive rhetoric, based on the apparent believe that being here 14 years means you know everything, is inappropriate. Waiting for the facts would be better - and aviod having to appologise. The other case you refered to concerned an illegal underage driver. Not the same as a 21 year old 4th year student. Your speculations are exactly that - unsubstantiated speculations.

Not saying I know everything. just saying after 14 years I know how the press works and also have an insight to the 'culture'' here. Just to keep you up to date the illegal underage driver has still not been charged due to her family trying to negotiate paying off the victims familys to avoid a trial. Do you also know that this 4th year 21 year old student had a license? was not drunk? was not on her phone? was indeed coming back from a study group at 5.30am? So back to you know all!

Neither do you.

The amount of pointless surmising on this thread by people who really don't know anything about it at all is quite sad really And frankly I think you have all said enough


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