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Booze, Obesity Cause Most Early Deaths Among Thais


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We Americans are killing off the rest of the world with our fast food..

If we can't kill everyone with bullets and bombs, we will give you sugar diabetes, clogged arteries, and all sorts of diseases who

words have far too many letters to even try to make an attempt to pronounce.

If we can't kill off the Chinese with hi tech war fare we will poison all of them with fast food.

So true

Who brought over the McDonald's, coke, filters for cigarettes, plastic, disposable lighters, disposable diapers? Was it just for profit? Or was it to help other countries like Thailand, to have a healthier, cleaner, safer life style? Then we bitch on how they don't take care, seems to me, they did OK before the Farang sold them a bill of junk foods, drinks and other garbage that is trashing their country, seems to me, years ago Thais, ate off of a leaf, when finished threw it on the ground and it would help other things grow and then we came.

Hey what do I know! I could be wrong, I could be crazy or both, I'm just not proud of the soooooooooo many things we have done to other countries.

We find beautiful unspoiled places and try to change them to our way, Hawaii is a good example, the Aloha spirit has left and it has become another California and an asphalt, cement jungle.

This forum is about Thailand. Why don't you guys start a web forum called AmericaHate.com where you can spew your sad leftist phlem. Maybe even you can publish a Manifesto. Go to China, Vietnam, North Korea or Cuba where you can great inspiration for your utopia. And check out the girls at NorthKoreaLoveLinks.com.

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We Americans are killing off the rest of the world with our fast food..

If we can't kill everyone with bullets and bombs, we will give you sugar diabetes, clogged arteries, and all sorts of diseases who

words have far too many letters to even try to make an attempt to pronounce.

If we can't kill off the Chinese with hi tech war fare we will poison all of them with fast food.

So true

Who brought over the McDonald's, coke, filters for cigarettes, plastic, disposable lighters, disposable diapers? Was it just for profit? Or was it to help other countries like Thailand, to have a healthier, cleaner, safer life style? Then we bitch on how they don't take care, seems to me, they did OK before the Farang sold them a bill of junk foods, drinks and other garbage that is trashing their country, seems to me, years ago Thais, ate off of a leaf, when finished threw it on the ground and it would help other things grow and then we came.

Hey what do I know! I could be wrong, I could be crazy or both, I'm just not proud of the soooooooooo many things we have done to other countries.

We find beautiful unspoiled places and try to change them to our way, Hawaii is a good example, the Aloha spirit has left and it has become another California and an asphalt, cement jungle.

This forum is about Thailand. Why don't you guys start a web forum called AmericaHate.com where you can spew your sad leftist phlem. Maybe even you can publish a Manifesto. Go to China, Vietnam, North Korea or Cuba where you can great inspiration for your utopia. And check out the girls at NorthKoreaLoveLinks.com.

YO Bro

Just stating some facts, not just America, or all Americans, America has some priceless qualities, to many Farangs come to places, regardless where they came from, and try to change, what brought them there. (Get the drift) Not all of us came here for the young girls, junk food and getting shitfaced on a daily basis, some, and you, may find it hard to believe, are not here to sew our oats with young girls, that are looking for a Buffalo with the Golden ring in his nose, most without love or concern, of the Farang, just his coin, some like the culture, people, outlook, concerns for family, like it was, yesteryear "back" in the good old USA.

This forum is about Thailand and some of theIR problems (THIS IS SOME OF THE PROBLEMS) Have a good day and a GREAT LIFE, CHA,CHA,CHA.

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In Thailand Fat = Wealthy.....chubby kids are considered cute while scrawny ones are ignored.

How often do you see kids walking or cycling to school? Most get driven or ride their parents motorcycle there. A case of showing off how affluent you are rather than getting some exercise.

Visit the beach, how many kids swim? Far less then used to. They sit with their booze guzzling / face stuffing parents playing games on their mobiles or tablet computers.

Time to tell those 3 kids in the OP picture that they'll never get laid, unless they pay for it, and they'll probably be dead by the time they're 30.

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In Thailand Fat = Wealthy.....chubby kids are considered cute while scrawny ones are ignored.

How often do you see kids walking or cycling to school? Most get driven or ride their parents motorcycle there. A case of showing off how affluent you are rather than getting some exercise.

Visit the beach, how many kids swim? Far less then used to. They sit with their booze guzzling / face stuffing parents playing games on their mobiles or tablet computers.

Time to tell those 3 kids in the OP picture that they'll never get laid, unless they pay for it, and they'll probably be dead by the time they're 30.

How often do you see kids walking or cycling to school?

Every day.

Time to tell those 3 kids in the OP picture that they'll never get laid

I assume you don't have children yourself?

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Who brought over the McDonald's, coke, filters for cigarettes, plastic, disposable lighters, disposable diapers?

Thai consumers. If they want these things and choose to buy them, it's their business and so be it. It's not your place to nanny.

Was it just for profit? Or was it to help other countries like Thailand, to have a healthier, cleaner, safer life style?

Nothing wrong w/ just for profit in a free and legal market. Not the USA's job to play Mother Theresa with its citizens' taxes either. Other countries are responsible for their own lifestyles. Thais have got the gov't they deserve.

Hawaii is a good example, the Aloha spirit has left and it has become another California and an asphalt, cement jungle.

Why should Hawaii be exclusively for eco-tourists such as yourself who need to go around saying Aloha and for none of us (the majority) who like asphalt cement jungles that offer jobs and economic opportunities for those not as well off as yourself?

Anyway, it still has plenty of unspoiled areas.

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Who brought over the McDonald's, coke, filters for cigarettes, plastic, disposable lighters, disposable diapers?

Thai consumers. If they want these things and choose to buy them, it's their business and so be it. It's not your place to nanny.

Was it just for profit? Or was it to help other countries like Thailand, to have a healthier, cleaner, safer life style?

Nothing wrong w/ just for profit in a free and legal market. Not the USA's job to play Mother Theresa with its citizens' taxes either. Other countries are responsible for their own lifestyles. Thais have got the gov't they deserve.

Hawaii is a good example, the Aloha spirit has left and it has become another California and an asphalt, cement jungle.

Why should Hawaii be exclusively for eco-tourists such as yourself who need to go around saying Aloha and for none of us (the majority) who like asphalt cement jungles that offer jobs and economic opportunities for those not as well off as yourself?

Anyway, it still has plenty of unspoiled areas.

Interesting that "spoiled" = " asphalt cement jungle", and is supposedly desired by "the majority". ermm.gif

But the majority are always right, aren't they? tongue.png

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facts are that Thai food doesn't contain lots of coconut milk unless you're eating a coconut based curry, tom kha or some Thai sweets. have we got that basic fact correct?

Yes, it is a fact that the majority of Thai curries use a coconut milk based sauce and coconut milk is prevalent (along with sugar) in many Thai desserts.

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Interesting that "spoiled" = " asphalt cement jungle

Exactly. That jargon now must be used to communicate with one schooled in the politics of the modern, developed nanny state. One can just as well argue that "improved" = asphalt cement jungle. Aesthetics is in the mind of the beholder anyway. Maybe you've watched Avatar a few too many times?

and is supposedly desired by "the majority". ermm.gif

But the majority are always right, aren't they? tongue.png

Oooh. But they aren't always wrong, are they? In this instance, the majority justly wins against a rich, pampered, effete minority of eco-tourists. The majority AND the minority enjoy the benefits derived from development. And that includes yourself, despite all the hypocrisy. Next time you get seriously ill and need, oh, say, a coronary stent, let an indigenous native in the jungle of Papa New Guinea handle the problem for you. Go native and natural with it, man!

No banana for the fallacy of exaggeration, sorry; but, a raspberry for the hypocrisy. Surprised you even thought you had an argument. On second thought, not. laugh.png

Edited by JSixpack
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Interesting that "spoiled" = " asphalt cement jungle

Exactly. That jargon now must be used to communicate with one schooled in the politics of the modern, developed nanny state. One can just as well argue that "improved" = asphalt cement jungle. Aesthetics is in the mind of the beholder anyway. Maybe you've watched Avatar a few too many times?

and is supposedly desired by "the majority". ermm.gif

But the majority are always right, aren't they? tongue.png

Oooh. But they aren't always wrong, are they? In this instance, the majority justly wins against a rich, pampered, effete minority of eco-tourists. The majority AND the minority enjoy the benefits derived from development. And that includes yourself, despite all the hypocrisy. Next time you get seriously ill and need, oh, say, a coronary stent, let an indigenous native in the jungle of Papa New Guinea handle the problem for you. Go native and natural with it, man!

No banana for the fallacy of exaggeration, sorry; but, a raspberry for the hypocrisy. Surprised you even thought you had an argument. On second thought, not. laugh.png

You're hilarious. Is this how you communicate with people face to face?

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Interesting that "spoiled" = " asphalt cement jungle

Exactly. That jargon now must be used to communicate with one schooled in the politics of the modern, developed nanny state. One can just as well argue that "improved" = asphalt cement jungle. Aesthetics is in the mind of the beholder anyway. Maybe you've watched Avatar a few too many times?

and is supposedly desired by "the majority". ermm.gif

But the majority are always right, aren't they? tongue.png

Oooh. But they aren't always wrong, are they? In this instance, the majority justly wins against a rich, pampered, effete minority of eco-tourists. The majority AND the minority enjoy the benefits derived from development. And that includes yourself, despite all the hypocrisy. Next time you get seriously ill and need, oh, say, a coronary stent, let an indigenous native in the jungle of Papa New Guinea handle the problem for you. Go native and natural with it, man!

No banana for the fallacy of exaggeration, sorry; but, a raspberry for the hypocrisy. Surprised you even thought you had an argument. On second thought, not. laugh.png

Enjoy your concrete jungle, not. :)

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Interesting that "spoiled" = " asphalt cement jungle

Exactly. That jargon now must be used to communicate with one schooled in the politics of the modern, developed nanny state. One can just as well argue that "improved" = asphalt cement jungle. Aesthetics is in the mind of the beholder anyway. Maybe you've watched Avatar a few too many times?

and is supposedly desired by "the majority". ermm.gif

But the majority are always right, aren't they? tongue.png

Oooh. But they aren't always wrong, are they? In this instance, the majority justly wins against a rich, pampered, effete minority of eco-tourists. The majority AND the minority enjoy the benefits derived from development. And that includes yourself, despite all the hypocrisy. Next time you get seriously ill and need, oh, say, a coronary stent, let an indigenous native in the jungle of Papa New Guinea handle the problem for you. Go native and natural with it, man!

No banana for the fallacy of exaggeration, sorry; but, a raspberry for the hypocrisy. Surprised you even thought you had an argument. On second thought, not. laugh.png

You're hilarious. Is this how you communicate with people face to face?

Only after a couple of Dutch courageous six-packs. :)

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You're hilarious. Is this how you communicate with people face to face?

Only after a couple of Dutch courageous six-packs. smile.png

Glad you two have been reduced to the predictable "your mama wears Army boots." Now we can stop wasting time and get back on topic.

To wit: in this forum, every topic on the growing problem of obesity and diabetes in Thailand just turns into an attack on McDonald's (and KFC and Starbucks--and perhaps even disposable diapers) by leftists, anti-globalists, and antiamericanistas, many of whom are merely trolling.

Yawn. In fact large percentages of populations were obese long before McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks,TV, computer games, or disposable diapers existed. w00t.gif Forgive the introduction of mere facts that contradict biases.

Take the Pima Indians. Here's a pic taken in 1902 of a representative, Fat Louisa:


In 1951 Ancel Keys noted that most of the working class women in Naples, Italy, were fat--despite the abject poverty after the war and working hard to survive.In 1960, researchers noted that 40% of Zulu women were obese. In Nauru, South Pacific, a physician observed in 1961 that everyone past puberty was obese. In 1963, in Chile, more than 1/3 of the population was obese, even the active factory workers, and obesity was described as that nation's "main health problem."

These are just a few examples taken from the book Why We Get Fat. Which is not a fad diet book, BTW, but a summary of research.

Finally given the intense interest in Hawaii (I love this forum!), take a look at King Kamehameha The Great (1758 – 1819).


So much for the McDonald's-KFC-Starbucks-TV-computer games-disposable diaper-asphalt jungle theory of obesity in Hawaii as well. No doubt the King would have very much enjoyed going to McDonald's, however.

Well, as this topic regularly recurs with all the same ol' assertions--bye till next time! biggrin.png

Edited by JSixpack
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Unfortunately Booze and Obesity problems in Thailand is a good example on how Yingluck policy went wrong.

She should tax more on food and booze to reduce unnecessary consumption.

This has not happens miraculously this the elections. how can you possibly link this to politics. no wonder this is such a polarized society.
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We Americans are killing off the rest of the world with our fast food..

If we can't kill everyone with bullets and bombs, we will give you sugar diabetes, clogged arteries, and all sorts of diseases who

words have far too many letters to even try to make an attempt to pronounce.

If we can't kill off the Chinese with hi tech war fare we will poison all of them with fast food.

So true

Who brought over the McDonald's, coke, filters for cigarettes, plastic, disposable lighters, disposable diapers? Was it just for profit? Or was it to help other countries like Thailand, to have a healthier, cleaner, safer life style? Then we bitch on how they don't take care, seems to me, they did OK before the Farang sold them a bill of junk foods, drinks and other garbage that is trashing their country, seems to me, years ago Thais, ate off of a leaf, when finished threw it on the ground and it would help other things grow and then we came.

Hey what do I know! I could be wrong, I could be crazy or both, I'm just not proud of the soooooooooo many things we have done to other countries.

We find beautiful unspoiled places and try to change them to our way, Hawaii is a good example, the Aloha spirit has left and it has become another California and an asphalt, cement jungle.

This forum is about Thailand. Why don't you guys start a web forum called AmericaHate.com where you can spew your sad leftist phlem. Maybe even you can publish a Manifesto. Go to China, Vietnam, North Korea or Cuba where you can great inspiration for your utopia. And check out the girls at NorthKoreaLoveLinks.com.

Don't think you have to a leftist to agree with some of the above statements. I agree this forum is about Thailand so the negative effects pushed on Thailand are fair game
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Thais have always loved to eat, come miday and everything grinds to a halt whilst the whole country pigs out. They don't eat because they are hungry they eat because the clock tells them to. They seem to have some superstitious fear if the clock strikes 12.30 p.m and they haven't eaten they will drop dead. It is not a simple low calorie salad sandwich they have, it is normally a high calorie meal, something fried or high in fats.

They won't walk 20 metres to restuarant or roadside vendor they will ride the motorbike. Between meals meals they have snacks of sticky rice with deep fried pork or deep fried banana or porkballs on a stick. Now we see places like McDonalds, Hungry Jacks and KFC springing up everywhere and doing great business. I have never seen anyone here in Thailand buy a salad at these places.

Myself personally I eat when I am hungry and I am of these people who are lucky enough to have a good metabolism and I can eat what ever I want without fear of wieght gain. (been 83 kgs (185cm) for the last 20 yrs) I do exercise a lot also and ensure that my 5 yr old spends a lot of time at play outside also.

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the negative effects pushed on Thailand are fair game

I have to laugh at "pushed." Try to remove SUGAR, rice, noodles, and INSTANT NOODLES from the diet of a Thai. Really, try it (as some forum members have). You'll quickly find that you're violating Thai culture and abusing a Thai.

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You're hilarious. Is this how you communicate with people face to face?

Only after a couple of Dutch courageous six-packs. smile.png

Glad you two have been reduced to the predictable "your mama wears Army boots." Now we can stop wasting time and get back on topic.

Finally given the intense interest in Hawaii (I love this forum!), take a look at King Kamehameha The Great (1758 – 1819).


So much for the McDonald's-KFC-Starbucks-TV-computer games-disposable diaper-asphalt jungle theory of obesity in Hawaii as well. No doubt the King would have very much enjoyed going to McDonald's, however.

Well, as this topic regularly recurs with all the same ol' assertions--bye till next time! biggrin.png

I doubt you have reduced I or anyone else here to anything. I just personally find your uppity 'online' persona amusing and was wondering if this is how you conduct conversations with people face to face. Nothing more nothing less.

FYI I very much doubt the size of local royalty in any society is a reflection of the population at large. Take Kim Jong Il for example.

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We Americans are killing off the rest of the world with our fast food..

If we can't kill everyone with bullets and bombs, we will give you sugar diabetes, clogged arteries, and all sorts of diseases who

words have far too many letters to even try to make an attempt to pronounce.

If we can't kiill off the chinese with hi tech war fare we will poison all of them with fast food.

What American owns a fast place in Thailand? You are just a hateful self hating American. I am happen to say my wife in Thailand has a Lettuce farm Next you will tell me I am responsible for so many little Bas**** born in America

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I doubt you have reduced I or anyone else here to anything. I just personally find your uppity 'online' persona amusing and was wondering if this is how you conduct conversations with people face to face. Nothing more nothing less.

Didn't mean to imply that I did anything. I'd be surprised to accomplish anything except perhaps in the Health, IT, and Bikes forums as they're somewhat technical, though you do get some nutcases in the Health forum. I'm mostly having a laugh here. But for Health, IT, and Bikes, maybe Food (I never go there), the other forums are for hot air and posturings and chit-chat as in a ladies sewing circle., though occasionally a rare piece of useful info surfaces.

I should have phrased it differently thus: "Now that you've reduced yourselves . . . " awarding credit where due.

But yeah, in person I'm in your face as well unless you really know what you're talking about. Just being helpful, though, while enjoying myself. smile.png

FYI I very much doubt the size of local royalty in any society is a reflection of the population at large. Take Kim Jong Il for example.

That wasn't really my point, and the point I was making still stands (see below for another on the same point). But Kim Jong Il obviously eats a processed high carb diet as modern Thais have been doing for some time in their own Thai food.

But you can have exactly the same phenomenon among the poor campesinos as well; wealth doesn't equate with obesity:

1981-83: Starr County, Texas

On the Mexican border, two hundred miles south of San Antonio, William Mueller and colleagues from the University of Texas weighed and measured more than eleven hundred local Mexican-American residents. Forty percent of the men in their thirties are obese, although most of them are "employed in agricultural labor and/or work in the oil fields in the country." More than half the women in their fifties are obese. As for the living conditions, Mueller later describes them as "very simple .... There was one restaurant [in all of Starr County], a Mexican restaurant,
and there was nothing else
." --from
Why We Get Fat

This in the complete absence of the McDonald's-KFC-Starbucks-TV-computer games-disposable diaper-asphalt jungle--but on the contrary with a very active lifestyle. So much for exercise. And this is exactly what's happening to the Thais with or without McDonald's and whether they are sedentary or active. It's just SO obvious.

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Haha, you gotta laugh --->

"The government needed to improve safer transportation systems and people should have convenient pathways for walking or bicycling so they can exercise and enhance their well-being, he said."

When Thais up in Isaan see me on my daily walk they smile and pity me for not having a m'bike or car - or even a push-bike (i have all) - why on earth would anyone be actually using their legs to get from a to b when the wheel has been invented ? - absolute poverty or insanity, only possible reasons ;-)

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Unfortunately Booze and Obesity problems in Thailand is a good example on how Yingluck policy went wrong.

She should tax more on food and booze to reduce unnecessary consumption.

What an odd thing to say. Why should those who don't over eat and don't drink excessively pay more for their food and drink? What about the poor who can barely afford to eat to live? Think again. Your statement actually annoyed me with it's short sightedness and complete lack of thought.

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Unfortunately Booze and Obesity problems in Thailand is a good example on how Yingluck policy went wrong.

She should tax more on food and booze to reduce unnecessary consumption.

What an odd thing to say. Why should those who don't over eat and don't drink excessively pay more for their food and drink? What about the poor who can barely afford to eat to live? Think again. Your statement actually annoyed me with it's short sightedness and complete lack of thought.

That was the intention. Trolls will troll. Ignore him, he's from Barcelona. :)

Edited by Reasonableman
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"Among the female population, obesity was the first leading cause of death, followed by high blood pressure, unsafe sex, high cholesterol, and smoking."

"Many [thousands of] people have died prematurely over the past few years,"

"The study found that drinking alcohol was the leading cause of premature death among the male population, followed by smoking, high blood pressure, not wearing a helmet while riding motorcycles, and high cholesterol."

"The study also found that road accidents, violence, and HIV-infection were major causes of death among men aged between 15 and 29 years of age."

Means: Not wearing a helmet when showering, while having a high blood pressure, drinking Lao Khao, having sex not using Coke light as protection.

Conclusion: Accidents, violence and HIV infection weren't major causes of death among women aged between 15 and 99.

Most females died because they were too fat and males had to go because they drove drunk having high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high speed not wearing a helmet when smashing on a tree.

​ What a weird study....

..The latest study in 2009 showed that among 430,583 reported deaths, about 50,000 had died from chronic diseases caused by drinking alcohol and smoking. Another 35,000 died from coronary artery disease.

Among people over 60, chronic diseases were the major cause of death, the study showed.

Here's the BIGGEST joke:

"He presented his study yesterday at a seminar entitled "Disease and health burdens on the Thai population" held by the Thai Health Promotion Foundation".


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Increased weight is caused by increased energy intake (from food and drink), decreased physical activity or a combination of both. As well as increasing their energy intake, people are also spending more time doing activities that involve little movement such as watching television, playing computer games and travelling in cars. People are also spending less time playing organised sport and doing other physical activities such as walking or cycling to school or work. Causes of obesity in children include unhealthy food choices, lack of physical activity and family eating habits.

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Unfortunately Booze and Obesity problems in Thailand is a good example on how Yingluck policy went wrong.

She should tax more on food and booze to reduce unnecessary consumption.

What an odd thing to say. Why should those who don't over eat and don't drink excessively pay more for their food and drink? What about the poor who can barely afford to eat to live? Think again. Your statement actually annoyed me with it's short sightedness and complete lack of thought.

+1. Should be no special taxes on those, including import tax, or on tobacco either. Let folks make their own choices.

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