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Soi Cowboy Bargirl Kills Co-Worker In Drug Rage: Bangkok


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There seems to be alot of experiance and knowledge about drugs going by so many of the posts here

health ed 101. it's not complicated.. ice is pure and refined form.. yaa-baa is not as pure and "dirtier", i.e. mixed with things other than meth. not necessarily caffeine...could be anything... psycho-reactive or not.

I dont remember ever being taught the chemical compounds of how to produce drugs in health in school

You're just trolling for responses here aren't you?

I'll give you an example of how people can "know so much about drugs" without the malign motives that you are implying,PARTICULARLY the drug in question "Ice"-a pure form of "crystal methamphetamine hydrochloride".

Do you watch TV? Have you ever heard of a TV show called Breaking Bad? http://en.wikipedia....ki/Breaking_Bad

so let's say you're not an ignorant person who comes on TV to pick fights with people,

you start watching Breaking Bad and are fascinated by the antics of Walter "Heisenberg" White,Jesse "I look terrifed the whole dam_n time" Pinkman et al,

you get interested in the terrible drug that this TV series is based around,so you type "Crystal Meth" into Google,and HOLY SHIT! there's "About 5,400,000 results"

there is info about how to make Meth,how it is such a huge problem worldwide because it is so cheap and easy to make.

How it is literally shutting down burn units all over the USA nowadays because of the new "shake and bake" method of making it in a plasic bottle in your pocket(leading to explosions,burns,kids being terribly injured by drinking out of discarded soda bottles etc)-270,000 results! https://www.google.i...iw=1097&bih=623.

You will also find very easily the above info I gave about Ice being Crystal Meth Hydrochloride.

There is also info(I found this funny because of your name tbh) about how huge a problem Ice has been for years in Australia.

"In 2004, 3.2 percent of Australians aged 14 years and older had used amphetamines for nonmedical purposes in the previous year and over 38 percent of this group reported the type of amphetamine they used was ice."


So,as you can see ANYONE,literally ANYONE(including my 70 year old Mother who certainly is NOT involved in the drugs trade thank you very much! smile.png ) can learn ALL about drugs in a very short time,for very innocent reasons(or just perhaps for the very KNOWLEDGE ITSELF-GASP!!!) without some sinister motive as you imply with your ignorant,trollish,snidey statements.

if you want to trumpet your own ignorance the internet is not the place to do it.

Go crawl back under your bridge and look for tolls.

Getting back on point this kind of Pyschosis is quite prevalent among Ice users,

god only knows what kind of monster this girl could have been seeing in her friend,

and her seeming lack of compassion and "disconnect" afterwards is quite common too,

its a monstrous drug.

Edited by QualityTouristNumberOne
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Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

"Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

Since there are so many ignorant stereotypes floating around this forum, like assuming this woman is a hooker (although it's likely) and the black man is some "stud" (a sexual bigoted term for black men that has been used for many decades) I will add that Columbians are (stereotyped) as hot-tempered, they have paramilitary groups like FARC which tell politicians what to do, violence abounds in Columbia (it used to be called "La Cultura del Violencia") and I have known a few Columbians myself and they will easily fly off the handle. The boring old fat Freddy from Austria or Germany or Sweden or England with the hairy pot-belly and wearing ugly clothing, that same bigoted hateful ugly old men from the West, now that is a stereotype that is correct. Anyways...Thai girls seem to be vacant vessels who imitate the Farang idiots who come here to exploit them, so if this woman was hot-tempered she is a reflection of the Columbian drug culture she has picked up and imitated from him. Cliches, stereotypes, bigotry...let's just all go for it now!

For someone who portrays themselves as knowing about Colombia, you really should spell the name of the country correctly. Your Wikipedia research-expert slip is showing. whistling.gif

You are describing Colombia from decades ago. The country is now prospering and the majority of the para-military types have fled across the border into Venezuela and Peru. They still run the bulk of the nacro trafficking, but the violence is reduced from even 10 years ago and nothing like it was during the Pablo Escobar era.

If I had to make a comparison as to which were more violent, Thai or Colombian men, the Thais would come out on top for random acts of reactionary violence.

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If I had to make a comparison as to which were more violent, Thai or Colombian men, the Thais would come out on top for random acts of reactionary violence.

Not "random" violence...But Mexicans top the lot at the moment whistling.gif

May the dead girl .R.I.P...as said... waste of two young lives.


Edited by RAZZELL
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Whoa hey there everybody.... lol rofl pmsl and any other stupid things to say... I think that those girls should have checked out the ladyboys

What a NONSENSE comment!!!

The answer lies in the user name - most likely he's really getting old and is losing it... rolleyes.gif

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Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

"Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

They weren't fighting over a Colombian guy it was a French guy they were fighting over.

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I cant help feeling sorry for them. They live in a cesspool of deceit, drugs, exploitation and ignorance. Difficult for even a saint to rise out of it...

Parliament House of Thailand has nothing to do with this conversation.

I'm confused here what did he say about parliament

Sorry, was sarcasm. Inference being that "deceit, drugs, exploitation, and ignorance" could just as easily be a reference to Parliament members as to bargirls.

Sarcasm not pointed at the tragic loss of life, and it is horrible. sad.png

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Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

"Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

wrong, ICE has no coca in it.

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She literally got ICED (a slang word for getting killed).

Iced By a Knife.!!!sad.png

Bar girls can be dangerous enough without the Ice, but with the drug Ice and a knife, I would rather take my

chances with a king corbra

As a herpetoligist I must agree with you.
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Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

"Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

Yes they have something .... Ice.

These Colombian drug men have something even more important . . . . A FISTFULL OF DOLLARS

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She killed a "co-worker." In other words, she killed another Soi Cowboy Bar Girl. But as another poster indicated, why mention Soi Cowboy Bar Girl at all? It happened in their private apartment. Is the newspaper trying to engender some sort of feeling of "trouble" associated with Soi Cowboy Bar Girls?

The whole idea of this open "prostitution business operation" known as Soi Cowboy as well as others is preposterous. It perpetuates the idea that Thailand is the sex trade capital of the world and all that goes with it. No other country in the world has exceeded Thailand's capabilities in attracting sex trade business and backboning an economy off the backs of the girls.

Hats off to the Bar Girls, the true "backbone" of the Thai economy.

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Most of the girls' families in such places don't even know what their relative is doing. They came to BKK and hit the jackpot, as far a family is concerned; and after knowing many they do lie to their families and enjoy the money.

The sad part is that drug use is abundant in these girls, as their original etiquette of Thainess has been lost, and they are somewhat embarassed at what they do. However, once into the money, the ritual becomes a life-style.

It should be of concern to most farang who use these services, that if a drug raged 'available' can do this to her friend at the end of a night, what could she do to you also??

-mel. ohmy.png

Excellent post. Only part I disagree with, is that many of these girls families know exactly what their daughters are doing and some with their blessings.

Strongly agree! Most families DO know exactly what their daughters are doing and just pretend to not know, to not "lose their face"... It is quite obvious - even to someone who needs a calculator to figure out what 100 minus 50 is - that a normal worker who reels in a maximum of 8k per month and who needs to pay for her transport, food, rental apartment, clothes, etc. simply can't lay 5k or more per month on the family table back in Isaan or elsewhere, letting alone driving up there frequently by bus in chique clothing and dyed hair to show off the 100s of grams of gold hanging around their necks, wrists and ankles...

Usually the story goes like this: (Honest and hard office secretary girl visits parents in Loey)

"Oh child, so nice to see you! Look at ou, you have gotten fat! Thanks for the 2.000 THB... your dad needs that operation, you know, and the neighbors want their money back for the chickens we borrowed off them... It's more than 20.000 Baht altogether, oh what should we do about that, my child? You remember Noi, do you? Your old school pal from the soi next to the bus station? She is a real good girl, oh she loves her parents sooooo much! Guess what - she just bought her dad a new Fino!!! And she gave 30.000 Baht to her mom, just ike that. How lucky those people are to have such a good daughter... You love mom and dad, don't you? You know, Noi's parents said she has a special job in Pattaya and has a very kind "Farang" boss. They said you can call Noi and ask her if she can get you in... Isn't that just great? Oh, come here, let me give you a hug my deer, haven't seen you for such a long time! You know we love you, don't you? And you love us too, no? Go ahead baby and call Noi, and ask her how she's doing..."

It's sickening and happens by the thousands every single day... Been there, done that, heard it, wrote about it, bought the T-shirt...

The drugs they take to let it all fade away and forget about the fat-bellied stinking drunk old farts who want to #$$ rape them without condom, the (politically correct) middle-eastern looking f#$&s who have their friends waitning back in the apartment so they can go on and have a gang bang for free, the sick #$$holes who cuff them or duck-tape them and put out cigarette buds on their bodies, the money-hungry nagging parents and relatives back home, the Mama-San and all that other <deleted> that comes with the job. That from time to time one of them looses it completely while under drugs comes not as a surprise. I feel sorry for both girls involved and hope that the drug dealer who pushed just that one pill to the killing girl will get hit by a ten wheeler and has to spend the rest of his life as a living vegetable in a wheelchair.

I'd say that about sums it up.

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drugs, bar girls, visciousness. .....sounds like it could have been one many alcohol-fueled tragedies. Surely, there are more drug-related atrocities fueled by the most harmful drug in Thailand (sometimes used as ear medicine by our top crime fighter) - than ice-fueled killings.

Let's put things in perspective. Even the recent stabbing death of the Australian tourist biz woman in Phuket was drug-related (alcohol again. The slasher was looking for money for his fix).

The sooner people (including the 'drug czar') can see the comparative harm caused by different types of recreational drugs, the sooner sanity can start to affect the outlook.

How many wife beatings and traffic accidents are alcohol fueled, compared to the # by all other recreational drugs combined? My guess is the ratio is 200 to 1. Let's get some perspective, folks.

I'm not against alcohol drinking. I figure each adult can mess up their own lives any way they want. The stickler is 'how much harm is that person doing to others?' The cumulative harm from alcohol is far greater than the harm done by all other recreational drugs combined.

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drugs, bar girls, visciousness. .....sounds like it could have been one many alcohol-fueled tragedies. Surely, there are more drug-related atrocities fueled by the most harmful drug in Thailand (sometimes used as ear medicine by our top crime fighter) - than ice-fueled killings.

Let's put things in perspective. Even the recent stabbing death of the Australian tourist biz woman in Phuket was drug-related (alcohol again. The slasher was looking for money for his fix).

The sooner people (including the 'drug czar') can see the comparative harm caused by different types of recreational drugs, the sooner sanity can start to affect the outlook.

How many wife beatings and traffic accidents are alcohol fueled, compared to the # by all other recreational drugs combined? My guess is the ratio is 200 to 1. Let's get some perspective, folks.

I'm not against alcohol drinking. I figure each adult can mess up their own lives any way they want. The stickler is 'how much harm is that person doing to others?' The cumulative harm from alcohol is far greater than the harm done by all other recreational drugs combined.

It's hardly a competition between alcohol and "recreational drugs, now is it? One harmful drug being worse than others hardly absolves the others from debate.

AFAIK, none of the "recreational drugs" [variously defined] is devoid of ill effects, such as psychological and physical dependence. For individuals who partake and hurt _only themselves_, and cause no further social burden, that is their decision, and the effects on their health and wellbeing are theirs to bear, if they are willing to accept sole personal responsibility (how often is this actually the case, in practice? I do not know). For others, such as smokers, alcoholics, and other drug dependents, who may eventually become a social burden due to ill health or the results of antisocial behaviors, one might express reservations about any assumed "freedom" to burden others, and some incredulity at the level of responsibility they _actually_ take for their behaviors.

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You could say that.

From the description of the stab wounds, it sounds more like she butchered the victim as opposed to just slashing her once or twice.

"Hell hath no fury like a Thai woman scorned"

Or... "Hell hath no fury like a mental Thai bird on ice..... scorned"

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Well well well.. Yet another post deleted by Mods... It was a valid point... Drugs are ILLEGAL in Thailand so why are they being discussed on your site? HYPOCRITES...

Sent from my MID using Thaivisa Connect App

erm stabbing someone in a drug fueled frenzy is also illegal but that is the whole point of this discussion/thread.

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Yaba is a metaamphetamine,

Ice is a cocaine derivate (aka "Crystal Meth", look up the web for more horror stories)

"Boyfriend" was from Colombia. These black studs must have something, as so many Thai girls are smuggling drugs for them, hooking for them and now even killing for them.

Yes they have something .... Ice.

These Colombian drug men have something even more important . . . . A FISTFULL OF DOLLARS

I'm confused, Columbian or french Boyfriend? or was he a columbian with a french passport or vice virsa.

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A bargirl is dangerious enough by herself with out compertiton, so now when she is trying to take a falang they are much more savage!!!

Is it the falang fault?

is it the bargirl fault?

is it social fault?

is it poverty fault?

is it education?

everyone will have thier own answer,,,

be carful the falang who has a bargirl for a girlfriend, short time, long time, or married, What is the one thing that rings out???? ("behavoiur BARGIRL")

can I ask please?

why is it so hard for a man to find a normal lady??? or they prefure and just accept drammmma"s in your life and police with pay out money???????

Maybe the normal girls prefer normal guys. Bargirls attract a certain type of individual. Normal girls attract the opposite to bargirls.

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A bargirl is dangerious enough by herself with out compertiton, so now when she is trying to take a falang they are much more savage!!!

Is it the falang fault?

is it the bargirl fault?

is it social fault?

is it poverty fault?

is it education?

everyone will have thier own answer,,,

be carful the falang who has a bargirl for a girlfriend, short time, long time, or married, What is the one thing that rings out???? ("behavoiur BARGIRL")

can I ask please?

why is it so hard for a man to find a normal lady??? or they prefure and just accept drammmma"s in your life and police with pay out money???????

Is this lyrics for a new song, or is it a poem? blink.png

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All I read when I come on here is crap "oh they are not all the same" absolute <deleted> they ALL have it in em they just have different tolerance levels and Drugs are drugs you take em you take a chance and you know the likely outcome whether your a bargirl barfly or a barman same as becoming a bargirl they have a choice what do they think they are getting into what sort of people do they expect to meet with the salt of the earth I think not I made choices with my life I knew what I was getting into when i came to live here and I'm full of regret but I can't leave until I've sold up but I wish I'd of stayed put but I knew what I was getting into I just never expected to lose my family but deep down I knew there was a small chance that would happen so in many respects me or any of us ain't that different

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All I read when I come on here is crap "oh they are not all the same". Absolute <deleted>, they ALL have it in em they just have different tolerance levels and Drugs are drugs - you take em you take a chance and you know the likely outcome whether your a bargirl barfly or a barman same as becoming a bargirl.

They have a choice what do they think they are getting into what sort of people do they expect to meet with the salt of the earth I think not I made choices with my life I knew what I was getting into when i came to live here and I'm full of regret.

But I can't leave until I've sold up but I wish I'd of stayed put but I knew what I was getting into I just never expected to lose my family but deep down I knew there was a small chance that would happen so in many respects me or any of us ain't that different.

I think I have fixed what you were trying to say?

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