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Thaksin Ends Visit, U.S. On Defensive


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Thaksin ends visit, US on defensive



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Fugitive ex-PM heads for Korea after sparring with yellow shirts and raising awkward questions for US over visa

BANGKOK: -- Thaksin Shinawatra has left the United States without fanfare, having spent much of his time in America playing cat and mouse with the yellow shirts and putting his host in a somewhat awkward situation.

A phone-in was made to his supporters from South Korea, signalling an end to the US visit, which was marred by questions over whether US authorities ignored their own law, and by the return of the WikiLeaks ghost to haunt Washington.

The United States' permission for Thaksin to enter the country, now that his party's in power, has put the superpower's diplomacy under scrutiny. Critics pointed to the WikiLeaks-exposed documents that purportedly showed the US Embassy in Thailand once considered him a man unsuited for a US visa. The alleged embassy cable statement claimed Thaksin "may or may not have committed crime of moral turpitude" following the street turmoil in 2009 when the Democrats were in power.

The US Embassy here has never commented on anything emanating from WikiLeaks.

Anti-Thaksin Thais have staged protests both in Thailand and the United States. Complaint letters were written to American authorities including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Criticism of the US visa decision was also fierce online. The campaign prompted the embassy to take the unusual step of giving a public statement on how decisions to give approximately 50,000 Thais visas annually never have anything to do with politics.

Thaksin himself has admitted that US authorities did not want him to visit their country when the Democrats were in power. In an interview with a Siamtown US news group in Los Angeles, he charged that foreign governments "who did not want to quarrel with" the then Thai administration acquiesced when asked to ban his entry.

Those agreeing with the US visa about-face insisted that Thaksin's conviction on criminal charges in Thailand, which should have triggered US immigration action against him, was politically motivated. This argument, however, did not quite address the question why the US government only changed its stand on Thaksin after his political party rose to power in Thailand.

Asked by Siamtown US to comment on allegations that his US visa was part of a "trade-off", Thaksin said: "People who don't know the truth talk a lot. Worse still, those who know are not quite smart. The first thing they should know is, the extradition treaty does not cover political cases. Mine is a political case."

Asked what was the "symbolic impact" of his US visit, Thaksin said: "I just want to show that I can go anywhere but Thailand."

He also taunted his political rivals for "becoming afraid of the ghost that they turned me into".

ASTV reports that the US authorities also became concerned about possible repercussions of his visit, so much so he was advised to keep a low profile and quietly leave the country. The reports could not be verified.


-- The Nation 2012-08-21

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The latest (?) from S Korea...


Down to the last $1 million...

"Boo hoo, poor poor me, so destitute"

And a few lines before he was bragging about his private jet that can fly him anywhere except Thailand.

I said it before, and I´ll say it again: text book psycopath.

Facet 1 Interpersonal

  • Glibness/superficial charm
  • Grandiose sense of self-worth
  • Pathological lying
  • Cunning/manipulative

Still no lack of bootlickers for the "man".

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Asked by Siamtown US to comment on allegations that his US visa was part of a "trade-off", Thaksin said: "People who don't know the truth talk a lot. Worse still, those who know are not quite smart. The first thing they should know is, the extradition treaty does not cover political cases. Mine is a political case."

It is political, only in the sense that he was in office when he committed a crime that wasn't about politics, just money. He must feel like an idiot sometimes, his greed cost him his "face"

He listens to his own lies and bull sh****** so much he really believes it,, what a jerk.

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Political double-talk: his party is in power so they can allow him into the country.

Then they say his exile is a political issue.

My guess is the visa was somehow quietly fast-tracked and by the time word of it reached the higher echelons of the US State Dept it was too late.

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The latest (?) from S Korea...


Down to the last $1 million...

Once I lived the life of a Billionaire......

How much is the dole in Bangkok?

I want to be straight, I want to be straightI

wanna create a place of my own in the welfare state

Brr, gonna be good, brr, gonna be kind

It might be a wrench but think of the stench I'm leaving behind

I wanna be straight, I wanna be straight

Come out of the cold and do what I'm told and don't deviate

I wanna give, I wanna give, I wanna give my consent

I'm learning to hate all the things that were great when I used to be… bent!

Could be not straightness

Dum dum dilley

Might lead to greatness

Dur yuh dum der

Owing to lateness

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A good reason for the US to withdraw the Visas of those people who obviously do not realize that they are guests and should not harass other foreigners. The problem with the Thai elite is that they behave also abroad as if the foreign country in theirs. Book a few flights and send the yellow gang home. When the Thai yellows had grabbed power they did the same, anyone with a different opinion was blacklisted including lawyers like Robert amsterdam. So there should be no backlash at all, just apply their own rules.

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Asked by Siamtown US to comment on allegations that his US visa was part of a "trade-off", Thaksin said: "People who don't know the truth talk a lot. Worse still, those who know are not quite smart. The first thing they should know is, the extradition treaty does not cover political cases. Mine is a political case."

It is political, only in the sense that he was in office when he committed a crime that wasn't about politics, just money. He must feel like an idiot sometimes, his greed cost him his "face"

Absolutely correct. He hides behind this "political" facade, but the truth is, he is a criminal.

He says he wants to show that he can go anywhere except Thailand. The truth on that point is that he can come to Thailand, no-one is stopping him ... but he has to accept that he will be arrested and imprisoned as soon as he lands here.

If by some freak government decision, he isn't arrested, then I'm afraid this government will have to take full responsibility for the political turmoil, perhaps indeed, civil war, that will ensue...!!

I am neither for or against Thaksin. I think you are being too harsh on him for the financial gains. Let's not forget that during his reign, farangs have a much easier time renewing their visa, e.g. crossing borders gives you one month visas and there is no limit to any amount of times you go! Now, you can do it only 3 to 4 times & you get only 15 days each time (MEAN). Registering & maintaining a farangs' company now costs more and is more restricted with the 4 staffs requirements! During Thaksin everything was easy for farangs! I don't know why the idiots are still persecuting him for something which every government in the world is doing! Making financial gains for themselves.

Dudes, give him a break!

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"Where are all his supporters hiding?"

Chances are anon, you mistake people with a healthy suspicion and mistrust of the Dems and Sondhis Yellow thugs with being a flag waving Thaiksin acolyte. Time to grow up and smell the Tom Yum.

I didn't think the US would let him in (because its trouble) but they have bigger fish to fry; Obama was out pressing the flesh, bought a round a beer at the Iowa State Fair.

Pre season NFL football is well under way and the first roster cut is coming up. This is a big time event, not in the same league as

The First BCS NCAA polls are out too.

These are Pretty big events compared to say a former Thai PM, complexities and lies that get spewed regrading extradition, specifically thai extradition laws/treaties with other countries ------------- that the Nation informs and misinforms its readers about.

However you could find out, if this was a quid pro quo for the Nasa project, then how the heck did he get the VISA ?

Come on guys and gals I need help here; What Gives?

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i think for sometime now good ol uncle Sam has worked on the assumption of, Don't do what I do ,do as I say, they have two rules ,Secretary of state Clinton, decides which one they will use, i wounder What rule will apply to my fellow countryman Julian Assange.bah.gif

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A good reason for the US to withdraw the Visas of those people who obviously do not realize that they are guests and should not harass other foreigners. The problem with the Thai elite is that they behave also abroad as if the foreign country in theirs. Book a few flights and send the yellow gang home. When the Thai yellows had grabbed power they did the same, anyone with a different opinion was blacklisted including lawyers like Robert amsterdam. So there should be no backlash at all, just apply their own rules.

It just goes to show that the human right to speak one's mind is still alive and kicking in the land of the hotdog.

If you think these people are elite, the in the words of Judge Lucy Koh "you must be smoking crack".

Do you consider Thaksin to be an elite?

Amsterdam should be blacklisted - he speaks ill of every country his clients fall out with. He's just a purple faced self promoter with one club in his bag - the shout iron.

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