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Falang In Udon Thani Jail.... Can Anyone Confirm?

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Posted on UT from an acquaintance of Will's

"Just got off the phone with Will's case worker. Will is fine. The biggest concern is money for a flight if he had the money for a flight he would be gone in a few days. I have Will's bank information he has access to ATM but as of now he has no money in either of 2 accounts. Don't know if we could raise enough to pay for his flight but maybe some spending money."

I can probably get the account information PM'd to me to pass on.


Cum on guys....please don't sidetrack/hijack this topic dedicated to obtaining info leading to a speedy release from Jail for poor Willard. No need to argue the fine print of the legalities of his offense. He got busted and is still rotting in jail and nothing will change that except info on relatives abroad that will sponsor him. We already have a volunteer to pay his airfare and fine, but to bring this thread back to it's original purpose.....we now need someone to offer this lost lonely puppy a home base back home.

It's hard for me to believe that a guy [that I never met] can live such a solitary life for years in Hawaii and LOS and no one knows anything about his past life.

I think that some of these posts are worthwhile. It is because of inaccurate information, as give by a poster here, that people end up in the situation that the subject of this post is in.


Posted by Dan of ACS

"I received the following mail from Will's Case Officer (edited slightly):

"I met with Mr. Underburg yesterday. He is medically OK, and that’s all I can say on his health- as you know- health information is extremely protected info for Americans.

I told him of all the interest in his case, and he did recognize the name Greg Williams [...]

We still need two things: paid flight to the US, and shelter in the US. I know all the friends here can’t take care of the shelter, but can anyone pay for a one way flight- to either North Carolina or Florida.

If anyone can buy a flight, please have them email or call me. (No one in the US has confirmed they can pay for this flight)

Thanks for anything you can do!"

No mention of the 3 suitcases held in Udon.

Again, the tel number for the case officer is 02-205-4049 (eves 02-205-4000)

BTW, from my warden documentation: if anyone would like to make a visit, the US embassy can provide a special letter to the detention authorities allowing a visitor to use a room used by ACS to see him. Extra visiting time is also allocated. Call Will's case officer if interested."


I think that some of these posts are worthwhile. It is because of inaccurate information, as give by a poster here, that people end up in the situation that the subject of this post is in.

Will ended up in trouble after he committed criminal damage on a an influential Thai man's car and was sentenced to 1 month in jail. His school fired him which meant his work permit was revoked making him an over stayer. All of this has already been posted.

So all these semantics of the wording of labour laws and "my friend said" have absolutely nothing to do with Will's situation.

Please feel free to start another thread on Labour laws, work permits or mental masturbation

Jaidee and I would like to thank you all for your help and support.

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It's not as if the guy comitted a violent act or robbed someone.....he just got caught doing work without permission, but he is an expat in need of help and support and my concern is to get him some help from the expat community in UT. I would expect the same if I were in his situation.

Now I am confused.



email from Will's case officer:

"I just got confirmation that friends in US can pay for the flight. So now all I have to do is find a place for Willard to go.

Re the luggage: Unless someone actually physically brings it down here, it might be very hard for the Embassy to receive it by mail (security concerns)."

Is anyone heading down there soon?

Or is there anybody who could meet a bus in Bangkok and take his cases from it?


Posted 26/8/12 4 days after the post you are quoting and when we had a lot more information on Will's predicament.

"Will was probably arrested the first time due to an altercation at his place of work (school) with a Thai national (parent) resulting with criminal damage (by Will) to the said Thai nationals car (this was witnessed).....

The said Thai national is VERY well connected in Udon ... Hence the 1mnth jail sentence (they threw the book at him!!)....

Now .... Wiills' work permit would have been cancelled due to this altercation (losing his job) POSSIBLY resulting with the cancellation of his visa (if the visa was issued on the basis of the work permit .. NO work ... No visa!! ... as soon as you lose your job you're on an overstay of 500bht/day ... SAME DAY!)... Hence the 2nd arrest when he was released from prison on a visa issue NOT a work permit issue ...


It's not as if the guy comitted a violent act or robbed someone.....he just got caught doing work without permission, but he is an expat in need of help and support and my concern is to get him some help from the expat community in UT. I would expect the same if I were in his situation.

Now I am confused.


What's there to be confused about?? it's just about expats helping expats and not making judgements when we don't know all the facts, like in this case. My Moma used to say 'always help a stranger because some day you may be a stranger yourself.'.....that's the reason for this post....to help a stranger [fellow expat], as some day we may need help ourselves. Can I make it any simpler/?


I hope this very well connected Thai believes in Karma as many do in Thailand. He will be rewarded for his actions later in this life or the next.

My thoughts and prayers are with Willard. Look forward to hearing he is safely back in the USA.


Sorry to say, but the man broke the law.

It doesn't really matter who the owner of the car was. Criminal damage was done.

Can't do the time, don't do the crime.


Bad situation to be in def. but why is there a problem with airfare ? The us embassy will provide a ticket home, you just have to surrender your passport and sign a note to pay it back. As usual in thailand I think there is a lot more to this story than people are saying. And I dont blame the thai for filing charges, you mess up my car paid for with hard earned money you are going to be talking to the police.

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Latest update on Willard.....

After speaking with both the US Embassy and Dave [the Udon ACS warden], I can report that Will is due to fly back to the US on Tuesday, but he will leave penniless and Dave, myself and other well meaning expats are donating what we can to Will's Krung Thai Bank account so that he doesn't arrive penniless.

If anyone wants to help a fellow expat that has had his share of bad luck, you can send donations to his KTB account number 443028661 2 and his legal name is Willard Sage Underberg.

If you are reluctant but want to know more, then there is a long post on http://www.udontalk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=9811&p=159589#p159589 with lots of details.

With the mods permission, I'll post a plea to help Willard on the 'general topics forum' and hope that thaivisa is sympathetic to an expat in need of help.


Forgot to mention that Dave the US embassy warden will be doing the accounting of donations and he will accept a scanned copy of your ATM donation receipts by PM at udontalk.com so we have an idea of how much Willard will have. and he will post on this forum ass well as the Udontalk forum.


Forgot to mention that Dave the US embassy warden will be doing the accounting of donations and he will accept a scanned copy of your ATM donation receipts by PM at udontalk.com so we have an idea of how much Willard will have. and he will post on this forum ass well as the Udontalk forum.


From -Udon Talk-

Looks like, -Will- had, has mental problems, which could be the reason for the alleged attack on the car, who brought him in deeper water.

I met Will as a fellow teacher here quite a while ago. People come and go and no-one ever remembers every one you meet.

I had the fortune to meet him on two futher occaisons whilst assisting the Tourist Police here in Udon ... I don't know quite how to say this, but .... the last two occasions he came to the Tourist Police (no prob at the time) and then went to the Royal Thai Police with a full dissataion (going for that degree) in his own mind proving that people can harm him through electronic signals sent via computers, security cameras, cell phones and/or anything electronic that can send a signal ..... This was two of his "Tin-foil-hat days!" .... needless to say we did everything we could to keep him out of jail.

Now, one of our (European) officers spent many years working in similar situations with patients and was very concerned about Wills' condition .... He took it upon himself to contact the American embassy (well done!) expressing his concern about an American citizen who was having psychological/personnel issues problems in Thailand! ..... Reply .... "What do you want toUS do about it .... It ain't OUR problem!!!!"

This is FACT! ...... It's not speculation,rumours or whispers ... I was present on all ocassions!!!

The American embassy was NOT interested!!!!

Now look what's happened!!!

Will. I wish you good luck and Thanks to all you "Yanks" that want to help out a fellow countryman emoticon-0137-clapping.gif ... We tried a few months ago to no avail emoticon-0106-crying.gif


Please do not use Thai Visa as a platform to solicit donations.

25) Members are forbidden to solicit for or accept donations, gifts etc. for providing such advice to visitors and members. Likewise, it is not permitted to steer or solicit members and visitors to go to locations or businesses where it is necessary to pay for services or assistance. The exception is ThaiVisa.com sponsors, who may reasonably promote themselves.

Begging bowl for a criminal witjout a permit.

I said it before and il say it again if your so concerned about this fella pay the mans ticket yourself op. The mans a crackpot who if had such mental

issues should not have been teaching anyway.

I dont like to see anyone banged up in a thai prison, but its about time they started throwing more degenerate farang in the slammer.


Please do not use Thai Visa as a platform to solicit donations.

25) Members are forbidden to solicit for or accept donations, gifts etc. for providing such advice to visitors and members. Likewise, it is not permitted to steer or solicit members and visitors to go to locations or businesses where it is necessary to pay for services or assistance. The exception is ThaiVisa.com sponsors, who may reasonably promote themselves.

I call it helping a fellow expat in need and I would hope for the same compassion if I were in his situation.....no family, in jail, few friends and with mental issues that should be treated by professionals in his home country.....that's all. Thank you thaivisa for being so compassionate and helping those in need!!


Begging bowl for a criminal witjout a permit.

spell check?? or think before you type.....

If you read the whole thread, Will had a WP before and it was revoked after his first offence, then went into the immigration slammer after doing his time and paying for his crime.

I said it before and il say it again if your so concerned about this fella pay the mans ticket yourself op. The mans a crackpot who if had such mental

issues should not have been teaching anyway.

And you're a professional psychologist, dr, or just an armchair judge??

I dont like to see anyone banged up in a thai prison, but its about time they started throwing more degenerate farang in the slammer.

and you're the perfect expat with no flaws??


This thread was valuable and helpful when it was concerned with making sure that a person with problems got home. It ceased to be when it became a media for requesting donations. I am sure his countrymen will help him on his return home. I think the rules about soliciting without prior approval from the management important in making this a useable forum. I am sad that valuable members have ended up running down other members because they did not get their way.


the rule regarding solicitng money has been in effect for many many years. Please contact admin or support to try to get permission.


I've been a member of thaivisa for almost a decade [check the records] and over the years, it has gone from being a helpful media for expats to share information and help those in need....what a community forum is intended to be for.

Now it seems to have evolved into a politically correct bunch of whiners that have nothing to do but hyjack threads and be contentious and agitate and stir up sincere pleas for anyone who they don't agree with.

If I recall, I referred my plea for helping Willard to the more community orriented local udontalk forum for anyone that had enough heart and a few thb to help this sad case of an expat with no funds to return to home with a few $$ and all donations were to be made there.....not the politically correct new [corporate] thaivisa that has evolved over the years.

It is sad that TV has lost some of it's best contributors and the ones that are taking over are mostly newbie, whining trolls with nothing to offer but their contrary opinions.

My guess is that I have been a member far longer than you have and rule number 25 has been in place since forum inception.

While your efforts to help out a fellow Yank are commendable, those efforts are still against forum rules that you agreed to follow when you joined the forum. I have not posted before on this thread but after the truth started coming out about the young man's actions, my sympathy dropped considerably. He may have mental problems but that is no excuse for an apparent road rage incident. Not in a country that has real immigration control.

Just for the record, I am a Yank, not a whiner or a troll and have lived in Thailand for over 30 years. Just my two cents worth.


OK, I broke the 'rules' as we all do by skimming thru the terms of agreement and ticking the box, but I still maintain that thaivisa used to be more flexible bend the rules sometimes in some cases and I will formally apologize tor my ignorance of the rules and ask that the mods at least allow me to continue this thread and pass on info for this sad case that was laid on me and my goal is to simply expedite his exit from jail in LOS and return to the US.

I did take offence at the 'begging bowl' reference and insult because I simply mentioned that a 'donation thread' for Willard was started on the Udontalk forum and invited caring people to donate it they felt any compassion for a fellow expat in need.

Have a heart guys......


Flight to a neighboring country won't do. It is my understanding in these situations that Immigration will only release with a ticket back to your home country. They don't want to release people and then have them popping back in 2 days later........

You are correct - If the person has been send to court already and paid a small find of 6000 Baht etc, he will need to get a ticket back to the home country.


Latest update on Willard.....

After speaking with both the US Embassy and Dave [the Udon ACS warden], I can report that Will is due to fly back to the US on Tuesday, but he will leave penniless and Dave, myself and other well meaning expats are donating what we can to Will's Krung Thai Bank account so that he doesn't arrive penniless.

If anyone wants to help a fellow expat that has had his share of bad luck, you can send donations to his KTB account number 443028661 2 and his legal name is Willard Sage Underberg.

If you are reluctant but want to know more, then there is a long post on http://www.udontalk....=159589#p159589 with lots of details.

With the mods permission, I'll post a plea to help Willard on the 'general topics forum' and hope that thaivisa is sympathetic to an expat in need of help.

Their are thousands of visitors to get broke once they leave Thailand. A ticket was issued for him to return to the States.



Latest update on Willard.....

After speaking with both the US Embassy and Dave [the Udon ACS warden], I can report that Will is due to fly back to the US on Tuesday, but he will leave penniless and Dave, myself and other well meaning expats are donating what we can to Will's Krung Thai Bank account so that he doesn't arrive penniless.

If anyone wants to help a fellow expat that has had his share of bad luck, you can send donations to his KTB account number 443028661 2 and his legal name is Willard Sage Underberg.

If you are reluctant but want to know more, then there is a long post on http://www.udontalk....=159589#p159589 with lots of details.

With the mods permission, I'll post a plea to help Willard on the 'general topics forum' and hope that thaivisa is sympathetic to an expat in need of help.

Their are thousands of visitors to get broke once they leave Thailand. A ticket was issued for him to return to the States.


your wrong MC...no ticket in hand yet and the guy is dead broke with no family, few friends and lotsa problems. A really sad case and hopefully a contact in the US will be able to help a friend in need get a return ticket.



Once again the us embassy will issue him a ticket on surrender of his passport and signing of a promissory note to repay the funds. What is the problem ??? sorry but you seem to be soliciting a lot of money here when the problem of an airline ticket is not the issue.

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