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Possibly Every Woman In Thailand Has Been Infected!


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A rare strain of ichobarrioasis has been released into the Thai Populas...

This is a warning for all to get yourselves quarantined if you've come into contact

with a dark brown patch on a womans skin surrounde by redness.

I'm going back home, bye bye Thailand.........

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A rare strain of ichobarrioasis

has been released into the Thai Populas...

This is a warning for all to get yourselves quarantined if you've come into contact

with a dark brown patch on a womans skin surrounde by redness.

I'm going back home, bye bye Thailand.........

What in hell are you talking about?

And as for going home dont let the door hit you on the arse as you leave.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Considering that a google search brings up just one hit for ichobarrioasis, which is this thread, I believe we can put this thread down to scare mongering as there is no disease named Ichobarrioasis.

Perhaps a bit more background from the OP is necessary and possibly spelling the name of the condition correctly.

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A rare strain of ichobarrioasis has been released into the Thai Populas...

This is a warning for all to get yourselves quarantined if you've come into contact

with a dark brown patch on a womans skin surrounde by redness.

I'm going back home, bye bye Thailand.........

I think you may have mentaldickitis, get help.

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