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just found this article!


in the isaan vilage,where i live,i see most of the dog catchers every day,with a songtail,a big power speaker box,he go around the village,and ask the people,have the dog or cats to give away,around 20 of them loud crying inside the car!

after many journeys inside thailand of ofer 10000 km,in nearly every part of the country,with in the last 7 years.i must say the country side was the only place i see the dog catchers,and the give the animal,not away for cash,the people ,got something for exchange,

for the household,a chair,or a pot for cook,or what ever!

i like animal,but i still dont know,why the dogs on the country side,are so aggresive!

much more then in the south,would mean,the people,in the country have more time,to take care about the own animals,maybe the are "happy" to give the dog away when its very agressive,on every corner 3 or 4 dogs coming around,want bite you,i try to use a ultra noice sensor,for a little bit more secure,but i think still not enough the always want bite me,and more ideas ,should i buy food,and give them?

sadly,the thai police to nothing,in the village,to stop the catchers,that weak me up in the morning,with there load noicsy speakers..!

and why dog and cat so famous in virtnam and china?


no not yet , I'm sure that has been added at many a restaurant, cat and dog meat is cheaper than pork and chicken!

some restaurant owners,must save the money,when no customers will come!


From that link:

So all 1,200 dogs must be vaccinated, each one requiring a course of three vaccines, to prevent outbreaks of these highly contagious diseases (which have, sadly, killed many other dogs rescued from smugglers in the past).

“The lives of these dogs are at immediate risk,” says John Dalley, Soi Dog’s executive director. “Unless they are vaccinated soon, disease epidemics will break out and most will perish. The ongoing cost of caring for the dogs will be over 500,000 Thai baht per month.”

The reallity is that unless these dogs are rehomed and become part of a family with the care and companionship training that comes with it they are liable to be alive but in a cage fed on low grade/cheap food untill they succumb to illness, disease or old-age. (That ost per month can not inlude food nor the staff to provide care and attention or housing.)

The village dogs that are exchanged for baskets etc are usually those that have not received any training and do as they please by killing chickens, chasing cattle or biting children (even if it's the children that need training as to how to behave around animals).

There is a dog over population that caters to the low-life that trade in dog meat, chemical castration via drugged food would help reduce the problem over time.

Although shocking I might suggest feeding those dogs enroute to the Chinese/Korean and other restaurants with a radioactive food. The dogs will not live long enough to develop radiation illness but hopefully those that choose to eat dog meat will have a reminder that lasts for the rest of their life.

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