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Apple Awarded 1 Billion In Damages In Apple Vs. Samsung


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So along with the 900million war chest they sit on rather then making any jobs for people they now have another 1 billion they won't put back into the economy they took it from. In the mean time they can continue to sell the stuff they copied from 1968 movie. Oh wait that does not have rounded corners my bad.

They Apple admit they steal other peoples idea in fact they brag about it.

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So along with the 900million war chest they sit on rather then making any jobs for people they now have another 1 billion they won't put back into the economy they took it from. In the mean time they can continue to sell the stuff they copied from 1968 movie. Oh wait that does not have rounded corners my bad.

They Apple admit they steal other peoples idea in fact they brag about it.


Jules Verne, went to the centre of the earth, and the moon, he even created the submarine called Nautilus.

Great literature and fantastic ideas, some of them came to fruition when man's ability to make caught up with man's ability to think.

Jobs was a visionary, Woz was a doer, PC DOS was created long before MS DOS, Gates copied it wholesale, Mac OS was created long before Windows, it was originally a project of Xerox, who, when they found out about the paperless office idea, dropped it like a hot potato as their revenue was based on paper, so Jobs employed them, and a bit later Gates stole it, or I should say tried to copy it, as his original version wasn't even a close comparison

In 1993 came Newton, a hand held device that functioned just like a note pad, but with better storage and retrieval, and it could even recognise hand writing, if you were careful.

These things happened, they were real...... it is all very well to say that some Hollywood writer thought of something first, or even Jules Verne for that matter, if they are incapable of making ideas real it doesn't count for much.

I can foresee a day when we all have a chip implanted that is connected 24/7 to the net, touch sense typing on one wrist and a HUD grafted on to at least one eye, I am not able to create this, but if I was and someone else copied it, I'd be a little pissed off.

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These days it doesn't matter who thought of it first. It only matters who has the cash to pay lawyers to get a patent pushed through and enforce it. Well, in the new world at least.

The problem lies within what you can patent. Looks like Apple's patented a rectangle with rounded edges. As I live in Thailand, happily I don't have to care and can still keep chopping onions on my iChoppingboard.

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1 Billion in the US then Samsung will win a billion in Australia and come out on top.

Apples just anal cause Microsoft stole the mouse off them. Hope you all choke on ya ipads, next time i see an iphone user blocking my path is getting a slap to the back of the head.

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So along with the 900million war chest they sit on rather then making any jobs for people they now have another 1 billion they won't put back into the economy they took it from. In the mean time they can continue to sell the stuff they copied from 1968 movie. Oh wait that does not have rounded corners my bad.

They Apple admit they steal other peoples idea in fact they brag about it.


Jules Verne, went to the centre of the earth, and the moon, he even created the submarine called Nautilus.

Great literature and fantastic ideas, some of them came to fruition when man's ability to make caught up with man's ability to think.

Jobs was a visionary, Woz was a doer, PC DOS was created long before MS DOS, Gates copied it wholesale, Mac OS was created long before Windows, it was originally a project of Xerox, who, when they found out about the paperless office idea, dropped it like a hot potato as their revenue was based on paper, so Jobs employed them, and a bit later Gates stole it, or I should say tried to copy it, as his original version wasn't even a close comparison

In 1993 came Newton, a hand held device that functioned just like a note pad, but with better storage and retrieval, and it could even recognise hand writing, if you were careful.

These things happened, they were real...... it is all very well to say that some Hollywood writer thought of something first, or even Jules Verne for that matter, if they are incapable of making ideas real it doesn't count for much.

I can foresee a day when we all have a chip implanted that is connected 24/7 to the net, touch sense typing on one wrist and a HUD grafted on to at least one eye, I am not able to create this, but if I was and someone else copied it, I'd be a little pissed off.

Put ya beer down. Bill Gates bought PC DOS outright.. wholesale. Where did he go? To his local software wal-mart in the 80s and pick up a copy? If you going to tell a story at least include the real facts. Bill Gates knew dick about coding software at the time he bought Dos. While Gates was tossing it off with IBM, Steve was building his own GUI platform with a very unique device called a mouse. Steve biggest issue he was a hippie bum.

I foresee a day also, when you nubs pick up a copy of Linux.

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Now Apple seem to be putting themselves in danger of re-inventing themselves as corporate bullies and damaging a marketing advantage they have built up over many years and is worth more to them than $1 billion US in the longer term.

It's not a re-invention. Apple has employed an army of lawyers ever since Steve got back. I guess he still held a grudge to Bill and wanted to make sure no one was going to steal anything from him, while also protecting his own stolen bits&pieces from claims. The PR department has been very, very good in hiding these actions behind the hype.

1 Billion in the US then Samsung will win a billion in Australia and come out on top.

Apples just anal cause Microsoft stole the mouse off them. Hope you all choke on ya ipads, next time i see an iphone user blocking my path is getting a slap to the back of the head.

My favorite story from Malcolm Gladwell's New Yorker article which framed Steve Jobs as more of a "tinkerer" rather than some sort of real inventor or genius:

In the nineteen-eighties, Jobs reacted the same way when Microsoft came out with Windows. It used the same graphical user interface—icons and mouse—as the Macintosh. Jobs was outraged and summoned Gates from Seattle to Apple’s Silicon Valley headquarters. “They met in Jobs’s conference room, where Gates found himself surrounded by ten Apple employees who were eager to watch their boss assail him,” Isaacson writes. “Jobs didn’t disappoint his troops. ‘You’re ripping us off!’ he shouted. ‘I trusted you, and now you’re stealing from us!’ ”

Gates looked back at Jobs calmly. Everyone knew where the windows and the icons came from. “Well, Steve,” Gates responded. “I think there’s more than one way of looking at it. I think it’s more like we both had this rich neighbor named Xerox and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out that you had already stolen it.”

And this one's a beaut':

The angriest Isaacson ever saw Steve Jobs was when the wave of Android phones appeared, running the operating system developed by Google. Jobs saw the Android handsets, with their touchscreens and their icons, as a copy of the iPhone. He decided to sue. As he tells Isaacson:

Our lawsuit is saying, “Google, you fuc_king ripped off the iPhone, wholesale ripped us off.” Grand theft. I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong. I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go to thermonuclear war on this. They are scared to death, because they know they are guilty. Outside of Search, Google’s products—Android, Google Docs—are shit.


As a long-time shareholder (March 1989) I am pleased but almost wish AAPL would keep innovating rather than trying to stifle competition.

Hard to believe the jury only took 21 hours to deliberate such a landmark case? I guess they wanted to finish up before the weekend.

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Well many years ago our company provided a product to a large Korean company for which they had to pay a weekly royalty. After setting up and ready to leave we were called into a meeting where they claimed they were unhappy with the product and offerred to pay us half our royalty, the alternative they said was to try and fight them in a Korean court and they suggested the Korean court would end up awarding us nothing except court costs as they look after thyeir own. We were a small outfit and couldn't afford to fight so we accepted half. The royalty was only meant to run for 6 months however the product they claimed to dislike so much was extended for double that due to its unprededented success with their customers.

That whole rant is to show why I am delighted to see the Koreans get hit for a massive charge, stuff them.

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So along with the 900million war chest they sit on rather then making any jobs for people they now have another 1 billion they won't put back into the economy they took it from. In the mean time they can continue to sell the stuff they copied from 1968 movie. Oh wait that does not have rounded corners my bad.

They Apple admit they steal other peoples idea in fact they brag about it.


Jules Verne, went to the centre of the earth, and the moon, he even created the submarine called Nautilus.

Great literature and fantastic ideas, some of them came to fruition when man's ability to make caught up with man's ability to think.

Jobs was a visionary, Woz was a doer, PC DOS was created long before MS DOS, Gates copied it wholesale, Mac OS was created long before Windows, it was originally a project of Xerox, who, when they found out about the paperless office idea, dropped it like a hot potato as their revenue was based on paper, so Jobs employed them, and a bit later Gates stole it, or I should say tried to copy it, as his original version wasn't even a close comparison

In 1993 came Newton, a hand held device that functioned just like a note pad, but with better storage and retrieval, and it could even recognise hand writing, if you were careful.

These things happened, they were real...... it is all very well to say that some Hollywood writer thought of something first, or even Jules Verne for that matter, if they are incapable of making ideas real it doesn't count for much.

I can foresee a day when we all have a chip implanted that is connected 24/7 to the net, touch sense typing on one wrist and a HUD grafted on to at least one eye, I am not able to create this, but if I was and someone else copied it, I'd be a little pissed off.

Put ya beer down. Bill Gates bought PC DOS outright.. wholesale. Where did he go? To his local software wal-mart in the 80s and pick up a copy? If you going to tell a story at least include the real facts. Bill Gates knew dick about coding software at the time he bought Dos. While Gates was tossing it off with IBM, Steve was building his own GUI platform with a very unique device called a mouse. Steve biggest issue he was a hippie bum.

I foresee a day also, when you nubs pick up a copy of Linux.

Sorry, but your post is quite convoluted, are you arguing against Bill or for him, likewise with the reference's to Steve J........ we all knew that Steve W. was a bit spaced out, but when it came to software and firmware development, few could match him.

(btw, .... did you mean noobs instead of nubs or is this some new form of anti-retro-techo-speak that I am not aware of, I'll let the beer comment slide)

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Ah the irony. "We are one people with one will one resolve one cause." Doesn't that sound like Apple fanboys? smile.png

See Reality Distortion Field (RDF), for which Apple no doubt has received a "idea" patent, even though Bud Tribble (real name) stole it from a Star Trek episode. ;)

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So now we know which is Apple's greatest invention ever, worth billions of dollars: a rectange in a frame with rounded corners. Wow!

I am not questioning the (patriotic) jury's knowledge, but seriously, an IP case decied by a jury? That's nonsense. And the results of this case prove it.

And a design patent issued by the USPTO for a rectangular display in a frame with rounded corners? Ridiculous!

I would wish Apple would spend more money for an innovative design rather than for stupid lawsuits. Try to beat your competitor in the market, not in the court room.

It is crazy that a jury can decide on 700 patent infringements in 3 days, which is what I have read in the news. And if you ever saw the drop tests on yutube you would know that the samsung is a stronger.

Sent from my GT-P6200 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Any one can improve a patent by mentioning previous patents as known prior art. Once you bring novelty, there's nothing wrong. I wonder how Apple won this case if Samsumg has improved Apple's patent with novelty with different methods to achieve the same.

Edited by xtr3mx7
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