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U.s. Woman Forced To Eat Maggots While Locked Up In Thai Prison For 9 Years


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I wish she was still in prison having maggot stew for what she did. Death would have been better for her. She knew what she was doing and knew what the laws were.

Im categorically against the death penalty but Porky shouldnt complain when she got 9 years. 8-9 years is in the lower regions of what theoretically she could have gotten in many western european countries and Australia. In the US she would have been away for a couple of decades. Still she complains, whats worse, eating rotten food for 9 years, if that was what she really did that is, or be arrested at the airport in the US and serve a couple of decades behind bar. She should sh*t up.

Yeah Australia's real hard on drug traffickers, they get a whole 7.5yrs in a hotel. See it on all the time on Border Security and kind annoys me they don't get a min of ten years.

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To clear up the question of mandatory sentence, here's what I believe she means. (Not that I agree with any of this ridiculously lucky situation.)

She got life from the Thai court. Thailand and the US have a prisoner exchange system. Under their treaty when you are repatriated you can only serve the maximum penalty allowed by your country of origin for that crime.

If you check US law, for a first time offender of attempted heroin importation and for a large amount, it's 10 years. She would have served time on remand in Thailand, before her trial and she did enter a guilty plea which would have been known by the US.

Therefore about 9 years was the most she could have spent in jail under that treaty.


I was thinking of this prisoner repatriation accord, too, when I made the timeline. Is it possible that she had to serve an additional 10 years in a US prison? This would then perhaps explain why the movie was made only 10 years after her return to the USA, followed by articles in the news media and her Facebook registration only a few days ago. The article from the OP has this photo caption:

Reunited: After she was extradited to the United States, she gave her ex-boyfriend a call. An eight-hour phone call lead to a nine-year marriage

Other than that, there seems to be no hint as to what she has done, where she has been these past 10 years.

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this piece of slug decided to smuggle heroin for a quick buck due to feeling vulnerable after a break up? what kind of nonsense is that? had she done this in other nearby countries she would be facing death. this society thrash doesn't deserve any form of sympathy from me

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To clear up the question of mandatory sentence, here's what I believe she means. (Not that I agree with any of this ridiculously lucky situation.)

She got life from the Thai court. Thailand and the US have a prisoner exchange system. Under their treaty when you are repatriated you can only serve the maximum penalty allowed by your country of origin for that crime.

If you check US law, for a first time offender of attempted heroin importation and for a large amount, it's 10 years. She would have served time on remand in Thailand, before her trial and she did enter a guilty plea which would have been known by the US.

Therefore about 9 years was the most she could have spent in jail under that treaty.


I was thinking of this prisoner repatriation accord, too, when I made the timeline. Is it possible that she had to serve an additional 10 years in a US prison? This would then perhaps explain why the movie was made only 10 years after her return to the USA, followed by articles in the news media and her Facebook registration only a few days ago. The article from the OP has this photo caption:

Reunited: After she was extradited to the United States, she gave her ex-boyfriend a call. An eight-hour phone call lead to a nine-year marriage

Other than that, there seems to be no hint as to what she has done, where she has been these past 10 years.

Yes no hint! Because as you said she hasn't done anything that anyone can see to repreive what she had done. My hint is watch for the book deal so she can still get some profit out of smuggling drugs, She missed out the first time so try try again

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If she ever gets a book deal I hope the publisher would only give any payment / royalties due to her to an established drug rehabilitation clinic in the USA as it was to this country she was attempting to ply her evil trade as a drug smuggler / courier .

And as for what she has been doing for the past few years I would hope she is doing her penance for her most evil crime by voluntary working in a rehabilitation centre with heroin addicts so she can have first-hand experience to see what her kind can do to people’s lives. And I also wish her a very short and miserable life for the future.

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I find it hard to believe she was starved in BKK Prison. She must have a Thyroid Condition, to maintain that great weight over 9 years. I loose about 10 lbs per month, when I am in Thailand. It is a combination of eating more organic food, cutting way down on carbs, sweating like a pig in 35 C heat and 80% humidity, golfing 3 days per week and swimming every other day. I drink about 2 - 6 large beers per day and eat like a hungry horse, when in Thailand. Unfortunately I don't have that food intake control at home, so the weight packs on again.

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A lot of her story looks like the truth has been stretched a might. If you look around the net she is on everything Facebook/Twitter etc Trying getting all the sympathy votes and patts on the back she can. My guess is to try and make more money out of this story through a book deal on top of the money she got for giving her story to show Locked up Abroad

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Everyone I knew grew up thinking it was a nasty, dirty, destructive, lethal drug.

....you could add addictive also. Some of that can be true for the worst offenders. Remember, heroin use has been driven underground, so the quality of the 'fix' is poor, the price is high, and everyone carrying even a smidgen of the stuff is treated like a hardened criminal. Much of that perception that we've come to embrace (growing up, etc) is what our sage politicians and booze peddlers have successfully wanted us to think.

They've been v. successful at that, for decades. Politicians like booze. Booze peddlers want theirs to be the ONLY recreational drug. They pay billions of dollars annually to politicians and in successful ad campaigns to maintain the myths (about demonizing all other recreational drugs) and to keep booze locked in as the only legal fun drug.

If heroin was legal, as booze is, the several things would happen:

>>> quality of product would increase, therefore less fatalities and less HIV transmission

>>> prices would go down, and most middle men would be out of business.

>>> People could come forward for info, instead of slinking in the shadows.

>>> Abusers could come forward to be counseled, and hopefully come away drug-free.

A little known factoid: One of the pioneers at the vanguard of criminalizing hemp and opiates was J.Edgar Hoover's top man, Anslinger, who himself was an opiate addict. It's rather like the preacher chastizing from the pulpit about the evils of sex, while slinking off to get whores on the side.

If doing or marketing an addictive substance is criminal, then perhaps we should round up all the tobacco smokers/dealers, coffee addicts and drunks and their suppliers - and toss the whole lot in the Thai slammer for 9 years to life. Would lessen traffic in Bangkok - maybe not a bad idea.

You are busting all your bones to defend this person! Is she a relative or an old fling or something ? She was smuggling heroin for profit! 50K, Not ciggies or whiskey or chocalate bars. What is your problem ?

My bones are ok, thanks, though my teeth ache a bit when I drink ice water. I am trying to portray a comparison between what society criminally punishies (a one-off big stupid mistake) to what society accepts (drunks beating their wives to a pulp, or smashing their cars in to vans filled with schoolchildren).

I wish she was still in prison having maggot stew for what she did. Death would have been better for her. She knew what she was doing and knew what the laws were.

Earlier 'hang em high' posts described her as dumb and stupid. Now you say she knew what she was doing. Which one is it? Do we lock people up for being stupid on first offense, or......?

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My bones are ok, thanks, though my teeth ache a bit when I drink ice water. I am trying to portray a comparison between what society criminally punishies (a one-off big stupid mistake) to what society accepts (drunks beating their wives to a pulp, or smashing their cars in to vans filled with schoolchildren).


I dont know what society accepts those crimes? Not the one i live in! It does happen but it is not accepted

The woman was 26 years old not a child and she was cognitive of her decision to smuggle heroin to make a profit of 50k. Ordinary people just dont decide oh today i might smuggle some heroin? They are involved in the scene and know exactly whats involved and the consequences.It was her decision to break a law that carries the death/life sentence . she got caught and was lucky to do nine years. Now 18 years later does a program to tell her story which she was paid for and exaggerates a little about those times in order to make a better story. And now plastering herself on Facebook/Twitter looking for sympathy and people to pat her on the back , For what reason? Me thinks a contract for a book or the sorts. Still trying to make money out of that heroin she was trying to smuggle

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I can only come to the conclusion from reading this thread that there are a lot of nasty, mean spirited compassionless posters here on Thai visa.

A low level drug mule is busted and serves 9 years in a Thai hell hole of a prison and posters here cant wait to put the boot further into this person.

Ridiculed over here weight, complaints that she deserved the death penalty, comments that Thai prisons arent that bad, comments that she got off lightly etc

Yeah she made a stupid decision to do what she did and for me she has paid a pretty heavy penalty copping 9 years in a Thai prison.

I find it all a little strange and disturbing the number of posters that take some sort of peverse pleasure at other peoples frailities and misfortunes.

Another conclusion you could come to from this (and all other imprisoned drug runners/mules threads) is that the penalties given out are the laws of the land. These penalties are not hidden, rather they are made loud and clear. So when people say she got off lightly with 9 years served, they are actually correct considering that the other end of the scale is the death penalty.

They know the rules of the game they are playing; if they don't then to me they deserve everything they get. Sound harsh? If they want to play the regulated game, stay in their own country where the penalties aren't that tough.

Play with fire too much, you are going to get burnt.

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To the "ManinSurat" poster . Gee you make a lot of sense in all your comments. Why posters don't see and agree with you is beyond me. You try to close the post and yet have to come back and correct the misunderstanding of your comments. For the record I think 9 years in a Thai jail is enough punishment for a first offence. However she should be stopped from making any money from her illegal activities.

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My guess is that most of the people here posting so judgmentally; saying she should have got life..have never been in a situation where they were in serious financial distress-and abroad..

I realize that heroin is addictive; but it's the addicts who destroy their own lives, alcohol destroys many more lives every year.. I think LIFE or 10 years for a small mount-just enough to fit into the lining of a bag--is cruel and unusual especially when rapists and sometimes murderers get less.. there are many people in Thai prison just for being caught with 20-30 yaba tablets-and they get 2-3 years just for personal use.. these overzealous laws are destroying more lives than they are saving..

it should be 3-5 years for a first time trafficker/dealer of HARD drugs like yaba or heroin, personal users should just get a few months or just take anti-addiction treatment..

human being make mistakes, 1 mistake should not mean the end of ones life.

Mistake ??

Surely, no mistake, but a carefully planned crime. Or do you mean, a mistake to get caught ?

Who said it was the end of her life? Life changing maybe (and hopefully), but life ending ??

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I love all these big, brave keyboard warriors. I'm sure you would be singing a very different song if that was your mother rotting away in a Thai jail eating maggots. Bloody hypocrite!

Why do they let these scumbags out after only a short time. She didnt care about the problems her actions would inflict on others so she should still be rotting there now!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Don't they sell those maggots on the street ? Can't remember if I've tried them, but I guess deep fried they aren't half bad.

I don't think they're maggots . . . I think they're silk worms. I've not had them deep fried . . . ate them 'boiled' . . . and was very glad when the hosts began allowing the chickens to eat them . . .

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I came up to reading to page 3 and really must say: what a happy bunch you are!

1) making jokes about that she is fat! Hmmmm...always classy!

2) she did something stupid and criminal and was charged for it. Period! As much as I despise drug dealing...

On another thread (the one where a filthy rich baby boy buys himself out of killing a policeman with a Ferrari, it has been said numerous time "That is how it is in Thailand"! So she got out after 9 years...sentence somehow done, isn't it?!

3) No one, in no prison of the world should be forced to eat rotten food or maggots or live under unbearable circumstances! Even if you are a criminal, there is still something like human dignity.

Sometimes some of you really disgust me!

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I don't buy it. I think this whole story is fabricated. I've no idea what her "truth" could be but I do not believe she's telling the truth. I do not believe anyone as large as she is could stay that way after 9 years in a Thai prison.

I'm not familiar with what bakery items Thais make and or serve in prison, whether they be for prison staff or inmates but Thai bakeries are not very abundant anywhere I've been.

I do not believe she would be alive to tell any story had she really attacked another inmate her first day in prison.

The whole thing just stinks of total fabrication . . .

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