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The Things People Sell On Ebay?


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For 2.50, what have u got to loose :o
Precisely! That’s what this scammer wants 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 men to think and pay up.

Keep us posted about the progress of your adventure!



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For 2.50, what have u got to loose :D
Precisely! That’s what this scammer wants 1,000, 10,000, 100,000 men to think and pay up.

Keep us posted about the progress of your adventure!



Unfortunately im in Bangkok at the moment, but if however I was in the UK :o

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Dave has made one crucial mistake. Very basic. Were it not for that my bet would be a pretty good take up rate, certainly enough to justify the 30p investment !

How can I say this? Well if you knew what my ebay take was you would have to admit I know at least a little about the site....and the people who use it. So if there are any chancers out there who fancy their luck............spot the mistake and earn yourself a few bob ! Anyone spot it ?

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great idea, but he got no takers !

but 1000 is to many , 20-30 will do then relist, 1000 sounds like a scam

Kill off the drinking tin , she does not look the part, play on her "innocence"

"*Please click and view my other amazing item*" sounds more of a scam

better to put ,

get emails from a lonely Thai Student, and thats all, let the bidders imagination run wild

PS.....do I get a percentage ?

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