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Blasts From The Past - 50S,60S And 70S Music


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6 minutes ago, tutsiwarrior said:


well, my mom was from Bolivia and they don't play bridge over there...and I've got my mom's coloring (very dark) so no golden forelocks fer me...


but I must say that I developed an interest in the little girls when I was about 6 - 7 y.o....I was never any good at sports or fighting so the 'snails and puppy dog tails' scenario never interested me...

Sounds like you were a healthy young lad and more mature than the rest of the snips and snails.  My first attraction to the fairer sex was when I was nine.  I was staying with my aunt in North Carolina for the entire summer break and "she" lived opposite the backyard.  Pretty as a southern peach.  LOL, when I grew into my mid-teens my aunt came to visit us in Chicago and surprised me with a recent pic of my sugar and spice southern belle.  I looked at the photo and thought there must be some mistake because I seemed to be looking at a toad wearing thick glasses.  Broke my heart!  :sad:

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1961 and tutsi is in 6th grade with a bad stutter and attends the speech therapy class in the afternoon with others at the elementary school in Pasadena...which was conducted by a beautiful dark haired young woman in summery dresses, peaches and cream skin with cleavage all over the place...and we were required to do verbal exercises that I had trouble with for the wrong reasons; 'come on tutsi, you can do it'...I could barely speak having her close to me as my 11 y.o. hormones were goin' crazy which is something that adults didn't realize back in them times...along with undiagnosed autistic spectrum disorder and etc, etc...


'ahem, yahs...it may be dangerous to presume that an 11 y.o. may have antisocial sexual proclivities but as administrators we must protect our best interests...'





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One Way Street off of Aerosmith's self-titled debut in '73.  Saw them at the Ozark Music Fest back in '74.  Twenty feet from the stage.  180,000 frickin' people for 4 days and the temps never got below 104 farenheit during the day.  Something like that.  But it was hot, hot, hot.  The heat made for co-ed showers, so that was a plus.



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