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Tickets To Thailand's National Parks To Be Sold By Convenience Store 7-11


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Farang is not a racist word, and there is nothing racist or unusual about asking people who don't pay taxes to pay extra for access to taxpayer funded attractions.

Anyone who thinks Thai people are racist should go back to their comfy European or North American homeland and compare the way their neighbors treat people of color to the way they are treated in Thailand. I can guarantee you, Thai people are among the least racist people in the world.

There was a study a few years ago that ranked Thais as the most xenophobic nation on the planet.

The term farang, depending on how it is used, may or may not be racist, but it is certainly is discriminatory.

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There was a study a few years ago that ranked Thais as the most xenophobic nation on the planet.

I'd ask for a link, but I presume 'The Association of Barproppers in Thailand' don't publish their findings, but just spread their findings via word of mouth.

Edited by siampreggers
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"potential loss of revenue through losses"

One can only guess. Losses, as in keeping the entrance fees to divvy up among the staff? Failing to charge the farang price when someone asks for the Thai price in Thai, and shows a driving license?

What a crock.

Problem probably is the Thai staff keeping the money and not reporting it to the government. Showing a Thai drivers license and expecting to pay the Thai price is acceptable and normal practice. The higher tier prices are for "tourist" not farangs living here in Thailand and supporting Thai families and sick buffalos and Thai grandparents that have never been to a private hospital in their life, but now their granddaughter married a farang they can only be treated at a private hospital wouldn't be caught dead in the government hospital. So by showing a Thai drivers license or work permit we are allowed to pay the Thai price.

Have you tried that recently?They changed that last year and now the thai DL will not give you the lower price.

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Have you tried that recently?They changed that last year and now the thai DL will not give you the lower price.

Utter nonsense.

I've ridden through at least 10 different NP's in the last six months and my Thai DL has always been immediately accepted.

Where do you people get your information from. :huh:

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We can hopefully extend our visas and work permits at 7 eleven soon----coffee1.gif

Who knows it just may happen. 7/11 appears to be developing into your one stop shop. You can even report crimes there.

7-Eleven Joins in Fighting Crimes on Foreign Tourists

The Royal Thai Police have joined hands with 7-Eleven to roll out a program in which tourists can report emergency incidents to Police via participating 7-Eleven branches in popular tourist areas.

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We can hopefully extend our visas and work permits at 7 eleven soon----coffee1.gif

Who knows it just may happen. 7/11 appears to be developing into your one stop shop. You can even report crimes there.

7-Eleven Joins in Fighting Crimes on Foreign Tourists

The Royal Thai Police have joined hands with 7-Eleven to roll out a program in which tourists can report emergency incidents to Police via participating 7-Eleven branches in popular tourist areas.

Can you get fries with that ?

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We can hopefully extend our visas and work permits at 7 eleven soon----coffee1.gif

Who knows it just may happen. 7/11 appears to be developing into your one stop shop. You can even report crimes there.

7-Eleven Joins in Fighting Crimes on Foreign Tourists

The Royal Thai Police have joined hands with 7-Eleven to roll out a program in which tourists can report emergency incidents to Police via participating 7-Eleven branches in popular tourist areas.

Can you get fries with that ?

7/11 Fries...Yuuuck.

But I have it on good authority that a big bottle

of Siam Sato can be had....

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Over time 7-11 type places, in conjunction with a good website, will become a one-stop shopping location for a lot of goods/services. Order your concert ticket, plane ticket or sports ticket online and pick-up at 7-11. Pay your utility bills, buy stamps, have packages picked up from or delivered there for you to pick-up...

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Siam Paragon has dual pricing also. Full price for Thais and 5% discount for tourists. Outrageous. LOL.

Also, free for US, UK and other farangs to visit Thailand, but very costly for Thais to get a tourist visa to those countries. Dual pricing. Once again in favor of farangs.

When will we farangs get treated the same as Thais and be made to pay 5,000 baht for a visa to come here for a week's holiday? Don't they realise that we all want to be treated just like the Thais? LOL.

Wonder why the Thais want farang to visit with minimal restrictions?

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In fact in the long term it would be better to make the parks free to the Thais and only charge so called farangs.

This contradicts the rest of your post about "contributing to these areas" and "a true environmental movement".

Shame really, as you had a couple of decent points aside from that trolling attempt.

U must be mad!!

If it was free it would be packed with them every day and its bad enough as it is with them dropping rubbish and letting their kids run wild.

While theyre more concerned with what the 'farang' is doing or who the 'farang' is with.

Edited by edgarfriendly
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It's a great idea........well done!!

Some of you guys need to get over yourselves, this announcement has greatly increased access to the ticketing, and the efficiency of getting the tickets. Big like......more of this please, it saves us from having to deal with shyster tour operators and the like.

Try to look for the positives for a change eh?

my thoughts exactly...if the thai goverment announced free bar fines at nana ,cowboy ,and pattaya tomorrow this forum would be full of guys whining about it for some reason....simply because it was announced by the thai government....geez louise is there anything that you guys who choose to live here or at least hang out on thai forums actually LIKE about Thailand???

I like it that I have the option of putting you meek, predictable Thaier than Thai types on ignore. whistling.gif

Corruption will always happen, all this will ensure is that the wonga stops getting diverted to the wrong parties and that rich whitey doesn't get in for Thai price. National parks should be free, period; the government gets enough revenue from its dodgy taxes to look after them. At the least, they need to grow up and show some humility by not penalizing the rest of the human race. bah.gif

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Over time 7-11 type places, in conjunction with a good website, will become a one-stop shopping location for a lot of goods/services. Order your concert ticket, plane ticket or sports ticket online and pick-up at 7-11. Pay your utility bills, buy stamps, have packages picked up from or delivered there for you to pick-up...

stamps are so 80's

Edited by TwoDogz
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I think I saw more farangs dropping more ciggie butts and trash than Thai's last time I was at a national park.

Unless you don't count Russians as farangs.

And don't get me started on the Chinese...

Them = Those that would be more than happy to leave garbage for others to enjoy/pick up and those that allow their children aka kids to run riot, dropping junk food wrappers all over the place, oftentimes right next to a rubbish bin.

You may THINK you saw more russians dropping cigarette butts than locals though i sincerely doubt it.

and i can pretty much guarantee you did not see foreigners pointing & staring at other visitors.

Even when they , unlike you, witness the filth...

you probably saw more than a few chinese taxi drivers around the exits offering their multitude of dubious services though..

If you really dont get it, go to any PUBLIC air-conditioned complex and WITNESS the loitering on almost all the PUBLIC seating and then close both eyes and say, i 'think' i saw more russians than chinese/thai layabouts SLEEPING on public benches/sofas/etc...

That way all the locals you meet will agree with you and say you are jai dee man and chalat mak and so hansum man.

Meanwhile, i'll remain convinced that you are a rooster.

Edited by edgarfriendly
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If I'm a rooster, you're a cock.

You are not allowed to use that word on here.

Just sayin.

Just doin my bit for congenial relations

It means exactly the same thing as rooster. That's all it means as far as I know.

It also means the same thing as another word for Richard...but that does not make it right in here.

I am a stickler for the rules.

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By calling you a rooster i was obviously too cleverly for you to understand, calling you a coq!

Now you appear to be more of a Knut...<-- Misspelled on purpose.

Do any of my other points ring true also?

Or are you going to brush over them and pretend they hold no validity?

I love people that explain the obvious.

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By calling you a rooster i was obviously too cleverly for you to understand.

Or are you going to brush over them and pretend they hold no validity?

Yes you too cleverly man sure sure.

That doesn't even make any sense. Are you really Thai or just trying to act 'Thai'?

Please dont quote me out of context. I thought it was against forum rules to even do so.

I clearly stated 'I was OBVIOUSLY too cleverly for you to understand, calling YOU a COQ'...

My points remain valid and your non-addressing of those points proves you are indeed what i said you appear to be.

If you are indeed a twunt, carry on ignoring the issues i raised. You'll fit right in here.

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By calling you a rooster i was obviously too cleverly for you to understand.

Or are you going to brush over them and pretend they hold no validity?

Yes you too cleverly man sure sure.

That doesn't even make any sense. Are you really Thai or just trying to act 'Thai'?

Please dont quote me out of context. I thought it was against forum rules to even do so.

I clearly stated 'I was OBVIOUSLY too cleverly for you to understand, calling YOU a COQ'...

My points remain valid and your non-addressing of those points proves you are indeed what i said you appear to be.

If you are indeed a twunt, carry on ignoring the issues i raised. You'll fit right in here.

proof in pudding sure sure.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a great idea........well done!!

Some of you guys need to get over yourselves, this announcement has greatly increased access to the ticketing, and the efficiency of getting the tickets. Big like......more of this please, it saves us from having to deal with shyster tour operators and the like.

Try to look for the positives for a change eh?

How does this help? The tickets were always available at the entrance to the National Parks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's a great idea........well done!!

Some of you guys need to get over yourselves, this announcement has greatly increased access to the ticketing, and the efficiency of getting the tickets. Big like......more of this please, it saves us from having to deal with shyster tour operators and the like.

Try to look for the positives for a change eh?

How does this help? The tickets were always available at the entrance to the National Parks.

Because some that work in the entrance to ALL the national parks claim there are almost NO foreign visitors so they can keep the difference in fees.

and just like the taxi mafia, travel agent mafia & tuk tuk mafia, you cant beat them you have to make them obsolete so they slither off elsewhere to try and take advantage of those that remain blissfully unaware.

You may have heard about plastic police signs getting cameras installed into them, this idea was immediately forgotten as the glaring fact that more work would get done in a day than any given previous year would have rendered >90% of the current metropolitan police as WORSE than pointless and actually ADDING immensely to the unreported crime rates. The police, not the cameras, thx.

1 by 1 the lowest bottom feeders will starve and get angry and hurt innocents around them.

This is progress...

Edited by edgarfriendly
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