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What Do You Do When The Poo Hits The Fan?


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what are the safety nets in Los for a broke destitute farang?

any homeless shelters or soup kitchens around? would he have to show a Thai I'd card for these?

living Rambo style in the jungle is probably not a good idea?

The double pricing would kill them at the soup kitchen.

Either that or half rations.

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A 60 year old member of our pool team died recently because he didn't have enough money to go to a hospital and get checked out. An ambulance was called finally by his girlfriend but it was too late. Apparently if he had sought medical help earlier he could have been saved. He died with 160 baht in his bank account, very, very sad.

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So I'm reading this thread and I find it amazing about the council houses. Like how if you are homeless and with a child, the State gives you a house to live in. It's kind of a different philosopy in the United States. If you are homeless and have a child, the State (actually child protective services) takes away your child because you are not responsible enough to properly care for it.

They don't get a house, but they would be found somewhere to stay with a roof and some money in their pocket. Is there any safety net such as this in Thailand for Thai's?

It is called families. They used to have them in the West so I'm told but that was a long time ago.

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So I'm reading this thread and I find it amazing about the council houses. Like how if you are homeless and with a child, the State gives you a house to live in. It's kind of a different philosopy in the United States. If you are homeless and have a child, the State (actually child protective services) takes away your child because you are not responsible enough to properly care for it.

They don't get a house, but they would be found somewhere to stay with a roof and some money in their pocket. Is there any safety net such as this in Thailand for Thai's?

It is called families. They used to have them in the West so I'm told but that was a long time ago.

Just had to add my 2cents worth. Being neither for or against government intervention in families being given housing and food when parents are incapable of taking care of their own. Or when social services takes children away from parents who are incapable of taking care of their children.

My issues are with the parents. Families should be families. Not adult children of the state. When parents stop shouldering responsibility for rearing their own, why should they have them in the first place. Parenting isnot about breeding. It is about contributing to the next generation through your children and what they will do with their lives. Dogs can breed without worry about next generation for they arenot dependent on each other in a community. People are community orientated. If a child grows up in a none contributing home,what are the chances of the child growing up to be a contributor?

Edited by lovelomsak
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Is there any safety net such as this in Thailand for Thai's?

Marry Falang with sufficient earnings to sponsor visa to the United Kingdom.

My issues are with the parents. Families should be families. Not adult children of the state. When parents stop shouldering responsibility for rearing their own, why should they have them in the first place. Parenting isnot about breeding.

Yes this is the problem isn't it. The intelligent responsible people use contraception and plan the births of their children...

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So I'm reading this thread and I find it amazing about the council houses. Like how if you are homeless and with a child, the State gives you a house to live in. It's kind of a different philosopy in the United States. If you are homeless and have a child, the State (actually child protective services) takes away your child because you are not responsible enough to properly care for it.

It's actually about feminism and giving to women.

In every other country in the world the women get to keep the children, so the women get the free house and money.

Men taking children out of Thailand has sort of slipped through the net, and they can't see a way to not give the men the same benefit.

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Speaking of poo hitting the fan...

I read that article and while not something I would choose to read and while not well written at all, it was not as xxx over the top as complained about.....read much worse.

Maybe I have a higher threshold of tolerance for that kinda stuff.

But the accusation of something forced was not there, thats for sure.

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A 60 year old member of our pool team died recently because he didn't have enough money to go to a hospital and get checked out. An ambulance was called finally by his girlfriend but it was too late. Apparently if he had sought medical help earlier he could have been saved. He died with 160 baht in his bank account, very, very sad.

usually you have to buy drinks of your playing pool at a bar. did he buy beers?

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More fool them for not planning ahead , would these be the same people that keep no money saved away for emergences etc

Its taken me and the wife 6 years to be at the point where we can now think of having a baby not just humping blindly away with no thought to stopping conception.

The first thing everyone blurted out after we got married is "when's the baby coming"

Probably the same people who will spend a fortune on a wedding or even borrow it to have the wedding.............my wedding cost about 5-600 baht sheeeeeeesh I sure lost face there eh.

that must have been 10 baht for licence 100 baht for tip for witness and 40 baht for celebration dinner at noodle stand and rest brown on a great honeymoon at some tin pot beach hut at 100 baht a night. Wow you silly romantic. I dont believe in throwing money away but for person you reckon your going to live with for rest of your life surely warrants at least a special dinner and honeymoon. So you reckon you now have enough do you to responsibly have a child . Well I hope youve got at least 20 million baht plus or life disability insurance for that amount or if anything goes wrong your child is destined for total poverty. Or are you relying on taxpayers in your own country to care for your wife and kids due to you not being financially secure. jerk.gif

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More fool them for not planning ahead , would these be the same people that keep no money saved away for emergences etc

Its taken me and the wife 6 years to be at the point where we can now think of having a baby not just humping blindly away with no thought to stopping conception.

The first thing everyone blurted out after we got married is "when's the baby coming"

Probably the same people who will spend a fortune on a wedding or even borrow it to have the wedding.............my wedding cost about 5-600 baht sheeeeeeesh I sure lost face there eh.

Not all of us are young enough to delay a baby by 6 years. If I had waited that long I would have been 75 before the kid finished high-school. Expensive wedding, mine was 30bht for the marriage certificate, and 100bht for the wedding dinner for two. 150bht for her wedding outfit.


Valentines day wedding, Amphur office opened specially, gave us orchid corsages, a wedding present and coffee and sweets while we did the paperwork. Photos taken with head of Amphur, Office all decorated, flowers everywhere, staff all dressed up. Wedding dinner was very romantic, sit down restaurant, rice shaped into hearts, with candles and the lights turned off. Why better than my previous church wedding and reception in the UK where thousands of pounds was spent.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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"..............and then he would fully qualify as a total sponge bag,,,just what we need in the uk!!! As I see it the guy is a toss for becoming skint in a foreign country and not having any plan for the wife and kid ,,,,total ignorance is no excuse"

and how do you know he has not in past paid maybe millions in Uk tax. Over my life ive paid at least 1 million gbp in Uk taxes and have made proper financial plans to try and ensure my wife and kids are ok whatever happens. But shit happens to even most careful person and even though their is near 1 million gbp in assets those could go in a flash if some bad events happened. This is even though its well diversified over 5 countries and many asset classes. So becoming skint can happen to anyone. If it ever happened to me id certainly feel we would not be a sponge bag having as I said paid over 1 million GBP in taxes in UK.

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Hey don't shoot the messenger. That is an old, old saying, but one that I believe in. You'll have to track down George Bernard Shaw and berate him for that little diddy which he penned in 1903.

The exact quote is: "He who can, does. He who cannot, teaches."

I bet you're glad a teacher helped you to learn to read...... lol.....

No danger of me shooting the messenger. After 40ish years of teaching, I'm like the constipated owl....couldn't give a sh hoot.

PS.... Spelling------- ditty, not diddy!! (Sorry.... old habits die hard!!) tongue.png

Kudos to you for a 40 year dedication to your profession.

There is nothing better than a good teacher to motivate and mentor someone who is willing to learn. By the same token, there is nothing worse than a poor teacher that doesn't have the ability to teach, the demeanor to manage a classroom or the intellect to convey a topic without appearing to be brow-beating the students. Unfortunately, I have had more than my share of the later class of ajarn in my life. My mother taught me to read before I ever attended the first day of class, so I have her to thank for my head-start in the academic world. As this relates to Thailand, I have met more than my share of ajarns that should be doing anything else, except teaching. I'm sure we know the type, although I not attempting to tar all ajarns with the same brush.

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Dear Werner von Braun, i plead guilty on both charges.

I am not a rocket scientist.

English is not my native language.

And euh, what are your 2 -3 - 4 th languages?




and you?

german - french - dutch - norwegian - catalan

5 -3

I win

Not that it matters, but I win!

Now google "sarcasm".

How did I know that this was the way this was going to turn out. tongue.png

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A 60 year old member of our pool team died recently because he didn't have enough money to go to a hospital and get checked out. An ambulance was called finally by his girlfriend but it was too late. Apparently if he had sought medical help earlier he could have been saved. He died with 160 baht in his bank account, very, very sad.

usually you have to buy drinks of your playing pool at a bar. did he buy beers?

You don't have to buy a beer when you are playing competition pool, but he would buy a big bottle of Chang and sit on it all night. He owed a few people money when he died, a sad case. He was well liked by all though.

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"..............and then he would fully qualify as a total sponge bag,,,just what we need in the uk!!! As I see it the guy is a toss for becoming skint in a foreign country and not having any plan for the wife and kid ,,,,total ignorance is no excuse"

and how do you know he has not in past paid maybe millions in Uk tax. Over my life ive paid at least 1 million gbp in Uk taxes and have made proper financial plans to try and ensure my wife and kids are ok whatever happens. But shit happens to even most careful person and even though their is near 1 million gbp in assets those could go in a flash if some bad events happened. This is even though its well diversified over 5 countries and many asset classes. So becoming skint can happen to anyone. If it ever happened to me id certainly feel we would not be a sponge bag having as I said paid over 1 million GBP in taxes in UK.

?....total toosh if I have ever heard it,,,I can,t even be bothered replying anymore
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Why is the best solution to go home and stop life by becoming a sole parent. Leave the wife and kid in Thailand, get back to where he can earn some money, rebuild and go back to LOS.

Just because his business went bust doesn't mean his life has to as well. Fighting on will only make him stronger and next time round he might do better.

OP lacks a bit of info, how old is the poor bugger? what are his skills?

Waste of a life to cling onto a fortnightly payment and a government house.

I agree with this. If possible ( age or health may be a factor) go back to UK get a job and send some money back to Thailand to support your family. People from all over the world go off to work in another country all the time in order to support their family. While in the UK save what you can and look for a job closer to home or save to bring family back. Keep positive, make a plan and stick to it. Sh#t happens and when it does don't give up but get going !!! I am sure if he is willing and able he can make it work but it won't be easy on him or the family. Hopefully there is enough love in the relationship to see it through these hard times. I wish him good luck !!!
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Anyway.... to get back to the thread, whatever the cause of his predicament, I feel very sorry for the guy. I agree it seems a dangerous path to start borrowing to get out of the pit...it shows how desperate he is. There does not seem to be an easy way out for him, poor b*gger. Hope I never end up in his position.

He had a business so perhaps he knows something about something. He has to pick himself up and make it happen. He is not too old to work and thus he should find some kind of job back home or here in Thailand. Even if it takes a few years before he sees his family again he has to be strong and do what it takes. 100% effort and no less !!!
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But shit happens to even most careful person and even though their is near 1 million gbp in assets those could go in a flash if some bad events happened.

Exactly. People who have never had a business do not know how many things can go wrong very quickly and drain you of your financial cushion. Maybe this guy is in the wrong, but it is not impossible to end up broke through shear bad luck.

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what are the safety nets in Los for a broke destitute farang?

any homeless shelters or soup kitchens around? would he have to show a Thai I'd card for these?

living Rambo style in the jungle is probably not a good idea?

"any homeless shelters or soup kitchens around? would he have to show a Thai I'd card for these?"

No,nothing like that, as far as I know for Falang. A shelter in a Wat maybe?

The jungles are so sparse already!wink.png But the guy in your Avatar, you? And I, look similarrolleyes.gif , would loose weight fast as "RAMBO"!

I have my problems too, maybe I can write you soon a competent answer in that thread.sad.png

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I reckon in his 50's with a young child and a wife...no assets...no back up...I feel sorry for them sure but he is totally irresponsible to allow the situation to happen.

He can also be just crazy, irresponsibility is just a part of the symptoms.

Sorry, I know what I am writing about!rolleyes.gif

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what are the safety nets in Los for a broke destitute farang?

any homeless shelters or soup kitchens around? would he have to show a Thai I'd card for these?

living Rambo style in the jungle is probably not a good idea?

The double pricing would kill them at the soup kitchen.

Double pricing usually not in the remoter countryside where it has only few Falangs.

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there is a thai woman who works in a small clothes shop near me. she had kids with a man visiting from the uk. they got married some years ago when she was pregnant with the first child. they traveled together and i assume a nice romance ensued. he could no longer find work and thus had to move back to uk. they are still married.

when i asked her about how she must miss him and the difficulties of raising two children without him, normal conversation stuff, she matter of factly responded that she did not really care as long as he sent money back?!?

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I hear that many times, in my relationships and from people I know.

=Just send money=tongue.png

That you are not with her, what reason ever, is not so important,rolleyes.gif by far not!

But that happens with the Thai partnerships also, often they have to split or long periods to have the job who pays the bills

or the husband is in other countries working where the salary is higher, sometimes for years without coming back.whistling.gif

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I hear that many times, in my relationships and from people I know.

=Just send money=tongue.png

That you are not with her, what reason ever, is not so important,rolleyes.gif by far not!

But that happens with the Thai partnerships also, often they have to split or long periods to have the job who pays the bills

or the husband is in other countries working where the salary is higher, sometimes for years without coming back.whistling.gif

is the argument mostly specific to thailand, or do you mean you just hear it in general?

does anyone else think it odd that there is no longing or missing of a spouse here? seems like a normal human response to a mate leaving, and not cultural.

or is it just not being expressed? her argument seemed very convincing to me, but i suppose with practice it could have been faked.

Edited by jacktrip
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"..............and then he would fully qualify as a total sponge bag,,,just what we need in the uk!!! As I see it the guy is a toss for becoming skint in a foreign country and not having any plan for the wife and kid ,,,,total ignorance is no excuse

I don't really understand this attitude, so he bumps a Somali refugee family a few places down the housing list. Hardly a big deal. At least him and his kid are British nationals.

Where does it say that the kid belongs to him? It could be from a previous marriage.

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