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What Do You Do When The Poo Hits The Fan?


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is the argument mostly specific to thailand, or do you mean you just hear it in general?

I mean it, specific to TH. Nearly all contacts I have to Falang-Thai mixed relationships and my own relationships in the past

and today are with Bar or Ex-Bar girls.

So, I can only have an opinion regarding these contacts.

The most important thing for these is the Financial security, is that security ok, everything else is than viewed as secondarily.

The possible need for geographic separation of the couple, often inevitable, also.

Everything has to subordinate itself to the main objective and is accepted.

Edited by ALFREDO
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  • 4 months later...

Do not know all the details obviously but being married to a Thai with children.......this does on occasion run through my mind. But if the wife is Thai then they should move back home with family. If they were in the UK then there is the social services network that helps people out. But for Thailand the 'social service" network is family. Amazing as it might sound, some countries do feel that at a certain point you are able to look after yourself and not have to have the state look after you your entire life.

Part of the reason I moved here. I do not agree with paying higher taxes to support people who are unable (with exceptions), unwilling or too lazy to support themselves.I am a responsible adult able to look after my wife and family. I am not rich (my wife is, but that aside), I work, my wife works, we have a plan (budget) for when things go sideways (if they do) and do not need to 'borrow" or live off of the state.

Suggestion: have the wife get a job, plenty of them around. Downgrade everything you have, live as cheaply as you can, basic accommodation (no water, electricity, others do it just fine), eat noodles for 6 months, cheap. Save every baht you can, buy a one x oneway cheapo ticket home and find any job you can to support your family. Or as one poster states take the easy way out and go live off of the state!

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All I know is what I was told one day by an old timer. He said

"when the walls are turning brown and the fan is going congratulations you are going to learn a lesson of great value."

Now you can learn the lesson or you can give up and wallow in the poor me's. Obviously trying the same answer over and over again is not going to work.

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getting the kid a passport costs money which presumably he does not have. Is the kid in his name, are they legally married as in Ampher. Like the way everybody assumes the British tax payer should just pick up the tab for it all, cause I don't. He made his bed now he has to lie in it.

Edited by marstons
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More fool them for not planning ahead , would these be the same people that keep no money saved away for emergences etc

Its taken me and the wife 6 years to be at the point where we can now think of having a baby not just humping blindly away with no thought to stopping conception.

The first thing everyone blurted out after we got married is "when's the baby coming"

Probably the same people who will spend a fortune on a wedding or even borrow it to have the wedding.............my wedding cost about 5-600 baht sheeeeeeesh I sure lost face there eh.

I agree with you, but it's not a solution to the OP's problem.

If it was me in that situation ( except I wouldn't be having a kid here under any circumstances ), I'd go back home, and send whatever I could to her here, while she would carry on working in her present job.

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