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Why Is It Thais Would Rather Lie, Than Tell The Truth?


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Something I read today in the "Crocodile Farm Suicide" forum discussion really hit home for me, and I brought it here, as a new item, since it's bound to get buried in that story... :

Does it sometimes feel like the Thai people would not be able to engage in honesty, if their lives depended upon it? Why is it such a first instinct to lie here? Why is there no connection between their spiritual beliefs, and the daily behavior? Why is telling a lie considered OK, and acceptable behavior? Why is there not more emphasis on honesty? I do not care about the ridiculous concept of "face". We all know that is simply an excuse for avoiding any inner work or introspection. There is no reality to face, it is merely a huge excuse to behave improperly. It is getting to the point, where I find it nearly impossible to believe anything that most Thai people say. There are some exceptions. I do know some honorable Thai people. But, the percentage of people who possess little honor, when it comes to honesty, is shocking. Why is that? Does anyone have a good explanation for this?

Wow... well spoken!!!

I work with Thais of all ages every day (teaching English) and see the constant stream of lies and denials every single day... it's nothing short of mind-boggling.

I would venture the theory, judging from what I have seen, that it certainly MUST start in the home, being taught from infancy on, by nearly every adult present.

The upside to all of this (for the farang) is that Thais are also phenomenally bad liars, the story fabrications are clearly made-up improbable or impossible stories, and the actual "act" of telling the lie (face and body language) clearly shows on the liar's face, that this is just another lie coming from their mouth.

I actually tell my students that farangs are (comparably) "trained" in the art of lying by being very convincing (body language, face and voice), and able to come up with creative, imaginative, and plausible stories, and, as such, we can we can spot EVERY lie a Thai tells, so don't even bother trying!

It's always kind of funny, after explaining this... this lost baffled look so often appears on their face... like... "Sh*t, I just lost my entire repertoire of responses into the future...!!"

But to recap, and pose the question to our TV Forum members...as SpiderMike007 has posed the questions (because I still really don't understand this aspect of Thai culture)...

WHY(!) such an amazing drive to lie?

And can "loosing face" be so incredibly painful, as to cause this pervasive behavior?

and WHY is loosing face perceived as such a disastrous outcome in Thai culture???

Edited by Pawpcorn
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To be a good liar......you need to have a good memory.

I don't have a good memory, therefore I am not a good liar.

Plus I am basically lazy, so lying is too much like hard work for me..........hence I always find it easier to tell the truth.

As for the Thais.......got me stumped as well, with regard to their logic for compulsive lying.


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