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How Do You Free Up Memory


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I'm trying to split a movie file of 700mb into 5 sections using ultra

video splitter but I get about 5 mins into it at my laptop just switches off.

I looked at windows task manager while I'm doing it and it says my cpu is at

100%. I've checked my laptop for spyware/adware etc so I know its not that.

I'm using at compaq presario 2545, Pentium 4 ®, 2.66 ghz, 448 of ram, windows XP.

Can anyone help me out with this


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Expect your CPU to peg at 100% when you do anything with video files, very CPU intensive operations.

If the machine is actually powering off you may be overheating the CPU, it's powering off to protect itself, check the air inlet / exhaust, is the CPU fan running properly?

Try blowing your desk fan over the machine and see if it lasts longer, should give you a clue. You may want to get one of those laptop stands with fans, they do actually make a small but noticeable difference.

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echo that !

You have plenty of juice in your machine, but anything with video will run hot and at 100%cpu useage. In addition to the above try doing it (now now) in a well airconditioned room.

But I wonder about this 'ultra video splitter' - video editiing/encoding software is notoriously buggy other than the real pro stuff. Try some different software.

Why would you want to split a file into 5 parts? Rejoining is not an exact science either and will often lose the sound sync. I would use Virtual dub for splitting if it is a .avi file. Or is it an Mpeg ?

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I use HJsplit to split and join movies, only a 174kb d/l. It works very quickly so won't make a lap top get too hot

This split the file like in 3 mins....thanks alot for this. One thing I've noticed is that

they are now not in any format ie; wmp, winamp. Do you know how I convert them?

So they are playable again?

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I think the files it produces are proprietary to HJSplit and can't really be played in a Media Player. I tried changing their extensions back to .mpeg, some of them played, some of them didn't. Presumably HJSplit is meant to cut up big files to smaller chunks so they can fit on floppies, CDs etc, and then rejoined later.

If the file you want to split is an .avi, Virtualdub (as suggested earlier) may be the way to go.

For .mpeg files, try TMPGEnc.

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I'm trying to split a movie file of 700mb into 5 sections using ultra

video splitter but I get about 5 mins into it at my laptop just switches off.

I looked at windows task manager while I'm doing it and it says my cpu is at

100%. I've checked my laptop for spyware/adware etc so I know its not that.

I'm using at compaq presario 2545, Pentium 4 ®, 2.66 ghz, 448 of ram, windows XP.

Can anyone help me out with this


Im curious about your RAM, how do you have 448? thats an odd number?

You may want to download a process viewer like procexp.exe, it gives a detailed list of whats running...makes it a lot easier to figure out whats really running. You could download it and post a screenshot of it so I could take a look it.

Your laptop turning off after 5 mins is not a ram issue, something else is happening...if we cant figure it out you may want to reinstall windows (last resort of course)....but that is certainly not a ram issue.

heres a link for process viewer... http://www.sysinternals.com/Files/ProcessExplorerNt.zip

its real small, just a few hundred :o

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Expect your CPU to peg at 100% when you do anything with video files, very CPU intensive operations.

If the machine is actually powering off you may be overheating the CPU, it's powering off to protect itself, check the air inlet / exhaust, is the CPU fan running properly?

Try blowing your desk fan over the machine and see if it lasts longer, should give you a clue. You may want to get one of those laptop stands with fans, they do actually make a small but noticeable difference.

Turn on the AC in the room as well.

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I already suggested that Astral

"In addition to the above try doing it (now now) in a well airconditioned room."

if it is a .avi (Noodles still has not mentioned what the original file is) beware of sound sync problems - check the parts before deleting the original. But anyway - if we know why he wants to split the file, maybe someone can offer alternative paths


Edited by Abandon
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I already suggested that Astral

"In addition to the above try doing it (now now) in a well airconditioned room."

if it is a .avi (Noodles still has not mentioned what the original file is) beware of sound sync problems - check the parts before deleting the original. But anyway - if we know why he wants to split the file, maybe someone can offer alternative paths


Im still confused about his memory , thats an odd number and could indicate some bad ram. :o

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I went into, my computer, then general tab, and it says 448 mb ram?

I will try the link you gave me for the ram issue, this does seem abit strange.

It is an avi file, splitting it into 2 would be just as fine. I want to upload the files again for another forum.

I have now given up with ultra video splitter which was what I was trying to use to split it.

I'm now looking at this splitter here;

My Webpage

I will also check out the VDub link aswell thanks.

I have had the fan on next to the computer and it has not turned off once.

Thanks for all your replies

Edited by Noodles
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Thanks VDub did it fast and efficently. I will be keeping this bit of kit.

Thanks again

Did you figure out the ram issue? Im just curious about that total.

ram comes in 32(well it used too at least) 128,256, 512 and 1gig sticks.

whats the brand and model number of your laptop?

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try to unload all these useless stuff that start with windoz, less in systray more ram ...

I use a small script to free up some sometime;

use notepad and type in : FreeMem = Space(256000000) this free up 256mb, this is if you have 1gb ram, for less than 512 set it at 128000000.

save it as freemem.vbs, put it in your windoz folder and add a shortcut on your

desk, and double click on it when need, or even better drag the shortcut to the

launch bar(supposed to be faster) more practical, and you can set the desktop shorcut as hidden :o


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Thanks VDub did it fast and efficently. I will be keeping this bit of kit.

Thanks again

Did you figure out the ram issue? Im just curious about that total.

ram comes in 32(well it used too at least) 128,256, 512 and 1gig sticks.

whats the brand and model number of your laptop?

I'm just having a look at process explorer NT to see about the ram, but I dont really know

where to start. My laptop is a compaq presario 2545Ap.

I've also noticed that explorer on a regular basis now uses up all my cpu power at 100%.

It happens even if I'm light surfing the net.

Francois I will also try what you suggested


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Thanks VDub did it fast and efficently. I will be keeping this bit of kit.

Thanks again

Did you figure out the ram issue? Im just curious about that total.

ram comes in 32(well it used too at least) 128,256, 512 and 1gig sticks.

448MB + 64MB = 512MB. The 64MB is probably being used as video memory.

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Thanks VDub did it fast and efficently. I will be keeping this bit of kit.

Thanks again

Did you figure out the ram issue? Im just curious about that total.

ram comes in 32(well it used too at least) 128,256, 512 and 1gig sticks.

448MB + 64MB = 512MB. The 64MB is probably being used as video memory.

I would say Endure is right on that. My notebook is a Presario 2100 and it says the same thing. System says 448MB and if I check the Display Properties 64MB is being used by the Display Adapter.

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RAM is cheap, and is one of the major factors in determining a system's general performance. In notebooks, which are severely crippled by their relatively slow harddisks, RAM is even more important. Any memory swapping between RAM and that slow harddisk will cause a slowdown, and so minimizing swapping by increasing your RAM will help tremendously. I really am baffled by people who buy 90,000 baht notebooks and won't shell out another 3-6k for more RAM.

Of course, you can also change that harddisk to a faster model (5400rpm or 7200rpm) but it does have the side effect of reducing battery life. 7200rpm 2.5" notebook drives are also very hard to find in Thailand... I haven't been able to find any.

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Noodles, you still haven't given clear explanations on WHY you wish to split this 700MB file (whether in 5 or 2 parts).

No obligation of course, but if you could elaborate, it might help us ... help you!

I did say in one of my posts that I wanted to split the files so they can be uploaded

to another forum.

Thanks for your help with my problems people. I'm glad that ram issue has been clarified.


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