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Chalerm: Government's Drug Suppression Campaign Exceeds Target


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Mr Chalerm said drug suppression operation between September 11, 2011 and September 8, 2012 was smooth, with good cooperation from all concerned agencies.


Gen Adul said that 508,850 drug addicts entered the ONCB drug rehabilitaion programme, higher than its target of 400,000.

He said there were 369,841 drug-related cases with 361,767 persons arrested, resulting in 4,700 assets seizure cases, with total assets frozen at Bt1.6 billion.

He said the agency impounded 76 million methamphetamine pills, 1.4 tonnes of crystal methamphetamine, and 256 kilogrammes of heroine. (MCOT online news)

Smooth operation, more cases, more people arrested, more pills etc. impounded. More important minimal number of deaths. So far, good!

Now a few questions:

- how much has the 'drugs problem' decreased?

- how many 'drugs barons' have been caught?

- wasn't NorthEast declared drugs free a few months ago?

- if illegal drugs are made outside Thailand are a problem, why not improve border control and decrease the demand of drugs by Thai through education?

Agreed, good questions rubl.

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Statistics, d_mn statistics and lies.

Here some European data. Note in all of the EC 1,073,752 reports in 2010

Figure DLO-4. Indexed trends in reports for offences related to drug use or possession for use in the EU Member States, 2005–10


Table DLO-109. Number of reports for drug law offences, 1985 to 2010

Part(i) Number of reports of offences


Part (ii) Number of reports of persons


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Statistics, d_mn statistics and lies.

Here some European data. Note in all of the EC 1,073,752 reports in 2010

Figure DLO-4. Indexed trends in reports for offences related to drug use or possession for use in the EU Member States, 2005–10


Table DLO-109. Number of reports for drug law offences, 1985 to 2010

Part(i) Number of reports of offences


Part (ii) Number of reports of persons


The EU can take lessons from Thailand.

Thailand reduces its drug issue by more than 80% in just 12 months... while European Union doesn't seem to have made any dent over the past 84 months.

Amazing Yingluck.


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Mr Chalerm reasserted he will push ahead with two drug-related bills including moving the execution of drug convicts from within 60 days to 15 days, and taking no legal action against drug addicts as they will be classified as patients.

first part is disgusting.

second part is definitely the right direction and should be applauded.

Mr Chalerm said drug suppression operation between September 11, 2011 and September 8, 2012 was smooth, with good cooperation from all concerned agencies

...yeah sure

The deputy Thai premier, however, said the drugs problem cannot be totally eliminated as the illicit drugs are made in a neighbouring country and smuggled to Thailand via the eight northern provinces.

how about?

The deputy Thai premier, however, said the drugs problem cannot ever be eliminated anywhere

[stupidquotelimitfunction]Gen Adul said that 508,850 drug addicts entered the ONCB drug rehabilitaion programme, higher than its target of 400,000.[/stupidquotelimitfunction]

well when fear of being executed for being known as one has gone, this would tend to be the natural reaction.

there are plenty of idiotic policies that mankind keep alive and 'well' for no good reason and the war on drugs is very high up there.

Edited by nurofiend
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Posted 2011-09-11


Yingluck Pledges To Eradicate 80% Of Drugs Within One Year


wai.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif Trying to stop the drug trade is like trying to stop the pirated copies of intellectual property etc etc etc,

80% is a good number, but what number is the 80% based on...

So the question is 80% of what number.burp.gifpassifier.gif

According to Yingluck's numbers above, it means that drugs have been eradicated in 64,000 villages nation-wide with fewer than a remaining 16,000 villages still having drugs.

According to her figures, it also means that 1,040,000 people nation-wide are no longer involved with drugs with fewer than a remaining 260,000 people nation-wide still involved.

A success rate unequaled in the history of world-wide efforts to deal with the issue of drugs.


Thailand - Hub of law enforcement cheesy.gif

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508K+ entered drug rehab. That's a good number. I don't know what the success rate is, but if 25% can stay clean for at least a year, that's 100K people with improved lives. Whatever the nattering ninninies of negativity plaster about on this thread, at least there is some success and that in itself merits some recognitiion.

Yea, yea, I know, it is hard for the usual group to see anything in a positive light. In any case, The PM is still there, the PTP government is still there, abd Thailand has not erupted in flames and civil war as the clique of catastrophe claimed would occur.

508000 Thais entered rehab. That is not just a good number, it's a fantastic number..... as in fantasy. I wonder if Kitiratt was in charge of the abacus.

Yes the PM is still here (lucky old you, kid!) and PTP too and there is little chance of Thailand erupting in flames with all this water about.

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Anything said by Chalerm should be prefaced with the phrase 'once upon a time'. How I wish that all Government Ministers were afflicted with the Pinocchio syndrome. They'd have to be transported around by lorry and carried on cargo airplanes.

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taking no legal action against drug addicts as they will be classified as patients
This is probably the only somewhat good thing I've ever heard Chalerm say. Everything else is garbage.

However I hope they don't consider all drug users as addicts that need rehabilitation. Not all drug users are addicts, and not all addicts require treamtment. Think about tobacco smokers - many of them are addicted, but do they all need rehabilitation? Different drugs have different degrees of addictiveness too.

So if this bill is passed, what would happen when authorities find a person in possession of a small quantity of illegal drugs? Would that person still be charged for possession of illegal drugs, or would this new bill prevent that? Would that person be automatically sent to rehabilitation, or would there be an assessment of whether rehabilitation could be beneficial? Or would it be handled similar to a very minor traffic violation and the person quickly let go?

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"Mr Chalerm reasserted he will push ahead with two drug-related bills including moving the execution of drug convicts from within 60 days to 15 days, and taking no legal action against drug addicts as they will be classified as patients."

Good god, one half primitive policy, one half humane policy. I can well believe the first part, but the second is mind-boggling coming from this thuggish dinosaur.

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Their work does deserve some credit. I do not believe in the death penalty. No man has the righ to take anothers life. They should consider an alternative 50 years indebted service or something more humane than the death penalty for drugs.

Agreed!!! Have them work on the roads!!!!

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I second that the figures produced by this paragon of honesty - are crap.

Most of the so-called rehabilitation 'programs' are nothing more than boot camps. There are a few, it must be said, that try to teach the inmates some skills that may be useful when they are released.

Blaming other countries like Burma is a stupid attitude. Stick to your patch, Mr C, and you might gain some credibility when you start arresting some of the big fish.

The crap figures began last year when the virtuous lady boss of the paragon of honesty said they were going to eradicate 80% of drugs by this month.

That fantasy was also shared shortly later by the ear medicine consumer.

Chalerm: Isaan set to become drug-free region




You present yourself as someone who is very informed on this matter.... Could you please present to us lowly earthlings some statistics of the drug suppression arrests / confiscations during the years of 2008 to 2011?

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I second that the figures produced by this paragon of honesty - are crap.

Most of the so-called rehabilitation 'programs' are nothing more than boot camps. There are a few, it must be said, that try to teach the inmates some skills that may be useful when they are released.

Blaming other countries like Burma is a stupid attitude. Stick to your patch, Mr C, and you might gain some credibility when you start arresting some of the big fish.

The crap figures began last year when the virtuous lady boss of the paragon of honesty said they were going to eradicate 80% of drugs by this month.

That fantasy was also shared shortly later by the ear medicine consumer.

Chalerm: Isaan set to become drug-free region




You present yourself as someone who is very informed on this matter.... Could you please present to us lowly earthlings some statistics of the drug suppression arrests / confiscations during the years of 2008 to 2011?

I don't consider myself to be a "lowly earthling" so please don't us the word "us", just use "me".wai.gif

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You present yourself as someone who is very informed on this matter.... Could you please present to us lowly earthlings some statistics of the drug suppression arrests / confiscations during the years of 2008 to 2011?

With the ups and downs in 'drugs suppression' it may be more interesting to see the period 2000 - 2012. It might show the need for the 2003 campaign, the effect of the campaign and how long it lasted and justify the new campaign. IMHOwai.gif

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How can we believe anything Chalerm declares? He's best buddies with Thaksin, who is also a compulsive liar, as is his top liar lawyer Noppadon. If he told me his shoe size, I wouldn't believe him. They're all political players, so everything they say is bunk, starting with Thaksin's oft repeated "I'm through with politics" on through and beyond Chalerm's "I only drink whiskey because I have an inner ear problem."

That's like a mainline junkie, when caught by Chalerm's thug patrol claiming; "I only inject heroin because the Cartoon channel on my TV stopped working."

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